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S02:E19 - Putting Your Hoof Down



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I'll chip in my analysis now that the episode has been out for several hours. So much more time for digestion!


First of all, was anyone else surprised that Pinkie and Rarity were the ponies to encourage Fluttershy to be self-assertive? I expected Dash to be involved given her previous cheering lessons to Fluttershy is "Sonic Rainboom" and her generally brash demeanor. In fact, on the surface, her involvement is almost too predictable. Yet Dash was entirely absent from the episode. The same goes for AJ, a pony with self-confidence and poise. I could have even imagined Twilight due to her track record of providing advice which has the potential to backfire. But Pinkie and Rarity? I don't think of them as necessarily assertive, though Rarity is quite socially confident. The twist surprised me, and I think it allowed the episode to have some flavor despite favoring a pretty cut-and-dry moral lesson.


Angel is a dick. I apologize to anyone who might be taken aback by my use of vulgar language, but there is little way around it. Quite frankly, all of Ponyville decided to collectively abuse Fluttershy for the entire episode. Perhaps it was done to give us a glimpse of the world through Fluttershy's eyes? Normally, you have one or two characters who cause trouble and serve as the primary antagonist (e.g., Gilda, Trixie, etc.); but seemingly everypony got in on the act. While I understand that it furthered the plot and highlighted the narrative, I was perplexed by the sudden rudeness emanating throughout the town.


*more text*



I thought the same about Pinkie, she never seemed like the kind to encourage ponies to get into arguments. Rainbow Dash could have fillen that role much better. Sure, she wouldn't have done that bugs bunny dialog, but I really couldn't mind about that. Applejack and Twilight would also work. Applejack being confident and respected and Twilight being the smart one who always gives advice. The reason they added Pinkie seems to be just because she's funny, and I don't like that. I felt that she was quite out of character.


But Rarity in the other hand did seem like a good choice, first because I believe that they have been trying to push them as best friends, (or maybe not, but I wanna believe that) and because she has already more than proven that she's confident, social and manipulative, wich is just what Fluttershy needed to be taught.



About Angel, he's always been a jerk. That's something I like, i believe they did it so people see that bunnies are not all cutsey in this show. I think it's quite clear that the reason he apparently is Fluttershy's favorite pet is because he is the smartest of them all. Maybe it's not that Fluttershy likes him so much particulary, but he does stick to her most of the time, and manipulates her in order to get what he wants. He's one smart bunny. And much like a mother can spoil her kids by giving them all they want, Angel is completely spoilt and thus does whatever the hell he want. There's no logical reason for him not to be a dick, so I believe he's completely perfect. I don't say I like people like that, but I love that they actually decided to make him that.


And maybe everypony was being rude because they all been taught by iron will! He seemed to have quite a big crowd

Edited by Eenohay
  • Brohoof 1
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Pinkie Pie and Rarity were perfect so that Fluttershy could rant about how the two most frivolous ponies (ie NOT Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack or Twilight) were the ones trying to tell her how to be. I do not think Pinkie Pie was there just to be funny - she's a caring sort and she knew enough to recognize Fluttershy was having a problem. If Rainbow Dash had been there instead of Pinkie Pie, things might have gotten really violent instead of Pinkie Pie and Rarity running off crying.


I think the cast selection was perfect and I thank them for thinking inside the chimney (ie Pinkie Pie and not the more obvious choices).

  • Brohoof 8
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Pinkie Pie and Rarity were perfect so that Fluttershy could rant about how the two most frivolous ponies (ie NOT Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack or Twilight) were the ones trying to tell her how to be. I do not think Pinkie Pie was there just to be funny - she's a caring sort and she knew enough to recognize Fluttershy was having a problem. If Rainbow Dash had been there instead of Pinkie Pie, things might have gotten really violent instead of Pinkie Pie and Rarity running off crying.


I think the cast selection was perfect and I thank them for thinking inside the chimney (ie Pinkie Pie and not the more obvious choices).



Yeaaah, things getting violent...


To be honest I never spected them to run off crying. Surely if it was Rainbow Dash or Applejack they couldn't even have thought of that (Twilight did run off crying in winter wrap up)


But still I expected Rarity to be stronger than that, with Pinkie it was fine I guess, but really if it had been Rainbow, then she could have ranted about how she spends her whole life practicing for something she'll never get (That one would've hurt!) and the following fight would have been pretty interesting. Fluttershy might even have complained about how bad Dash had treated her in the past, that would have been ultra super exciting!

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeaaah, things getting violent...


Eeyup. Violent.

Posted Image


As weird as it would be, I guess Rainbow could have run off crying if something that mean was said by Fluttershy. After all, Rainbow looked out for Fluttershy when they were fillies living in Cloudsdale. I do not think Rainbow ever treated Fluttershy badly - she just wanted her to be a better cheering section. Soft "yay" wasn't cutting it.


Given Rainbow's personality however, I still think it would have been more likely that she would have tackled Fluttershy yelling "Take that back!" or something to that effect. Fluttershy being mean to the other less tough ponies was better for showing the "monster" she had become. Though, you are right, Twilight also has the capacity for running off crying when hurt.

  • Brohoof 2
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Im sure this was mentioned 10010232193210231 times, but derpy is still around and there is another thing, THANKS STUDIO B, look at the image for the other thing

Posted Image


I would say that there are two doctor whooves there; TIME TRAVEL!

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Anyone noticed where did they hide Derpy's body yet?


Yup, she's in Iron Will's crowd


As an aide, how has nopony pointed out the appearance of Derpy in the crowd?! It appeared to be quite prominent from my perspective. I doubt that had much if anything to do with the recent uproar regarding "The Last Roundup" as the animation for this episode was probably well finished by that time. We nevertheless have some confirmation that Derpy will remain in one piece.


No pony? NO PONY?! I posted sighting Derpy on this thread and in the Derpy discussion thread! Think me a pushover? I'll give you the once over! :angry:


Actually she appears TWICE. Not only was she in Iron Will's crowd, but she is also seen even earlier when Fluttershy is getting a cherry.


Derpy is next to her, rather sad at the asparagus stand being sold out.


Look at her bag.



Studio B never forgot. Brofist <3


Im sure this was mentioned 10010232193210231 times, but derpy is still around and there is another thing, THANKS STUDIO B, look at the image for the other thing


...oh whoops, well my link has a closer shot if anyone is still not sure ;D

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Yeah, I saw the hand wings and was a little weirded out by it.


It's a bit weird but how else would they hold their saddle bags open when they get stuff out?


As far as the episode is concerned, I thought it was okay but not that great either. I just don't like how rude everypony is in the episode. I know they were trying to prove a point but it makes it seem like every other background pony is an a-hole. Besides that, I thought it had a good lesson but it also taught some things that I don't really agree with such as tricking someone into charging you less. Bargaining is fine but just outright tricking them? Anywho, I'm glad new Fluttershy turned back to old Fluttershy in the end. She's more assertive now so, assuming there will be some continuity, it'll be interesting to see what she's like in future episodes.


Signature by @Nico.

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Im sure this was mentioned 10010232193210231 times, but derpy is still around and there is another thing, THANKS STUDIO B, look at the image for the other thing

Posted Image


I dont get it, what's so important about the bag


EDIT: Apparetnly it seems to be a muffin

Edited by Eenohay
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This episode really sticks out, in that it has goats and a minotaur. I like seeing more than just ponies, even though this is My Little Pony and not My Little Goat, or My Little Minotaur. (Note to Hasbro: My Little Minotaur spinoff NOW.)


Iron Will is best minotaur. Anypony here got any idea who voiced him?


Insane conspiracy: The existence of minotaurs proves the existence of humans, since minotaurs are half-man, half-bull. Also, the goats don't ever speak, and obey Iron Will's... will. They're slaves.

  • Brohoof 2
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Great episode, lol, the return of flutterjerk was great!


I also love one bit: Ever since "Griffon the Brush-off", people have been talking about "NOBODY MAKES FLUTTERSHY CRY!", Well now, Fluttershy made others cry!


Oh, and we saw a male version of malepony Derpy Hooves. Darn it! I guess they can't use Derpy Hooves as a mailmare now...


Ohwell. It was still a pretty obvious shoutout, IMO, even if it was a male version of Derpy. So the message got across, no problem.


EDIT: Oooh, and Augh! It really bothers me when they totally leave characters out. I mean, they're all supposed to be mane characters, where was RD, AJ, and Twi? I mean, especially Rainbow Dash! I can understand why they weren't there most of the episode, but those three should've come with Pinkie and Rarity when they visited Fluttershy's cottege in the end!


I mean, especially RD. They're BFF's!


that is pretty much what she was trying to say, i still can't believe she made rarity cry that pissed me off


Let me fix that for you:


that is pretty much what she was trying to say, i still can't believe she made rarity [Pinkie Pie] cry that pissed me off


Rarity's a drama queen. Though this was really at a deep level, so, yeah.


It was pretty awful she made either cry. But IMO it was worse that she made Pinkie Pie cry, because Pinkie Pie is actually incredibly sensitive when you think about it, and really deeply cares about everypony - just think of "Party of One" - making her friends smile means everything to her, last episode even had a song all about that.


And now, worse of all, SHE MADE FLUTTERSHY CRY! (When she looked in the puddle's reflection afterwards)


I didn't think Fluttershy could get any worse than when she was discorded, but this time she was worse! She actually made Rarity and Pinkie cry! It was good when she went back to normal!


I don't think she was worse at all. She was getting defensive and got mean, but when she was discorded:

"Hey Twilight. What's soaking wet and clueless?"

*Dumps water on her head, drops bucket on head, which had to hurt pretty bad*

"YOU! Ha. Ha."


Twi: "I need that book!"

FS: "THIS book? Keep away!"


She didn't come anywhere close to this. The only reason she made ponies cry this time is because everyone wasn't discorded. But this time she was just super defensive, last time she was actively offensive.


Pinkie Pie and Rarity were perfect so that Fluttershy could rant about how the two most frivolous ponies (ie NOT Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack or Twilight) were the ones trying to tell her how to be. I do not think Pinkie Pie was there just to be funny - she's a caring sort and she knew enough to recognize Fluttershy was having a problem. If Rainbow Dash had been there instead of Pinkie Pie, things might have gotten really violent instead of Pinkie Pie and Rarity running off crying.


I think the cast selection was perfect and I thank them for thinking inside the chimney (ie Pinkie Pie and not the more obvious choices).


Actually, we just saw that Fluttershy's actually really smart. She managed to strike the two on some pretty core things about their characters, which hurt at a pretty deep level - more than she intended, probably.


If Rainbow Dash had been there, she would've laughed at her dreams of joining the Wonderbolts. Rainbow Dash appears to put out as compensation for insecurity. And having a close friend like that, I mean, BFF's (May the bes pet win, RD went to Fluttershy's house in the Super Cider/Flim Flam episode, their friendship goes back to fillyhood, etc. etc.) especially. It would've probably made Rainbow Dash cry worse than Rarity or Pinkie, or both combined.


I mean, she's got this huge dream that she's always excited and going on about, it touches the core of who she is (Rainbow = Public grandeur, bravado. Dash = Speed, thrill.), she's always practicing for it, and her BFF she's always known since Fillyhood, and the reason she got her cutie mark (defending Fluttershy), tells her how rediculous her dreams are, doubtlessly something she worries about already.


That would hurt.


It's a bit weird but how else would they hold their saddle bags open when they get stuff out?


As far as the episode is concerned, I thought it was okay but not that great either. I just don't like how rude everypony is in the episode. I know they were trying to prove a point but it makes it seem like every other background pony is an a-hole. Besides that, I thought it had a good lesson but it also taught some things that I don't really agree with such as tricking someone into charging you less. Bargaining is fine but just outright tricking them? Anywho, I'm glad new Fluttershy turned back to old Fluttershy in the end. She's more assertive now so, assuming there will be some continuity, it'll be interesting to see what she's like in future episodes.


With their hand-like hooves?...


We've seen unicorns use magic, now we've seen pegasi use wings. But earth ponies will have to use hooves, and we've seen earth ponies wearing saddle bags, so it must be possible.


And something tells me they've used feather-fingers before... Can't remember where, though, but it wasn't anything strikingly huge or noticable.

Edited by EASA - Dr. Braun

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I dont get it, what's so important about the bag


EDIT: Apparetnly it seems to be a muffin


i am also at a loss regarding the bag... the other features are the real tip off to it being derpy, cutie mark, color and hair. the green bag?


It has an envelope symbol on it. She's officially a mailmare! Oh wait, on closer inspection, maybe it's a muffin. Edited by Duchess Apple Bloom III


Signature by @Nico.

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Well of course Derpy is in the episode. The entire season was made before this whole complaint began.

  • Brohoof 3

Signatures are for fillies.

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Well of course Derpy is in the episode. The entire season was made before this whole complaint began.







BFFs? I suppose everyone can have their own theory, and I highly doubt that Dash and Fluttershy are best friends. Sure they've known eachother since they were little fillies, but that doesn't nescesarily mean they are friends. I mean, they simply don't go well together, Fluttershy is (before this episode) way to shy and pushover like to be Rainbow Dash's best friend. You can simply tell they wouldn't stand each other for long, as seen in the way Rainbow treats her in Sonic Rainboom and in Dragonshy. That certanly doesn't seem like best friend (I still have to wonder why the hell did she go to her house first in SSCS6000). Instead, Applejack fits much better as Rainbow Dash's best friend. They have a lot in common, I think Fall Weather Friends clearly puts them as best friends, the same way Green Isn't your Color puts Rarity as Fluttershy's best friend (Rarity, one of the two ponies that was with her during this episode, and this one is even more clear, Rarity even claims Fluttershy is her best friend, and we learn that they go to the spa together regularly). They are the two most girly of the bunch, so it's natural for them to be together.

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