lomk 20,663 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 I think Derpy is getting more hype out of this episode than anyone else Not complaining, of course. I love Derpy!! When they said she'd be Dashie's replacement, I just about lost it! 3 I refuse to let go until you're impressed. I refuse to let go until I'm depressed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radiance64 7,053 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 (edited) Finally, a Corey Powell episode I actually really liked! It was a fun episode for sure, basically a Wonderbolt Academy 2 I guess you could call it, and likely the second step to open the box if Rarity Takes Manehatten was the first. I really liked Rainbow Dash here, for the most part, this episode was a good moral dilemma for her I feel. They really didn't need to take the whole 'pretending you're hurt' trope so far though, I think they went a little over the top for that haha. I think Rarity could also have been portrayed a little better here, she wasn't nearly as bad as Powell wrote her in Sleepless in Ponyville(imo) but I'd say she still needs to work on that. Still, this episode didn't do much else wrong. Rainbow Falls is a gorgeous location, so the episode was certainly eye candy. Bulk Biceps is hilarious, I'm so glad they gave him a full speaking role here, he seems great together with Fluttershy anyway... seems like a good mostly canon ship to me! I like how the Wonderbolts learned their lesson here too, plus seeing Soarin' out of costume will surely drive some people crazy, for some reason. He was a good character here though, even had the same voice as S1 and everything. Good stuff. Can't wait to see what all these glowing rainbow objects mean too, first Rarity's Rainbow Thread and now Rainbow Dash's badge. They ought to be keys of the box I figure, not meaning to speak too soon but with this happening twice now it's pretty obvious the others will have moments like these too, but that's okay because that means continuity! Oh, and Pinkie and Twilight were totally in cheerleader outfits, need I say more? Also, Derpy was there. That's worth a paragraph eh? Anyway, wonderful, wonderful episode, maybe not perfect but it got most things right. Definitely one of the best of the season. 9/10 Edited January 18, 2014 by Radiance64 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vertigo_95 572 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 It was a pretty cool episode. She is really loyal to have chosen such a team, but Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps are ok. It also hinted towards another key for that box, the flag and the Wonderbolt badge. Also, they bring back derpy, but no speaking role. I sad... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zev_zev The outcast 415 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 This goofy hunk just annoying. Does the Poniville no other Pegasus? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 (edited) I can understand the temptation extremely well. Dash in this episode was basically me in my Junior year of high school tennis (except I wasn't quite what anybody would call a Rainbow Dash), but nonetheless I feel like she should have had much less trouble with the decision. Her motivations weren't even portrayed as "I need to help my hometown" or "They won't be able to compete without me" and seemed to be much more shallow than that throughout. Even towards the end, it wasn't a real test of loyalty as it was just choosing between your best friends and people who openly decided to manipulate her. Forget asking what Twilight would do, she should've asked what she herself would've done in any other recent episode. I felt the episode's presentation regressed her development and gave her no chance to prove herself even at the end. I'll give you that as far as the lesson RD learned, it was definitely a step back for her, even if I still understand the temptation. I will however also raise a point that some people seem to be making about the Wonderbolts; I don't think their super-competitiveness or trying to tempt RD (aside from a logical stand point) didn't make that much sense or was OOC. Why? Because we've never seen them prior to this episode doing anything besides performing and flying. The only member of the Mane 6 they ever interacted with was RD, and yeah they were super cool to her, but I get the feeling now that that was likely easy for them since she's such an amazing flyer. Sure they're not complete jerks, but I understand their uber-competitive attitude since they're basically the equivalent of professional athletes, and professional athletes generally have to be very single-minded in their competitiveness and desire to win in order to get to that professional level in the first place. Just because Spitfire learned a lesson from RD before, that doesn't mean her entire character has changed, and so more than anything else I think this episode established a lot about the Wonderbolts that we simply didn't know before, rather than portray them as some people are complaining in an OOC light. There's nothing OOC about it because, in short, we didn't have anything aside from a few cameos of them off the job or flying around to base it off upon; the only thing this portrayal doesn't line up with is how people had envisioned them in their head canon. So yeah, overall I didn't have much of a problem with accepting the Wonderbolts portrayal as canon, even if it admittedly surprised me. Derpy. Sorry, can't seem to stop saying *Derpy* that. Probably gonna *Derpy* continue for some time *Derpy Derpy* after this episode. ... ... ... Derpy, DANG IT!!! Also, Derpy was there. That's worth a paragraph eh? It will be when I review the episode!!! (c'mon though, is anyone really surprised by that, I mean, it is me we're talking about here? :okiedokielokie:) Edited January 18, 2014 by Batbrony 2 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostfacekiller39 23,860 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 (edited) Lemme start off by stating Bulk Biceps stole the whole damn episode for me. Seriously, though; I haven't laughed that much this series. Alright, time for the biggun, what I rate this episode; Rainbow Falls 9.4/10 Alright, this episode had a lot of good in it; I LOVED Bulk Biceps and Fluttershy, the remaining Wonderbolts worked out extremely well in their role as the episode's douchebags antagonists (plus the revert back to secondaries I sorta felt at the end showed a bit of unexpected competency from Powell), being on the edge of my seat to seeing how close Ponyville was from getting in the red in the qualifying zone, and, of course, my lovely waifu Rarity and her somewhat humorous antics ( ) Oh, and who can forget Derpy? Now, overall, my only real problem with this episode came down to personal preference; which, has been the case with every RD episode ever. I don't like that fast paced, action packed, ass-kicking theme she always seems to have in her episodes; a lot of others do, though, and all power to them, but, for me, episodes like "Rarity Takes Manehattan" and "Apple Family Reunion" are more my weapon of choice. Yet, this was a damn good episode regardless; RD was sorta grating on me in the beginning moreso than the end, and Soarin's voice was ughhh, but the former was redeemed by her later actions (per usual) and the latter was redeemed by the thought of having a Derpy/Bulk Biceps/Fluttershy dream team for a second there The main reason I kept my eye on this episode was the chance RD had of hopping over Twilight into the fourth spot of my mane 6 list, but...I actually dunno who's 4 and 5 right now. While my opinion of RD certainly improved, I'm just unsure of whether it was enough to hop over Twily; maybe next episode I see one or both of them play a huge role, I'll know for sure, but, at the moment, no change was made, but it's getting really close. Other than that, it was a good episode all around! Edited January 18, 2014 by Champion gfk39 3 He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!! Check out the Rarity Fan Club! "Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity" -Jacob G. Rosenberg Signature by @FadedSkies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hawkflame 3,310 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 (edited) I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! From a post I wrote almost two weeks ago I would be shocked if the rainbow thread didn't have anything to do with the keys. My guess is that each pony is going to have an episode where their element is going to really be challenged or tested. And it makes sense given given what we know of at least two future episodes: And I'll bet you that there's going to be something at the end of each of these episodes much like the spool of rainbow thread in RTM, and they're going to have something to do with that strange box from episode 2. I'll bet Pinkie Pride also has one for Pinkie at the end, and at some point this season there will be one for honesty, kindness, and magic too. As for the episode itself, it was pretty good. I don't think I enjoyed it as much as the last few, though. And that's mainly for one thing: They made the Wonderbolts into jerks. I kinda wish they made up new characters for that role. I understand that having them be Wonderbolts adds to the struggle for loyalty on Rainbow Dash's part, but I think that having them be another awesome, professional level team would have worked just as well. Or at the very least they could have replaced Spitfire with another member of the team (aren't there six of them or so?). Yeah, they redeemed themselves in the end, but the way they looked down on the Ponyville team and the *disloyalty* they showed Soarin really hurt them in my eyes. The rest of the episode was rather enjoyable though. I like that Dash's loyalty was genuinely tested, and it really highlighted the clash between two of her biggest qualities- her drive to win and her devotion to her friends. I like that the Ponyville relay team was something that they all really invested in. It didn't matter that they weren't the best, but there was a lot of pride and heart on display, and that's what's really most important. And to top it off, Bulk Biceps was indeed pretty funny. And... return of Derpy, full force. We'll probably never hear her named or talk again, but this is cool. Oh, and anyone else get the feeling like this was Dash's Sweet and Elite? A lot of fans gave Rarity grief for that one, I wonder how they'll react here. Final thought: After the intro, I thought to myself, "Doesn't Cloudsdale have better flyers than those two? What about Thunderlane? Why isn't he on the team?" Literally the *instant* I completed that thought, Thunderlane comes onscreen and explains why he can't be on the team. Edited January 18, 2014 by hawkflame 4 Sig by Thunderstorm Check out my Rarity fansite! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Fire 386 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 I felt like Bulk Biceps name was a bit forced on us, being said just a few times too many. The wonderbolts seemed in character to me, their behavior was pretty consistent with previous episodes. Dat Derpy! 1 My oc - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-fire-r5698 "Take my love. Take my land. Take me where I cannot stand. I don't care. I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me. Take me out, to the black. Tell my ma I ain't coming back. Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wingnut 7,003 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 Once I read the preview, I knew it would be another one of those epiphany episodes where a Mane 6 pony "rediscovers" her element. A few quick reactions: -That wig worn by the cheerleading ponies, mostly Pinkie Pie, looks like an homage to Rainbow Brite. -I suppose Bulging Biceps is Snowflake's canon name now? -My roommate loved BB/Snowflake! -I'm amazed at how confident Fluttershy was in her own flying ability for once. She seemed almost out of character. -Brace yourselves for Fluttershy x Snowflake ships. -I don't like Spitfire as much as I used to, throwing Soarin under the bus like that. :okiedokielokie: -EVERYBODY saw Derpy in this episode! It's about freaking time they used her in something besides a Where's Waldo role. My roommate asked my if she talks and I explained the politically correct backlash that has forever silenced our most popular background pony. That's it for now. I may post more later once I get combobulated. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Crystal Maiden 221 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 Awww wow this was my favourite episode so far!! Or at least goes in my top 5 episodes of the season along with Daring Don't and Rarity Takes Manehattan. Anyway, I loved the way they did this one. The storyline was great, and I loved how they brought in some other characters we haven't seen for a while: Bulk Biceps (haha that's a great name for him! and he talks!), Derpy (YAAAY), Soarin and the other Wonderbolts. I also thought that Rainbow Dash shined once again with her personality and her loyalty to her friends. I think she's been brilliant in this season so far... well, she's ALWAYS brilliant, but she's been particularly brilliant recently! xD So yeah, it was amazing! Definitely gonna rewatch it at some point! OMG did they hint at SoarinDash??!! I got so excited at the little scenes they had together! AHHHH THE SHIPPING FEELS!!!! 1 British Pegasister, aspiring writer, and dedicated Rainbow Dash fan. Creativity is life. ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FirestormCAN 246 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 Oh lordy, the whole net is exploding with all the Derpy. Should've heeded Meghan's warning, even if she pretty much gave it away on the Twitters. XP Now as someone who's loyal to teams from two different cities (San Diego and Seattle), I can understand Dash's frustration in trying to choose. Though to be fair, the Cloudsdale team were real jackasses. I'm mean, lying about their own teammate's wing just so they could claim one of the best flyers in Equestria for themselves? Goddamn and I thought the New York Yankees were so full of themselves. But Dash is much better than that, she's flown with Ponyville's pegasi way longer than Cloudsdale's to know where her loyalties really stand. Once again her element shines through, even if the actual item's gone for good. I love the fact that Soarin's been given a major role this time. I was disappointed that he never showed up after Best Night Ever, 'cause he's my favorite Wonderbolt. Now I actually get to see him as a genuine character, a fun-loving stuntman. <3 So that's 2 rainbow-laced items this season. Now I'm getting curious. So all in all, another top-notch episode. Welcome back, Soarin. Oh, and Derpy too. Vector Production ~ Friends: YES | Public Requests: TBD | Commissions: NOBronyCAN 2016 Head of Publications - Email of PM for questions Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomariFeyWright 776 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 (edited) While once again this episode is better than Flight to the Finish, this episode is definitely one of my lesser favorites of the season. For starters, the fanservice was just a LITTLE too blatant. Not necessarily a bad thing, but you can tell they were desperate to truly appease the viewers. Next up, the Wonderbolts. It's pretty heavily implied throughout the show that the Wonderbolts are supposed to be likeable. In Wonderbolts academy especially, the character of Spitfire was shown to be at least an understanding character, with at least the basic understanding of the right thing to do. Yet here she seems to not really care about anything but winning, even willing to abandon a teammate who was probably really looking forward to having a place in the games. And even going so far as to lie to Rainbow as they did... really not making them very admirable. Speaking of not caring about anything but winning, I felt Rainbow Dash was rather out of her development phase in this episode as well. When the Wonderbolts came in and offered her a place in training, she really had to think about it. That was one thing. And yet when they offer her a place as a flyer she's just set with the mentality of "YUP K BAI FRIENDS GOOD LUCK SUCKING AND NOT BEING ABLE TO ENJOY THIS HA" and it takes Twilight with a VERY BASIC understanding of what she's doing wrong just for her to say, "I MIGHT be a little wrong here". It's especially infuriating to me because the Wonderbolt academy episode of season 3 was specifically made to show Rainbow's growth as a character, where she willingly attempted to abandon her chances of being a Wonderbolt for the sake of doing the right thing, and yet here, she abandons all of that growth the episode worked so desperately to show off for more reasons than just doing the right thing... for her freaking FRIENDS. For Bulk Bicep. For the Mane Five. EVEN FOR FLUTTERSHY. All Fluttershy fanboy-ism aside, Rainbow is definitelty better than that. As for everything else, the episode was really nothing all too special. The other characters weren't given an overly large or impressive role in the episode, and even the fanservice they brought in (scratch Bulk Biceps, he was fine) wasn't particularly amazing. Especially considering they didn't even give Derpy a voice. It may have been to avoid controversy but... *sigh* Best thing about this episode, to me, was Twilight dressed as a cheerleader. This episode barely qualified as a better episode for me, earning it a efforted 7/10. Edited January 18, 2014 by SomariFeyWright 2 Awesome signature made by Tromino. My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pitch-light-r4599 Want to join a romantic crossover RP to celebrate the Month of Love?: http://mlpforums.com/topic/86811-the-multiversal-matchmaking-corner-romance/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shift 4,272 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 So I think all of this Derpy stuff needs its own thread so screw it I made this one. Also, I really loved this episode. 9.7/10, .3 points taken off for the Wonderbolts not learning anything. 1 Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buttonmash1973 1,026 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 This was one of the best S4 eps until now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iceestarz 5,765 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 Eh. Wasn't my favorite, but it wasn't the worst of the season. I'm really looking forward to Pinkie Pride and Simple Ways, After Rarity Takes Manehattan she's in competition with Pinkie for my favorite pony. I feel as if Rainbow Dash episodes tend to bore me rather than excite me. But it was way better than Daring Don't in my opinion. Pinkie actually annoyed me a little in this episode, her constant cheering was cute at first, but started to tick me off, just about as much as all the YEAAAAHS. Perhaps it's because the episodes comes on at 7:30 where I'm at and I'm not really a morning person to begin with. Idk, but whatever, still alright I guess. Oh yeah, and DERPPPPPY! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 Eh, an episode on the dull side somewhat—Oh, what the hell! DERPY'S BACK! 2 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PoisonClaw 8,166 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 (edited) As if it wasn't confirmed enough already, the reappearance of the rainbow light means we have our second "key". That makes two in the last three episodes, but I'm hesitant to remark on the pacing considering close to half a dozen episode before this only brief mention of the box. Now onto the episode itself...it was very so-so for me, though I'm more shifting towards the negative side of things. This is the second Dash episode to come off as rather weak this season. That's not to to say there weren't things I enjoyed, far from it. To begin with, I loved the look of the training grounds. This season is on a roll with downright gorgeous locations. Plus so many new pegasi (I swear I even saw a Pegasus Bon-Bon!). I also liked the introduction on the third Wonderbolt Fleetfoot. Key word here being "introduction" as suddenly Spitfire and Fleetfoot shift into antagonist territory. These two as the "villains" for this episode seem rather shoe horned in, making this sudden descent into jerkass being even more confusing considering how Spitfire acted in past episodes, especially when we learn from Soarin that they pretty much decided to ditch him the moment he got hurt and somepony better came along. So much for Wonderbolt teamwork...not to mention that once Rainbow Dash confronts them on how they acted, they change their act quicker than a changeling. Also, I was groaning along with Twilight during Dash's entire display. You think she would learn the art of subtlety by now! But that's not the biggest reason I didn't like this episode. Besides Dash, two other characters made appearances that made everyone flip out: the muscly pony now known as Bulk Biceps and the long awaited return of Derpy. Of these two characters, one of them ruined the episode for me and I expect no end of flack for it. *Straps on riot helmet* Well, here we go... I hated Bulk Biceps throughout most of the episode. He was funny in the beginning, but the worst thing you can do is hammer a joke to the point it long stops being funny and that's exactly what they did. When he was on screen for extended periods of time, I had to resist the urge to groan and go "Just get on with it!" Derpy was fine though, she was there enough that every could go "She's back!", but not enough that she hampered the overall story in anyway. On a final lighter note, I burst out laughing when I saw Twilight decked out in full cheerleader gear complete with rainbow mane (Whether it's a wig or she actually dyed her mane I don't know or care really) at the end. Of everything that will be created from "Rainbow Falls", someone needs to vector an image of Cheerleader Twilight ASAP. Edited January 18, 2014 by PoisonClaw 1 MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider NutNow, count up your sins!I do Traditional commissions, by the way! See them HERE! Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zev_zev The outcast 415 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 (edited) OMG did they hint at SoarinDash??!! I got so excited at the little scenes they had together! AHHHH THE SHIPPING FEELS!!!! Yes, I have also noticed that, but I hope that these hints will never be. But unfortunately we can't avoid a many arts on the theme Soaring/Dash. Bronies... ^ Yes, I admit that I'm paladin. Edited January 18, 2014 by zev_zev Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
null123456 759 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 Oh mah gawd.. That episode was so adorable and funny with the inclusion of BULK BICEEEPPS! It totally refreshed the fact that RD is the element of loyalty and that fact shined near the end. Also, Derpy is back! And you all thought she was gone. :3 (On an unrelated note, R.I.P Ask Molestia Blog) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dekutree64 713 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 Ok, so it was a pretty good episode. Bulk Biceps now has a 100% official name, and a lot more lines (although I thought his VA could have done better to sound more like the gravelly "YEAH!" he did in Hurricane Fluttershy). I think he and Fluttershy are going to be shipped a lot more often now His straining to fly was a little funny, but I kind of preferred in previous episodes when he just flutters right up. But in any case, he gives hope that Scootaloo can fly by sheer determination even if her wings don't get any bigger. Fluttershy seemed a little off, not being the least bit worried about performing, even when Rainbow Dash's happiness was on the line. I know she got over her fear in Hurricane Fluttershy, but I'd think she'd still be a little bit nervous. I'm confused by the Wonderbolts... is Rainbow really that much faster than Soarin that they feel the need to replace him? Why isn't she a Wonderbolt by now if she's that good? Twilight is showing good princessly instinct, keeping track of everything when everyone else is too caught up in their own things. I wonder if she's disqualified from competing due to her status. I was hoping Celestia and Luna would come and ask her to fly with them for the Canterlot team, if only for exhibition And it looks like we were all right about the keys And I totally thought to myself "I bet Rainbow's key will be a badge, or possibly a medal" just before the episode. Too bad I didn't post it -_- And it looks like the keys must be given by others. So pretty safe bet that Cheese Sandwich will be giving Pinkie hers in Pinkie Pride. I think it will be a balloon. But really, Derpy was the best part of the episode 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zev_zev The outcast 415 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 I'm confused by the Wonderbolts... is Rainbow really that much faster than Soarin that they feel the need to replace him? Why isn't she a Wonderbolt by now if she's that good? Agree. Moreover, Rainbow Dash much smarter Soarin just stupid redneck. Dashie better than him on all counts, she already deserve to join Wonderbolts instead Soarin. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MLPFanatic34 3,234 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 That episode was amazing!!! I loved seeing Pinkie Pie in a cheerleader outfit, she was adorable, I love Bulk Biceps aka Snowflake! He talks too, OMG!! I also loved seeing Rainbow Falls, what a beautiful setting and the rainbow colors mesmerized me. I also loved the lesson learned in this episode and OMG Derpy!! Derpy is back!!! Also again we see the rainbow hue thing that was shown in Rarity Takes Manehattan, I'm more curious than ever what the rainbow hues are. All in all a good episode! 10/10! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dekutree64 713 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 Speaking of not caring about anything but winning, I felt Rainbow Dash was rather out of her development phase in this episode as well. When the Wonderbolts came in and offered her a place in training, she really had to think about it. That was one thing. And yet when they offer her a place as a flyer she's just set with the mentality of "YUP K BAI FRIENDS GOOD LUCK SUCKING AND NOT BEING ABLE TO ENJOY THIS HA" and it takes Twilight with a VERY BASIC understanding of what she's doing wrong just for her to say, "I MIGHT be a little wrong here". It's especially infuriating to me because the Wonderbolt academy episode of season 3 was specifically made to show Rainbow's growth as a character, where she willingly attempted to abandon her chances of being a Wonderbolt for the sake of doing the right thing, and yet here, she abandons all of that growth the episode worked so desperately to show off for more reasons than just doing the right thing... for her freaking FRIENDS. For Bulk Bicep. For the Mane Five. EVEN FOR FLUTTERSHY. All Fluttershy fanboy-ism aside, Rainbow is definitelty better than that. I agree, this was the main flaw of this episode. But Fluttershy has never shown an interest in competitions before, so it's not like Dash would have been crushing her dreams. I wish they would have made that more clear, but maybe if Flutters had only been doing it for Dash in the first place, it would have lessened the lesson. I do think Bulk Biceps would have taken it pretty hard, though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ponynymous 3 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 Where can I watch this episode? I want to watch it so bad! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Candy Blaze 119 January 18, 2014 Share January 18, 2014 Could any pony link me the episode? I woke up late and couldn't watch the live stream I really want to see Derpy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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