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Ask Twilight Sparkle.

Twi Rubix

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Hi Twilight! I'm writing a fan fic, and I was wondering..... can I use you in it? It's an adventure/mystery/romance fan fic, and it features you and my OC! Now before you say, "NO!" This isn't a hardcore ship or clop fic by any means. It's a very wholesome, fun, and entertaining story. The farthest the romance goes is a single kiss, nothing more! Plus there's no swearing and no violence. The fan fic mainly focuses on the adventure aspect of it all.


What do you say? :) Feel free to ask me any questions.

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*Looks around library. Finds book called 'Basic teleportation for fillies'.*

"Twilight may I borrow this book?"

Why does everypony ask that?


Because you have the best smile. ^_^ Edited by Mal (Starbolt)
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What is it now? Are... are you not pleased to see me..?


No, no... I just hope you don't have anymore incidents like last time.


Hi Twilight! I'm writing a fan fic, and I was wondering..... can I use you in it? It's an adventure/mystery/romance fan fic, and it features you and my OC! Now before you say, "NO!" This isn't a hardcore ship or clop fic by any means. It's a very wholesome, fun, and entertaining story. The farthest the romance goes is a single kiss, nothing more! Plus there's no swearing and no violence. The fan fic mainly focuses on the adventure aspect of it all.


What do you say? :) Feel free to ask me any questions.


Yeah, sure! I just hope your not lying. Those... other fanfics are disgusting.


*sigh* Well... I'm doing it!


Twilight Sparkle, answer this truthfully... Top or bottom?


...Of what?


*Looks around library. Finds book called 'Basic teleportation for fillies'.*

"Twilight may I borrow this book?"


Because you have the best smile. ^_^


Heh, I do?

Sure, you can borrow the book.


Ok i will here's something you CAN'T fix! *finds a bunch of lit torches and lights the whole library on fire then goes outside with some more torches to go and light the rest of ponyville*


Ok I'm done lighting Ponyville up on fire! Now I know you can't fix that! But do you want to see if you can?


I think I went a little overboard with lighting everything in Ponyville on fire twilight.


Yeah, yeah... Y'know, the princess will come to see this, and, you know... BANISH you!?


What is up with this guy who seems to only want to cause trouble..? I swear, some ponies are just so strange...


*Looks at Chilly* yeah, uh huh...


Um Twilight...I don't know how you will react but....I think you are really pretty.*gulp*


Really? Thanks!
  • Brohoof 2
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You are most welcome! I honestly thought you might have freaked out for a second lo. :P


Why would I?


thats why I need your help to fix this! so can you help me?


Gee, I dunno. You caused this and everything. Umm, let me think...
  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah, sure! I just hope your not lying. Those... other fanfics are disgusting.




I'll tell you what, I'll send you a draft of the fan fic before I release it! That way there's no way I can be lying!

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I'll tell you what, I'll send you a draft of the fan fic before I release it! That way there's no way I can be lying!




come please I`ll do anything?


....Fine. But! One exception... you need to help Rainbow Dash with her new stunt, and it's gonna be pretty painful because she hasn't perfected it yet. After we clean up, you gotta do that.
  • Brohoof 1
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