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Sketchy experiences/Freaky moments


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In this thread, share any sketchy moments or an experience that really weirded you out.

I'll start. A few weeks ago, a friend and I were on some quad trails, as we waited for our third friend to catch up, we noticed something peculiar: img-1722678-1-cb2db8fb39425a0694a6b6ce7cWe found this cross. The area covered by rocks near it is just large enough for a dog or a small child. To further increase the weirdness, we followed a nearby trail only to find numerous children's toys. Dolls, spongebob stuff, stuffed animals, small blankets, just left in the woods not far from what looks like a grave.


Edited by MotoBrony
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most often driving in wintertime in northern canada is always dangerous and well just scary, but after one particularly bad snowstorm i was driving down a turning lane, my car did not stop, it was like i had drove onto an ice rink, so instead of driving into oncoming traffic i tried to shift my vehicle sideways to stick myself in the lane. but as luck would have it i had jumped onto the median, thankfully due to the lack of ice on the median i had come to a stop. even after i was stopped my hands where glued onto the steering wheel. the guy about a foot away from me on the other side of the median just laughed and drove off, it was then that i had realized that i had almost slid into a very busy 80km zone, in a town with the worst divers in the world... im still creeped out by that sketchy incident, i've gotta count my lucky stars thats for sure 

  • Brohoof 2

anyone can become an artist, but a true masterpiece can only come from someone who is truly in touch with spirit and mind

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Well, I did see the horror Korean comic thing online called "the Ghost of Bongcheon Dong" which was HORRIFYING to me a few years back. 


It still horrifies me today if I ever see it. I don't like watching Pewdiepie's videos, not because I think he is annoying (he's annoying, but I like watching SOME of his videos) but because he has a video for his reactions to this thing, and on the thumbnail, it has the Ghost of Bongcheon Dong's face on it. 

Basically, it has two jumpscares.

One with the turning of the ghost's neck to face the main character, with a bone grinding sound as it turns.

The second is where you may have let your guard down, then suddenly it comes back again.


Honestly, it kind of freaks me out. A lot.

I'll never forget the day I saw the comic.


Look it up if you want, but I highly advise not to if you're not good with horror.

Though, now that you know about it from me, you can now expect something to be happened, so it wouldn't have as much of an affect as you.

Not that it DOES NOT work watching it on youtube. Gotta read the comic yourself.

  • Brohoof 1

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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The area covered by rocks near it is just large enough for a dog or a small child. To further increase the weirdness, we followed a nearby trail only to find numerous children's toys. Dolls, spongebob stuff, stuffed animals, small blankets, just left in the woods not far from what looks like a grave.

You should probably report that to the police or at the very least have your parents go with you to it and carefully take the top off the grave to see if it is infect a human burial, if it is, it could be a murder victim, with it being buried under such strange conditions.


I remember once when I was younger, walking around a lake near my house, we walked through a wooded section that had an old building within, it was crumbling and probably around 100 years old, we continued onwards around the lake, later we walked back through the woods and noticed that someone had dug a grave, though there was nobody else in sight

  • Brohoof 1

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@MotoBrony, you and your parents should definitely go to the police about what you saw. As Lost said, there may be a murder victim buried there.



I have had several strange and fascinating experiences, but I will share one here. Sometime last year I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth, when an orb that was illuminated from within itself appeared out of nowhere, flying through the air within my range of vision. It disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. It was beautiful, and it was nothing like I have ever seen in person before or since. Its surface did not seem to be a solid, a liquid, or a gas. I don't know what it was. It also had these shapes that were either inside it or on its surface that were moving around.


Even though I saw it for a split second, I was able to remember these details. I thought that perhaps all it had been was the light bouncing into my eyes off of the rim of my glasses, so I tested that out. I reflected the light in the bathroom onto it, and subsequently into my eye. It looked nothing like what I had seen. 


It is possible that I hallucinated, but there are personal details involving some experiences other people have had in my family related to what I experienced that lead me to believe otherwise.

Edited by SCS
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Oh geez where do i start, basically my whole life has been like a horror movie. i used to live in a 200 y/o house right next to a graveyard, my whole family would see shit. it will be easier for me to list it.


sightinging of many different figures (little girl in white dress, 7 foot black shadow standing in the middle of a doorway. bunch of stuff)

feel things grabbing you, hear things while im in be trying to sleep ( 8 years old at the time, sister was 10) we would both hear things like our names being whispered and words like, death, get out, leave, kill whispered over and over again.

i would have a bunk bed and a small room, where the light was in a place where a shadow would always cover one half ofmy bed, i would roll over and see a creepy man laying in the shadow next to me smiling. my dog would bark at random hallways, the middle of the house if accessed through a whole in the wall covered up by a board would reveal a log cabin that the house was built around, open a trapdoor, whole entire basement was dug-out dirt. i would see a man, watch me play all the time, i drew a picture of him and my mom started crying, saying that it looked exactly like my grandpa who died when i was 2. even worse, the little girl me and my sister see has followed us from house to house, (3 moves already). and i still see her, ouija board revealed that the there was 21 ghosts in that house, and also said that the little girl was murdered with an axe by her abusive (in many ways) father, then buried in the woods. im trying to research this too. the house is now condemned and i want to watch the news to see what they find buried in those walls. i wouldn't be surprised if they found something. sorry if this seems all jumbled up, but im also planing on writing a book about it one day. 

oh i forgot to mention, motobrony, you should call the police and report what you saw. i dont advise you to go back there even with your parents as it could be seen as tampering with evidence, you cant get into any trouble reporting it, even if it is a dog or just nothing at all.

  • Brohoof 2


what fun is there in making sense?

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Jeeze, where to begin?

- Middle school, saw a man get his head crushed between two cars.

- 17 years old, dude was trying to carjack me or something, saw him holding a pistol, walking at a brisk pace and looking straight at me and just said *Well, I guess I`m going through this red light...*  Decided not to wait around to see what he wanted.

- I ran over a friend with his own car, he turned out ok.

- I cant even begin to count the amount of meth addicts, drunks, stoned, high on whatever people I used to work with and or help at my job.


Donno, give me an area to talk about and I`m sure I can tell you something.


The amount of times I have caught my hair on fire is quite staggering as well.  Or my pants, shirt, whatever...  Metal work.

Edited by AS41
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I've seen orbs before in the middle of the night. Basically, they're like little hovering white orbs...weird, right? They also seem to emit some sort of weird sound. It's almost like...electricity? I don't know. It's a very distinct noise however. Anyways, one night I heard an orb but didn't see it. I heard that very distinct static noise, and I was pretty sure it was one of those...things. Anyways, I couldn't fall back asleep, as I was a tad freaked out. Anyways, all of a sudden I felt a warm, hot feeling cover my entire body. I've never felt such a wonderful feeling before, it was like pure peace, and love. It really was amazing. I haven't the slightest clue as to what it was but Christians on the internet describe the "holy spirit" in a similar way to what I felt. I don't know though. 


Anyways, I know I'm not crazy because my Grandma has both felt that feeling, and seen the orbs before. Also, both of my cousins have seen things too. One saw "angels", and the other saw some sort of friendly ghost. Weird...anyways, yeah. That's my story.


About the OP's story: That's pretty weird. I'd be a little creeped out if I saw it. I agree with what everyone else is saying about it too. 

  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Some years ago, staying at my mom's house (parents are divorced), I was lying in my little half-brother's (the one she kept) bed since he was at a friend's, trying to sleep. After a while of lying awake to my irritation, I start shivering...Then trembling...Next thing I know, it's like there's a damn earthquake inside me. Then I start seeing things, images...Weird reptilian creatures...Then the voices, the whispers...I don't recall the exact words but there was mention of "the devil". I tried to move, to get out...But I was completely immobilized.


Prior to lying down to bed, I'd watched some kid's show or another. As I was lying there, my thoughts had naturally drifted back to the episode I'd seen...But when I stopped thinking about it, the trembling died...Then when I started again, it came back. Tested this a few times...Eventually it all stopped and I ran into the living room, trying to wake somebody up. No luck so I curled up in a chair and spent the night awake (watching the then-new 3rd Pokemon movie - this was a long while back XD) in a cold sweat.



In more recent years, I've been prone to the occasional sleep paralysis with accompanying hallucinations of a suffocating pressure but no images or voices or trembling...I'm still not convinced the first incident wasn't something much stranger.




the other saw some sort of friendly ghost.


...You knew somebody would have to do this.


Edited by Xanatos
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I was sitting outside of McDonalds on the curb, guy drives by me once and asks if I'm okay. I say I'm fine. Then he drives around again, parks, gets out and tells me to come inside with him because he's going to get me something to eat. I say okay. When were in line I say "Umm, you know I'm not homeless, right?" He laughs and says "Oh, my bad." But were still in line and he says he'll buy me food anyways. While were still in line he asks me if I go to church, and when I say I used to he says I should start going again cause its good. After he got the food I said "Thanks for the food, I'm gonna stay inside though." Then he left. 


I'm in Hot Topic, some old guy comes in, he looks homeless. He starts talking to me but I can't really make out what he's saying. He hands me a jacket and tells me to try it on so I do. And he asks... If I like it? I say "Yeah but its like $60 dollars." I put the jacket back and leave. A few minutes later, I see him at a jewelry store talking to some woman that works there. It was kind of funny to see this dirty old man at a nice jewelry store, he stood out like a sore thumb.

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One day I was sleeping, and at around 4 in the morning, the music box on my desk started playing music. I then woke up, and took the music box. I was sleepy so I had no idea what was happening and what to do. So I took it and put it under my pillow, I didn't want to wake up my parents. Then after 15 minutes, the music stopped, and I went to sleep. The weirdest part is that the music was playing fast, so it wasn't just the spring who got stuck, someone actually touched it.

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Well just a few days ago I was sitting on my computer just watching some random video. I heard someone walk into my room and felt them grab my shoulder. I turned around, no one was there. Also the lamp next to my bed will turn off randomly sometimes when I have it on.. And its not a problem with the electricity the thing to turn it on moves on its own, I've seen it happen. Weird O_o

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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Life is the most wonderfully bizarre concoction of strangeness and limitless oddity. 


I wouldn't have it any other way.


Two or three years ago, on the late evening of a particularly wild and loud July 4th, I had retired to bed after being getting a bit too wild, and somehow managed to fall asleep.  I had probably woken up barely fifteen minutes later to a particularly loud firework, but was able to fall asleep right back again almost immediately.


... but not quite.  Apparently conditions were just right to have experienced the beginnings of what I've heard called an Astral Projection, in which the beginning is marked by some eerie yet beautiful vibratory sound, followed by the departure of consciousness from the body.   The sound that I heard was absolutely nowhere yet perfectly everywhere all at the same time.  It sounded like a mix between a xylophone and an organ.  It was ineffable.  I still can't believe that it happened.  I think it was the most bizarre one minute span of time that I've ever been conscious for in terms of what a person can ever experience while being in a human body. and awake and aware.




There was this other time, a few months before that, when a few friends and I (More like 35 or so people, all closely tied.) had the most bizarre experience with our diets.  All at once, we rarely wanted to eat anything and walked around a bit hungry but never wanted or needed to satiate that. All of the vegetarians in the group craved meat, and those who craved meat started eating vegetables far more often.   The only things I could really ever eat were baby carrots, watermelon, and orange juice.  In the span of two weeks, I can count on one hand the number of things that I ate that were not one of those three things, besides water.   Almost everyone in the group shared the same experience.


I really have no idea what happened.  I was able to confirm it wasn't some sort of hoax when I saw a Facebook status of one of those friends posting complaints about being hungry but not wanting to eat anything, and I asked her to list one of the foods she could eat.  Described the same list.  Went around in the group asking the same questions, and got the same answers.  Definitely the strangest half-month ever.  No bloody idea what happened. 




One or two years ago, a friend from work and I got into this weird pattern where we were able to predict each others' appearances with startling accuracy.  Essentially the sheer quantity of coincidences skyrocketed.  You know every time you mention someone's name and they turn the corner to walk into the room?  Something like that, but to a ridiculous degree.  You could practically rely on it, it was so frequent.  We called it "The week of WTF." 

You can still effectively call it a long string of coincidences, though.  It's actually fairly unfortunate how even when there is a 2,000% rise in the occurrence of coincidence, it can still be called a coincidence based on a total lack of pre-planning, no extra-sensory information available, no inside information, and nothing else fishy about it. 

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When I was in Iraq we were on patrol one day in a pretty bad neighborhood. As our convoy is going through an intersection someone fires an RPG at  us form out of an ally. The round flew straight and true hitting  our vehicle dead on......and it bounced off without ever detonating. Was probably a bad round they had a lot of those. Got to love defects lol.

Edited by Ember Gleam
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Oh this is going to be a long one.


When I was in high school, one morning I felt terrible and ending crying for no reason.  I didn't know why but I was feeling incredibly sad.  Then that's when people started getting called into the office.  The quarterback was called and when he came back, he was a mess.  He went to the back of the room and was sobbing.  Then my then best friend was called and while she was gone, I found out a color guard (I think that's what she was) had been in a car wreck and passed away that morning.




Due to some....activities (my brother performing seances) on my adopted mom's(great grandmother) land, strange things happen there a lot.  When I was little, the door to the back porch opened and closed with force.  Then the bathroom light suddenly came on afterward.  I've heard my name called several times.  I've actually seen a headless woman go by the window (I thought it was my mother at the time) and a woman with long black hair and a white dress.  Recently, when my mom was in the hospital, I went outside to feed my cat.  I shut the doors behind me (the main back door and a screen door).  Suddenly The back door opened and slammed really hard.  I've woken up with several bruises on my legs and wanted to set up a camera to see if I was sleepwalking but never got around to it.  I feel like sometimes, if I'm about to go into a room, something's telling me do not go in.  When my best friend was over at one point, we were talking and we both looked toward the doorway and saw a small white figure dart away.  I didn't say anything until she said "Did you just see something?"  I could probably write an entire book about what happened here.  Supposedly, the land that my mom owns used to be a estate that clearly had a stage coach station (the way the land is shaped).




Where I live now, there's a particular lamp that loves to turn on by itself.  I occasionally hear a tapping noise when I'm in the living room, like someone's tapping on the counter top.  My husband, who hasn't really experienced anything, is now seeing things.  One night, we were facing opposite directions and we both woke up abruptly at the same time.  I saw the women in the white dress that I've seen before leaning against the dresser.  He saw a small figure and discovered scratches on his face in the morning.  He now sees things around the bed often.  I've woke up suddenly from something running into the bed (it made the entire bed, which is a very large king size, move).


For my new house, I don't really know what all those things would be occurring, unless something attached itself to me.

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Now that I read up on hallucinations it explains an audio experience I once had.


I was at CFB Borden for the summer of 2009 learning about leadership when we were hit hard by a bad storm. Sometime after it was over and there was daylight I went into the boy's bathroom/shower room... alone. The floor was flooded and it was pitch black as the power was knocked out, the air was cold, but I kept venturing in deeper and deeper despite feeling fear (it's a rather big space). Then I guess that is when I had an audio hallucination, what I called back then a "ghost". I began to hear this mumbling whispering echoing through the darkness like it was around me in the air, it was a feminine voice, I recall at some point in the whispering mumbling it said my name, and it just kept going and I couldn't catch much of what was being said, it was really frightening. Then it finished with the same fast paced voice by clear as crystal "You're going to die". Then through the dark I ran for my life back for the door, it was dark so I didn't see how far away I was from the door so I literally ran and smashed right into the door, I didn't stop to feel the pain, I just struggled for a few seconds to open that door (it felt like time was dragging on forever) as fast as I could, I felt this terrifying feeling like something was right behind me to get me in that darkness, and when I finally did open that door I ran straight out into the sunlight. People pointed out how white my face was.


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There was this one instance when I was riding down a hill on my road bike. I was with a friend and we were both going pretty fast, and a sharp turn was upcoming. I wasn't prepared for it, so I instinctively hit the brakes hard. However, going the speed I was going, that turned out to be a bad idea. The brakes malfunctioned, and I was shot forward off my bike. I fell off the edge of the hill, and almost fell all the way down to the bottom. Luckily for me, I was saved by a random clutter of branches after a few rolls. If I had continued rolling, I would have fallen down a REALLY high drop. I got a little scraped and dirty, but I was just happy the branches had saved me. Surprisingly, I was pretty calm about it when it happened. My friend kept saying how lucky I was, and I wasn't saying much. Looking back, my friend was right: I was pretty damn lucky. Thank goodness those branches were there, or else who knows what would have happened.

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My parents and I went on a vacation to Chicago a few years ago. We were trying to go to the Museum of Science and Industry, I believe. Unfortunately, we made a wrong turn and ended up in the outskirts of town. At this point, every building had boarded-up windows with holes just big enough for shotguns, the road looked like it hadn't been taken care of in decades, and I swear it suddenly became night. Dad found the first possible place to turn around, and we got the hell outta there. I swear, another few minutes and we woulda gotten shot or something.  :blink:


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