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What do you think about people introducing really negative or adult aspects


Adult themes in fan-made MLP works and discussions  

79 users have voted

  1. 1. Does it bother you when ponies take MLP into adult or uncomfortable situations?

    • Yes - Equestria should always be pure and innocent
    • No - It fleshes out the world
    • Kinda yes and kinda no
    • No opinion either way

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Clop & R34? Not a big deal, as long as the artists tag a warning that it's not for minors, and the action is kept consensual, I have no objections.


Gore is another, more complicated matter for me. If a horror film has survivors at the end, a well-written story and has at least one strong hero character, I can deal with it in moderate doses. Pixellated gore in FPSs never bothered me because in my time it was more low-rez and less realistic. But when it was brought into this medium, for some reason my mind just freaked and went "ACK! Hit BACK BOTON! BOTON IS SAFE! It's...strange. Nobody I've encountered yet seems to make pony horror fics or toons like that though, it's all "Let's maek teh Mane 6 psychos and kill all teh pwnyz, LOL! Butchershy, YAAAAY!" To them it's a form of comedy, and yes, I'll acknowledge their freedom covers their right to do this, but this isn't where I go when I want pony laughs. Give me Fluffle Puff or Ed+ in Equestria any day. In the words of Mark Mothersbaugh, "It's a beautiful world - for YOU, not me."


Thread necromancy? Totally. Love it. If humans in real life are going to demand I perform CPR on request and bring people back to life, even though it's not officially part of my profession, why not forum threads too? But that's a story for another day. *gallops off*

  • Brohoof 1
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It definitely depends.


If its violent or sexual for the sake of being violent or sexual, then not not so much.


But there are some violent fics out there, for example, that actually have a good setup, an actual story, quality writing, and explores various perspectives instead of focusing solely on murder. Cheerilee's Garden comes to mind.


Of course, this kind of stuff may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's not really anything new.


Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie.

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We should strive to maintain Equestria's purity. A big reason why I love Equestria so much is because its a better place, morally and culturally.


Now...with that being said, it should also be semi-realistic. Not so much that is mirrors our own blasted, war-torn, self-serving Earth, but as far as to challenge ponies with finding solutions to specific big-name issues.


Some of these issues that, in my opinion, are okay to bring up in the show are:


Death by natural causes, adoption, poverty, and bullying.


Of course others will disagree with this, and I can see why somepony would. Overall, you have to be super seriously careful when choosing and introducing adult themes.

  • Brohoof 1
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*to Sweetie Belle CMC*

One good Brohoof deserves another, sister. Yeah, I often fantasize about what Earth-Prime would be like if the Humans were less selfish and didn't have this need to control others. My priestess tells me that long ago, our planet was a lot like this. Homes were free but for the building and gathering of supplies, more people made and physically did things for a living, and there were more resources to go around. She said it could be like this again in the future, but the only thing now that could put the power back in the hands of the people is a Cataclysm. I just hope if I ever live through one of these it doesn't get 28-days-later kinda bad before it gets better, ya know?

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I'd have guessed that I wanted it to be a bit more lighthearted and to include relatable problems without delving into really difficult stuff...


But then I read the Friendship is magic #40 issue, and was totally impressed with how they dealt with young un-wed students trying to deal with a baby while handling their education.  It was extremely well done and has made me realize that I'm totally up for that sort of thing if it is handled so respectfully.  

Edited by weesh

Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies

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Well, in terms of sexual things, like clop, I really don't see how that's a "Negative". Sex isn't a bad thing, it can be when done irresponsibly without a thought of the consequences, but it's not a "Bad" thing. I don't see why everyone thinks it ruins the "Happy, optimistic" nature of the show, as if sex somehow corrupts everything. That said, it obviously shouldn't be a topic brought up in the show itself, since the show is supposed to be appropriate for all ages. But it's a fine thing to bring up in fanworks, whether for story reasons or just for "Fun".


 As for Gore and Violence, it has it's place. I can enjoy it at times and other times I can't. Just like with anything sexy it should be tagged and put into it's proper place, and as long as that rule is followed I have no issue with it, some people like that stuff, occasionally even I do.


 I personally enjoy some adult content from the fandom, I won't go shouting it from the rooftops for no reason, but I'll bring it up with no shame when it's relevant. At times it makes me feel a bit strange, with the way people use words like "Clopper" I feel as if I'm thought of as something separate entirely. I like the show for plenty of reasons, the colorful characters, catchy songs, good morals, smooth animation all appeal to me, and I love the show as it is, no desire to push anything "Adult" into the canon material. I just also like adult fanworks too sometimes... :rarity:

Twilight is best pony.


Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to?


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A lot of people have said this already, I imagine, but I would say it only would bother me when there's no reason for it. I like cartoons that take risks, that can treat kids with better respect and maturity than just "young people we can sell toys to".

If a cartoon touches on dark, taboo or "adult" issues to intellectually question the viewers, talk about topics that cartoons usually don't talk about (like death, bigotry or even sexuality) or push boundaries on what might be deemed acceptable for parents, and can have a well thought out, mature approach to this topic (and stay in the rhelms of common sense of childrens programming; a full blown sex or gore scene would obviously be going to far), I would say that it's okay.

The only time it would bother me would be if it's for some low-brow joke or exploitation. Just look at abysmal shows like "Sanjay and Craig" or "Breadwinners" (really almost any modern Nick cartoon) where the whole show really is just about exploiting toilet humor on children television because it's taboo and that gets more attention (whether positive or negative). 

So yeah, I can easily tolerate and even embrace aspects of any children-oriented cartoon that touches on adult aspects within the realm of common sense as long as there is a good purpose behind it.

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*to Sweetie Belle CMC*

One good Brohoof deserves another, sister. Yeah, I often fantasize about what Earth-Prime would be like if the Humans were less selfish and didn't have this need to control others. My priestess tells me that long ago, our planet was a lot like this. Homes were free but for the building and gathering of supplies, more people made and physically did things for a living, and there were more resources to go around. She said it could be like this again in the future, but the only thing now that could put the power back in the hands of the people is a Cataclysm. I just hope if I ever live through one of these it doesn't get 28-days-later kinda bad before it gets better, ya know?

I know what you mean. If feels like we get so caught up in mass consumerism and social media that we forget the times that led us to today-times that could very well make a comeback if a Cataclysm were to occur.


The way ponies operate in Equestria is so peaceful-a peacefulness we as human beings can only dream of achieving, given our self-centered nature. Sure we help one another out now and again, but we're a long way from Equestria.

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i would say No, because it broadens the world, BUT, its not so much that it becomes earth level cancer.

I inhale dank memes, and i intend to make a dank signature soon. I also have shyabetes btw. 

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I don't think we should


It'd be ruined, since its a childrens show and they'd obviously have to get away from that demographic.


Its sort of like how the big bang theory was. It was an enjoyable show for the first few seasons until they started talking about sex every episode. it doesn't work

  • Brohoof 2


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I don't like it and feel that if you're going to be making mature content of the show, then you need to set up your own space separately, away from search engines and such; it's a kids' show and kids search for it on the internet, and as older members of the community we need to make it a priority to make MLP a safe space for its target audience.


no rest for the wizardly.

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How much envelope-pushing freedom should be too much? Where do you draw the line, eventually? These are questions I have often pondered over the past few weeks. Back in the 90s when the Sailor Moon fandom was still new, I remember seeing my share of hentai from the fandom, but you never heard people even mention guro or torture/kill art, at least not on the forums I visited. I guess a far-off yet lingering concern of mine is, it looks like a gradual progression. Are we on our way to an internet reality like the one in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake? It's not that gnarly yet, but it may not be far off.


I just tell myself they're cartoon characters, they respawn after dying same as video game characters have countless times in countless realities. I do want to respect people's freedoms, and I want to believe most of this is done in jest.


Although, statistically...I know, somewhere...way off in a small sliver of that last 100th percentile...some of them probably AREN'T...


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I think it's fine, there's really good adult content in the fanbase and I love consuming at a certain point. Everyone should enjoy them at any way they'd like, and for every one, but they should keep it away from the intended demographic AT ALL COST..... oh, and the show itself too  :P


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Generally I like MLP light and fluffy, but I don't mind darker aspects to it. Something like Cupcakes is just poorly written crap, but Rainbow Factory might well be an urban legend in-universe. As for clop, I personally don't care much for it but if a fic is written well sexual content can work just fine.

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I fell in love with MLP because of it's themes with friendship and diplomatic problem solving so intense gore or violence in pony form really destroys the whole image and 'feel-goods' for me.


The sexual connotations disgust and infuriate me. This show was made for strong female leads to show girls that "being a girl isn't 'frilly pink silliness'" -Lauren Faust, The Elements of Harmony. The intention was to respect girls and their love of all things magical and friendly. The sexual connotations are disrespectful and once again reduce feminine characters to a way to serve others as objects. I'm glad I don't run into it here.


The themes being so light and not really "fleshed out" doesn't bother me. I notice it, and sometimes the lack of development breaks the fourth wall for me, but I think its suiting for children. I'm just not MLPs intended audience, I'm cool with that. I'm happy it's there for kids.

  • Brohoof 3


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I dont mind the Rule 34...well...at least im okay with half of the Rule 34 Stuff anyway.

I dont see any Problems with drawing the Characters more realistic.  :P


The Gore...i am a Pinkamena Fan, yes...but i actually dislike most Gore Things regarding Mlp. And i just dislike Gore in General.

So...im okay, with a few Adult Things, but not with all.


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I just hope we never get that one stupid teenage boy who watches Cupcakes one too many times and decides to go try it for real on somebody, then blames it on the fandom as a whole. It's happened to the Juggalos already; we need to make the non-Brony world aware that only a small percentage of the fandom is into that sort of thing. Most of us don't want to see more than punches, kicks, and energy/magic attacks as far as violence goes.

  • Brohoof 1
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For me, I don't mind once it isn't bloody or graphic (like Cupcakes or Sweet Apple Massacre). However I tolerate gore and violence because it exists in many other forms of writing done by some of the most popular authors out there. (And we never give a s*** about them :bedeyes: )  Sexual fanfics and art is fine once it's between ponies (male-female btw) and not anthro (because anthro borders on real legitimate porn). When you think of it, we know these characters are just reformed (physically) horses. So everyone flips their s*** at MLP characters drawn as having sex, yet no one gives a scrap about REAL horses mating. :okiedokieloki:  Still, I try to keep myself away from it to avoid addiction.


I will admit I have a bit of a soft vore fetish for MLP SFM (I had it when I was much younger, being fascinated with the way constricting snakes ate their prey lol ^_^  but it died off, and now is making a comeback for some reason). no hate please  :kindness:

Edited by Shabb3r

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  • 3 months later...

I honestly would like more adult themes to be explored not anything sexual or whatever just more adult themed content because to be honest the show in its current form is growing to be quite predictable to be honest


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In terms of the show itself, I would prefer it stay nice and innocent. That's part of it's appeal and anything too adult could easily put it on a slippery slide that inevitably leads to pushing the boundaries too much, and that could become too much of a gimmick. 

In general, I don't mind adult themes in their proper place. Fan fiction and art is the right place to keep the edgier stuff. Sex and violence can be an intriguing aspect to explore for those who want to get a fuller perspective on the private lives of ponies and their motivations. With fan works anything can be found to fit any area of interest, but let's keep the show pure and clean.  

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People can do what they please with ponies. It doesn't bother me one bit. I enjoy fanfics that enter adult territory (sexual and non-sexual). It can make the story better sometimes or can be horribly written. It is the price you pay. 


It is okay if you don't though. Everyone has their own preferences.


Normally there is a warning when it comes to R34 or fanfics so it is an enter at your own risk kind of deal.

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