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What post are you most proud of?


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What post on MLPForums are you most proud of? You should totally link us to it :)

What about the thread you're most proud of? Hmm?? :D


I've been around for a while, so I don't really know what I'm most proud of, but in the past couple of days, it would probably be this one for post: http://mlpforums.com/topic/70686-who-is-your-biggest-fictional-crush-right-now/?p=1763947

and http://mlpforums.com/topic/70175-braggin-rights-the-shameless-bragging-thread/ for the thread I'm most proud of in the past few days.

Edited by kotakotakota


PM me when you're bored!! I always love meeting new ponies ;)

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The post I'm most proud of:


http://mlpforums.com/topic/69242-im-so-done-with-life/   It's the first response. 


The thread I'm most proud of:




Why? Well, it's mostly because it managed to reach over 100 replies. 

  • Brohoof 1


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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I'm the most proud of this post. I put my heart and soul into it!


Just kidding. Let me go find the post I'm actually proud of!


Back much faster than I thought! I got twenty three brohoofs for this post!



  • Brohoof 2


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I'm the most proud of this post. I put my heart and soul into it!


Just kidding. Let me go find the post I'm actually proud of!


Back much faster than I thought! I got twenty three brohoofs for this post!




Twenty three brohoofs? Impressive! That's a lot of brohoofs! You even got a brohoof from Feld0. That's definitely one to be proud of :)

  • Brohoof 1


PM me when you're bored!! I always love meeting new ponies ;)

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I like this one, since it's got my usual humor in it, not to mention it's...cool-sounding (bad with words) and lengthier than most of my posts:



Most proud of thread is this one since its the reason you can use some of these new emoticons created by Jokuc  :okiedokielokie:  :squee: :


Edited by Wingin'Wolf


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Well I've been on here long enough! So why not! This may change in the future, just to let you know! :P


Anyways the post I'm probably the most proud of so far is on this thread and it's right here.




Basically I stated my opinion and viewpoint on what would become of the show and the bronies if the 4th and amazing generation of My Little Pony, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was made in 1983 instead of 2010.


It was probably the most interesting thread I have seen in a while and most of answers on there were pretty interesting. :P



The thread I'm most proud of for starting is definitely this one.




Basically, I came up with the idea after I had finished reading a funny and amusing fanfic, known as "Why am I Pinkie Pie?"


I thought the scenario was interesting enough to be worthy discussing about! :P

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There was a thread called "5 things you love about your favorite pony", and since my favourite is Zecora, I made my post entirely in rhymes:


Listen close and you will see

Why Zecora is best pony


1- A wonderful source of wisdom and helpful advice, she may seem strange to some but is always nice.

2- She has no horn or raw power, but nature does work for her.

3- She enjoys being alone, her life and time are her own.

4- Always ready to rhyme, she can do so at any time!

5- And last but not least, her great beauty. Mane, coat and nice booty.


I'd like to take it up a notch, but it is difficult to rhyme so much.

And I also left a rhyming post in the Trixieism thread:


This thread is still going I see. Trixie has many a devotee.

Though Zebra Voodoo is my path, I do not seek your wrath.


I found this and thought it cute. I hope it will prevent dispute.







What do you people do anyway? Just praise Trixie all day?

Do you learn some magic tricks, or only post Trixie pics?

I'm pretty proud to have pulled this off, I really should start posting in rhymes more often. Maybe I could start a Zecora thread in the "Ask a pony" board. If I manage to keep the thread alive, it would definitely qualify as one to be proud of.

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"The miracle never happen" -Phoenix Wright


"I'm not a psychopath i'm a high functioning sociopath" -Sherlock


"Always take a banana to a party" -The Doctor


"Of all the souls I've encountered in my travels, his was the most...human." -Kirk (I know by memory)


"Let's make sure history never forgets the name...Enterprise." -Picard


"Odo: Unauthorized access to crew quarters is a crime, Quark. You could have just asked to use the replicators. 
Quark: There's an old Ferengi saying: "Never ask when you can take". Uh... how d'you figure it out? 
Odo: You claimed Rom fixed your replicators? 
Quark: So? 
Odo: Rom's an idiot. He couldn't fix a straw if it was bent. 
Quark: You're right, Rom is an idiot. Remind me to get rid of him tomorrow. "


“Do you know the old Klingon proverb that revenge is a dish best served cold? It is very cold — in space.” -Khan


"If you are to be Hercule Poirot, you must think of everything." -Hercule Poirot


"Scully: [Approaches Mulder in the woods as Michele Fazekas walks away] Mulder? We've got this conference. They're waiting.

Mulder: Yeah. How do I say this without using any negative words, Scully?

Scully: You want me to tell them that you're not gonna make it to this year's teamwork seminar.

Mulder: See? [Puts his hands on her arms and grins.] We don't need that conference! We have communication like that unspoken! You know what I'm thinking!

Scully: [smiles and shakes her head]"


"(a decaying body just fell out of the ceiling) You think the fall killed him?" -Mulder


"What is this? a center for ants!" -Zoolander


"No other race in the universe goes camping. Celebrate your uniqueness!" - Jack


"Gwen: Excuse me, have you seen a blowfish driving a sports car? [Old Woman points in the direction in which Torchwood are heading] Thank you. [driving away]

Old Woman: Bloody Torchwood"


"There's one thing I always wanted to ask Jack. Back in the old days. I wanted to know about that Doctor of his. The man who appears out of nowhere and saves the world; except sometimes he doesn't. All those times in history where there was no sign of him … I wanted to know why not. But I don't need to ask anymore. I know the answer now: Sometimes the Doctor must look at this planet and turn away in shame. I'm recording this in case anyone ever finds it, so you can see. You can see how the world ended." -Gwen


"O'Brien: A runabout? What was he dong in a runabout at four in the morning?

Odo: Apparently, he was getting murdered."


I'm done.


I feel this represents almost all my interests and I am actually proud to have so many, especially ones that aren't so "Mainstream", like Original Star Trek, X-Files, Poirot, Torchwood, etc....



Thread: [Visual Art] Star Trek Spacial Anomoly


I'm rather proud of what I made in this thread, having never really tried anything like it before.

Edited by -Stargazer-
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The thread I'm most proud of is the pokemon thread I made. This one. http://mlpforums.com/topic/68027-favorite-pokemon-for-every-type/


As for the post I'm most proud of, it has to be the one in why humans exist. It's true for the first sentence, but then derails afterwards into silliness. Anyways, here it is. I'm the third one, obviously. http://mlpforums.com/topic/69659-why-humans-exist/



IF is best girl.

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Post I'm most proud of? Oddly enough, the very first post I ever made. I actually think it's some of my best writing. :P  http://mlpforums.com/topic/55443-i-see-a-new-member-in-this-forums-future/


I'm not really "proud" of any topics, except maybe my MLP Biblical Signatures thread, which I can't be bothered to go and find...

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Perhaps this thread:




That's a writing thread I started back then, when the fandom was still lively and creative. I remember those days. I finished giving reviews on this one, and then three others came. Good old days. People were so open-minded and I was very happy giving tips and reviews there. Then the season ended. No more creative writing. People started to ignore my advices. I won't blame them. I personally have got lazy to proof read anything, mainly because I get tired of fan fictions. I'm tired of giving the same advice again and over again. New people come with papers of words, with the same mistakes, the same respond. I've written some guides there, but it seems like no one reads it.


As you can see, the thread is kinda dying right now, despite of it being pinned on the Creative Resource section. I felt honoured when it got pinned there, but now I feel really bad about it.


If you have a fan fiction, an interest in fiction writing, questions about the art of literature, you can go there.



About the post, not sure. I'm proud of many review posts in my writing thread, and my long and so-called enlightening posts in some threads about Islam. I just wanted to clear the big and overspreaded misunderstandings about Islam, and people seemed to like it, Muslim or not.



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Er...well...definitely not anything in 2012, I was a jerk back then...hmm...


Thread i'm Most Proud Of:

This thread?

Post i'm Most Proud Of:

....maybe this post?

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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 I guess the "Rate song, then post another" thread.

I made it back in 2011 and it's still very popular now in 2013 and one of the most successful forum games on the forums.. It literally has over 9000 replies and people post in it everyday. 


And although it's a bit quieter, I also made the "What are you doing at this very moment" thread back when the forums were still very new and it has also been pretty successful and it's still (I think) active as well (or at least people like to dig it up once in a while).


They're both very generic threads that anyone could've made so it's not exactly surprising that they were successful... but still, I made them and I'm proud of it! haha!


Edit: My Bellsprout thread was pretty sweet too. (not really, but I still love it. You know, kind of like how you would still love your retarded child)

Edited by Marshmallow
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It took me forever to find (it felt like 10 minutes or so) but I finally managed to find it. I didn't even have to do any considering, this is definitely the post I'm most proud of: Do you like ponies more than people - post #43


I guess you never really know just how much you care about something until you're compelled to defend it. I think that also happens to be one of my most brohoof'd posts (it's only 5 though).


The thread I'm most proud of would be Playing as the Opposite Gender. It's got a poll, few questions to get you started in case you don't know where to start, it's broad enough that a wide variety of people can respond and it's a topic I've always been interested in hearing about (I'm glad I got to it before anyone else could, or at least I think I did).

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The vast majority of my posts are either stupid shitposts or just posts in music threads. I probably have a good post somewhere around here but I can't be arsed to search for it :V


And I don't think I could find one, since I'm never proud of myself or anything I do 

Edited by Erio Touwa
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  • 3 weeks later...

I've made lots and lots of detailed discussion topics over in Show Discussion, some in Sugarcube as well. I'm proud of most of them, and am certainly proud of all the ones I've christened with 'C.Discord's' before the title. Topics with such a title tend to be the ones that are the longest and most detailed. All those topics have been listed in a blog of mine that's linked in my signature, for reference.


If I had to pick just one topic, it may very well have to be this one. I organized it in a way that's still pleasing to me now, it's timeless and can thus be picked up and discussed as time goes by, I liked the subject matter and still do, and it feels like a staple discussion for a theme that everyone in the fanbase can relate to; everyone finds their favorite ponies cute in some way, so they can easily share it with others here.


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In general, I'm proud of posts that garner a lot of brohoofs because that tells me that people actually are liking what I have to say. :)


My niche as a member is my ability to talk about Applejack all day long. If I can write up a text wall about her in which I defend her honor or talk about why I like her, then I feel enough pride from that too. :P


So basically, annoying fangirly posts like this. I had a lot of fun with it:



And since I'm totally a glass is half full kind of person, I like being optimistic like in this post:



This one got a lot of love, so I guess I'm proud of it too:



And I'm terrible at making topics. Half the time they go totally unnoticed. I can say I made at least ONE nice topic. My Mane Six club!



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Heh, I guess with over 1,150 counted posts to my name, there must be some I particularly liked, heh.  This one has, by far, the most replies of any topic I have ever started.  I would have felt blessed if it received 20-30 answers.  Instead, it got over 100! http://mlpforums.com/topic/46658-10-questions-for-members-who-are-20-and-underor-older/


The Why is Fluttershy so Cute? thread was becoming into a heated debate between fans and non-fans of the yellow Mane 6 pegasus.  Tempers were beginning to flare and civility was breaking down.  Thankfully, I was able to put a stop to it with this post.  http://mlpforums.com/topic/51713-why-is-fluttershy-so-cute/page-4#entry1232986 No moderator intervention necessary. ;)


And, of course, I’m proud of the five things I love about each pony. I have a summary with links to all six of them in this blog entry.  http://mlpforums.com/blog/587/entry-3819-my-five-point-reviews-the-method-to-wingnut%E2%80%99s-madness/

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I have no idea... I've posted 1000+ as well, and I barely remember any post I feel proud of. The roleplaying threads have many posts I'm proud of, most notably the ones found for "A Tropical Odyssey" because it was the first roleplay I ever finished (and my first roleplay ever!)

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The post I made about two years ago now. It was about how idiotic anti clippers were in the bring community that is about peace and stuff.

It got around 50 hoofs, and started so many arguments

Good times

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  • 1 month later...

The topic I'm most proud of is




As for a post... well that one would have to be this one.




That's it. Noting really other then those 2 so have at it..


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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