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S04:E09 - Pinkie Apple Pie

Yellow Diamond

S04:E09 - Pinkie Apple Pie  

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Is no one going to talk about how adorable this face is?





I liked this episode because of its realistic depiction of family and it's so down to earth, it's wonderful.

Edited by Carbon Maestro
  • Brohoof 2

"You learn a lot about people when you listen to the songs that mean something to them."

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Besides Apples to the Core, if there's one thing I can't praise enough, it's the way Pinkie was characterized. She's crazy and zany, but some differences:

  1. Her humor and zaniness have a purpose. They're not random to fill in time.
  2. Her zaniness actually keeps her more grounded into the story. Compared to many other episodes this season, she's more toned down.
  3. There's genuine joy in her character.
  4. She's not always being happy and wild. Pinkie's a very complex character with a wide range of emotions that makes her her. The fact she was also very disappointed and upset at the end is refreshing for her as of late.
  5. She's treated as someone with intelligence! (FINALLY!) Pinkie's not stupid or random for no reason. She's both smart and competent, and PAP respects her!

Easily her best role since her human counterpart in Equestria Girls!




@@Ampharos, I have a Dailymotion link: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x19jnpl_my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-season-4-episode-9-pinkie-apple-pie-1080p

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 6

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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Very fun episode. I like it when they pair two of the main six together for an episode, especially when they usually don't talk to each other.


The song was great too. I kind of figured that they wouldn't officially confirm if the relation was legit or not.


On a similar note, I'm still waiting for the episode where one of Pinkie's sisters comes to town. I'm hoping that one is coming up soon.


I'd say this is one of the better episodes this season.

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Meh, this is probably my least favorite episode of the season so far. I found myself constantly bored throughout the episode. I didn't care for the song either. I also don't like how it never confirmed if Pinkie is actually part of the Apple family or not...


  • Brohoof 1



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One thing I didn't like about this episode is the lack of conformation. Was Pinkie really an Apple or wasn't she? Well, we didn't find the answer here, that's for sure. Maybe is something they'll explain later on, but it's not something I really care for.


What I really cared for most was the interactions between the Apple family. My family reminds me of theirs; when we get into situations, something always happens that makes it worse and we begin to point fingers at each other. We soon realize how awful we were to each other after we get ourselves out of it.

That's real family love right there :)


I also got a small kick out of the musical number. While it may not be my favorite in the series, it's my favorite S4 song so far.


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Is this ANOTHER Arc here? We have got Flutter shy's tooth , the pony of Shadows, the Equestria games thing, the disappearing book, and that Magic Box with the six key slots. Surely, they're not just gonna leave us in the dark about all this stuff, I liked this episode fine. Not one of y favorites though, but I did like it.

Facebook: Josh B.

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The song was amazing, everyone was in character, great morals, beautiful animation, and a great story.


One thing that got me mad though was that we never actually find out if Pinkie's an apple or not :/


Overall: 8/10

Edited by Lyrafinish

Lyra, Photofinish, Pinkie and Luna>>


Noelle Spells: http://i.imgur.com/USLIEKJ.png

Holly Rose: http://i.imgur.com/BjsxnDf.png


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 I have some questions that I want to ask here.


 Will the MLP staff let Pinkie and Applejack, stay thinking they're cousins, or will the next episode disprove this new revelation?


 Will Pinkie still live with the Cake Family and work for them, or will she be moving in with The Apple Family?

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This episode was excellent. It didn't make a good first impression, but as soon as the road trip starts, Applejack is written better than she has been in any episode to date, the message is smart and brilliantly delivered, and the gags are absolutely hilarious.


About the only thing I didn't care for is the song, but TBH, it's still a quite passable song, and it doesn't detract at all from the experience.


This might be my new favorite episode of the season, which is surprising considering how lackluster the Applejack episodes in season 3 were.

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


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Okay, so I watched the episode again. I have to say that in retrospect, there was a lot more to like here than I initially gave it credit for(yes, I rethinked my thoughts, again. This episode has had me thoroughly confused on how I feel about it, but I think I've got it down now). Honestly, Pinkie didn't annoy me as much as she did before upon my second viewing, the only sort of annoying thing really was all the 'best _ ever' things she said, but honestly I guess she does that all the time, not much worse than usual kid's show fare. And while I'm not a big fan of Goldy Delicious, Peter New was very impressive in voicing her. And besides that, I really have no further qualms- the episode was funny, cute, and heartwarming, the moral was especially touching since I kind of forgot about it before. I think I can say I thought the episode was good now, even though I wish a few things about it were better overall I'd say it's a very nice one, it's better than Daring Don't and Flight to the Finish at least, after thinking about it. Such heart, such humor, such adorableness, I'm sorry that I said I hated it before actually... but now I'd say I very much liked it. Pinkie & AJ are best cousins! :blush::wub:

8.5/10(final score, I swear) :3

Edited by Radiance64
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That episode... wasn't great. :huh:

Don't get me wrong, I really, really thought I was going to love this episode, but I didn't. I daresay it just flat-out blew- between the forced-feeling dialouge, Pinkie being more annoying than funny, a not-great new character, and the overly-used, boring trope of a reveal of their relations(oh, we don't know, but we know because this reason blah blah), this episode was just really bad to me in parts. Sure, there were a few good moments- the song was good but could've sounded better, the things with the animals in the river were great, and Pinkie's scrapbook gag was pretty funny- but it was not enough to make me like the episode as a whole.

Overall, Pinkie Apple Pie is the first weak link of this season imo, sorry to say. Not extremely terrible, but this new writer sure as hell needs more practice, because her first episode just wasn't much good sorry to say. Can't think of much more to say about it, in the risk of popping a blood vessel. :okiedokielokie:





Meh, this is probably my least favorite episode of the season so far. I found myself constantly bored throughout the episode. I didn't care for the song either. I also don't like how it never confirmed if Pinkie is actually part of the Apple family or not...




...oh well..











...First I was like



The episode started with twilight doing cool stuff, pinkie being all super cute and curious, that alone made the episode awesome. Like, really 10 seconds in the episode and I was like weeeeee!!!  :3 I would have preferred that it wasn't that easy for Pinkie to find something about her family, but well they only have 20 mins :c


I loved the idea that Pinkie is a part of the Apple family, before I watched this ep I was like flipturn there, I bounced up and down in my bed (yes I sat in my bed while watching cause this episode was a pinkie episode and it needs some extra comfort and snacks). I also liked how Applejack wanted to show the best of the family for Pinkie, however I think it also felt a bit weird, as if the apples are arguing a lot. It set up a bad image of them there, but the ending fixed that problem. I love love love how Pinkie always were so excited and happy even though they were in trouble.




I loved how we got a "simpler" episode. This episode made me so happy, you see Pinkie Pie is my favorite pony and Granny Smith is one of my favorites as well and..ah! I love how Granny Smith kept arguing with Applejack about knowing where to go xD Apple Bloom's song there were cool too.


I had already heard the Apples To The Core song before in that animatic video and I love it. I have listened to it many times and I knew the lyrics by heart, so I sang along in the episode :3 The song is awesome, I like it a lot. ?? We travel the road of generations joined by a common booooond... ?? hehe just lovely. The scenes during the song were very good and really funny, however I must admit that I think the animation looked quite weird at a few moments, but that doesn't really matter.




The episode goes on and what do you know! Lots of more cute stuff! I loved how Pinkie Pie became so happy for being a part of the apple family, she really needs some more love. I got super happy myself for her.


This scene was so cute... (I took like 30 screen shots in this episode haha)









....I thought it could not get better....


But it did! It just kept going! They added some awesome hilarious stuff such as the duck scene, oh that made me laugh a lot. I also though the Golden...something pony was pretty funny, I found the idea that she loves cats pretty funny. The scene with the cat made of dust made me laugh since I really did not expect that.


I liked the fact that we did not get to know for sure that she is a part of the Apple family, that way they both finish the episode without disappointing the people who doesn't like the Pinkie-is-an-apple idea AND they make it possible to have another episode where we maybe get to see some of Pinkie's relatives, and maybe we will know for sure then.


The ending was good as well, we even got a little lesson there :3


So yeah this episode was amazing and it is definitely one of my favorites. It's hard to put it in a certain place right after seeing is since I am all super-happy right now so it would be a bit unfair, but it is absolutely among the top 5 best eps in all seasons and best episode of season 4 so far!


....And then I was like


Edited by Jokuc
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Just finished watching it.  Generally a fantastic episode.  There are some issues that keep me from rating it as *totally* fantastic, but I'll get into that later.  Overall it was indeed fun.


First off, the song.  Loved it.  My favorite of the season so far.  Been pretty much stuck in my head for the last couple of hours.  It's a little weird knowing the song backwards and forwards even before the episode aired, but watching it play out in full animation was a lot of fun.  If another song tops it in the next 17 episodes, that's going to be pretty awesome. 


The humor was spot on, particularly from Pinkie Pie as usual, but everyone else was pretty solid in this respect too.  The eagle grabbing the duck was so unexpected I burst out laughing.  Oh, and the faces.  This season has been a treasure trove of pony expressions, but some of those in the photographs were priceless.


Some decent Applejack development here too.  She seems to fancy herself as something of the day to day "leader" of the family, and as it was shown in Apple Family Reunion, when she does this she tends to take things a little too far.  It's a nice flaw that they unearthed in that episode and is a welcome departure from her usual issue of being too stubborn.  Also,I liked the family dynamic.  It's fun seeing the Apples, who usually work together like a well oiled machine, actually having little arguments and other issues that often get in the way of real families. 


But like I said above, I do have a couple of issues.  The first one is really minor in the grand scheme of things, but it still bugged me.  The Applelicious shout out. When I first heard it, I thought it was awesome, but the more I thought about it, the bigger problem I had. It just smelled like needless pandering.


Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy fan shout outs/references.  But in my opinion, for them to work, they have to make sense whether or not you know the reference.  Great example of a good one is the shout out to the "Fluttershy is a tree" meme in Hurricane Fluttershy.  Fluttershy wants to skip Hurricane duty, so she decides to disguise herself as part of the scenery in the form of a tree to hide from Rainbow Dash, who promptly spots her anyway.  It's a cute little scene that works whether or not you know the "Fluttertree" reference.  Here, though, I'm not sure that there's any way she could finish the line "I'm Apple ---" that makes sense.  "I'm Applelicious" certainly doesn't, and "I'm Apple Bloom" or whatever else she might have said, isn't much better.


That said, that's something of a relatively minor thing that just made me groan for a bit.  A bigger issue, or maybe not an issue as much as a disappointment, is the lack of real Pinkie development in this episode.  I'm really not in the camp of those who think Pinkie Pie has been totally flanderized this season, but I was really hoping for more from her in this episode.  One of the things I like about "shared focus" episodes like Green Isn't Your Color or "Fall Weather Friends" is that they really take a look at how these two characters relate to each other and they both grow as a result.  Here, it turned out to be more skewed towards Applejack than I thought, and I was really hoping for more Pinkie Pie development.


But don't get me wrong here.  Overall I *really* liked the episode, and even with these couple of issues I had a blast watching it. 


And I still have the song stuck in my head.


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Sweet, you could actually here BicMac's part in the song. (And his reaction to ponies questioning his strength totally makes me want a BigMac strength competition episode maybe with snowflake)

And I've been waiting to compare the animatic to the final product and assess the carry over cuz that thing was beautiful.

Until otherwise stated my head-cannons are that the smudges masked evidence leading to a closer kinship that was at first assumed, maybe 1st, 2nd cousin, coughsistercough.
Totally should have just asked Pinkie's family. What are the odds of smudges three times in a row. I would have to call the plot convenience police.

Edited by Lord O' Donnell
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