Skycoaster 698 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 Weird Al! and Roller Coasters are now Canon! a steel one to boot, even if it was only for a few seconds. 1 Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character: Princess Luna Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
takai 1,060 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 Fantastic episode! My favorite of the season. So Pinkie's key is a rubber chicken? Yep, that's Pinkie for you Ah, my heart was broken seeing Pinkie sad. It being completely music filled was great. I'm hoping we get to see Cheese Sandwich again, he's a memorable character that's a lot of fun to watch. Plus Weird Al's voice is awesome. I'm not a fan of ships for MLP, but if I had to support one, it would be Pinkie x Cheese. Oh, and did anyone laugh as hard as I did when "real" gummy and boneless danced? I seriously did not expect that. That's sort of like old Spongebob humor, and I always found that stuff hysterical. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnight Dragon 264 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 After seeing this episode... OMG I CANNOT TAKE IN ITS AWESOMENESS ...ahem...anyway... As much as I like Twinkie, I think I also ship Cheese Pie now (Too bad this didn't come out before I started writing that one fic...) 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ac3xAssasin 453 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 I loved it, so many songs all so good, and I'm glad to see Derpy being derpy. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solar Cloud 493 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 This episode was amazing. Weird Al was great and the story was entertaining and it dug deeper into Pinkie's character. The songs were also amazing. To end this post, here's what's left of Boneless. 4 My OCs: Solar Cloud Silver Ore Nova Sunset Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silverreverb 129 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 this episode was everything I expected, except for the part when pinkie was sad. didn't see that coming /=| for a second, I was expecting pinkie's key to follow similar lines to the previous ones. rarity's was rainbow colored and rainbow's looked similar to her cutie mark, so when it came time for pinkie's key, I thought it would somehow related to rainbow dash. I do like the rubber chicken key though no new favorite song though /=| 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyan Blue 946 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 Since in the beginning of the episode Pinkie said it was RD's "Birthday Bash" This episode was released today (February First) My birthday is today. So me and Rainbow Dash have the same birthday! 8 Sweet Sig by Lunia Avatar Image by PegasisterJayfeather CM By Scilight Paitanibu Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwilightDreamer 69 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 Yeah, the episode leaked yesterday if I'm correct. They really did leak it yesterday, I caught a glimpse of the download on mediafire and got the episode from it but I didn't touch it from spoilers. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jokuc 8,174 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 (edited) This episode was so awesome !!! :3 It had a good story with a new non-villain MALE character, which is awesome! I liked Cheese cause he was so similar to Pinkie and I liked his voice as well. I love how they did the western thing at the beginning of the episode and I like how you got a story about him at the end of the episode. The episode had many awesome songs (I didn't count, how many was it again? 4? I don't know..) either way, all of them were awesome :3 The one where pinkie decided to challenge him (at sugarcube corner) was in my opinion the best one. itgavemetears I also enjoyed how they threw in the real life videos of the toy and an alligator xD This episode was soooo good. 10/10 for sure :3 Edited February 1, 2014 by Jokuc 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Razzmataz 37 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 I loved this episode, it was really adorable.Plus, I like Weird Al's work. Pinkie was in character I felt, she was just goofy and fun love..not stupid or annoying acting. It was a really fun episode overall and I like the lesson she learned. I was surprised her key wasn't rainbow colored, though. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkiefan1287 610 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 It was a pretty good episode. The song's were good, glade every character has some role in the song, and it just felt like a really good Pinkie Pie episode. Still the 1 thing or 2 things I like the most in this episode was that Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake were in it. Not very long and they didn't do much, I'm just glade they are getting some screen time in Pinkie Pie episodes. Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Riddle 102 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 It was nice eps and for the first time i liked a freaking Pinkie Pie song for like the first time in all of MLP and me watching it and having Al on made a good touch of humor and drama for Pinkie but once more the singing was a bit over done like a burned toast to me and wish Al had more talking parts but the ep was good and he might come back but making a rubber chicken one of the rainbow items... (Sig made by Me) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
null123456 759 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 I absolutely ADORED this episode seeing as I'm a huge fan of Weird Al. The songs were great and Weird Al did a great job as 'Cheese Sandwich'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloo Is Best Filly 578 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 This just might be the one episode that I loved more than anything else. I loved that part when they had that real Alligator and the other Rubber Chicken dancing. And I especially loved it when Pinkie is trying all these new talents,and messing up on them. I loved this episode, but I'm confused, about how old is Cheese Sandwich? He was a filly when Pinkie was a Filly? Really? He seemed to be a bit older than Pinkie Pie. I don't doubt, the rest of his story...but, given it was Pinkie who had given him his cutie Mark, and he does seem a little older than the rest of the ponies, it kinda doesn't add up. But, other than that I LOVED THIS EPISODE. Facebook: Josh B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InkyJay 21 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 This was a good episode. This was a very good episode. What got to me the most in this episode was how the first act reminded me of the first Toy Story. I'm serious. Try imagining Pinkie as Woody and Cheese Sandwich as Buzz Lightyear. Even though Cheese came to plan Rainbow Dash's party, he at least wasn't being a jerk and trying to replace Pinkie entirely like the Flim-Flam brothers tried to do with Applejack. In fact, I think Cheese Sandwich was one of the few male characters on the show that didn't mean any intentional ill will towards the focus character or cause trouble with their antics. The only sour notes in the symphony for me were the end of episode joke (Shouldn't Pinkie be able to remember the people she's met, especially when they become friends?) and the fear that Spike will become to Twilight what Snips and Snails are to Season 1 Trixie: an annoying fanboy that keeps blowing their idol's horn for them. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carbon Maestro 1,003 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 This just might be the one episode that I loved more than anything else. I loved that part when they had that real Alligator and the other Rubber Chicken dancing. And I especially loved it when Pinkie is trying all these new talents,and messing up on them. I loved this episode, but I'm confused, about how old is Cheese Sandwich? He was a filly when Pinkie was a Filly? Really? He seemed to be a bit older than Pinkie Pie. I don't doubt, the rest of his story...but, given it was Pinkie who had given him his cutie Mark, and he does seem a little older than the rest of the ponies, it kinda doesn't add up. But, other than that I LOVED THIS EPISODE. It might be that mares just age well, while stallions look older for their age. That could happen too. I mean look at Berry Punch in the flashback. She hasn't aged one bit! Meanwhile, Cheerilee is an adult schoolteacher... 3 "You learn a lot about people when you listen to the songs that mean something to them." Youtube - Carbon Maestro, Music Reviews - Carbon Music Reviews, Soundcloud - Follow Here, Twitter: @CarbonMaestro Super Smash Ponies: Find it here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Felix 1,363 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 OH YEAH! Best episode EVER! Dang after this I really love Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich! This was exactly what I was hoping for. Way to advance on Pinkie Pie and show us she hasn't lost what we love Hasbro! Everything about this episode can simply not be explained. It was too amazing. Though at first I was afraid this was going to be a musical like the last episode of season 3 and that'd cover up the plot, but it actually didn't! I loved the music and it fit perfectly without covering the whole plot! Just fantastic Hasbro! I loved it! 1 Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DubWolf 17,401 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 (edited) GREAT EPISODE!! Landslide of "I LOVED IT" votes as well! I did think it was a bit..cheesy sometimes! Get it!? The songs really did bring up my personal ratings for starters, not to mention all the gags were cookie and crazy like the real life boneless and Gummy. Aanndd.. other stuff you guys want, blabla, character development, blabla, that too. Favorite line of the episode: "And the loser?" Pinkie Pie: "Doesn't!" I really liked Pinkie Pie's faces when she's angry! There were a lot of Derpy appearances. Maybe too much, but that should make up for her missed appearances in season 3. Oh yeah, did anybody notice how Pinkie Pie's face seems to poke into the screen as she says, "boneless"? More feeling of depth to the animation. TOO MANY RAINBOWS!!! Edited February 1, 2014 by Wingin'Wolf 1 Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cstriker 737 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 (edited) It wasn't so much ditching Pinkie as it was forgetting. Everyone got caught up in Cheese Sandwich's number. Twilight went back to see Pinkie after all. I agree here. The excitment of the new and shine caught up a bandwagon. Yes it was mean, but the Mane group came back to get her, showed they cared, and Pinkie through this all in getting her key (supposed) learned her effect on Cheese. He was jealous and honored by Pinkie, but certainly stole the show from her. EVERYPONY GREW A LITTLE BIT!!!! Especially loved seeing Derpy, Cheese, Pinkie, Cheerilee as Fillies!!! Edited February 1, 2014 by Cstriker 3 Fashionably Camouflaged Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloo Is Best Filly 578 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 It might be that mares just age well, while stallions look older for their age. That could happen too. I mean look at Berry Punch in the flashback. She hasn't aged one bit! Meanwhile, Cheerilee is an adult schoolteacher... I never thought about that. Either way totally amazing episode. I can't wait to see more of Cheese Sandwich, and I really hope Weird Al goes to Bronycon. I would be Marking out so bad if "Weird" Al was at Bronycon. 1 Facebook: Josh B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
34908734bdjofh73 61 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 That was an awesome episode! Weird Al is pretty awesome. Pinky Pie was really in character, goofy! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sonicrules831 520 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 I loved it! Probably one of the best yet! Just to hear all the songs sounded like a Weird Al song, plus the last one sounded like EQG. Man I loved every minute of it! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunatic Cake 1,618 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 Is it wrong that this Episode almost made me cry halfway through? Anyway after seeing this episode there is one thing that I suspect: Rarity and Pinkie have got their keys for that box by now. The thing that I actually suspect is that there will be other ponies that will give the mane 6 characters one artifact each that will connect them and it'll most likely be some sort of new-built friendship since the elements of harmony don't work anymore, a new friendship must be build and these friendships the ponies create with all the other ponies will be the keys for everything. That's why I suspect a comeback for both Coco and Cheese Sandwich in the Season finale. Anyone else think that way? Anyway I can't really say much about this episode, it felt a little off storywise, it was simply a little to depressive at some parts and then it suddenly got cut off to a happy scene once again, it just confused me a little. 1 Sig by: Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shandesa 14 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 The writing doesn't matter, what DOES matter is WHO in the name of equestrian is the purple one on the right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MLPFanatic34 3,235 February 1, 2014 Share February 1, 2014 @shandesa, so Pinkie Pie has 3 sisters? Hmm, also this episode, OMG this episode, was amazing, Cheese Sandwich aka Weird Al was best guest party pony ever, the duet between him and Pinkie Pie singing and the interaction, OMG, loved it, I loved the references, the songs and the just plain humor in this episode. One of the top episodes of Season 4 so far!!! Loved it!! 10/10!! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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