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when analyzing is too much

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You're right, it's just a kids show. There's no need for good characters, a decent story, or animation.


Just something that will keep the stupid children preoccupied for half an hour.




In all seriousness, while he has no right to demand for the show to be perfect, he has a right to complain.





I'm not sure if you've noticed, but nobody actually thinks those theories are true. It's just a fun little head canon :P

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I'm not sure if you've noticed, but nobody actually thinks those theories are true. It's just a fun little head canon :P


You'd be surprised... a couple of them in particular are actually relatively widely accepted, or at least are a bit popular, and it drives me nuts when I see that hardly anybody questions it. My hairs gonna start graying if I don't convince myself to stop worrying about it :lol:

Edited by Vixor
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You'd be surprised... a couple of them in particular are actually relatively widely accepted, or at least are a bit popular, and it drives me nuts when I see that hardly anybody questions it. My hairs gonna start graying if I don't convince myself to stop worrying about it :lol:


Well, they may be popular, but I can't think of anyone who actually thinks these theories are true.

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I like over-analyzing, but I'm not such a big fan of all the grim and negative theories people pull out of it; (

Exactly right! You need to accept the general premise of the show and that the writers aren't trying to make everything mean something. What you're describing is more akin to fanfic than show analysis.

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Well, they may be popular, but I can't think of anyone who actually thinks these theories are true.

Mmm, some people on FIMfiction in particular are pretty fond of claiming absurd things are "likely to be canon", but I guess that's to be expected? Meh.


I honestly don't like that they are even popular, as like I said, I believe they are nonsense, but I've already told myself that worrying about other peoples fanon/headcanons is relatively pointless unless they are trying to claim it's likely to be canon or something. At this point the most I can do is fume and occasionally get into debates with those people, but it's difficult to debate about something that has nothing more than questionable evidence, and calling it that would be generous. I would be satisfied if more people would rise up and question or challenge the theories though, as I just feel kinda outnumbered at this point, haha.

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I have no problem with people who like to analyze the show since analyzing literature can be a good hobby. However, sometimes I feel i can't enjoy the episodes as much because some of them gives really good reasons for why the episode was bad and it kind of makes me feel guilty that I enjoyed it. Usually if I don't agree with an episode I do the most logical thing and either don't watch the review all together or take part in a discussion about it. I'm more for the ones that make them humorous like Silver Quil. I'm not to big on the ones who say an episode is good due to some deep analytical meaning because I'm watching them I just get confused. 

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Every-time I hear the "it's just a kid's show" argument I want to tell people to read up on Don Bluth because he believed the average person under estimates kids and that can comprehend a lot more than we give them credit for as long as there's a happy ending to tie it all up.    


Now, I do agree nitpicking a show to death while ignoring everything good about it is bad. 

I would go further than Mr. Bluth (I love his movies...Except the awful ones.) and say even the happy ending is not strictly necessary as long as somebody is around to help them keep it all in context. I know kids who watch Breaking Bad and while the guy responsible for all the evil does fall in the end, it is soooooooo very far from a happy ending.

Good guys dead or irrevocably and deeply scarred for life. And as far as anyone knows, some enterprising cook got their hands on Walt's product out in one of the many places it ended up during distribution and cracked the recipe.



Analysis is fine. Nitpicking is annoying. But the line between the two is muddied and subjective so it's all kinda iffy anyway.

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Exactly right! You need to accept the general premise of the show and that the writers aren't trying to make everything mean something. What you're describing is more akin to fanfic than show analysis.


I suppose that's true, but I feel it's somewhat relevant as occasionally even show analyzers will come up with some pretty silly theories. It is a more noticeable thing in the fanfiction community though, and that's understandable to some extent since some people may feel that it makes a fanfic more interesting, but I just don't feel it's logical, and it becomes a problem when people start to claim it's more than just a silly theory made for fun. Maybe I'm overreacting and less people actually believe the theories are true or even logical than I think, but I've found myself especially bothered by it after researching it enough, so now I must complain about it on a message board.


What has my life come to? :huh:

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While I myself a reviewer, I dislike overly negative reviews where they start nitpicking stuff without any good reason to back up said complaint that enforces why it negatively impacts an episode.

However, I also dislike it when people complain about somebody scrutinizing an episode, regardless if he pointed those flaws out very well, simply because they don't want to hear unfavorable opinions over an episode they like. I mean just because you may not want to hear a negative opinion doesn't mean you should attack the person without pointing out why you believe his reasoning is wrong in a logical manner and not using asinine excuses as the basis for your case.

Its one thing when they have a valid point but there are some who just throw around BS just to hear their own voices.


The two that I do have the most respect for are Digi and Tommy O. Both of whom I can agree with 90% of the time. I actually look forward to their videos. But even they sometimes take this too seriously.


I think its good to point out both the positive and negitive but some episodes are just meant to be fun and should be enjoyed and not looked upon too harshly.


I don't begrudge these guys one bit, they've taken their time and money to bring out quality opinions both good and bad and that's admirable.


But the old adage is that, opinions are like plot holes... everyone has one.


Myself included... if it wasn't, none of us would be here

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They don't care if it is a kids show, they will just analyze it anyway because they think that kid shows have flaws so they decide to talk and analyze said flaws. They have their limits, its just analyzing.

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I'll only mention this one, and I think that he's right but he's over thinking things and forgetting that  this is meant to be a kids show, so the plot should be as simplistic as possible right? I think that this show is not meant to have applied such deep analysis on it because every episode would end up being crap.


This is where I will politely disagree. I do not think of this show as "just" a kid's show, but rather, it is a show for the whole family. Kids and adults alike can enjoy the show, hence the fandom, and so it should be treated as such. And I think this because time and again the show has proven to be deeper than just "what's today's moral, and how can we shoehorn it into the episode?"


I do not think any analysis is to far, even if they are over-thinking it, because the work, in my opinion, has the potential to be bigger than the author's intent. I know a lot of people's view on Equestria is way more well thought out than some of the writers for the show's are. And that's okay because the show is bigger than the author's intent!


So no, there is no such thing as over analysing in my opinion.




But even they sometimes take this too seriously.


And I'll disagree here too. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with taking something very seriously. I like the world of Equestria because it seems deeper than at first glance. It is a place that has intricasities, and I like to think about those things in a very deep way; Probably deeper than the writers of the show ever intended. I do not personally see the disvalue in this.

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This is where I will politely disagree. I do not think of this show as "just" a kid's show, but rather, it is a show for the whole family. Kids and adults alike can enjoy the show, hence the fandom, and so it should be treated as such. And I think this because time and again the show has proven to be deeper than just "what's today's moral, and how can we shoehorn it into the episode?"


I do not think any analysis is to far, even if they are over-thinking it, because the work, in my opinion, has the potential to be bigger than the author's intent. I know a lot of people's view on Equestria is way more well thought out than some of the writers for the show's are. And that's okay because the show is bigger than the author's intent!


So no, there is no such thing as over analysing in my opinion.



And I'll disagree here too. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with taking something very seriously. I like the world of Equestria because it seems deeper than at first glance. It is a place that has intricasities, and I like to think about those things in a very deep way; Probably deeper than the writers of the show ever intended. I do not personally see the disvalue in this.

The problem is that when one only focuses on the details, one tends to miss the bigger picture.


This is but a story, and I agree, its a damn good story, but its not Shakespeare or War and Peace. Even those have their flaws


I agree, many of today's children shows should be held to a higher accountability, but not everything should be held to the flames.


These videos are their prospectives on what they see for themselves but sometimes you just gotta step back and discover what it really means for you.

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Its one thing when they have a valid point but there are some who just throw around BS just to hear their own voices.

The two that I do have the most respect for are Digi and Tommy O. Both of whom I can agree with 90% of the time. I actually look forward to their videos. But even they sometimes take this too seriously.

I think its good to point out both the positive and negitive but some episodes are just meant to be fun and should be enjoyed and not looked upon too harshly.

I don't begrudge these guys one bit, they've taken their time and money to bring out quality opinions both good and bad and that's admirable.

But the old adage is that, opinions are like plot holes... everyone has one.

Myself included... if it wasn't, none of us would be here

That's what I meant, I dislike reading or hearing negative opinions or positive opinions for the sake of having it. I always feel that whatever point a person is trying to make, he/she must back it up through a sound and well thought out premise to explain why this is good or bad.


I generally don't critique an episode for simply having zany fun with an idea or character, but only if it does it well as I'll still critique it if I feel it was below par execution. After all a person can only get better if he/she knows something is wrong with his performance, usually from self critique or from an observer.


Your statement on opinion is true as well.

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That's what I meant, I dislike reading or hearing negative opinions or positive opinions for the sake of having it. I always feel that whatever point a person is trying to make, he/she must back it up through a sound and well thought out premise to explain why this is good or bad.


I generally don't critique an episode for simply having zany fun with an idea or character, but only if it does it well as I'll still critique it if I feel it was below par execution. After all a person can only get better if he/she knows something is wrong with his performance, usually from self critique or from an observer.


Your statement on opinion is true as well.

I agree, being able to critique something and show both positive and negative adds balance even if indirectly.


The ones that drive me nuts are those who insist on putting everything under a microscope. Sometimes ya just gotta ask... does it really matter?


You can't avoid every pot hole in the road of life, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the ride

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Heh, I'm one of those peeps who loves analyzing things, and I see no issue with harshly criticizing an episode if I legitimately feel its lousy.

I only do this because I have high standards for MLP, since I know what the writers are capable of. Even the "bad" episodes are still better than a lot of other stuff on TV. And especially great episodes will be analyzed and appreciated on a much greater level for all their strengths

Point is, there's nothing wrong with being critical, so long as you are fair about it and don't forget to also focus on the positives.

Edited by crazitaco
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I'd say the brony fandom really does over analyze the show...


For example...


Friend: Hey, did you see the latest episode?

Me: Yeah.

Friend: What did you think?

Me: Awesome! =D

Friend: I *hated* the blade of grass at 10 mins and 23 seconds. It looked out of place! MLP is getting worse and worse!!



Your gonna have to break it down there alot blades of grass on the show that i feel offend me on a personal and racial level,

see I'm part latino (I am but i'm going to stop goofing off now^^).


Ahem.  Seriously, the king of critical tools in the realm of fun is Ben yahtzee.

Can he poison a fun experience?

You bet he can.  He's the best at doing just that in the gaming industry.  is he the reason why games aren't as bad as they once were?


does he help matters?  Certainly not.  Absolutely not.

Would be better off if everyone just kept smiling and acted like their wasn't a problem?



Look I loveeeeeeeeeee season 4.  Hell I don't even have a wish list for things I need to see ^^ at the moment.

The writing staff is giving me pretty much everything i want.

That said,

if I'm happy I'm pretty sure that means other people aren't going to be happy.  And i'm not saying every episode is gonna be awesome.

Not everyone is gonna think pinkie apple pie is the best God damn thing ever (it is ^^ but shh i'm being objective).

Rainbow falls was bad.

not terrible, not awful, but it was bad.

If you liked and or loved it,

there's only so much derpy can do ^^ the kind hearted miracle worker she is.

When i love an episode or hate it,

I'm comfortable enough with how i feel to hear another view.

Doesn't mean some won't piss me off, some might even might poison me.

You take that gamble when you listen to someone they might influence you if they make sense.


but hay i'm a gambler ^^.

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I guess reffering back to my original post in this thread, I do not think there is such thing as "over-analyzing" like some here do. I think the fictional world of Equestria is more than in the mind of the author, but in the mind of all of the fans. So overthinking it would mean that you have to think harder than hundreds of people if not more.

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If you hit anything with a hammer hard enough it will break. I don't know where to draw a line for others, but I don't try to break an episode, I try to see if it falls apart on its own (I usually can tell when episode is "broken," at least in my opinion, on the first viewing).

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I find it funny when someone makes a whole wall of text of analysis, I mean soon they will write a book ? xD But a little bit of analyses is fine, also criticizing some bad moments, but sometimes I see some uncalled over-reaction like this is supposed to be some perfect show with perfect ideas.

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Speaking as something of a Brony Analyst myself (I'm more a character analyst rather than an episode analyst though) I think that there's plenty of value to be offered in analysis. In doing analysis you provide clarity to your own thoughts- it allows you to better understand why you feel the way you feel, and maybe you even discover insights that you didn't realize at first.


It also allows you to create a dialog with others, exchange each other's opinions and get some perspective yourself. For instance, I never really liked Rainbow Dash, I kinda thought she was just a jerk. But through reading why her fans like her, sometimes in great detail, I really got a better appreciation for the character. I still don't like her that much, but I think I have a better insight on her and respect her more as a result.

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do believe there is a point where people over-analyze things in the show. But it also irks me when people say, "It's just a kid's show." Does that mean we should watch it without questioning things?

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