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Ask Twilight Sparkle.

Twi Rubix

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Have you ever had some pony follow you all day but won't say nothing to you but never stops staring at you?


Twilight do you know if there is a spell to stop some pony from falling in love?

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Of course! (Seriously, everypony likes to get hugged by me?)


(Your old Twilight Sparkle avatar was better.)

Oh Twilight how many times must I explain why. ^_^

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Have you ever had some pony follow you all day but won't say nothing to you but never stops staring at you?


Twilight do you know if there is a spell to stop some pony from falling in love?


Umm... Is somepony bothering you or something?


(Your old Twilight Sparkle avatar was better.)

Oh Twilight how many times must I explain why. ^_^


( Felt like AJ should have the spotlight for a bit.)

*Rolls eyes* I know, I know...

  • Brohoof 1
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Twilight, in a hypothetical scenario where you had to select a new ruler of Equestria and it had to be one of your 5 friends who would you pick and why?

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Twilight Sparkle, I've been doing some research into sharks and I wanted to ask you, do you know who else murders people only trying to help them?

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Yes there is




Twilight, in a hypothetical scenario where you had to select a new ruler of Equestria and it had to be one of your 5 friends who would you pick and why?


How can I pick? Umm... I guess Applejack since she seems to be a hard worker. My other friends have good qualities as well, though.


Twilight Sparkle, I've been doing some research into sharks and I wanted to ask you, do you know who else murders people only trying to help them?


Why would I know anything about that?
  • Brohoof 1
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Oh well it scares me a lot and she still hasn't stopped following me yet!


Hey Twilight you won't believe this! I have a special somepony! Guess who it is?


Who is it?
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Because she has a special somepony and you don't!


I just said I'm not looking for relationships now. That will be quite some time away. I'm not even sure if your telling the truth... I mean, you can't just come in here and say Vinyl is your special somepony. Got any proof?
  • Brohoof 1
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