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gaming Flappy Bird creator to take game down tomorrow


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I always thought the Flappy Bird craze was a little annoying . I swear I was the only one in the world with a phone that never played it. XD I'm not really upset over this. Good riddance, game meme...

  • Brohoof 2
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I don't see why everyone loved it so much. The controls were borderline broken, and the hit detection was like Silver Surfer for the NES (AVGN, anyone? :D)


Basically this. The game was shit and not even fun to play. I don't see why everyone got obsessed with it. After a bunch of tries I got 83 points, I did it just to beat my friends, lel. I didn't even enjoy to play it, it was boring and just made me angry.

it's because you all sucked at this game


you guys got so butthurt it caused the creator to delete it off the app store


he could've at least fixed the hit detection, because it was a little bad


just delete the app and never download it again if it becomes a problem to you

I'm glad he did it cause it was annoying how all people were playing it.

  • Brohoof 4
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>Implying Time Fcuk, Super Meat Boy and Binding of Isaac weren't amazing games


>Implying Serious Sam, Braid, Limbo, I MADE A GAME WITH ZOMBIES IN IT, Noitu Love 2, DayZ, Loadout, Psychonauts are all 8 bit games




Did I ever say all Indie Games are 8 bit horrific games? No I said "a lot", all of those games you listed I love so pls don't make assumptions, what I was trying to say is a good majority, not all are 8bit terrible games.


Also super meat boy wasn't a bad game per say, it's just the creators of the game were pricks.

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Maybe that's not true, but no one should care.  It's not like he'll be able to stop people from hacking the game and continuing to distribute it online.  I mean, people mod triple-A games all the time.  Flappy Bird is about as simple as they come.  A programer could mod that in his sleep.  Anyone interested in playing the game has nothing to worry about.

The abandonment of it is basically just that he's no longer going to support the game, associate his name with it, etc. Honestly, hacking would be harder - someone will just make a clone of it.


By the way, the above debate about indie games is stupid. All of your sentences should start with "I think that...". Opinions are valid, if singular, things.

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Actually, Indie games are the way of the future due to the fact that the big video game industry is on the verge of a collapse. 

Riddle me this Batman!


IF Indies are indeed "The way of the future" why do they try to mimic older games that were great hits?  Knock offs and remakes that aren't from the developer themselves are kinda asinine to even exist.  Games where you bring the best of two or more worlds together into one world is a different more successful event, but completely different subject.

If I wanna game to play for points ill go play Pac-Man.  If I wanted action platforming with sometimes crappy controls/difficult points I look at Castlevania.  I want a run and gun platforming with advancing powers I'd load up some MegaMan/Metroid/Blaster Master/Contra.


Point being, you DON'T  mess with perfection even if you're making a name for yourself.  If you want to copy something for your indie game, at least keep it tried and true with a better twist.  Can't just make a Cheep Cheep into a game with crappy controls and hit detections and call it successful.  Besides just that, people started taking their lives for "getting killed"?  That's enough reason to not make another game like that.

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IF Indies are indeed "The way of the future" why do they try to mimic older games that were great hits?  Knock offs and remakes that aren't from the developer themselves are kinda asinine to even exist.  Games where you bring the best of two or more worlds together into one world is a different more successful event, but completely different subject. If I wanna game to play for points ill go play Pac-Man.  If I wanted action platforming with sometimes crappy controls/difficult points I look at Castlevania.  I want a run and gun platforming with advancing powers I'd load up some MegaMan/Metroid/Blaster Master/Contra


Simply put, those are not the future. For the games that are carving their way into the future, but are indie and not made to be carbon copy clones of any big name game with a texture change, just look at games like Super Meat Boy, and Cave Story. While both of them use game mechanics and clearly draw inspiration from retro games, they both have their own unique plot and mechanics that clearly set them apart. Much like Indie Movies, there are plenty of good and bad games out there, it's just that the bad ones get all of the attention because the human mind remembers the bad more than the good. 

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R.I.P. Flappy Bird


One of the greatest birds around.

Or rather, Cheep Cheeps


isn't it a cute little fishy? 


Anyways, I didn't even know of it's existence until this fuzz exploded, never been interested in those app games, HAY, I DON'T EVEN PLAY CANDY CRUSH AT ALL

  • Brohoof 2
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That's great. But the bad tastes in games continue... As long as Call of Duty exists... Referring to newer titles more specifically, Black Ops and after. Black Ops was okay, but after that, the series has only went downhill in terms of quality. MW3 was bad enough that I don't even want to KNOW how terrible Ghosts is...

But back to Slappy Bird, as my World History teacher calls it. I sensed the game was absolute crap before I played it. I have seven senses, actually.

6. Spy Sense (I can spot spies without much difficulty in TF2...)

7. Crap Sense (When I can tell a game is absolute crap before I even play it.)

Flappy Bird is even terrible for mobile games. Heck, it's as bad as Bubsy 3D. If not, WORSE.

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Yup, it just gets worse and worse.  This is why tried and true games will and shall always be more successful and pro dominate.

I mean why even clone a dumb game when it's logic is that, DUMB!  You're one letter removed from making it a perverted game, a quick sprite swap away from a lawsuit, and one complete dumb over haul away from the Shantasic fit attack in the link above!  Does anypony know when nuff is nuff with this stuff?

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Maybe that's not true, but no one should care.  It's not like he'll be able to stop people from hacking the game and continuing to distribute it online.  I mean, people mod triple-A games all the time.  Flappy Bird is about as simple as they come.  A programer could mod that in his sleep.  Anyone interested in playing the game has nothing to worry about.


Exactly what I was thinking. I already found about 10 websites with a flash version of Flappy Bird. It's not like this game is going to be removed from existence, so no one should really consider this a "crisis" of some sorts. 

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I never played it or even downloaded the game. Oh well, it only became famous because the guy used bots to get it to the number one spot in the app store, overnight, and now the craze will end soon. Shame I never got around to making a clone of it so I could cash in. :P

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Y'all should check out Maverick Bird.


It showed up just the other day, and it's preeeetty much awesome. It's essentially Flappy Bird, but with fantastic music and overall just more goodness. And it's a fangame, not a clone trying to make a dishonest buck off the thing's success.

Edited by Kitsunin
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