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How many social network profiles do you own?


Social Networks  

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  1. 1. How many social network profiles do you own?

    • 0
    • 1-2
    • 2-4
    • 4-6
    • 6-8
    • 8+

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These include sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and any other websites you can think of.


If you are unsure if a profile on a certain website is a social network, see if the website obeys this definition-


Social Network Site: Any website that enables users to create public profiles within that Web site and form relationships with other users of the same Web site who access their profile. Social networking sites can be used to describe community-based Web sites, online discussions forums, chatrooms and other social spaces online.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened...”


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Well currently I am only on this website and Facebook and steam (not sure if you can count that).


I. Have as little information on me as possible on all these sites (I recently removed a bunch) as I have no desire to be doxxed of tracked down by people online :x and recently my friend has his identity stolen and it caused so many issues for him it was unreal!


I do have pictures on FB and will post more I guess, but probably not so many of locations and family in them :)


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Currently? Probably about three. I quit Facebook a good few months ago, and I don't regret it. Too much drama on FB in general, anyway, and all I really did was post music videos every day and complain about random BS in my life. Paranoia about being tracked by agencies was also a contributor to me closing my account.


I've HAD a Twitter and a Tumblr before, but I haven't touched either in at least a year. Forums work so much better. *shrug*


Besides MLP Forums, I'm also a member on a Golden Sun community and a Dragonriders of Pern community.


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Yakumo Yukari


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I have around 4-6 social networks and all of them are Forums. I usually go on MLP Forums the most now, though. All my friends left the other forums.


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I'm on a few forums.


There's also just tonnes of sites out there that have a bit of social networking attached to its primary objective. YouTube, for example. You can sort of so some social stuff on it.


Because of this, I have 8+. I don't have anything such as Twitter, Facebook, or etc. Just a few forum accounts and some other random sites. I don't know how any one could not have 8+ in this day and age.


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Am I the only one who doesn't have any? (Does the forums count?)


I really don't find Facebook that cool to be on, and I find Twitter, Instagram, and Snap Chat really annoying. So, my answer to the question is none, I like good old fashion talking way better then text. :)

Edited by Sir.Flutter Hooves



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I have a Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and an Instagram that I never go on. I made that account a whole year ago and haven't uploaded anything. In order from favourite to least favourite:


1. Tumblr

2. Facebook

3. Twitter

4. Instagram (because I'm never on)

Edited by Dismajo
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I have a Facebook that I only really ever use to message people.. Even though I don't really start conversations, I just wait for people like the timid human being I am.

I also have a Tumblr that I use the most out of anything.. But it's a personal Tumblr, so it's probably the most inconsistent profile you'll ever see.
And I used to use Twitter a lot, but I soon realised how many idiots there were on it, so I gave up

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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MLP Forums


Only two I'm a part of and the only two I care about. I don't want a Facebook or Twitter because I rightfully don't care about that stuff. I only joined steam for games and I joined this place because I liked MLP and browse the forums here. Not to mention, the people here are cool.

Edited by SmartyPants



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I only have a twitter account at the moment and I hardly even use that. Used to have a Facebook but man, talk about interweb cancer. I de-activated it a couple of months ago.

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Just a couple forumz and Facebook. I only use Facebook to talk to my friend who lives in the land of the Finnish. Facebook can get pretty stupid though.


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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MLP Forums, and that's pretty much it... :P


I never liked social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and such. I do like forums though, and I believe I've registered to many more because of the online games I used to play. But nowadays, activity-wise, MLP Forums only~


Actually, I might have a Facebook account somewhere... kinda abandoned and forgotten. I never use Facebook.

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This, Steam, 'n YouTube, if those count. I just find the concept of social networks very off-putting. It's basically giving random people permission to stalk you. I'd like no part of that.  >_>


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The number of so sites I'm on is more then I can count. I keep coming profiles I apparently made and didn't know about on various websites.


As far as how many many I actually regularly use, 5. Tumblr, DeviantART, Youtube, Vimeo, and Facebook. Lately I'm becoming rather attached to Tumblr.  :catface: Discovered I made an account several years ago, and I've been using it more and more.

Edited by Hansel

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I am not sure what qualifies as a social network, I quit things like Facebook and all that other jazz. I'm pretty sure steam and this don't necessarily count as social networks so I don't own any accounts.


Facebook brought me more grief and trouble then I really wanted. It was dumb, people would send you friend requests and there boyfriends give you death threats if you even say "Hi," to them. Haha, I'm more mature now and know better then to get involved in all this teenage drama. I have ponies to keep me occupied until I've made it out of Highschool.


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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I have Twitter and Facebook, that's about it. I think that Facebook is really annoying me to death and, Twitter is okay not the best though. I would get Instagram, but nah. Tumblr, maybe. At first, I was never into social networks.

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I'm sure we've all had a Myspace... and stopped using it. :P

Anyway, I have a Facebook and used to use it all the time but I lost interest in it, only reason I would go back is to change my profile picture once in a while. Have a Google+ but I don't use it for anything at all, save for using the +1 button on Youtube videos once in a while, 'cuz it's there. My Twitter is at least minimally active though. As for forums, I'm only on this one actively atm.


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I have quite a few accounts on social networks, but the only ones I ever really use are these forums, Facebook, Steam, YouTube, Skype, and Gmail if email counts. I don't use Google + even though I suppose I have an account with it, I used Google Buzz quite a bit back in the day though. I have a Tumblr that I check up on occasionally and a Twitter I haven't used since I got it. These forums sort of replaced Gaia for me and I honestly haven't been on there for at least a couple years.

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


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Few Good Men (previously a Call of Duty clan forum but it's more general gaming central now)

Deviantart (used mainly for faves. I'm no artist and my profile proves that :P )


I also have a Twitter, Myspace and Tumblr but don't use any of those.

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Technically, none. I have a fb account, but only because it's required to be a PR manager on a fansite I volunteer my time for. Over than that, no personal fb account, not MySpace, no Twitter, no Skype. I have a linked-in account, but that's not a social network, really. The more you use social networking, the higher probably you have of being hacked, so I stick to forums mostly.

Edited by Dinos4Ever


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