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technology Thoughts on Google+?

Revy ~ Two Hands

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So, I take it by the assumed tone of voice in your post that you do not in fact want to add me to one of your circles, or be in a hangout?


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Does anyone know of any other decent video sites that they'd be willing to go to to get a large proportion of their content? ie, Vimeo, DailyMotion, whatever else still exists.


If not, then Google has nothing to lose by any of their moves. It's sad but more or less the truth.

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Does anyone know of any other decent video sites that they'd be willing to go to to get a large proportion of their content? ie, Vimeo, DailyMotion, whatever else still exists.


If not, then Google has nothing to lose by any of their moves. It's sad but more or less the truth.

Daily motion is the best choice in my opinion if everyones start boycotting

wenoo is good for the feeling of the old old youtube

theirs also metacafe



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Google Plus is what made YouTube more of an abomination than a browser. To be honest, YouTube never even bothered listening to the complaints, as well as Google Plus, and YouTube is like "Nope, we don't care about your complains on how complicated Google Plus is, we're putting it anyway because we need the monies and not the fans like yourselves. Deal with it.". I could only imagine if there's another site similar to YouTube that isn't oh-so complicated to use and such...

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Meh, Google+ hasn't really bothered me that often. I never comment on videos in the first place (not even my own) but the lack of a character limit on the youtube comments was a really poor choice. I could see a bigger character limit but unlimited? No way, I've seen entire chapters of books being posted on random videos just to show how ridiculous it is. I also don't really like having to use my full name either but it's already on Facebook and such so that doesn't annoy me either. I do, however, own a Google+ from a while back so I already have it set up and working fine. I can easily see how it's pissing other people off, but it's not really annoying me in any way.

  • Brohoof 1


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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I have to say though, despite all their shortcomings and raping of youtube they hit the jackpot with google hangouts. I was anti google+ until I realized that I could talk to all my friends on there without paying for Skype or killing the speed on my computer.

  • Brohoof 2

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I made a Wenoo account, but I haven't uploaded any videos as yet. I can't really take it seriously because the aesthetics are hopelessly outdated (obviously borrowed off the 2009 YouTube). The video player there is pretty primitive even if it does get the job done. Even the copyright date is wrong.


I would personally suggest Dailymotion, as they permit more types of content than either YouTube or Vimeo. The interface there is also very, very nice; you have access to a complete list of all the comments you have ever made, which is something very few services have. The only issues are you can't reply to comments, and the channel isn't very customizable. I have sent some feedback on this, and regardless its still an extremely viable alternative, especially with the YT community heading straight down the gutter.


The Classic Game Room show is setting an example that all other partner channels should follow: they post their videos on Dailymotion as well as YouTube. If all partners did this we could well and truly see a massive movement away from YouTube.

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The thing I think I find stupidest about this is that Google seriously believes that getting rid of Anonymity (they've been crusading for this for a long time) will make people act nice. Bullshit. Just take a look at Facebook, to a certain extent the comments there are WORSE than Youtube.


I love being anonymous on the internet. I love being able to post and express love for things I'd feel embarrassed about doing if everyone knew. I wouldn't be a Brony if it wasn't for anonymity. Yes, anonymity can bring out the worst in some people. But it can bring out the best in others. Respect people's choice and leave them the fuck alone Google.


It's bad enough we have celebrities who are calling for an end to internet anonymity, just because their sheltered, spoilt children don't know how to use the fucking block button.


I'm reminded of a phrase I heard someone say, recently: "Laws only stop the honest people." While this isn't a law, I feel that this is kind of a similar thing. People are going to do bad things regardless of the rules surrounding them because they're the ones who don't care about the rules. Honest people, however, want to abide by the rules, so all rules like this do is keep the good people from doing whatever while the bad users still get to do whatever they want. In essence, trolls will still troll, spammers will still spam, idiots will be idiots, but everyone who was never doing that is now subjected to stupid rules which didn't need to apply to them in the first place. I don't understand where this idea of anonymity came from. Judging from the comments and behaviours of places that have done this *cough*facebook*cough**hem* it doesn't make people's behavior better. Yeah, maybe some people are kept in line by this, but most people either don't care and will just continue on as they were or it stops people from really speaking their mind.
I'll point out that you can still keep your username and not have to use your real name (and even if you do, Google's not stupid like Facebook in that they don't reject a name you put in.) So while they're trying to push for this, it's really not a huge problem for the time being.
  • Brohoof 4

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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Am I really the only one who can't bother to give a flying fuck? To be honest, I have no problems with Google+. It hasn't affected me from commenting on YouTube videos, and the thread idea is kinda cool as well. Maybe I'm not as affected by Google+ because I created my YouTube account with one but still, it doesn't even take a minute to sign up. It's not like it's forcing you to use Google+ anyway, so what's with all the hate?


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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Am I really the only one who can't bother to give a flying fuck? To be honest, I have no problems with Google+. It hasn't affected me from commenting on YouTube videos, and the thread idea is kinda cool as well. Maybe I'm not as affected by Google+ because I created my YouTube account with one but still, it doesn't even take a minute to sign up. It's not like it's forcing you to use Google+ anyway, so what's with all the hate?

the problem i have is the unlimited character comments and links, so you will seeing alot of ascii spam,screamers,and pages from various books.

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Am I really the only one who can't bother to give a flying fuck? To be honest, I have no problems with Google+. It hasn't affected me from commenting on YouTube videos, and the thread idea is kinda cool as well. Maybe I'm not as affected by Google+ because I created my YouTube account with one but still, it doesn't even take a minute to sign up. It's not like it's forcing you to use Google+ anyway, so what's with all the hate?

It's mostly privacy issues. Google+ has created another window for Google to collect information about you, which will be sold on to advertisers. The new comment system makes this very difficult because everyone's list is now personalized, and you can no longer be as anonymous as you were before.


There's also usability issues and bugs. Remember the YouTube inbox? That has been replaced by a bell. I mean, seriously. You also can no longer reply to comments more than a week old or attain a consistent presence in the rating system. An unlimited character and hyperlink allowance will make spam more rife as people now have enough space for full-blown ASCII graphics, and viruses.


There is no way you can dismiss this change as a mere coincidence, not even the slightest. As Jonathan Paula (of Jogwheel Production) said, this is a situation where Google takes 1 step forward and 5 steps back. Sure, you might like the new comment threads, but your dismissing the bigger picture which is diabolically awful.

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Yeah, Google is turning Youtube upside down at this point. Even the apps are not free from these disastrous decisions. I am actually not surprised though. I have noticed that app designers and other companies have a tendency to somehow make their product worse through updates. Am I not mistaken, but isn't an update supposed to IMPROVE something? Well, many people don't get that apparently, Google especially.

Edited by Kyoshi
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Google:"if it ain't broke,break it"

i really wished google didn't bought youtube,it would have been a better website without them.

It's really pathetic how Google are forcing G+ on YouTube. Every option l have now has a pre-empted tick on sharing everything to G+ like l should give a shit about that website. The whole G+ account thing is such a joke.
They're trying to make youtube a crappy social media knockoff website, is what they're trying to do. It's painfully obvious.
Edited by chaotic567
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My dislike is still at an all time high.

Loosing all my subscriptions is the final straw






Google you know what I have to say to you?

Supprise Muthafu**






  • Brohoof 2

In life when you are given gratitude.

Be accepting and thankful of it.

Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others...

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It's mostly privacy issues. Google+ has created another window for Google to collect information about you, which will be sold on to advertisers. The new comment system makes this very difficult because everyone's list is now personalized, and you can no longer be as anonymous as you were before.


There's also usability issues and bugs. Remember the YouTube inbox? That has been replaced by a bell. I mean, seriously. You also can no longer reply to comments more than a week old or attain a consistent presence in the rating system. An unlimited character and hyperlink allowance will make spam more rife as people now have enough space for full-blown ASCII graphics, and viruses.


There is no way you can dismiss this change as a mere coincidence, not even the slightest. As Jonathan Paula (of Jogwheel Production) said, this is a situation where Google takes 1 step forward and 5 steps back. Sure, you might like the new comment threads, but your dismissing the bigger picture which is diabolically awful.

There are people with outrageous names for example Hitler, which is obviously dead. You can also use your old username on YouTube without having to show everyone the name you signed up with Google+.


I think the YouTube inbox is now fucked and a lot of other things too but can't you avoid clicking the links? At least the spam is expandable/collapsible.



Found this video hilarious, especially the comments.

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  • Brohoof 2


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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So much venting and rage. I love it!laugh.png 


Honestly, Google Plus no longer serves me a purpose in its existence, and it's been nothing but a freakin nuisance to me for the past several months. It's completely taking over YouTube, and it's been wreaking havoc on all the popular video's comment sections. You think anyone wants to see countless amounts of spam and dicks? 


The new commenting system is just nothing more than over-glorified, social media-inspired, unnecessary chaos. 


I don't see what Google Plus is aiming for by doing all this? There's really no point. It's unfair to so many users who were just fine keeping their default usernames, and many who were just comfortable with YouTube's simple layouts. 




The new comment system makes this very difficult because everyone's list is now personalized, and you can no longer be as anonymous as you were before. There's also usability issues and bugs. Remember the YouTube inbox? That has been replaced by a bell. I mean, seriously. You also can no longer reply to comments more than a week old or attain a consistent presence in the rating system. An unlimited character and hyperlink allowance will make spam more rife as people now have enough space for full-blown ASCII graphics, and viruses.


^This. Especially in regards to the lack of anonymity we used to have. The fact that your personal and mostly likely unsolicited Google Plus profile is directly linked to the activity you have on YouTube, you have to consider the security issues and the lesser comfortable the users will be in roaming the site. You'd be much easier to track down on many of your other possible accounts throughout the web as well with your name and everything all exposed.


And all I can say for the second bold point, is that it seems like this new comment system will be the ultimate downfall of YouTube...



I really miss the old YouTube. When everything was so much fun and easier to use. :(


And now seeing how Google Plus and YouTube are becoming one.



Well my venting's over. Let us all just hope for the best. :/

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I'll point out that you can still keep your username and not have to use your real name (and even if you do, Google's not stupid like Facebook in that they don't reject a name you put in.) So while they're trying to push for this, it's really not a huge problem for the time being.


I know they're not forcing it, but they ask about it so often without the option to stop the messages. I'm afraid that one day it'll ask me and I'll slip up, and then my real name will be out there on YouTube, which is seriously something I do not want.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

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As if Google+ wasn't already terrible before. I had an account with Youtube way before it was merged with Google, only to find that I needed to make my youtube account a google+ account as well just to know what my favorite utubers were up to. I did NOT like that. Part of me is thinking of quitting google+ due to all of these privacy scares but I would very much regret doing so because I still like youtube.

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As much as i'm gonna regret sayin' this, I might as well. We can jump and yell and scream all we want about the hatred for what they did, and even boycott to another video hosting website, but it won't do us much good. Google ain't gonna listen to us minors. I doubt they will listen to the little people, the ones who just go there to watch 1 or 2 videos. The only people they will start takin' notice of is from the big names in the Youtube world. It probably don't matter to them how many of us leave, but if the big names like Pewdiepie, TotalBiscuit, and other big names, they might start noticing.


Plus it won't be that easy to get those big Youtuber's to leave. If they move, and don't start getting paid again from some other video hosting website, they'll probably go right back to Youtube where they are getting their income. I'd wish anyone luck who could actually convince the big Youtube "stars" to move somewhere else in order to boycott the changes Youtube and Google have made.


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As much as i'm gonna regret sayin' this, I might as well. We can jump and yell and scream all we want about the hatred for what they did, and even boycott to another video hosting website, but it won't do us much good. Google ain't gonna listen to us minors. I doubt they will listen to the little people, the ones who just go there to watch 1 or 2 videos. The only people they will start takin' notice of is from the big names in the Youtube world. It probably don't matter to them how many of us leave, but if the big names like Pewdiepie, TotalBiscuit, and other big names, they might start noticing.


Plus it won't be that easy to get those big Youtuber's to leave. If they move, and don't start getting paid again from some other video hosting website, they'll probably go right back to Youtube where they are getting their income. I'd wish anyone luck who could actually convince the big Youtube "stars" to move somewhere else in order to boycott the changes Youtube and Google have made.

Meanwhile i like express myself here, but is all in good sprite as along people keep them self civil. Is just good have some where late out this frustration, so don't end up doing something stupid like punching one's screen. Haha, seriously. Control your anger, our your anger will control you, hid my wisdom.

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Oh I know. It's mainly ever since this all started, I got to thinkin' that it's actually not so simple as everyone might believe it is. laugh.png  I mainly just thought i'd throw my point out there that I thought of. I don't want to come off like i'm blamin' everyone or upset.


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Oh I know. It's mainly ever since this all started, I got to thinkin' that it's actually not so simple as everyone might believe it is. laugh.png  I mainly just thought i'd throw my point out there that I thought of. I don't want to come off like i'm blamin' everyone or upset.

Don't worry abut it. There is wisdom within your word. And think people with calm mind releases it. But i can say, one can't help fell crewed over by google+. But say we could do something more creative with this dislike. However don't know what that can be besides making videos abut it.

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Well, it was supposed to help share what you do on Youtube, but honestly, copying and pasting the link doesn't require a Master's degree in computer programming. I'd prefer if Google would just give the option of changing the format back to what it was. Or even better, go back to when Youtube still did 5/5 stars... But like any design this one has its ups and downs, though I personally don't like it.

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