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Something that you regret from your childhood


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So what is something that you wish so bad that you had never ever ever done and wish that you could go back in time and change it . It would make it awesome if you say funny stuff

My regret

Once when I was younger, I went to the bathroom and accidentally left my skirt tucked into my undies at the back :I was walking to school and I had my dress tucked into my pants and I didn't realise. II walked right through school and heaps of people saw :( lol


Share any funny/embarrassing/sad stories you feel the need to share.

  • Brohoof 1
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I regret so many things I've done as a kid. Things that make me guilty today. Even though I tell myself "I was just a kid. I didn't know any better." I don't even really want to say any of them, but I'll tell you all one story. I almost stole something as a kid. I was at a gas station "Mom, can I have a caramilk(Canadian chocolate bar)?" "No." "But-" I got angry pocketed one and they somehow knew. They didn't have cameras then. I had to say sorry and give it back. I don't enjoy going into that memory.

  • Brohoof 1

Half insane! Half jokester! All brony!

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Darn, that was embarrasing :/ hope your brain deletes that memmory someday :) Of course, if you like to xD


Weeeeeeeeeell... I only regret not doing some things! Like having more fun with my childhood friends instead of studying that much on primary school and worrying about adults saying anything to me


I once was playing with my bro, running around in Sam's club, and suddenly I crashed on something... and then I realized that it actually was someone... a pregnant woman... the she slaps me and says "you idiot!" ... in the moment I felt sooooooooo bad! Just ran away and wanted to cry so much! Darn it, but now I remember that and I laugh, that was horrible though, hope nothing happened to the baby.

When I was in 7th grade, I was about to tell to a teacher that I loved her... hell, that'd be embarrasing as hell xD


If I remember more stuff I'll post it for sure :D

  • Brohoof 2


Eeyup... this signature was made by: @Sparkle Speed

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I regret not doing anything in my childhood. I just sat around and played video games all day. Now, when I look around, I see others with talents in drawing, programming, designing, metalworking, woodworking, science, the list can go on...


The point is, if I could go back and change my childhood so I actually learnt to do something and do that something really well, I would do so in a heart beat.

  • Brohoof 4
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Well, when I was younger, during school, I was swinging on the swingset and some kid wanted to have a turn. So, I thought, "Okay, why not?" And I regret attempting to give it back, why? Because I accidentally slipped and fell knee first onto the rough ground. Still doesn't sound bad? Well, as it turns out, my knee started bursting out blood and I got blood everywhere. >.> 


Oh, and there was this one time when I was in gym class in the 6th grade and this girl embarrassed me and called me a "fuckin' bitch". And yeah, if I could go back in time and knock her teeth out...I'd be happy. 


Oh and one time in the third grade I think, I accidentally called my teacher "mom", and yeah, I regret it...embarrassing. 


Oh, and I regret selling things that I lost interest in. For example, I lost interest in Pokemon when I was younger, so I sold everything Pokemon-related that I owned. When I got back into Pokemon...I wasn't happy by my past decisions.


At this point in time, I can safely say that I despise past me. 

Edited by WheatleyCore
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Due in large part to many events in my childhood, my mind has become pretty damn good at blocking memories. Consequently, though I know I did many a regretful thing in my youth, I do not, nor do I wish to, remember any of them.


However, I do wish I hadn't been so anti-social; maybe that's just how I've always been meant to be, but it couldn't have been that hard to have given it a shot...

  • Brohoof 1


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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I regret not doing anything in my childhood. I just sat around and played video games all day. Now, when I look around, I see others with talents in drawing, programming, designing, metalworking, woodworking, science, the list can go on...


The point is, if I could go back and change my childhood so I actually learnt to do something and do that something really well, I would do so in a heart beat.


This. All of my This. While I don't regret it per se, I have had some fun experiences with games but if i'd known at the time how little it would help me later in life I have been much more social and learnt a skill or hobby i could make a living from perhaps.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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I wish I sent a letter to Mr Rogers when I was a kid. I had no idea that Fred actually read all his fan mail, the only experience I had sending a letter before that was to the prime minister's office. The response was from a clerk, so I thought all important people did that.


As for a regret for something I did rather than didn't do, I suppose that would have to be supporting my parents in the idea of switching high schools. I was pretty good socially until that point, heck, I was a real community person at my old school. I knew everyone and everyone knew me. That last school broke me a fair bit, apathetic teachers, backstabbing peers... Those were arguably the worst 3 years of my life.

Edited by Celtore
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Everyone has regrets and everyone will wish they did something else throughout every period of their life. That's just how life works.


As for me... I dunno I wish I actually did better in school. I mean, middle school and up I was at the lowest of my class in everything to the point where the school labled me as disabled and put me into special education for some stupid reason. If I actually bothered doing the work that was given to me, though, I would have been a straight A student as I was in college where I would have been on the dean's list assuming I could pay off some of my classes. Plus, special education was a drag and even though I'm not disabled at all I could tell that most kids in there were completely capable of the work but the teachers in there were doing it all wrong.


I also regret breaking the law, doing drugs, and all that fun stuff. This one I don't think I need to explain much about.


Oooh oooh, and when I was even younger I regret buying certain video games over others. Like, seriously I once spent my allowance on Pokemon Stadium 2 WITHOUT THE TRANSFERPAK OR A GAMEBOY IN GENERAL instead of Phantasy Star IV which is one of my favorite games ever. I also regret telling my parents I had a copy of Conker's Bad Fur Day as they did not approve and destroyed the cartridge in front of my very eyes.

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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Oh jeez where do I begin?


I remember in 6th grade I spanked a girls ass in the cafeteria cause I didn't like her. I know that sounds kinda weird but my hormones weren't developed by that time and I almost got suspended.


Back in elementary school I was on a baseball team for little league. I remember we got finished with practice and I wanted to show of this kid how good of a slugger I was. I go to swing and I miss the ball and hit the kid across the face. He was crying and started bleeding. I remember seeing the adults and the other kids huddling around him. I ran and hid from plain sight. Been regretting it ever since.


I know there is more but these are the two that stick out to me the most right now.

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-I once spanked the butt of a cousing, let's say that he didn't appreciated it very much. My dad's fault, he used to playfully do that to me, and I though that was normal. I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THAT HOMOSEXUALITY WAS REAL.

-I once said "ass" in front of other people and my mom scolded me. Yeah mom, if you and the rest of the family could have told me before hand to teach me to call that part of the body "butt", instead of "ass", that would be great.

-I once found two cats protecting something and I was curious, Then I proceeded to scare them and see what it was. Once I saw it, I immediately grabbed it, only realizing that it was a newly-born kitten. I don't know what happened to me then, but I got that desire of cruelty once I saw it in my hands. I holded it real hard, wet it, hold it hard again, and finally, I thrown it at the wall, all in front of it's helpless mom and I presume, it's grandma. Worst of all, I got away with it, it was the cats, and me, no one withnessed that horrible act of mine, and I now wish that I was at least scolded for that. Did the kitten survived? I don't know, never saw it again nor it's mother nor grandmother. They could have moved to another shelter, but the kitten survival to it will be a mystery for the rest of my life, and my cruelty back then will haunt me for the rest of my life, and that ladies and gentlements, it's my biggest regret of my childhood and one of the biggest of my entire life

  • Brohoof 3


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The thing that I regret from my childhood was, I was always secluded in my room playing the video games sometimes and not only that but I was shy when it came to making friends and people always picked on me.



And something that I really regret doing and hated myself for is that in 7th grade there was this kid that got bullied on a daily basis and he tried sitting at a table that I was sitting at but the other people weren't letting him and they kept pushing him off and I joined in on it.


I hate bullying. So for me to have actually done some bullying myself makes me feel terrible.

  • Brohoof 1


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This. All of my This. While I don't regret it per se, I have had some fun experiences with games but if i'd known at the time how little it would help me later in life I have been much more social and learnt a skill or hobby i could make a living from perhaps.

Ah, I do, however, have a backup plan. as I have already wasted about 14 years of my 16 year life playing video games, I would like to assume that I have a pretty good grasp at how games do/don't work. I hope to be able to create my own video games by taking elements from games I like and elements a vast majority of others liked and trying to combine them in a new way so that they get the best out of the game and I just realised how congested that sounds. Why am I so useless at writing my thoughts on the internet? Maybe I shouldn't have been playing those video games....tongue.png

  • Brohoof 1
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I could go on a field day with this.


One thing I really regret is going on that one field trip back in eighth grade. I had no friends and everyone else had somebody to hang out with. I had nobody... Entire day ruined. I should have just stayed back and did all that bookwork the people who couldn't go had to do. It would have been better.

  • Brohoof 1



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Oh boy...if there's one thing I regret more than anything, it was when I was doing a presentation for the SPCA for class one time...and I had the audacity to make a joke about euthanization. I thought it would have been funny at the time, how completely stupid was I?! However, that wasn't the worst part of it if you can believe that. The worst part was that, at the time, there was a girl in my class who had recently had to have her pet euthanized, so when I made such an insensitive remark, it caused her to literally run from the room in tears. I felt like the world's biggest jerk afterwards and I'm still kicking myself about it to this day.   

MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider Nut
Now, count up your sins!
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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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I actually regret many things from my childhood. Mostly concerning my father.


(French speaker here, awful English mistakes are coming)


I used to go to his house one week end to two. He was usually trying not to drink too much when I was around, but one day, I guess he could not resist... So he entered in my bedroom, half drunk, and asked me whether I wanted him to hit his girlfriend Joëlle or me. My grand mother had warned me about him becoming violent and all, so I believed him. I thought he was really going to do it.


So I first asked him why he wanted to hit someone. He said that he was very angry and that he just needed to hit on something, but that as my father, he left me the choice. So, after a short reflection, I told him to hit Joëlle rather than me.


Than he began to shout at me, saying that I was an evil little girl, that I was ready so let people suffer in order to stay secure. So I began to fell very guilty about Joëlle. Even now, when I think of it, I feel guilty and afraid, because I don't now how I would react if such a situation arose again. I know I was young and all, but still.



I also regret another story. I was to preschool and there was this little boy I really hated - I don't even remember why we hated each other that much . So one day, I decided to get him punished. I bumped a rock against my own leg several times, until I bleed. Then I showed the injury to my teacher, saying that it was him who hurted me. And he got punished. At the time I felt victorious, but when I think about it now I feel like a bad, decietful girl. 

Edited by Zreyta
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When I was 4 years old, I accidentally hit my best friend at the time in the nose so he started bleeding the last time we played together before me and my family moved. I can still remember the look on his face... looking so shocked and angry, like I had stabbed him in the back by hurting him... I wish I had never flailed my arms so carelessly.

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I regret nothing. 


Every mile is a mile under your belt even if you miss a shift. But I bet you'll learn from it and try not to shift so fast in the first place, which causes you to blow your engine or transmission.


What does this really short and stupid car analogy even mean? Well simple. Even if you did screw up or do something you regret, looking back you learn from it, right? Such a simple lesson yet people over-look it just like that.


The point is folks, you can run as fast as you want on the highway of life, but sometimes if you go too fast and you aren't familiar with the roads, you can miss your turn and end up in a really sketchy gas-station on the wrong side of town with your windows up and a empty fuel tank.

Just take her slow, and take in what is around you and you'll never have to regret anything. But even if you do, you'll remember to shift nice and smooth instead of jamming gears in order to be faster than that minivan in front of ya.


So what have we learned this time? 

Semi-tractor-trailer-trucks have many gears for a reason. They don't need to go fast to deliver the load as long as long as it's done right. She'll get there when she's supposed to.

The only ones in a hurry are the one that are late to begin with, eh squiddy? 


Oh, and never forget to change and flush your blinker fluid. That shit will fuck up your current shit, bro. Fo-rizzles.

Edited by Emperor Kuzco


Chevette x Chevelle ~ OTP

"Happiness is a quarter of a million Chevettes"



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So what is something that you wish so bad that you had never ever ever done and wish that you could go back in time and change it . It would make it awesome if you say funny stuff

My regret

Once when I was younger, I went to the bathroom and accidentally left my skirt tucked into my undies at the back :I was walking to school and I had my dress tucked into my pants and I didn't realise. II walked right through school and heaps of people saw sad.png lol


Share any funny/embarrassing/sad stories you feel the need to share.

Call me ignorant, but i'm not totally sure i understand the outcome of the story, did you like fold your dress up? or like people saw your underpants? I'm kinda confused ;p.


Oh well, i'm just being ignorant, and being a guy doesn't help things ;p.


Anyways, um. well i kinda regret being homeschooled, even if i'm only 16 and technically depending i am a child in some classifications.


But my entire life i was homeschooled, up until 8th grade year, i was pretty socially behind and inexperienced by then, i have adjusted mostly, but still. Plus i like public school better overall, especially for band.


Although i guess if i wasn't who knows how things would've went.


So maybe i'm fine with it.


There was also the speech class i took, which i ended up leaving the room crying. I shouldn't have even gone but my parents made me.


If it counts, there is a girl in my class who i eventuelly developed a crush on, and i was talking about my crappy english skills(Which do exist btw, for a native english speaker i'm bad.) and eventuelly asked me if a was Dyslexic, i was told by my parents earlier in the year i was for whatever reason, but wasn't totally sure, i told her i was anyways. Even if i was unsure, which she was as well.


And now well, i don't think i can tell her, i'd feel like a liar, i found out later i wasn't(Technically my parents lied to me :/.) but yeah, i wish i hadn't said anything frankly.


I guess thats about it for now.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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On December 2nd 2003, I was six and I was at a babysitters. We were blowing bubbles outside when she had to go inside to pay a refrigerator repair man. I was by a fence gate that kept their dog away from the children. I blew some bubbles at the dog and it came over to me. I let it sniff my hand first then I stuck my right cheek through a gap in the fence. The dog took three bites out of my cheek.


Long story short, I began suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and had to go to counseling for nine months. Of which I haven't been the same person since.

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I have some. 


So, one of the situations I regret the most. (Young)

I was playing baseball, of course, little league. And the other team was cheating, as a young kid as myself, I called them out. Not much. But when I went up to bat, that pitcher already slugged two people in a row, I got up to bat. Of course, I get hit, in the neck area. Instead of running to first, I yelled: ARE YOU F**KING KIDDING ME, of course, in deep pain.

Well, turns out that I got thrown out, and felt very bad because there were many very young children around.



Another one: (About 5th Grade) 


On the "kick-ball" court, some kids were picking another student. Of course, I get up and say something to the bully.

Well, he sure didn't handle it well. He hit me in the face. Hard. I fell back against the chain fence in pain. But, when falling I fractured my wrist. I'm not sure what punishment that kid got. It was a few days from summer. I came back when it was the last day, he wasn't there, but still. I moved after that. I'm not sure if he was expelled or long-term suspended. 


But hey, on the bright side, nowadays I can do weird stuff with that wrist. Make a few squeamish people freak out. yay.png

I win the contest of worst signature.

Good game, all.

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When I was little my grandmother bought me a lego set for Christmas; a little lego guy riding some kind of space scooter, if I recall correctly. Anyway, it turns out my mother had given me the exact same set that very morning, and being young and stupid, I took this to mean that Santa Claus had made a mistake and given me the same gift twice.


I complained. Loudly. "How could Santa be so stupid?" I said, right in front of my grandma. My mother scolded me and told me to be thankful, but I wouldn't have it...


My grandma died later on and I learned that Santa never existed. Needless to say, this knowledge made me feel like an irredeemable asshole.


I'm not necessarily sure I regret this, as I no doubt learned something from the experience, but sometimes I think back and I still feel bad about it.

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