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The placement matches are still affected by your MMR that was slightly adjusted from last season.

Don't worry. Placements are hell for everyone.

One of my friends is in gold 2 after going 6-4 from plat 1 last season.

You can make it to silver!

That does at least make me feel better, cause I was seriously down after thinking about some of the games I played that went exceptionally well and cause of me.

It's not much of a drop for me, really. Just one rank. Hopefully, shouldnt be too hard to climb back out of.


Me and a friend are shooting for something much higher than Silver, though. Hopefully that also becomes a thing. ^^


Welp, time to start climbing.~

  • Brohoof 2


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That does at least make me feel better, cause I was seriously down after thinking about some of the games I played that went exceptionally well and cause of me.

It's not much of a drop for me, really. Just one rank. Hopefully, shouldnt be too hard to climb back out of.


Me and a friend are shooting for something much higher than Silver, though. Hopefully that also becomes a thing. ^^


Welp, time to start climbing.~

Best of luck.

Maybe we would be able to duo one time.

Still have to do the placements for my NA account though.

  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Well, for me. 6-4 from Silver 2 to Bronze 1. I know that feel.


For further 'unfairness', I had some posts from LoH (League of Hunnies) claiming people go 10-0 and placed in Bronze 5.

  • Brohoof 1



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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Hey everyone, anyone interested in playing? I'm in NA, my name is Supernova141


Just be warned, I don't always follow meta


I like to do ADC jayce, support ziggs, etc


But don't worry, I have serious builds too :P

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I have several things to say here.


1. Twitch sucks in this new meta. He can't farm or even burst, his ultimate is the only thing saving him from being entirely joke tier.

2. PvP is apparently down at the moment.

3. I'm going into ranked tomorrow probably. I hope that I won't suck it up again. I will have level 3 runes by then. My config (not a good one I admit, mostly due to the Quints) is 9 Marks of Armor Penetration, 9 Seals of Armor, 9 Glyphs of Magic Resist, 1 Quint of Lifesteal, and 2 Quints of Attack Damage. I'll turn my Quints into all Lifesteal when I gather the 3-4K IP. By the way, I did win 2 ranked matches without Runes. 

4. @Haven because you played Caitlyn. Most OP ADC ever. How a Bronze talks a Silver-level (know this from being on teams with Silvers and beating their records NINETY PERCENT OF THE TIME) unranked player into thinking that Twitch counters Caitlyn, which is provably BS plainly by their champion concepts. Twitch has low farming potential, even with his DV because it doesn't help him an awful lot early, and plus Caitlyn easily counters Twitch. The darn traps. Plus, a good Cait (Should be any Cait in the world, because she's so easy to carry with due to her intense poking and AA range) can land her skillshots  on a Twitch by just being s tiny bit patient and doing it after he uses his Q. Plus, Caitlyn can actually land her ult on an invised Twitch. If we were talking about Vayne it would be acceptable to say, because Vayne can countercarry in the late game in the matchup if they play defensively. Which I do that as Vayne personally. But with a Twitch, it really is not so.

Edited by Twilly F. Sniper


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Whelp, halfway through placements, and I've been doing fairly well. My wins include 3 Gnars and a Talon game, which I just got out of the last Gnar game where I went 15/4/5, and my losses are Fiddle and Warwick, oddly enough making my only jungle games losses, which is stupid as buck. The worst part is that we didn't even lose the Warwick game, team surrendered 20 minutes in against an early game team that wasn't even that far ahead. Truly a disgusting display. Anywho, best of luck to everyone else, and sorry to hear about your loss Haven. If you ever want to duo, message me, I'd gladly go with you. I like not have to worry about bot lane so much, and I'd gladly shell out for you to go to that lane lol ^^


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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I'm going into ranked tomorrow probably. I hope that I won't suck it up again. I will have level 3 runes by then. My config (not a good one I admit, mostly due to the Quints) is 9 Marks of Armor Penetration, 9 Seals of Armor, 9 Glyphs of Magic Resist, 1 Quint of Lifesteal, and 2 Quints of Attack Damage. I'll turn my Quints into all Lifesteal when I gather the 3-4K IP. By the way, I did win 2 ranked matches without Runes. 
Heads up, that ever since Lifesteal quints got nerfed and the Doran's blade change; most people go either flat AD or AS quints. 
Also get 1 flat crit chance mark if you feel like it.
1% Crit has gotten my so many kills and won me so many lanes.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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@Haven because you played Caitlyn. Most OP ADC ever. How a Bronze talks a Silver-level (know this from being on teams with Silvers and beating their records NINETY PERCENT OF THE TIME) unranked player into thinking that Twitch counters Caitlyn, which is provably BS plainly by their champion concepts. Twitch has low farming potential, even with his DV because it doesn't help him an awful lot early, and plus Caitlyn easily counters Twitch. The darn traps. Plus, a good Cait (Should be any Cait in the world, because she's so easy to carry with due to her intense poking and AA range) can land her skillshots on a Twitch by just being s tiny bit patient and doing it after he uses his Q. Plus, Caitlyn can actually land her ult on an invised Twitch. If we were talking about Vayne it would be acceptable to say, because Vayne can countercarry in the late game in the matchup if they play defensively. Which I do that as Vayne personally. But with a Twitch, it really is not so.

Ive played a nice chunk of adcs and Cait is far from my best or main. And one thing ive noticed that most adcs don't like is burst damage. That thing Twitch can somewhat pull off when done right. While, not literally burst damage, it's still enough damage in a moderate amount of time. Every decent Twitch ive seen knows how to do that without something like range being a real problem. Not a counter to her, but still not exactly hard countered either.


And if Cait is op, then what the hell is Jinx?


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Just got Cho'gath. haven't played him a whole lot yet, but I'm really enjoying him. However, he is a big leap from my usual Kog'maw, and I'm not so sure on how to build him.


If anypony knows some good Item builds for Cho, that'd be super.


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Just got Cho'gath. haven't played him a whole lot yet, but I'm really enjoying him. However, he is a big leap from my usual Kog'maw, and I'm not so sure on how to build him.


If anypony knows some good Item builds for Cho, that'd be super.

Cho works amazingly with armor, try things like Frozen Heart, Iceborn Gauntlet, and Omen. Also get a RoA early as he does have good AP damage when built with it, and if you truly want some damage grab yourself a zhyona's or even a deathcap later in the game once you have tank. Health is the one thing you won't need provided you keep your stacks up, and when getting them don't be afraid to munch some minions thanks to it's rework making it more forgiving. Also don't be afraid to use his ult to chunk a target, even if it doesn't kill it. Waiting till the end might get you killed, whereas hitting it earlier can cause panic and have them attempt to flee after it is too late, or give just enough damage for an ally to finish them off

  • Brohoof 2


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Cho works amazingly with armor, try things like Frozen Heart, Iceborn Gauntlet, and Omen. Also get a RoA early as he does have good AP damage when built with it, and if you truly want some damage grab yourself a zhyona's or even a deathcap later in the game once you have tank. Health is the one thing you won't need provided you keep your stacks up, and when getting them don't be afraid to munch some minions thanks to it's rework making it more forgiving. Also don't be afraid to use his ult to chunk a target, even if it doesn't kill it. Waiting till the end might get you killed, whereas hitting it earlier can cause panic and have them attempt to flee after it is too late, or give just enough damage for an ally to finish them off


Once my enemy Cho'Gath was super fed he got 3 RoA and can tank all skill we give and we didn't make a dent at it.




Is anyone having login issues right now? I'm having one and apparently all the fix method given by Riot wasn't helping. I asked for insight in League of Hunnies (FB group) and it was fruitless. Anyone can help?

Edited by FabulousNightmare



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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Once my enemy Cho'Gath was super fed he got 3 RoA and can tank all skill we give and we didn't make a dent at it.




Is anyone having login issues right now? I'm having one and apparently all the fix method given by Riot wasn't helping. I asked for insight in League of Hunnies (FB group) and it was fruitless. Anyone can help?

Yeah I've seen those guys before lol... I mean I guess it could work but I'd rather swap those out for a Deathcap and Zhyona's personally lol, much more practical. One BotRK on the ADC and your health is going to be your biggest downfall lol


I'm on right now, and probably going to be getting in to some ranked




Ever have one of those games that all you can think about once it is over is "Why the hell did I do what I did?" I just had such an atrocious game... I played as Gnar against a Jayce, and fed him first blood because for whatever reason I kept clicking around him... Then he proceeded to constantly play horribly, yet I played just as bad... And to give insight on how completely screwy this guy was, I tower dived him at one point, got executed, and he goes "How was that an execute?" I told him he didn't hit me with anything and he says "No I hit you with Q!" I say no you missed the Q and he replies "No my Q is an autolock"... *Sighs and facehooves* Some days... I just really, really question things...

Edited by KokuraiNoSenshi


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Well, my ranked season is 1-1. I won with an Ashe support with a Jinx in lane (not the best one) against a Caitlyn and a Leona, and I lost with Talon mid against Katarina. Nobody could blame me for losing that lane...


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but we duo queue partners on a win streak

so it's k

I'm actually at 80 points already, so hooves crossed tomorrow we get some more good matches like that. At this rate, we might get out of bronze by weeks end  :fluttershy:


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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i'm at 83 lp

Nice, I got 30 in the last game so we might end up doing promotions around the same time. At the worst, at least we'd get matched up together in a lane (probably bot) and we'd have to work from there. I actually need to buy Cait so I have a good safe ADC, remind me to do that tomorrow would you?


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Nice, I got 30 in the last game so we might end up doing promotions around the same time. At the worst, at least we'd get matched up together in a lane (probably bot) and we'd have to work from there. I actually need to buy Cait so I have a good safe ADC, remind me to do that tomorrow would you?


yeah i gotcha covered

my next purchase is gonna be riven when possible, and by when possible i mean hopefully tomorrow.

i'm getting 26 lp per game now btw, was 16 when we started

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yeah i gotcha covered

my next purchase is gonna be riven when possible, and by when possible i mean hopefully tomorrow.

i'm getting 26 lp per game now btw, was 16 when we started

Thanks, and perfect maybe you wouldn't mind giving me some test runs against you lol. I need to practice against Rivens, they always fuck me over so badly... Unless anyone who is more comfortable on Riven wouldn't mind helping me out, in which case I'm totally up for anyone who wants to lend a helping hand/hoof  :fluttershy:


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Huh. A League thread. This is good. Anyways, I main AP support Soraka, AP Maokai (mid or jungle), AP Malzahar (mid or jungle), Braum (once I get him) and AP Nami (once I get her). My standard KDA as a support is 1-6-26. My standard KDA with Malzahar is 15-10-4. I can't remember what I usually get with Nami, Maokai and Braum. I used to main Zed, Riven, Warwick and Mordekaiser though, much to other people's deaths.

Edited by Djesus

I can't think what to put here, so have a swimsuit Spencer Sotello


OC (Fusion Chord)

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Thanks, and perfect maybe you wouldn't mind giving me some test runs against you lol. I need to practice against Rivens, they always fuck me over so badly... Unless anyone who is more comfortable on Riven wouldn't mind helping me out, in which case I'm totally up for anyone who wants to lend a helping hand/hoof  :fluttershy:

Ive been learning her as I need more top lanes to play and she's hella fun.


Ive come to learn that poking one in lane down as safely as possible is prolly the best way to go about it as she can't regen for shit. No health, means no fights or at least easier fights. Then again, its fucking Riven.

Baiting out her cooldowns is also killer if done right. Just be sure to remember the time of them all and don't let her stay near long enough for them to fully be back up.


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Ive been learning her as I need more top lanes to play and she's hella fun.


Ive come to learn that poking one in lane down as safely as possible is prolly the best way to go about it as she can't regen for shit. No health, means no fights or at least easier fights. Then again, its fucking Riven.

Baiting out her cooldowns is also killer if done right. Just be sure to remember the time of them all and don't let her stay near long enough for them to fully be back up.

Ugh easier said than done, those blasted cooldowns feel so short, especially when she starts getting fed and gets her Brutalizer and the like. I actually like playing her, she is quite strong early as well as a disgustingly bursty assassin late. Not really my exact style, as she is a bit squisher than normal, but her massive shield makes up for that and if she gets even one kill in lane it's over. Late game she is nearly impossible to stop, and is quite the carry champ... I'll keep those tips in mind, though I think I'll continue to ban her where possible for now. Thanks Hav... I mean Shinse  :fluttershy:

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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i had enough rp to buy riven and used what ip i had saved up to get my hands on heimerdinger

this is by far the worst champion i've ever bought, in a good way. 12/1/4 first game and i did nothing but sit around and spam Q until i got my DFG

Edited by Kitty.
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