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People you just wanna- UGH..

Cyan Blue

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Since the OP posted a video of Penn Jillette, it made me think:

You know who needs to shut the fuck up? Outspoken celebrity atheists. Richard Dawkins, Bill Maher, Ricky Gervais, Sam Harris, Tim Minchin, Stephen Fry...I'm looking at you. Your mannerisms and behavior are strictly juvenile (no wonder your fanbase is full of teenagers and 20somethings caught in arrested adolescence), your arguments against Christianity are breathtakingly illogical and factually inaccurate and your love of genuine truth is slight. We might have bought into your "champions of reason bringing light to the ignorant backward masses" schtick several hundred years ago, but after the totalitarian mass murders caused by atheist Jacobins in France, atheist Bolsheviks in Russia, the support given by "secular humanists" to infanticide today, etc. you can put that bullshit away. You're not fooling me.

Edited by NomDeSpite
  • Brohoof 1

On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said:

This is the internet, not reality.


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I swear every thread on here eventually becomes religion related.

I don't see what your problem is. The six men I listed really do need to shut the fuck up.

  • Brohoof 1

On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said:

This is the internet, not reality.


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 'Love & Tolerate', ladies and gentlemen. Honestly, you basically created a people bashing thread. But that's alright, when Bronies hate on others, it's not considered bullying. :)

I had to go to the same class for 5 years with him and 3 of those 5 years he bullied me and my friend untill I beat him up. I don't have a reason to love, but I do tolerate him for now. Nice avatar btw :Pj

  • Brohoof 1




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Since the OP posted a video of Penn Jillette, it made me think:


You know who needs to shut the fuck up? Atheists. Richard Dawkins, Bill Maher, Ricky Gervais, Sam Harris, Tim Minchin, Stephen Fry...I'm looking at you. Your mannerisms and behavior are strictly juvenile (no wonder your fanbase is full of teenagers and 20somethings caught in arrested adolescence), your arguments against Christianity are breathtakingly illogical and factually inaccurate and your love of genuine truth is slight. We might have bought into your "champions of reason bringing light to the ignorant backward masses" schtick several hundred years ago, but after the totalitarian mass murders caused by atheist Jacobins in France, atheist Bolsheviks in Russia, the support given by "secular humanists" to infanticide today, etc. you can put that bullshit away. You're not fooling me.

lul wut just because some atheist are dicks doesn't mean we all are i am one.

  • Brohoof 3



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There is a number of people that I can name (but will not)  who can really put my patience to the test. The majority of them are unfortunately preteen girls (sophomores and juniors - not actually preteen by age but by mentality) who go to my private school. I have been able to establish a good rapport with all the guys over there thankfully. However, for some unbeknownst reason, the majority of the female gender over there seem to enjoy teasing and belittling me in all ways possible.


I try ignoring them but unfortunately that does not even work after awhile. -_-  *sighs* I cannot wait until I am finally done with high school. Only several more months go until my graduation day which is taking place on the first week of June. :)

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lul wut just because some atheist are dicks doesn't mean we all are i am one.

Then your avatar is really, really ironic. Because literally the first thing it brings to mind is "In hoc signo vinces".

  • Brohoof 1

On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said:

This is the internet, not reality.


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Pretty much everyone at my school (Except my close friends.) Everyone is so selfish, annoying, and they're never going to go anywhere. Every single student at my school is a complete idiot that don't deserve the opportunity that's been given to them.


*Venting over*


Another thing is when I play online with others. I usually get annoying players, people who can't take a loss well.


Those are two instances that annoy me to no end.

  • Brohoof 3


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Pretty much everyone at my school (Except my close friends.) Everyone is so selfish, annoying, and they're never going to go anywhere. Every single student at my school is a complete idiot that don't deserve the opportunity that's been given to them.

I know that feeling all too well and if it makes you feel any better once the party is over most of them will either grow up like my brother did or are going to be stuck in crappy dead end jobs with no future working for companies that will gladly throw them under the bus if they make even a single dime from it. Unfortunately with how corrupt the system is even a lot of good hard working people are caught in this situation, but I suppose that is a topic for another day.


The list of people that piss me off is nearly endless I suppose I will narrow it down a bit for now.


1. liars

2. politicians

3. petty tyrants/busy bodies

4. people who judge what they don't understand

5. hypocrites

6. the willfully ignorant ie idiots

  • Brohoof 2
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  • Hypocrites. It bothers me beyond belief when somebody does something really hypocritical.

Politicians. Did you see the video about that congressman threatening to push the reporter off of the balcony?

Crazy religious people who insist you're worthless trash because you aren't the same religion as them.

Radical religious people. They're insane!

Ignorant people who refuse to learn historical facts.

People who hate (not dislike, hate) bronies for no good reason.

Religious people/Atheists who won't shut up about how superior their beliefs are to yours.

  • Brohoof 6


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Just about every politician and corporate nimrod this world has to offer


And 95% of big time celebrities. And fanboys. And religious and Athiest zealots

Vince McMahon (His "groundbreaking announcements" in recent years...).

I dunno, the WWE Network actually sounds pretty awesome. All of his other crap however....

Edited by Megas75
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People who make assumptions/generalizations about a group/fandom/whatever based on a few people's actions. Really, this annoys me to no end. Just because those two guys from that one fandom hurt your feelings or something, doesn't automatically mean that every other person who happens to be in the same fandom will do the same. :okiedokielokie:

3rd Eye | To suffer hate in search of love, or lose them both forever? 🎔 ~


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Cuomo.. the jackoff that seems to think his "S.A.F.E." act was a good idea.

Didn't stop the navy yard shooting did it big guy? and he's still blathering on..


Bloomberg and his moral police buddies. Does the government really need to be the ones telling us what we can/can't eat and in what portion sizes?! I mean really?! If you can't limit your own eating habits, maybe you need help, but not at the tax payers expense let alone at the threat of a fine or jail time..


racists too, theres literally no need for that crap, it demeans EVERYONE, not just those its thrown at.


PETA... 'nuff said.


the crazed "THIS GAME IZ BROKEN!!!" maniacs that follow the release of pretty much every PC game out there.. Yeah we get it, there are bugs, report them and move along. We don't need the constant updates. It takes TIME to find the problems and fix them, its not going to be an overnight thing...


Closed minded hatred of persons and people for no reason other than "its just wrong".

That doesn't even need to be explained I'm sure.






Love & Tolerate may come from 4chan, but it's still a legible concept.


It comes from 4chan as a lie and a joke, not a literal concept. As for being a legible concept.. not likely. Try living with that in literal and you'll be screwed over in no time. There needs to be a line. drawn somewhere.


but for the record, yeah the thread pretty much is for bashing someone. Everyone needs a vent, let people vent.

Edited by GrimCW
  • Brohoof 1
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Umm... Myself :P Well, if I get really annoyed by someone I just let it pass (for the most part) There's really not any specific person I really hate or anything. Except the usual like, (insert almost every big "artist" here). But when I think about it. Just myself really. I can be a pain in the arse.

And should simply


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People who make arguments without any evidence.


Also people who define themselves by creed or "gender" or nationality or beliefs or anything like that. It's not that it makes you a bad person, it just tells me you're incredibly boring and don't have much to say. OOoo you're Irish or American or whatever, got anything else? 'Cause I don't care.

I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you?

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When I really think about saying... all the cusses in the book at someone in particular, I keep coming up with nothing...simply because I dont' feel like it makes me a good person, even if they deserve it.


For instance my former daycare employer and owner, she took advantage of my hospitality all the time, even thrown me into a manager position WITHOUT TRAINING and didn't even give me a manager's pay, it was the mimum low wage price of $7.25 per hour... I used to work at a daycare. When someone couldn't come in over one excuse or another it was me who had to pick up the slack. She even had me on a post saying I needed to clean the toys in not only my class room but the other 2 classrooms as well because i was considered a floater teacher, or sub, even though I was working full time as a floater most of the time and teaching in the toddler's class because she couldn't hire someone to take over. She never made the other teachers clean up or disinfect their toys, it was ME who had to do that constantly.


But the worst thing I recall she ever did to me...was before I was thrown into manager position. I get a call from my mother that my Papa was still in the hospital (He had dementia, he passed away April 2013 last year), and my Nana was struggling at home and no one could take her to the hospital to be with him, so as a favor, she asked me to take time off for at least a week to help them. I asked my manager and she allowed me the time off. However...the owner found out about this, having plans already of her own. The day before I was gonna leave, she asked me to have a private chat with her and her husband. She said she understood the circumstances of my family, however if I were to take that time off, she'd have to let me go because she was firing her manager and she needed me there. She twisted around her words saying that if I go I wasn't guarenteed a position, but that they really needed me and that I was important to their company... Ya I'm important to their company, thats why they threw me into a manager position with poor pay and no training...Taking on two classes at once, the Pre-K and the toddlers. This is against the law btw, I'm SO GLAD the place was shut down.


But anyways the owner was giving me an altimatum...I choose my family or job...I still regret my decision, but I had to make some money because I was going through immigration with my fiance who was also struggling to save up for this tedious/expensive process...but we didn't have a choice...I didn't... My mother ended up losing time at her job having to go down to help my grandparents...and I was stuck at that place...and take advantage of.


Yet I still cannot bring myself to cuss at her face... dunno why...just not worth it anymore I guess.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


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