)O( Scarlet )O( 1,259 April 18, 2014 Share April 18, 2014 Like I said, it is choice for some, which in turn I agree, I don't understand why a perfectly normal guy would want to dress like a girl, but for the weirdos like me, it is a need. (Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Milky Jade 138 April 18, 2014 Share April 18, 2014 I remember - waaaay back, in school even - that the entire school cross-dressed on our first day of the motto-week (there's 5 mottos therefore). The guys generally did way better. Girls mostly wore baggy clothes and drew beards on their faces, showing how little attention to men we really pay... but the boys, they really went out of their way. Borrow clothes from their sisters or girlfriends, stuff their bras, have them apply make-up and some of them had small enough feet to don high-heels. Sometimes guys do make the better girls, no? Yeah, definitely! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZukoIsBestPony 561 April 18, 2014 Share April 18, 2014 I don't think females CAN really cross dress. I wear boy clothes all the time, nopony bats an eye. My newest fanfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/196882/internal-struggle (Dark, rated T) Some oneshots: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/196109/scootaloos-past (Sad, rated T) https://www.fimfiction.net/story/192991/a-dragon-and-a-princess-walk-into-a-bar (Slice of life, rated T) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShadowFoxz 342 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 Like I said, it is choice for some, which in turn I agree, I don't understand why a perfectly normal guy would want to dress like a girl, but for the weirdos like me, it is a need. You are not a weirdo,i crossdress too as it makes me feel good and boosts my conifidence as well as makes me in my oppinion look nicer and better My OC http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/nights-fury-ayiana-r5499 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Dandy 73 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 "Cross dressing" in of itself has become a very selective term. It implies someone of a binary gender is dressing up as the opposite binary gender. Because of that "cross dressing" is more often done for sexual arousement, protests and comedy, rather than a serious need for it. If your pre-op transgender or transsexual it's not cross dressing because you identify as the opposite sex. If your bifluid or bi gender or pan gender then you sometimes identify with one sex and sometimes another, so cross dressing for them is in the eye of the beholder. So basically what I'm saying is that it's very difficult to consider something cross dressing when you get into the technicalities of it. 1 Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow, without a little rain. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crazitaco 596 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 (edited) Eh, I find it slightly creepy. No offense. If you guys are trying to cross dress, please don't half ass it. The more half assed it is, the creepier it appears. If you can pull it off to the point where you actually look legit, go for it. Edited April 22, 2014 by crazitaco 1 *Click the picture to join the Nega-Bronies!* "Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes. My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/krazie-taco-r3366 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,780 April 22, 2014 Share April 22, 2014 I don't really have a problem with it. Do I think it's weird? Yes I do, but in the end of the day it doesn't really affect me and if other people enjoy it then why should I stop them? Besides I have quite a few really good friends who love to cross-dress Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apple Bloom 2,933 June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 Anyone who has read my previous posts in this topic knows that I like cute and colourful socks, which strangely enough, only seem to be found in the women's section. (Go figure) Anywho, I can't get enough of them, so I bought some more today and I went ahead and reorganized my sock drawer. Here is what it looks like now. The ones in the front have various designs on them. Mostly ponies, but some other random designs as well, such as Adventure Time. The ones in the back are just plain ankle socks. I also have some fuzzy socks and toe socks underneath. I even have a couple of pairs of baby socks in the back for my pony plushies so they can keep their hoofsies warm. 3 Signature by @Nico. Come join us for movies and more! Every Friday on Equestria.tv Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PokeBolter 208 June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 (edited) I actually cross-dress mostly in the Springtime around April I have no idea why I just do and it's all because my aunt messed me up at a young age even though I learned never tie yourself up into a dress it's really hard to escape (I had to use a mechanical pencil). I guess it's just the feel free feeling on the legs. There's also lots of cross-dressing in my cartoon Type Creatures with Jolt Spark and Rocko Fistor, I think I do it actually because I'm cartoony but please don't mention this to anyone it's kind of one of my secrets, I even feel a little bit awkward posting this. Edited June 17, 2014 by PokeBolter 1 Awesome signature made by Pink Mist Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apple Bloom 2,933 June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 I actually cross-dress mostly in the Springtime around April I have no idea why I just do and it's all because my aunt messed me up at a young age even though I learned never tie yourself up into a dress it's really hard to escape (I had to use a mechanical pencil). I guess it's just the feel free feeling on the legs. There's also lots of cross-dressing in my cartoon Type Creatures with Jolt Spark and Rocko Fistor, I think I do it actually because I'm cartoony but please don't mention this to anyone it's kind of one of my secrets, I even feel a little bit awkward posting this. How does one use a mechanical pencil to escape from a dress? Anyway, your post reminds me of when I was little. My grandmother used to dress me in gowns to sleep in. I'm not sure why, but I think it may be because it was normal for boys to wear them back in the old days, and maybe she hung onto that tradition. Anyway, I used to think it was normal to wear them and like you said, dresses, gowns, etc are so free feeling and comfortable, so I used to enjoy wearing them around the house when I was lazy, sometimes even all day. I know a couple of times my cousins came over and we would all wear them while we played. We even tied each other up sometimes to see how fast we could escape, but I'm not sure if we ever wore gowns while doing that. Your post reminded me of those times though, so I thought I'd share. Signature by @Nico. Come join us for movies and more! Every Friday on Equestria.tv Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sigma 768 June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 Anyone who has read my previous posts in this topic knows that I like cute and colourful socks, which strangely enough, only seem to be found in the women's section. (Go figure) Anywho, I can't get enough of them, so I bought some more today and I went ahead and reorganized my sock drawer. Here is what it looks like now. 100_1462.JPG The ones in the front have various designs on them. Mostly ponies, but some other random designs as well, such as Adventure Time. The ones in the back are just plain ankle socks. I also have some fuzzy socks and toe socks underneath. I even have a couple of pairs of baby socks in the back for my pony plushies so they can keep their hoofsies warm. I actually thought about getting some socks like those myself. I'm not transgendered (I think), I just like things that are cute. 1 Deductive Reasoning Inductive Reasoning Abductive Reasoning Logical Fallacies & Cognitive Biases Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hurricane 159 June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 Story: There was this person at the mall and I couldn't tell if they were a guy or a girl. Anyway, half of her hair was short, the other half was long. She wore bright eye make-up and a scarf and a black dress. But then...she had a beard. Fact: Dolly Parton entered a Dolly Parton look-alike contest and lost to a drag queen. So ya. That's my experience... My OCs: Hurricane Skater Midnight Shade Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PokeBolter 208 June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 Ya whenever my aunt did it here's that story if you wanted to hear it. Since I was 6 back then I was left at my aunt's while my parents were busy and I just hung out in the basement with some Pokemon and then my aunt brought down a dress up tote. I had lots of issues back then so I don't know why I thought this was wrong but then my aunt told me it was alright so I put a wig and a dress on with heels and then everytime I went there I played dress up with my little girl cousin I don't now though I just put on my sisters dresses time to time. Awesome signature made by Pink Mist Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apple Bloom 2,933 June 18, 2014 Share June 18, 2014 (edited) I actually thought about getting some socks like those myself. I'm not transgendered (I think), I just like things that are cute. I'm the same way. I don't believe I'm transgender and I'm not gay either, but I just like cute and feminine things. I have no idea why I'm this way. It definitely didn't come from watching MLP because I've been this way long before that. I do, however, think that MLP helped to bring it out because when I became open about ponies, I noticed that people didn't really seem to care, so I got the confidence to be more open about my other interests. There are still some things I keep hidden, such as my extent of cross-dressing, but I am open about my interests in cute things now. Ya whenever my aunt did it here's that story if you wanted to hear it. Since I was 6 back then I was left at my aunt's while my parents were busy and I just hung out in the basement with some Pokemon and then my aunt brought down a dress up tote. I had lots of issues back then so I don't know why I thought this was wrong but then my aunt told me it was alright so I put a wig and a dress on with heels and then everytime I went there I played dress up with my little girl cousin I don't now though I just put on my sisters dresses time to time. I think it's pretty common to cross-dress when you're little because when kids play together, they often share the same toys, or in this case, clothes, and kids often dress up as the opposite gender for Halloween, but when you're an adult, people think it's weird. Personally, I think clothes are just clothes and whatever you want to wear is fine, but try getting the rest of society to believe that. Edited June 18, 2014 by Apple Bloom Signature by @Nico. Come join us for movies and more! Every Friday on Equestria.tv Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,907 June 18, 2014 Share June 18, 2014 Like many have already said, cross dressing shouldn't really be a big deal. In the end, they're just clothes. This thread relates to several topics that I have regularly rummiated on. I've written some pieces discussing unfair gender double standards, and how it always seems more socially acceptable for females to do/wear masculine things than vice versa. Think about it--women can wear absolutely anything, and it's acceptable. A woman can shop exclusively in the men's dept and nobody cares. But if a man wears a dress...*gasp*. It doesn't seem to be acceptable at all. This is completely silly and arbitrary to me. I believe this one sided standard stems from our culture being largely male dominated throughout history. I won't go into it now, not the time or place, but it's just a theory of mine. The point is, they're just clothes, people should be able to wear anything they want. I'd love to see a society where we actually have dresses specifically designed for men. Why not? Now, as for me, I don't "crossdress," I'm hetero, not trans, and consider myself pretty average and normal. But I've always been jealous of women for their fashion options and their freedom to wear either masculine or feminine clothing, and have it be socially acceptable. I've always wished I could wear something besides just pants, shirts, and shorts. Pants are so boring. I have long gazed wistfully at various outfits for women, and wished there was something more like that for men. I want to wear dress-like, flowing garments, and skirt-like things. So, awhile back, I decided to do something about it. I started by ordering a replica of the long velvet coat worn by Aragorn when the Fellowship is reuinited in Rivendell at the end of Return of the King. Most people typically regard something like that as a cosplay item, but I wear it around normally. I love it. It wears and flows like a long dress, rather than a trench coat or something. I also made an outfit myself with a top based on Cloud's sleeveless shirt from Advent Children, and a bottom piece that is basically a skirt, and is based on Kratos's skirt thing from God of War. It's bold, challenges social convention, and yet it's clearly not crossdressing, and is specifically designed for a male. It definitely has an anciet Greek feel. Men wore skirt type things in so many of those ancient cultures; why can't we bring that back? And you know the other thing--that skirt thing is soooo much more comfortable than pants! It's amazing. I also bought a kimono for regular wear. Again, that's something more interesting that just pants. I still wear pants underneath it, but that's fine. Anyway, sorry for the long post, but I feel strongly about this kind of stuff. Fashion shouldn't be so gender specific. I want to see a culture in which people wear all sorts of interesting outfits, and dress according to their personality, not according to what the mass media and stores shove down their throats. Incidentally, if I were female, I would make a replica of Fang's outfit from FFXIII, and I would dress like that all the time. But that's a little too out there for me. My God of War thing, or Project Olympus as I call it, is different enough. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zenit 190 June 18, 2014 Share June 18, 2014 (edited) I wouldn't be caught dead trying cross dressing. nope your face and your entire family and generation Its fine when a girl cross dresses as a boy. might secretly like it when certain males do it. but now its not a secret. :oops: Edited June 18, 2014 by Jake_ babadumbadum BAH Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Washougal_Otaku 1,020 June 18, 2014 Share June 18, 2014 To sum up every thought I have on the subject: men should dress like men, women should dress like women. Okay, now for the fun elaborations! ...after I get a bite to eat. Okay! Here we go! Let's focus first on why some cross dress to begin with. First, there's the casual cross-dresser. These are the people who do it for fun, often times as jokes or some other format that involves spreading happiness. I myself have done this before many times, and have always (though not always successfully) made myself look as lady-like as possible. I see nothing wrong with doing it for entertainment sake; heck, Shakespearean plays were cast completely by males! These are meant for fun, not as a lifestyle, which brings me to the next "Why." A lifestyle... why? This can be broken down into two basic groups: those that are in the process of becoming the other gender, and those that feel it's "right." As for the first one, while I can't understand why someone would want to do something like that to their bodies, I do know that it's none of my business. If someone is willing to make that leap, I'm not going to trip them. All that I ask it that if one of these "women" attracts my interests, then they should be honest with me about what they've done, ESPECIALLY BEFORE WE MATE!!! When I look for a possible partner, I'm looking for someone to have children with; I have that right to know. Thankfully, I'm not even looking at the moment, so this part is somewhat irrelevant. Yet, I stand by the idea that anyone going through a sex change has the right to do that to themselves if they want to. As for the second one, I think it's a pathetic display of revulsion and deceit. If you have a penis, you're a male; dress like one, act like one, be one. If you have a vagina, you're a female; dress like one, act like one, be one. Now don't get me wrong, I support breaking sex-based stereotypes down, but identities should remain in tact. All that you're doing is making things complicated for everyone around you, and you're lying to everyone, including yourself. Let's put it this way. (STATS ABOUT ME!!!) I am a 31-year-old white American male, standing at 5' 8" and weighing 175 lbs. Now, I want you all to refer to me as a 7' Asian from Jamaica who is 320 lbs. of solid muscle!!! ...sounds silly, right? Well, that's how I see the idea of men being called women and women being called men simply because they want it to be so. Likewise, the clothing should match the label. Now, here's the best part about my piece to this puzzle: THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION!!! I fully understand that the way in which I think has no place dictating how others live. If I say that men shouldn't wear dresses, why does it matter? Unless you're my son, my words should leave no impact on your life. (BTW, I will teach my son to be a man, but to also let him know that he will be free to accept my words or reject certain ones; so long as he stays out of jail, right? ). To add to this, I've seen how some of you feel that those who oppose the cross-dressing lifestyle have no right to. In fact, the very first response to the original post says this: "But, if someone shames someone for cross dressing...then we have a problem." Yeah, the problem is that you need to let these people have their opinions, too. For the ones that go by religious doctrine, I support this reasoning. They are standing by the word in which they follow to the best of their abilities, like it or not; they have the right to do this. :comeatus: Gimme some time to come up with something new, okay? MUCH LOVES!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crisahys 149 June 29, 2014 Share June 29, 2014 I'd rather be a drag king for the rest of my career. 1 Link to my OC Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
otaku4242 183 June 29, 2014 Share June 29, 2014 I used to cross dress, buuuuuuuut due to certain restraints, I am out of money and cant afford the clothes. plus I've gained weight and would never look like a convincing female anymore *sigh* I hate my life. ALL HAIL THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE My Deviantart | My G-Mail Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Washougal_Otaku 1,020 June 30, 2014 Share June 30, 2014 I used to cross dress, buuuuuuuut due to certain restraints, I am out of money and cant afford the clothes. plus I've gained weight and would never look like a convincing female anymore *sigh* I hate my life. ...you could just look like an overweight female character; there's plenty of those out there, too. 1 :comeatus: Gimme some time to come up with something new, okay? MUCH LOVES!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celli 4,339 July 3, 2014 Share July 3, 2014 I would never cross-dress. I would look weird, and probably get lots of stares. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunny Fox 5,952 July 3, 2014 Share July 3, 2014 (edited) I might do it just for a joke, or a party where that was the theme or something. Or for a bachelor's party - your friends are supposed to do things like that to you. Edited July 3, 2014 by Sunny Fox Happy minion of The Fabulous One! Signature by Midnightive Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James 302 July 21, 2014 Share July 21, 2014 I'd probably like to try it, it appeals to me, for whatever reason. I would only ever do it in private, no way I'd ever be comfortable doing it in public. Biggest problem is actually getting clothes, would have to make sure my mother doesn't notice anything, plus I don't know anything about women's clothes, or clothes in general. I'd probably want to lose some weight too. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sceethe 704 July 21, 2014 Share July 21, 2014 yeah well.. no thanks,but ive got no problem with other people doing it. i just hate being in costumes in general,ive also never cosplayed in my life. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arylett Charnoa 4,919 July 21, 2014 Share July 21, 2014 I wouldn't mind cross dressing in typical guy clothing as long as it was still clear that I was a girl. No hiding my breasts or anything. Just being a female in a tuxedo would be awesome and cute. I have a bit of a... complex about being similar to a man and really don't want to look too masculine, so I'd be highly uncomfortable if I were told to completely cross dress and look like a guy. Guys crossdressing as girls is something that can be difficult to pull off. They mostly don't look all that great, but I don't care either way. Go ahead and do it if it's fun. And if you actually fool me, then good on you! Very impressive. I CAN say that I've once helped someone else crossdress. it was a strange experience and I think I enjoyed it a bit more than I was supposed to. 1 Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. Deviantart Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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