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Ask Twilight Sparkle.

Twi Rubix

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*Walks into library to see the books empty*

"Twilight what happened to your books?"


I think it was... Discord? I don't know anymore, alot of bad things happen to me...
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I already did pick on her little sister though?!


Well, what happened happened...


"Oh. Do you need any help?"


Yes, I would really appreciate it. Edited by Twi Rubix
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Yea sometimes I can't help myself with what I do! Sometimes I think I am better then other ponys just because I was raised to be a better stallion then every pony else! Now I think that if I was a mare things would of been different?!

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Hi Twilight! Just wondering what you think of this?: http://browse.devian... rises#/d58gigz


Uhh... I don't know what is happening in the picutre...


Thank you Twilight for helping me sort things out! I am forever in your debt?!


Oh no, not really...


"What do you need me to do Twilight?"


If you can help me clean the last few places, that'd be great!


Oh CRAP! I completely forgot. *Snaps fingers and all twilight's books reappear* Two down, four to go.


....Thank you.
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*Begins to start cleaning the place up levitating books back in to their shelves.*

"Any specific arrangement or organization of the books, Twilight?"

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*Begins to start cleaning the place up levitating books back in to their shelves.*

"Any specific arrangement or organization of the books, Twilight?"


I put them into Genres. You know, much better than alphabetical order!
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Howdy Twi, ya wouldn't happen ta, er...know how ta fill out these insurance claims, would ya? Ah'm not one for all that legal jargon.
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Howdy Twi, ya wouldn't happen ta, er...know how ta fill out these insurance claims, would ya? Ah'm not one for all that legal jargon.


Yeah, I understand. Let me see those... Umm, I don't know too much about this. Have you tried the mayor? She probably has experience with this stuff.
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Oh ok! And I talked to AJ so I can apologize to her and told her that I will make up for what I did!


Is it bad to get Rainbow dash angry at all ?


Oh, she is the WORST pony to get angry... Don't do anything.


*Finishes arranging the books.*

"There you go Twilight."


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Hey, cool! Even got my Mane right!


Yeah in that pic, you are in a similar outfit as Goku, the star of DBZ. You are holding a dragon ball, a powerful orb. If you collect all 7 dragon balls, a dragon named Shenron would grant you one wish.

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