lomk 20,663 December 7, 2013 Share December 7, 2013 @@Batbrony, you always make the best episode reviews Just saying 2 I refuse to let go until you're impressed. I refuse to let go until I'm depressed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 December 7, 2013 Share December 7, 2013 @@Batbrony, you always make the best episode reviews Just saying Thank you Sadistic Luna, that's very kind of you to say. Glad you like my reviews so much! 5 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jokuc 8,174 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 (edited) I loved this episode! I liked it way more than the other 3 eps we have seen in season 3 so far! I thought it was really entertaining. The episode was very funny and cool and was never boring. I liked how Dashie was being a fangirl, it reminded me of the brony fandom and the new mlp episodes I like how they put in a lot of action in the episode, though I don't think it's something that I want to see much more of. This is mlp after all. Indiana Jones references and hilarious quotes and facial expressions. As someone said in this thread, I like how Twilight finally uses her ability to teleport. I mean come on she needs to use her magic more And this... Time for the best line in the episode! srs bsns. Give her an oscar or something for that. The only negative thing about the episode is that the ending felt rushed. Though, they only have 22 mins to run the episode on after all Edited December 8, 2013 by Jokuc 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailsIsNotAlone 3,695 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 (edited) OH MY GOD DARING DO IS REAL AND SHE'S AWESOME *ahem* Okay, there's something important I have to say. This episode is an obvious shout-out to big fans of any book or TV series really, including bronies. Rainbow Dash is an adorable nerd, and I think it expands her character in a way that even people who don't like her have to acknowledge. She's not just a loud jock anymore, folks. She loves Daring Do as much as we love MLP! As the plot thickens and Dash is in the rare position of doubting herself, Twilight's comment resonates with me: "It's fine to look up to Daring Do. But you put her so high up on a pedestal, you can't even see your own worth anymore." After the awesome ending, my first thought is "new wave of DaringDash shipping," which I have no objection to...but many things are left unexplained. So it's not a joke? The Mane 6 didn't just stumble on a movie set, and it wasn't just a story Dash was writing herself? Daring Do is an honest-to-Celestia, 100% real pony who writes her own books about her own adventures? Yes, it's an interesting idea, but what bearing does this have on the rest of Equestria? If all these characters are real, how come there wasn't any foreshadowing and they never factored into the show before this? We sure could have used her help in some season finales, don't you think? It's odd that MLP indulges the typical fantasy of our favorite characters being real, because in the end it kind of obscures the hard reality of the original message. Don't get me wrong, I'm relieved that it didn't go the way of Rainbow Dash driving 'A.K. Yearling' nuts for 20 minutes, but the writers had a very realistic, matter-of-fact first half and a totally out-there, fantastic second half, and there was no effort to reconcile the two or tell us what the hay it all means. And as this episode clearly demonstrated that they understand some of the fan mentality, they should know how important that is. So I liked the episode and I love Daring Do being real, but it raised a lot more questions than it answered. I don't like the idea that just anything can happen on this show just because it's a cartoon. I'm pretty sure that philosophy wasn't anywhere in Lauren Faust's 'bible', and for good reason. Quibbles about Daring Do's attitude (which I didn't mind) are nothing next to this. Is the 'super-ponies' episode going to be like this too? Just anything goes? That's what I'm afraid of, unless it all turns out to be a dream Spike was having. Edited December 8, 2013 by TailsIsNotAlone 2 "Human beings fascinate me Being just the way they are..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Octavia's Melody 128 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 This episode was by far my favorite of the season so far which is ironic because I'm not an Indiana Jones fan to begin with. It was pretty awesome that Dash was able to meet her hero and bust out the face, I can definitely relate with her as I was smacking sense into myself when meeting my idols last year It's just felt off for Dash to fangirl since she was srs bsns when training under Spitfire, which is one of her other idols Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 December 8, 2013 Author Share December 8, 2013 Yay, more Dash episodes :3 I was internally laughing at the 'Dash=impatient bronies waiting for a new season' correlation that was shown throughout this entire episode. It was everywhere, and it was glorious. More than that though, all the great expressions and lines from Dash and others (especially Fluttershy) were all great. So were those hats. This episode managed to combine slice of life with adventure elements, which is an awesome combination, for sure And, as many have said already, has beaten Castle Maneia as the best single episode so far. Though, I know the plot of the next one, and it's gonna be hard to top that <3 As always, I'll make something longer sometime later on. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReverseFaller 2,484 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 It was a decent episode. I loved the plot twist of having Daring Do be real. I was totally expecting Twilight's mom to be the author. One thing I noticed was that Tenochtitlan was mentioned. That's pretty neat how they referenced an ancient Aztec city. I also enjoyed all of the ponies decked out in tribal gear inside of the pyramid. Rainbow Dash having her fangasm was pretty adorable. One thing I might add is that I didn't expect Daring Do to be so stand offish, and stubborn about the whole "Working alone" thing. Alas, it was still a great episode. Maybe we'll get to see more of Daring Do in the future? You know what else I'd like to see more of in the future? Rainbow Dash's sweet house! Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailsIsNotAlone 3,695 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 Really awesome episode! It was kind of predictable though. Rainbow Dash was just lionizing Daring Do too much, which I believe is why Daring Do blamed her for her being captured. Daring Do kinda had that Gilda attitude, at least Rainbow Dash taught her that working alone isn't always the best, and that it's never good to trust nobody. Daring Do does not have a Gilda attitude at all, and this needs to be addressed because you're not the only one who's been saying it. Gilda is a bully. Daring is a loner. They're not the same thing. xD 3 "Human beings fascinate me Being just the way they are..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Courageous Thunder Dash 7,824 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 Daring Do does not have a Gilda attitude at all, and this needs to be addressed because you're not the only one who's been saying it. Gilda is a bully. Daring is a loner. They're not the same thing. xD Well still, she had that jerky attitude, which proved to hurt Rainbow Dash's feelings. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeWg-TtBRMfqketa1ELyKGg Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/menelik-david-kenneth-cannady 2nd SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/thunder-dash-alternative/tracks Pony.fm: https://pony.fm/thunder-dash Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Metemponychosis 1,262 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 I just realized I have a question about this episode... Why are all "evil ponies" male even if there seems to be a lot more female in the general population? What? Are all the males in the royal guard or stealing artifacts from explorers and living in weird tribes?! 3 https://www.fimfiction.net/user/32864/Metemponychosis For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out. And I'm just getting started. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radiance64 7,053 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 You know, one twist that I kind of wished would happen while watching the episode was a reveal that Rainbow Dash and Daring Do were related somehow- I mean seriously, together they look so much alike that it was kind of distracting for me. Yeah I know it's kind of silly to think, but still, would have helped justify some of Daring's annoyance towards Dash I think, if they were like secretly sisters or something. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carbon Maestro 1,003 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 (edited) I do think this is the first episode where we really see flash animation doing wonky things. Also the Rainbow Dash face in this episode is hilarious. Whoops, boner? What is this face RD lol Edited December 8, 2013 by Carbon Maestro 11 "You learn a lot about people when you listen to the songs that mean something to them." Youtube - Carbon Maestro, Music Reviews - Carbon Music Reviews, Soundcloud - Follow Here, Twitter: @CarbonMaestro Super Smash Ponies: Find it here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Away 2,077 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 I love how Rainbow and Twilight were fangirling all over Daring Do. And that hug that Rainbow and Daring shared at the end was so adorable. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inactive01 5,299 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 I loved this episode. The feels were so amazing and I found the characters here to be very believable as always. Another aspect I loved a lot was how Twilight and Rainbow Dash were establishing closer ties despite their paradoxical characteristics. We haven't seen much of Twilight and Rainbow Dash by way of interactions, so this was a wonderful change. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oblivion 20,271 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 OMG, this episode was AMAZING, and what the heck was that face that Dashie made? It was SO adorable!!! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argumedies 1,748 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 (edited) What I wanna know is where the heck did Equestria get all these freaking temples of doom!!! No ones asked this question and now that DD is "real" and everything she's written on is "real" What kinda of twisted history does Equestria have??? Are these things left over from Discord days or even ferther back. And WTF on this 800 years of unrelenting sweltering heat!!!! Seriously!!.. have we so forgotten about Princess Sun Butt already... Hmmm Edited December 8, 2013 by Argumedies 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moonbacon 384 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 mah god rainbow dash has a big ass house. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FadedSkies 1,874 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 (edited) Daring don't is by far my favourite episode as of now. As a big fan of Rainbow Dash this episode has almost everything i wanted from a Rainbow Dash episode. Not only did we see Rainbow's adventurous side we also saw her adorableness (even though we all know she already is) in the episode. My favourite parts of the episode was the return of the AWESOME face /)^3^(\ that face she did when Daring Do said "But i can't give you the right until i properly propose" And at the end when Daring Do wanted a hoof shake when she said "I couldn't have done it without you Rainbow dash" RD hugged her instead it was so adorable I also liked how they write their own diaries from now on, i think this is a very good replacement from handing in a lesson of friendship to Celestia. I think its a great way to end an episode. All in all this is my favourite episode and it made me love Rainbow Dash x100000000 more! Edited December 8, 2013 by Dashie~ 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PonyRocker95 106 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 I thought it was a really good episode, even though I was expecting Power Ponies I thought it was awesome how Daring Do was the actual author of her own adventures and the fact that dash made it onto the cover! XD 1 My RP OC's Alona: http://mlpforums.com...s/_/alona-r1797 Craie: http://mlpforums.com...s/_/craie-r1873 Berry Cream: http://mlpforums.com...rry-cream-r1874 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tan 91 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 Pretty damn cool. AK Yearling was bucking brilliant. Seeing Dash and Twi fangirl over daring was awesome. I cannot express how much i love this one. Its def top ten in the whole series of my favorite eps. This ep raises alot of questions though. Like why isn't Celestia doing anything about Arizotyl if he is such a big threat to the ponies? Is he even a threat? Did the daring do adventures REALLY happen? so many questions. All in all really fantastic episode! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Dash Loyalty 1,275 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 This episode...wow...I can't explain how much I loved this episode! ^.^ I just loved seeing RD and DD adventuring together, it really was a dream come to life to meet your favorite hero, especially knowing that the stories weren't fictional And this is only the beginning of Season 4! I can't wait to see all the rest! 4 ~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunny Fox 5,952 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 I didn't like it much. Maybe because I'm not a Rainbow Dash fan. The whole "Daring Do is actually real" part is also an annoying cliché. Rainbow Dash (and all of the Mane 6, really) spent too much time fangasming and not actually stepping in and helping. The second half, when they actually did shit, was much more entertaining, I'll admit, but by that time, I just wasn't into it. Maybe a few repeat viewings will change my mind, but this one is at the bottom of the list in Season 4 so far for me. 1 Happy minion of The Fabulous One! Signature by Midnightive Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainboom Dash 1,056 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 My favorite of the season so far. I'm glad Daring Do is now officially a real character. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whatevs 377 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 It was good. Nothing special. If I didn't know better they threw in so many of those 'cute widdle Dashie faces' to cover for this. Didn't do much to make me like Dash more (I already like her so that's not too big of a deal) but was still good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dash3835 20 December 8, 2013 Share December 8, 2013 i love this episode probably cause i love rainbow dash 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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