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S04:E01+02 - Princess Twilight Sparkle

Yellow Diamond


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Tbh I thought this was obvious/implied. 

In your post it was not really obvious. I was also not implying that only shows for kids do this. I may have read your post wrong, don't know. Seemed like you were complaining about how season 2-3-4 premieres all re-introduced the characters and everything.

Edited by Emperor Posh


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Then being Season 1, episode 1, and now being Season 4, episode 1. Which in turn means that only one year has passed (or only one summer has passed) between Season 1 and Season 3 and the movie.
It's impossible.

First of all, as HandMan already pointed out, look at the sequence of celebrations.

And no, the timeline int's screwed up: i'm sure, if you try, you can find indications of that chronological order is right.

Second of all, we have had two Apple Family Reunions: one in the pilot episode (the fact was revealed in "Applejack Season", though), and second in the same named episode in 3d season.

Well, there is, of course, an issue with Aplle Family Reunions: it was sayd they happen every 100 moons! But who sayd a moon is a month and not a week, for example? I personally think son and moon in that world are two low-orbit artificial satellites. And 100 weeks make little less than two years.

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This was definaly one of the beter episode mainly becuse it from the normal way of saving the day to something more original like with the tree and we also had leaned more about the past of eqestria with twilights "Vizinons" so over all this is one of the best ones so far....

Remeber the box

from the end you dont know what is in and right i dont even think ther is enything in ther,im thinking that the prize will the lesonss they learn form finding a 6 keys you know

Edited by lawrence9021
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I really liked the episodes I think this was one I could honestly say I definitely was like really excited for what was happening and what would happen. Some of the action scenes like the with with celestia and luna were actually kinda cool.

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It's impossible.

First of all, as HandMan already pointed out, look at the sequence of celebrations.

And no, the timeline int's screwed up: i'm sure, if you try, you can find indications of that chronological order is right.

Second of all, we have had two Apple Family Reunions: one in the pilot episode (the fact was revealed in "Applejack Season", though), and second in the same named episode in 3d season.

Well, there is, of course, an issue with Aplle Family Reunions: it was sayd they happen every 100 moons! But who sayd a moon is a month and not a week, for example? I personally think son and moon in that world are two low-orbit artificial satellites. And 100 weeks make little less than two years.



Okay, he said this sequence of celebrations:

Winter Wrap Up ==> Fall Weather Friends ==> Hearth's Warming Eve ==> Hearts and Hooves Day ==> Games Ponies Play.


Now Winter Wrap Up happens in Winter, Fall Weather Friends does not, Hearth's Warming Eve happens in Winter too.

So unless the episodes were in a different order, then we had two separate winters.

But Celestia SAID it was just the first Summer Sun Celebration ago that Luna had returned. And since the last Summer Sun Celebration before Luna's return was, well, when Luna was still Nightmare Moon, that means the first episode of Season 1.

It's what Celestia said... she SAID it! So yes, now it just so happens that we had two winters, and all the other stuff (Nightmare Moon returns, Discord gets free again, The changelings attack and the Crystal Empire appears again, along with King Sombra) all in the span of just ONE year... man, that was one hell of a busy year...

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But Celestia SAID it was just the first Summer Sun Celebration ago that Luna had returned.
No, Her Highness never SAID that.

She SAID that the SSC used to be reninder of Nightmare Moon defeat. And now it's a celebration of royal sisters reunion.

It sounded as if it was the first such selebration, but it isn't necessery means there were no SSCs inbetween at all.

Thinking of Luna in "Luna Eclipsed" I easily suggest she simply didn't participate in any SSCs before recenty.

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Discord: Best thing. (I squee'd.)


Director Discord: Best thing.


Discord singing Winter Wrap Up: Best thing.


Luna transformation scene: Best thing.


Luna VS. Celestia scene: Best thing.


Discord flashback (finally explaining why he was frozen in such a goofy pose): Best thing.


Cool-looking magic tree: Best thing.


Kickass music accompanying Dashie's flying kicks and the ponies VS. evil plants: Best thing.



The antagonist being a non-sentient threat over a villain was different but interesting. Better than Sombra. The handling of the new princess is going well so far. Honestly, my only big complaint is that Discord's throne looks much too ordinary for him.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well... it seems like the sceptre has become.... a thing T_T

Celestia help us all, because this is gonna get weird.



  • Brohoof 3


Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! Signature thanks to Doc Volt.

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Well... it seems like the sceptre has become.... a thing T_T

Celestia help us all, because this is gonna get weird.



Hey!!! You forgot an image in your post!!!! This one is by far my favorite one.




And another!!!


Edited by Emperor Posh
  • Brohoof 1


Random white text!

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I loved loved LOVED the episode! And the flashbacks oooh yesss, I adored those! the fight between Ce-Ce and Lulu was epic! And then when Twi-Twi realized that it was a flashback was awesome too! And oh my gosh, Discord's seeds! Yesss so he wasn't that reformed just afraid of losing Fluttershy's friendship. 


The only thing that I didn't like was the villain. I mean it was a great plot. Like really really great but, I feel like there should have been something about Sombra in there. I mean he was the crappiest most underdeveloped villain in my opinion, and they just kicked his non existent story to the curb. 

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Awkward? Oh I get it, you must have just misspelt amazing. No one could possibly have a problem with the show looking like this. 

attachicon.gifdepth highlights.png

Using depth of field is a good way to shift the viewers focus to where the director wants it to be without having to cut to another angle. I respect your opinion though.

funny enough, I agree with him to an extent...it did look weird and a bit offsetting...almost "too digital" but if they can polish it up a bit more and even it out with the other animation then I'll be satisfied! (but PLEASE hasbro/dhx...get rid of those streamers!! Those terrible terrible bad graphics streamers!!! They look as stiff as steel drill bits from an industrial truck shop!)


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...Okay, the seed thing with Discord was unexpected. But it does lend something to my Discord-caused-Nightmare-Moon fanon.


I expected Sombra to pull a trick like that, actually, seeing how he did barely anything in his appearance...


Also, this:



Edited by Koelath
  • Brohoof 1
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Hey!!! You forgot an image in your post!!!! This one is by far my favorite one.




And another!!!



You know what this calls for, right sir?


New thread incoming.


edit: No wait, there is already funny pony pictures. curses.

Edited by Meirno
  • Brohoof 3


Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! Signature thanks to Doc Volt.

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Will there any Ursa (Major or Minor) in S4, also Dashie's friend? The griff? something like that (Obviously I got it wrong...I forgot her already...)? G.A.P Trixie?

Sorry if I have a bad grammar or something... KUbAnTY.png 

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For once I seem to fit in with the large majority of people when it comes to my opinion on the episodes. I was very impressed with this, honestly. My favorite part had to be seeing the old battle between Celestia and Nightmare Moon. I was sure there for a moment that vision was in the present.


The following is my full written review of the episode, which the original can be found here: http://sectussection.tumblr.com/post/67973173418/mlp-fim-episode-review-princess-twilight-sparkle


Overall, these two episodes really impressed me. Obvious major improvements appear to have been made in the show overall since the last season, and these improvements are exactly what have me pumped to get started reviewing episodes again. You’ll have to forgive the day late review, but I think I can make up for it.


Story - Not really sure what to say here. Most of the story for these episodes was based off of events from the past. While I do deeply enjoy the chance to see how things happened long ago (especially the battle between Celestia and Luna) I feel like more focus should have been given to the present, and how things are going now. Don’t get me wrong, getting a look into the past is always good, but perhaps it could’ve been saved for a later? Overall, the adventure aspect in these episodes was very good. It was great to see all of the characters reunited to face a new threat that just happened to be something inadvertent from the past.


Animation - The animation has definitely been stepped up from the last season; characters seem more natural, and the effects have been shined up in general. My favorite bit so far has to be Nightmare Moon’s transformation. The effect is so morbid and dark looking, it just gives me goosebumps.


Characters -  I’m just going to start off and say Discord definitely has me rolling this season. I love his position in the show as having been reformed. It was done very well mainly because he isn’t helping the protagonists, but he also isn’t hurting them. Definitely a good place for him.


As for the other characters, I honestly don’t have enough material to work with so far. I’m primarily waiting for the season to actually start before I begin judging their personalities and actions. From what I’ve seen, they look pretty much the same as they did the last time.


Continuity - There was definitely a buff on the continuity this time, in present AND the past! Seeing the stories all tied together, how Nightmare Moon came to be, and Discord’s first defeat, all of these were simply brilliant. While what I expected did not happen, I am still happy with the way things turned out with this one. Lots of props to the writers for the show!


Message - This is the only area I have any real complains with. I feel like the whole ‘friendship will help us defeat all evils’ thing has been a bit overdone. If they had taken this a little differently and given more focus not to Twilight, but to the rest of the mane six, I feel like the message would have resonated more easily with me. It isn’t the best, but it was managed decently for a season opener. I’m looking forward to future episodes.


Story: [19/20]

Animation: [20/20]

Characters: [18/20]

Continuity: [20/20]

Message: [14/20]


Final Score: 91/100 - [91% A]


I tend to review every single episode of the show, and so far this is definitely my favorite season opener. It is a major improvement from what we were shown in the far less impressive season three finale. Meghan definitely has her work cut out for her, and I can only hope that the new staff writer (who just so happens to have written next Saturday's episode) can produce an episode just as good. For him, this is a crucial time. I don't give good first impressions easily.

  • Brohoof 1


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...Okay, the seed thing with Discord was unexpected. But it does lend something to my Discord-caused-Nightmare-Moon fanon.


I expected Sombra to pull a trick like that, actually, seeing how he did barely anything in his appearance...


Also, this:




To be honest, that's sort of creepy. But at the same time it makes sense. Good catch.

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This is the only area I have any real complains with. I feel like the whole ‘friendship will help us defeat all evils’ thing has been a bit overdone. If they had taken this a little differently and given more focus not to Twilight, but to the rest of the mane six, I feel like the message would have resonated more easily with me. It isn’t the best, but it was managed decently for a season opener. I’m looking forward to future episodes.


Well, what I mainly took from the episode as a message is less to do with something that we as the audience would learn, but is actually more applicable to the ponies themselves. That is the elements of harmony don't define their friendship. They're the only ones who can do that themselves. I guess this can apply to certain people who have a tendency to define their relationships on material symbols, but friendship is a lot more than that as it doesn't take form but exists within all of us.

  • Brohoof 1
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I loved these episodes. My favourites apart from Hurricane Fluttershy.

  • Brohoof 1


Pinkie                             Pie                             is                             best                             pony!

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No, Her Highness never SAID that.

She SAID that the SSC used to be reninder of Nightmare Moon defeat. And now it's a celebration of royal sisters reunion.

It sounded as if it was the first such selebration, but it isn't necessery means there were no SSCs inbetween at all.

Thinking of Luna in "Luna Eclipsed" I easily suggest she simply didn't participate in any SSCs before recenty.


Celestia said, and I quote:


Celestia - "I must admit that it is wonderful to actually be looking forward to the Summer Sun Celebration"

Twilight - "What do you mean?"

Celestia - "For my subjects, its always been a celebration of my defeat of Nightmare Moon. But for me it was just a terrible reminder that I had to banish my own sister."

Twilight - "I guess I've never thought about it that way."

Celestia - "But now it has become a wonderful reminder of her transformation back into Princess Luna, and our happy reunion. I am so pleased that you'll be playing a role in the festivities."


Then she starts talking about how difficult it must have been for Twilight to leave her friends back in Ponyville.

So yes, I guess it COULD be taken as if this is the first one that Luna would be taking part of...

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Celestia said, and I quote:


Celestia - "I must admit that it is wonderful to actually be looking forward to the Summer Sun Celebration"

Twilight - "What do you mean?"

Celestia - "For my subjects, its always been a celebration of my defeat of Nightmare Moon. But for me it was just a terrible reminder that I had to banish my own sister."

Twilight - "I guess I've never thought about it that way."

Celestia - "But now it has become a wonderful reminder of her transformation back into Princess Luna, and our happy reunion. I am so pleased that you'll be playing a role in the festivities."


Then she starts talking about how difficult it must have been for Twilight to leave her friends back in Ponyville.

So yes, I guess it COULD be taken as if this is the first one that Luna would be taking part of...


I believe this is the most plausible explanation as well. It wouldn't make sense if only a year had passed since the last Summer Sun Celebration, for several reasons (some stated above). The only other explanation I can think of is if the SSC is not an annually celebrated event.


First off, look at the two winter episodes, Winter Wrap Up and Hearth's Warming Eve. This was already pointed out, but they both take place in the same "season", but not in the same show season. I guess one could say that they both took place at the same time through some strange quirk in the timeline, but that would suggest that the entire show had no focus on chronological order, which we've seen in the past to be, for the most part, untrue.


Then you have Luna Eclipsed and fall Weather Friends. Now, one wouldn't expect there to be much of a connection between these episodes, except for the fact that... well, LE is a Halloween episode. Halloween takes place in the fall.


The Mane Six themselves also refer to their friendship in a way that suggests they've known eachother for a few years now. So again, I find it very unlikely that only a year has gone by since the first two-parter.


Now, my own thoughts on this is that it took not only two-three years to reintroduce Luna to the show, but it also took that long for the inhabitants of Equestria to get used to the idea of having someone who had been regarded as one of the most evil things in existence for the last thousand years, as someone who had been reformed and seen the error of their ways.


For that reason, this represents the first Summer Sun Celebration where Luna is now fully included in Equestria as one of the two ruling sisters.

  • Brohoof 3
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Such a good episode after such a long time. Also, Discord. It feels like catching a carrot you've been chasing for nine months by backing it up against a cliff so it moves forwards into your mouth and then suddenly realizing that the orange skin is really just the wrapper for a new type of chocolate candy on the inside and then eating all the candy and saving none of it for later.

  • Brohoof 3


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Really loved this season opener. Discord was great...loved him singing "Winter Wrap Up" in the shower :3  Twilight's CM being the ACTUAL shape of the element from back in the day DOES seem like a set up for something later. Kind of wished they went a little more in depth about Luna & Celestia in the past, but I do LOVE that we finally got something.


Is it confirmed this season will be 20+ episodes and not 13 like season 3?


My only disappointment was no "hidden Derpy" in these episodes...I know there's a gray mare in ep 2 near the end but she has an ORANGE mane and not BLONDE.


Did ANYONE else get a kick out of the future "POWER PONIES" episode? Although I can't tell, it sounds like they got Tom Kenny to play Joker-Pony.

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