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Ponies Wearing Glasses


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As someone with a life long vision problems, with literally no memories of NOT wearing glasses, I'm quite happy with MLP:FIM in depicting characters needed glasses in a non comic way.


Rarity needs her readers for close work.


Twist just looks adorable with glasses!


And Silver Spoon carries out her duties as one of the two biggest bullies in school, with style!





Does anypony else have an opinion?

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Glasses would only make Twilight look even more like an egghead.  :P


But as a four-eyed guy, it's nice to see that bespectacled characters get some representation on MLP:FiM.  :)

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Lady Rarity does not just look adorable, she looks




But yeah let look cool :)! You missed a picture of tank thought:



Or does he not count as a pet? :c

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Glasses would only make Twilight look even more like an egghead.  :P


But as a four-eyed guy, it's nice to see that bespectacled characters get some representation on MLP:FiM.  :)

Agreed. I, too, wear glasses, and it is good that not all ponies have perfect vision. I think it is one of those small things that adds a lot.

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of course i had to steal someone's avatar so i can contribute to this thread


To all of you posters that claim that glasses make Twilight more of an egghead, maybe she can't see close up, and she needs reading glasses to read.


I needed those for a while when I wore my contacts for the first time.

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I have absolutely perfect vision in real life, but for some reason, characters look extremely adorable with glasses to me. And ponies are no exception to this..




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Wow all these ponies really do look good with glasses. Haha 


I wear glasses too. I especially like when Twilight wears them and I also like Rainbow with her "cool" shades. Rockin it with style.

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Glasses give Twilight more of an adorable bookworm look, which makes her even more lovable than she already is. As evident from the pic. :wub:


I like ponies who wear glasses. It definitely gives them a professional, but cute look at the same time.

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Forget ponies in socks! Ponies in glasses are the new norm now!


Wait, I love ponies in socks, wait a minute, ponies in socks and glasses!!!!!!




Because it has never been done before.

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I had sort of intended this thread to be about Ponies with vision problems being depicted as a normal everyday thing in Equestria, but if people want to make it a Pony in Glasses...COOL! thread, I'm okay with that!





I don't think Vinyl actually needs glasses. They're mostly to protect the other ponies from being overwhelmed by AWESOME!


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I love it when the ponies where glasses, especially Twilight. I think they add to her librarian look. I wear glasses as well so I appreciate the representation.

Edited by Sylentmana
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Haha yeah I agree, as a person who wears glasses, I can really see where your getting at! :P



Depending on who/how the person wears them, it looks good! Twilight with glasses could work too ^_^ and when Rarity wears her glasses I think it looks good!


I mean, I don't mind glasses......you could look pretty or cool with them on too! X3

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Oh no, I better leave this thread before I die of all the cuteness...


Anyway, I think glasses are adorable, and ponies are no exception when it comes to giving them glasses. Rarity looks fantastic in her glasses (I think she even looks better with them), and Twilight looks much more professional with her glasses. And I LOVE Silver Spoon's glasses.


But I think Rarity wins the glasses contest:


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I just like glasses in general. I'm a bit bias since I always wear a pair myself (for distance), but I think they add a bit of extra character for the ponies in the show that use them. Don't know whether ponies actually need them though, but I guess magic can't be used to fix vision problems. (go science, go!)
I found a picture of octavia wearing glasses, but I didn't post it because I couldn't help but notice that it was a bit... well, suggestive. So have a picture of Princess Luna instead! :)

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I need glasses, but I don't want any because of their terrific price and some bad experience about glasses. I am astigmatic.


But well, there are some ponies who look great wearing them. Maybe I should try again with glasses.


The optometrist thought I was myopic, but in fact I am astigmatic, as I said above. So I got wrong glasses and got huge headaches. The second time the optometrist wouldn't listen to me, and said I was farsighted. Then I got angry at him and didn't got glasses.


Let's just hope I get someone intelligent this time.

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I think ponies look good in glasses. It can make them cuter, smexier, or look more intelligent. Of course, I find characters in many cartoons that wear glasses to be visually appealing. Probably because I wear glasses all time like several others here.






I need glasses, but I don't want any because of their terrific price and some bad experience about glasses. I am astigmatic.

Glasses don't have to be expensive. You should try zennioptical.com. Good cheap glasses. I got some nice frameless glasses with transition type lenses and an anti-glare/oleo-phobic coating for around $60 including shipping. All you need is a good optometrist to give you a prescription and your pupilary distance.


Anyway, back on topic, I think that Rarity looks the best in glasses. They just suit her so well. But there is just something about glasses that add to the aesthetics of characters.

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Glasses are just the best, that's all there really is to it. I think it would be funny if a character had a pair of those thick-framed ones because they thought they were stylish, though.

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@cuteycindyhoney, just letting you know that I've moved your thread to Show Discussion since it's talking about how ponies with glasses are portrayed in the show, and how we feel about that and such :).


I'd love to see some more ponies in glasses in Season 4, hopefully on a likable secondary character or something. Ponies look really good in them. I'm surprised there isn't more fanart. In any case, I'd like it if there was a more prominent character who always wore them than Silver Spoon.


Doubt we'll ever get to see them on the Rainbow Pony, cause she'd hate to have to wear them, but they make her look really cute :D



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