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name: Gamers Rage 


gender: Male 


colour: greenish teal coat, light olive green mane and light blue/teal streak 


acsesories: wears aviator sun glasses


hobbies: video games, music movies drawing


cutie mark: broken controler ( still yet to be made) 




Edited by HunterScars



signature made by DaReaper

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You can see my signature for my OC profiles. I have two potential shippings for Sterling Crimson, both mares being very lovely: Evening Glory and Blue Note. They're both pretty mares by the way  :catface:


And then there's two of my recent creations, Erlen Meyer and Chemm Blonde. They're both scientists, but Erlen works at a pharmaceutical company, while Chemm works at a hospital. And yes, they're shipped with each other and will get married. 

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My Ponysona:


Name: "Nightmare" N. Lyre
Type: Halfbreed (Dragon & Pony)
Gender: Female
Cutie Mark: The Elements of Suffering (talent in causing suffering if she wants, but also the talent to deal with and prevent suffering)
Hobbies/Occupation: Viking warrior and bard

Edited by Nightmare Lyre
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So, yesterday I was scrolling through pages of pony ocs on Google and I wondered, 'What would my oc look like if I hadn't made Midnight Gaze? So I went on the pony creator and thought up some ideas that weren't as good as my current oc, but i still liked them. Here are a few ocs that I made up on the spot: 



Name: Whirlwind

Backstory: Whirlwind is a care-free earth pony who has always wanted to fly to Cloudsdale with her own wings, but her lack of them made it impossible. All of her friends always told her to keep her head out of the clouds, but she never stopped trying to fly. When she was thirteen, everything changed when she found out about artificial wings. Ever since then, she's been visiting Cloudsdale daily, with her spirits as high in the sky as she.

Cutie mark: A cloud.




Name: Crystal Blitz 

Backstory: A unicorn crystal pony. Honestly, I didn't think about this one too much. She's a cousin of my oc who loves baking. And nature. Her cutie mark would be some sprinkles.



Name: Periwinkle Skies.

History: A rising designer from Baltimare, Maryland. She is a perfectionist who loves designing dresses and evening wear. She goes to the Grand Galloping Gala whenever she can afford it or when ever someone invites her. She's only been to Canterlot once, but she loved it enough to live there. One of her best friends, Gloss, lives in Ponyvile. I really like this one. Maybe I could have two ocs?

cutie mark: pins.




Cutie marK:hairspray.


And Finally:




Name:Speckled Leaves

History: An earth pony who got her cutie mark when she decided to help some ponies sweep up leaves in time for winter. I really like this one, too!


Which one is your favorite? And what would you alternate oc look like?

Edited by Midnight Gaze
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  • 3 months later...

Name: Victor GearTox

Nick: GT, Toxy, Gearly


Gender: Male






Notes on ear:

lost part of ear during a research expedition studying unknown plant life. 


this is my newest OC btw


Edited by DJ Requiem

I am now running my own tumblr page: http://swifthooves.tumblr.com/


it's a simple ask blog and I shall be uploading audio shows where I will talk about different topics such as:

MLP:FiM, video games, news, etc. Episode 0 is currently up, the episode is mainly an introduction and boy do i sound nervous in it.

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This is Royroger/Cherry Cola, depending on what day it is. I'm trying to make him my main OC by combining the more favorable traits of my other OCs and shoving them into him (Sounds so wrong). 




And this is my Ponysona, Thinkin' Inks. Not much to say about him, just like myself :(


Not arsed enough to elaborate on either of them, so these are it.

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Name:Midnight Shadow

Age: I dunno 17?



Cutie Mark:Black paint brush

Talents:Drawing, is a good shot.

Personality:Willing to sacrifice herself to get her job done, determined, loyal, sweet on her inside.

Appearance:Dark blue, white and blue mane, evenly matched. Mane a little bit like Dashs.

Don't be a dweeb


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Well my OC is one, that use as my personnel OC. I have where little written abut him but i got ton of pictures. So am praobly going put them into spoiler windows so the art will not take up the hole peg and make some ones hold PC shit leg it's self up.
Name: Sig Hoovestrong
Species: Pegasus 
Gender: Stallion
Age: 27
History: Best left in the past...
Special Talent: No clue.







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Name: Sweetsong

Cutiemark: A single pink butterfly8.

Talent: Dancing and landing

Background:  Still working out the Kinks....

Traits: Outgoing,  bold but knows when a soft touch or voice is needed.  Willing to stand up and fight for the reasons that call for it.





Made her on Pony maker but added in the cutie mark myself and back ground and moon and lighting in Gimp 2.8


(Sig made by Me)

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Name: Sergei
Species: Earth Pony 
Gender: Male

History: No backstory at the moment

Special Talent: N/A at this moment in time



Drawing done my a good friend of mine


The only existing drawing of my OC done by me









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Name: Felix


Species: Pegasus


Gender: Male


Age: 17




Name: Carter


Species: Earth Pony (Moose Genetic)


Gender: Male


Age: 20



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Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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Type: Pegasus
Gender: Female

Appearance:dark blue coat with short blue hair that changes with her mood to white and teal changling eyes.
Cutie Mark: three jagged lightning rods that have smaller jagged prodding rods.
Hobbies: creating rain, lightning and thunder storms in the sky to what she feels is needed or desired by those below
Additional Details: she was abandoned at a young age and never trusted again she went into a foster home at 8.  At 9 she earned her cutie mark during a full moon when one night, her foster parents beat her. she ran out side and in her rage built up a storm cloud that covered the full moon. when she tried to calm down, so did the storm. marred  in hatred by betrayal; loss and lonliness she hid up in her storm cloud  when she felt threatened storm clouds where her cover.


being a pony with this type of power made fang have to learn to control herself in order to ensure the safty of others around her.

her age is unkniown



Edited by TheStormRider


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Name: JellyBean

Age: Teen (about 19)

Gender: Female

Species: Unicorn

Appearance: Yellow coat, white mane with yellow highlights, and white hooves. Hazel coloured eyes, and a big smile

Cutie Mark: An orange sun peeking out behind a white cloud, to symbolise the sunshine she brings to ponies

Personality: A very happy pony who loves to make new friends... She lacks confidence especially when it comes to using her magic, but she's always willing to work on it. She can get overexcited at times which some may find annoying, but she's got a heart of gold and is truly loyal to those fortunate enough to gain her friendship.

Backstory: Born in Trottingham, to Cloud Counter, a Pegasus stallion with a passion for numbers, and Rosy Dawn, an artistic unicorn mare of a kind and caring nature, was JellyBean, so called because she would bound about as a foal, her legs wobbly like jelly but always full of beans. From a very young age, she found she loved to make people smile, being kind came naturally to her and he smile was contagious. Being a unicorn, she had a lot of pressure in school to do well magically, with emphasis on basic unicorn magic skills, like telekinesis, as well as a broad scope of other skills to help the unicorns discover themselves. Whilst Jelly excelled in telekinesis, and to an extent minor levitation, albeit only for a few seconds at a time, she struggled to find a magic that was true to her gifting, and so, she was late to receive her cutie mark, meaning she was left with few friends in school and feeling lonely. This was when JellyBean fell into her darkest point in life. Still without a cutie mark and Feeling ridiculed in Trottingham, she left home and travelled all the way to Canterlot, where she believed she could start again. She made a home for herself on the outskirts of the city, working as a waitress in a cafe. It was here she met Crystal Chronos. He was the time keeping pony who made sure the clocks in Canterlot were always keeping the right time, maintaining and cleaning them, ensuring they looked their best. Crystal Chronos was a sad pony. Even doing the thing he loved most, repairing old clocks, he never smiled. JellyBean noticed this, and deep down she felt drawn to befriend this lonely stallion. Every day when he would trudge in, his head low and his eyes sad, JellyBean would trot over to his table with a warm smile and greet him with whatever time of day it was. She would ask him nicely if he wanted to order, and ensure that she was the one to serve him each day. She would try to strike up a conversation with the almost always silent stallion, often talking about the weather or some other trivial subject. However as time went on, she seemed to be getting nowhere. Then she had an idea. On her day off, she went to the cafe, sat down on the table next to Crystal's and waited for him to come in. Sure enough he came, and after he had sat down, she trotted over and asked if she could join him. He nodded, and she sat opposite him, giving him a warm smile. They ordered and for a while, they sat in silence, until JellyBean pulled out an old watch which she had bought from an antique store down the road. Crystal Chronos' eyes widened and his mouth hung open. She asked him if he would be so kind as to have a look and see why it wasn't keeping time like it should. In delight, he used his horn, for he was a unicorn, to bring the watch closer. He inspected the inner workings carefully, silently. After a few minutes, he placed the watch down on the table and began his explanation. He looked up to see Jelly sitting across from him, listening intently and genuinely seeming interested. He'd never met anyone interested in his work before, so he asked her about her interest. Jelly could have lied and said she was a clock collector, or that she was fascinated with cogs. But she decided truth was best, and told him all about how she'd noticed him, and how lonely he seemed, and all about how she wanted to befriend him. Then there was silence, as her words sunk in. Then, like a sunbeam breaking through the clouds, Crystal Chronos smiled. Only a little at first but his smile grew. He had never had a friend before. As he smiled, there was a flash, and a cutie mark appeared on JellyBean's flank. Like the smile of her new friend, it was a sun, peeking out from a cloud, to symbolise the joy she brought to an otherwise gloomy life. JellyBean left her job at the cafe, determined to spread cheer. She opened up a confectioner shop, where she sold all kinds of sweets, including her own favourite, Jelly Beans! She had a special ingredient, one which no pony knows. And for some reason when ponies eat one of her sweets, they can't help but smile and feel a little happier.

Edited by JellyBean


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Age: Early twenties

Gender: Female

Species: Pegasus 

Mane: Medium length and slightly wavy. Light aquamarine with a few small streaks of medium purple.

Tail: Long and slightly wavy. Light aquamarine with two thinner streaks of medium purple.
Eyes:Light Aquamarine
Body: Pale lavender, slightly taller than your average pony.

Cutie Mark: A dark purple quill in the process of drawing a pink heart. Heart is three quarters completed.




Aqua Mareine is a very kind and soft spoken pony. She's is very dreamy, and a bit eccentric due to her limited socialization with other ponies. She loves books and cloud watching, and simply cannot understand ponies who move at a faster pace. Aqua is the kind of pony to stop and smell the roses, and then spend the next two hours talking about how wonderful the roses were.




Aqua was born in Cloudsdale, but at a very young age Aqua and her parents moved to Baltimare to get away from the competitive spirit of the bustling city. Her parents were both artists and preferred a more relaxed atmosphere to feed their creativity. They all lived happily in a cottage by the sea, with few visitors, but they were content with each other's company. Aqua thought she was probably the happiest pony in the world, until one day her parents decided to go on a romantic sailing trip from which they didn't return.

Aqua didn't really know anyone else, and her other family was estranged from her, because of her parents unconventional lifestyle. So Aqua spent the next couple of years alone, a lot of her time spent at HorseShoe Bay, staring out to sea and writing romantic love stories about her parents and their imagined adventures.

One day, after finishing her first true romantic novel, her cutie mark appeared. A quill drawing a heart. She has finally come to the conclusion her parents are not coming home, and has decided she cannot be alone any longer, and she needs to find a new town in which to start her own life.


 First oc ever, hope you like it!

Edited by AquaMareine
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A thread by AB the Ancient Pony, back from the beginnings of the site! Oh, what an enjoyable relic :umad:
I never use my OC much for anything, sadly, although I know I should. I had a few week span where I finally got the motivation to create a character, got his entire profile sorted out and got a few commissioned art pieces of him, then sort of set him aside. Oh well, I'm sure I'll use him more when the opportunities present themselves.
Name: Repulse Magnet
Type: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Appearance: Repulse is a pony with a color scheme that is almost exclusively shades of blue. His coat is a diluted shade, whilst his mane is a far deeper shade. The ends of his mane and the streaks of his tail contain a lighter sky blue color, and the irises of his eyes are a perfect solid blue. He's a stallion with an average body build, a shortish multi-striped tail and a short, sectioned-off haircut, being slightly longer in the back than his bangs in the front.
Cutie Mark: Repulse's cutie mark reflects the planet Equestria is located on, as it features the very pull of gravity that influences ponies every day. The planet is wrapped in a circle at the center of four arrows; a symbol reminiscent of the 'Center of Gravity', a scientific concept for locating the center of an object's weight distribution.
Hobbies:  He enjoys math and science, with physics being his favorite subject, as it correlates with his talent.
Additional Details (Magical affiliation & talent): While lacking in most magic departments, Repulse's talent revolves around gravity magic, making him a natural master at it. Using this affinity for manipulating gravity, Repulse can repel or attract almost any object away from or to himself. He is also capable of turning gravity 'off' in about a one-hundred foot radius or so for ten to twenty seconds, or turning the gravity off on specific objects for a far longer duration. He's been known to use the later power to create floating nap platforms out of rock or brush, much akin to how pegasi sleep on clouds.
Full Profile: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/repulse-magnet-r3816


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