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gaming The Official League of Legends Thread


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Nightfall plays League of Legends. Sounds like a YouTube series. But honestly, I didn't know you played League! If my computer didn't suck so much, I'd play with you! ^^


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

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Hey guys, it's me, Electrobolt :P Some of you might know me, while others may not :P Anyways, yeah... I'm playing League of Legends now! Well, actually, I returned to League of Legends... Though for Monday - (late) Wednesday I won't be on, due to being away, but eh :P Anyways, I'm in the US server as Electrobolt3 (Electrobolt alone was taken) so yeah... Feel free to shoot a friend request if ya want


So, I haven't played in a long time... June 10, 2012. And I recently played some games.












I played three games last night, but only record these two.


maybe I might have time to play with you two after court today.


Also, this verifies my claim that Garen is useless for every and any purpose.


Oh yea, SunlitVoid NA and EuW, aka that support/mid guy, so you don't think a total stranger is adding you.

Edited by Whiteshade
  • Brohoof 1

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So, which one? And yes, I'm buying all the 3150 champs, because it's pretty obvious that that price has the highest tier champs in the game.


A common school of thought, and yet so wrong.

Alistar is ridiculously top-tier, and costs 1350. Same goes for Amumu and Janna, for example.

For 450, pretty sure Nunu is pretty often seen in the competitive scene, and occasional Sorakas/Ryzes too.

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I'm gonna try something new instead of screenshots:



Our adc went teemo, I was surprised. Our mid went Xerath, I was surprised also. Unconventional team comp. But then there's the other team.


Got first blood, but poor early game overall. Then, the winning happens. I'd go over more but you can just watch the replay. Also a random fyi, that soraka was racist, so we all reported her after :3.

  • Brohoof 1

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I got Anivia and I gotta say, her Q is very nice. Nice, long range, and a stun too IIRC. It sucks to miss the walls (which glitch sometimes and people go through them :/ ), but she has at least some survivability with her passive and slows.


Urgot is pretty nice too. His missle and knife combo can hit an extremely long range. His ult is also hilarious.


Unsure of Nidalee except, yeah, dat spear.


I swear you have a habbit of buying the hardest to play champs xD. Get Syndra and Orianna since you're already on that kind of a roll! :P Anyway, I like Anivia too, Egg baiting and having 2 1 to 1 AP ratios (The snow ball and the icicle both have .5's but they both have methods of doubling the damage) and her ult in a team fight.


Side note, I have the new name for those players that get you so angry, so rage and hate filled you just say "I hope you are banned AND set on fire!". Oh yes, I have the perfect title for these jerk faces. I call them now "The Human Condition". Still working on my ranked score, its looking good. I actually made some progress in solo queue with Riven and Morgana. I just need to get more games where Blitz and/or Morg don't get banned... Wishful thinking i know.

  • Brohoof 1

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Apparently you can fall behind 11-23, lose an inhibitor, yet still win the game, because Cait is a fucking boss. That's why I don't go by the "surrender by 20 pls" anymore.


Cait was originally 4/2/2, but then trip, trip, quadra, gg.

Edited by Whiteshade
  • Brohoof 1

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Just finished this bot-game on my smurf, as a warm-up for today. The worst thing about this fight was the start. The first thing Ryze and Singed did was to run over and attack the mid tower...


...They died



Thanks to Proenix on deviantart for the vector in my avatar and signature.

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I need more friends on that game :/

Summoner Name- Bisoneer


I usually judge my score with how many people i am able to get to swear at me when i play Darius.

I'm still wondering if the Norse King Darius skin was cancelled though?

  • Brohoof 3

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Everyone cusses at you when you play Darius. Even if they're not actually typing it, they're thinking, "f--- it's a Darius". Especially that poor top laner going against you. Think about the poor Irelia that has to deal with that bull.

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Everyone cusses at you when you play Darius. Even if they're not actually typing it, they're thinking, "f--- it's a Darius". Especially that poor top laner going against you. Think about the poor Irelia that has to deal with that bull.


But Darius has no sustain and gap closer. Irelia actually beats Darius if you play correctly. Several champions can stop Darius in top, Vladmir, Garen, Irelia. Basically ranged attackers that can keep their distance and people with high sustain.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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But Darius has no sustain and gap closer. Irelia actually beats Darius if you play correctly. Several champions can stop Darius in top, Vladmir, Garen, Irelia. Basically ranged attackers that can keep their distance and people with high sustain.


I played against Irelia in a solo top yesterday and crushed her quite badly, she did get close to killing me sometimes though.

Afterward, two people told me that i had no skill whatsoever after they surrendered even though for the match i went 7/0 and they went something much worse.

It ended with them telling me that they wish i get hit by a bus and get AIDS.

It was a highly successful match, to say the least.

Edited by Hypno
  • Brohoof 2

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Darius, the only character I really hate because he is meant to make the game less fun for everyone but the guy who plays Darius. I seriously pity the guys playing him, having to play that joke of a champion to be able to have fun while the 9 others are having a boring/frustrating game is simply beyond pathetic.


And the best of it all, it's that Darius is complete garbage late game, which makes him killstealing everything even more pointless. But hey, can't ask people to think about the others in a team game right?

I'm what once was, what now is and what shall be.

Shall you be human, monster or god himself.

If you threathen my childs, nothing will be left of you.

I'm Unexard Iximarion! Master of this land.

My name has no meaning but you'll remember it...

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The above comment is halarious for me, because whenever I play Darius, I can't land my ult very well for a KS, so I end up giving kills to everyone else. I don't play Darius anymore.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Games like this can really piss you off.


We had a leaver and the rest of the team did more stupid things than they did positive.



Signature made by Kyoshi

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... I just had the strangest occurrence happen to me in my most recent LoL match... I was playing a game against bots when suddenly, my connection apparently got dropped for a bit o.o But that's not the strangest part. When I returned, I died, which was expected. But when I respawned, I could only move in enormous skips that were delayed (I look like I'm moving in place, when really, it's moving me but I can't see it until the screen skips ahead a few seconds later), and even then, I was locked from using ANY skills! But after some time, I got full control of my character back, except for the skills... We still won, but... Damn... That was so freaky o.o

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... I just had the strangest occurrence happen to me in my most recent LoL match... I was playing a game against bots when suddenly, my connection apparently got dropped for a bit o.o But that's not the strangest part. When I returned, I died, which was expected. But when I respawned, I could only move in enormous skips that were delayed (I look like I'm moving in place, when really, it's moving me but I can't see it until the screen skips ahead a few seconds later), and even then, I was locked from using ANY skills! But after some time, I got full control of my character back, except for the skills... We still won, but... Damn... That was so freaky o.o


When that happens, just quit then reconnect. It should usually fix the problem. Oh by the way, where do you play LoL? If you play in the NA server feel free to add me so we could play sometime. Summoner name Lord Twi.
  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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When that happens, just quit then reconnect. It should usually fix the problem. Oh by the way, where do you play LoL? If you play in the NA server feel free to add me so we could play sometime. Summoner name Lord Twi.


... Wish I knew that earlier... Now I feel like I was being a dead weight... -_- Anyways, I shot the request out to ya :P Summoner name Electrobolt3 (because Electrobolt was already taken, so I added a random number to it, lol)

  • Brohoof 1
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... Wish I knew that earlier... Now I feel like I was being a dead weight... -_- Anyways, I shot the request out to ya :P Summoner name Electrobolt3 (because Electrobolt was already taken, so I added a random number to it, lol)


Will add you as soon as I am able to go online. I just got a new hard drive for my computer. Re-installing everything sucks. Give me a few days.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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First time as the monkey king. So close, yet so far. Mal too stronk, but MF I can totally handle ^_^

I presumed Wukong early game was stronger than his late game, but after starting 0/2/0, I think I might be wrong there.

Also if you don't know already, I was completely guessing for that build, so advice would be fine.


If you were wondering how we lost, it's quite lulzy. We for in a teamfight at the very mid of map, aced them, had 3 guys left, but then minions push to nexus. One guy goes to enemy base, and me and Taric do cleanup. I knocked out at least 50 of them, but minions too OP. It's quite annoying how often that happened, as durign the late game we would ace or bring them down to just Sona, but then minions backdoor and take inhibitor, just after it respawns. FFFFFFFFF-


Also another edit: This was draft, olaf totally dropped the ball here banning Darius over Mal. I hate it when they ban Darius, it's basically declaring "I'm a noob and I will feed top", that and wasting a ban.

Edited by Whiteshade

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Darius, the only character I really hate because he is meant to make the game less fun for everyone but the guy who plays Darius. I seriously pity the guys playing him, having to play that joke of a champion to be able to have fun while the 9 others are having a boring/frustrating game is simply beyond pathetic.


And the best of it all, it's that Darius is complete garbage late game, which makes him killstealing everything even more pointless. But hey, can't ask people to think about the others in a team game right?


Posted Image

Okay.... :(

But if he is complete garbage late game, then how can he be fun?

And not thinking about a team? Darius has a grab, sure there are people who only use it to pull people back, but i usually use it to pull people away from my team when then can kill them.

And then there is another thing called 'solo top' You can't kill steal them when you are the only one on your team up there. And if he is garbage late game then you can't kill anyone at that time either?

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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You don't see these very often. I think we did ok overall, Varus was really noob though, and Jarvan just fed all game, but we came through and won in the end. Seriously though, 3 guys, varus ults, missed all of them, I get focused and die because flash on cd. >.>

Compare that with varus getting focused, I w him, kog uses his steroid move, hes down to 40 hp, Varus running at his max speed of like 200ms, Nunu flashes and ice balls, I r, Varus gets away and nunu gets shaved to half by turret and Karthus goes in with surprise buttsecks for an easy triple.

Still a good game overall though.

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