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Should cloppers be segregated from bronies?


Cloppers and bronies- should they be segregated definitions?  

42 users have voted

  1. 1. Cloppers and bronies- should they be segregated definitions?

    • Yes
    • No

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@@Budding Night,@@Skylar,


Look guys...You're beating a broken horse...I know you don't have bad intentions but he was sorta hoarded by attacks on his opinion... 

I don't think people would be as harsh on this thread if the first two words in the title were switched. When the OP states such an opinion as fact, people are bound to argue with it.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
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And we are posting our opinions, you cant insult a major part of any group and expect not to get anything back,  calling out people and calling them weirdo's /saying they should be segregated like their some kind of lesser people is bound to get negative reactions.  

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And we are posting our opinions, you cant insult a major part of any group and expect not to get anything back,  calling out people and calling them weirdo's /saying they should be segregated like their some kind of lesser people is bound to get negative reactions.  


This is 100% true. Though I am sorry, maybe he should've been a bit more careful with his words.

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I'm gone for 5 seconds.


and I get bashed more.


I kinda already said I was sorry but here you go:


I Apologize if any of my Actions/Words offended you in any form

Chill, man.


There's been much worse topics than this :D


Now, you could've worded this so much better, because the way you worded everything came across as extremely prejudiced; you should worry more about how the bronies around you feel rather than the ones who make fun of you feel, and there's a lot of cloppers out there, myself included; it's easy to see why we got offended about this. You basically wanted to segregate us from everyone else.


Now, you've apologized, and everything's chill; just move on to the next thing now. There's so many wonderful things to do on this site and in this fandom, don't let a few people calling you something you're not bother you so much, because, let's face it, Bronies are easy targets, anyway.


So, while this is pretty offensive and poorly worded, you realize that you were wrong and all is cool again :D Don't worry about nothing, just move on. away from this topic :D

  • Brohoof 4
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No. I think that being a brony is just asking for a lot of insults. It's stupid, but makes a lot of sense. We made a name for ourselves. We appear in a lot of places. It's just one of the drawbacks of being in a fandom, And so what, if people think you're a clopper? Fuck them? All they're doing is telling what they hear from stupid bullshit like the media. They can be negative about us all they want, I don't mind. It's not like they're going to make me stop from watching the show, and it's honestly weak if it even affects you at all. Everyone in the world has to deal with racism/sexism/discrimation/bullliying/whatever, and it's just a part of living. It's not fair. It's fucking stupid. It's nonsense. But as long as humans are humans all these things will remain. There's nothing wrong with not wanting this to be there, but there IS something wrong with trying to change opinions. Also, cloppers remain fans of the show, and as such shall be treated as normal bronies, they're just... more into the show then we are. So what? Bronies are weirdo's in themselves anyways. If anybody really does think you're a clopper 'cause you are a brony, then they are just plain ignorant, like I mentioned previously. They aren't even worth your time at all (except for trolling, they always tell me to ''fuck off horsefker'' because I hav a pony pic on my lolrandumb youtube account) Have fun being a brony, don't try to search the negative aspects of being a brony. 

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Also I'd like to point out that people who are completely anti-cloppers aren't helping the perception that bronies are childish and overreact to everything.


That, if we can't even quit fighting and judging amongst ourselves, that makes ud look like a pretty weak and splintered group from the outside and gives them more openings to attack us.

Edited by Shoboni
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That, if we can't even quit fighting and judging amongst ourselves, that makes look like a pretty weak and splintered group from the outside and gives them more openings to attack us.

Exactly. I find it hard to take the fandom seriously when after being attacked by those who hate us for the things we enjoy, we turn around and attack each other over differences in what we like.

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Exactly. I find it hard to take the fandom seriously when after being attacked by those who hate us for the things we enjoy, we turn around and attack each other over differences in what we like.


It's like, if we can't even stop fighting with ourselves and judging each other, how can we ask the haters to do the same and be taken seriously?

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That, if we can't even quit fighting and judging amongst ourselves, that makes look like a pretty weak and splintered group from the outside and gives them more openings to attack us.


Well spoken :) I agree 100% for sure 

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Absolutely not, at least in my opinion. Why should we divide our fandom just because someone else has a different opinion or way of viewing things? I've never gotten R34 shoved in my face before (unless I'm on Google without safesearch on), and from what I've seen most cloppers seem to be extremely polite, loyal fans of the show. I don't care what you do or think about in the bedroom--just so long as you enjoy the show. Non-cloppers enjoy the show too, we have that one big major thing in common. So why let something like clopping get between that?

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This doesn't make any sort of since. 

Its like saying we should separate people of the same ethnicity because some of them wear glasses and the others don't.

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The REAL question here is should masturbators be segregated from humans!? Has science gone TOO far!?

Well if the fundies had their way....wait a minute, what is fundamentalism doing in our brony life? Why have we just spent forever arguing over dividing us up due to our sex life? Bros, not cool. 

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WHAT!? No they should not be Segregated, That would just be stupid


Cloppers are still bronys but they just make r34 of the show but so does every other fandom in the world


I bet there r34 of stuff like Yu-gi-oh or even star wars but you can't say that shows fans are different because they post r34


It's not just bronys who post r34 of the show they watch because i bet you, You will find some r34 of any show you can think of (Try it if you must :/)


So i don't see the point of cloppers being set apart from bronys

Edited by Codelyoko373
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Well if the fundies had their way....wait a minute, what is fundamentalism doing in our brony life? Why have we just spent forever arguing over dividing us up due to our sex life? Bros, not cool. 

Because people freak out over call order when in reality it's only pick order that matters. People can't stand it when others break the meta!

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Should they be segregated? Absolutely not. Cloppers are bronies just like any other brony, they just happen to find the ponies (or at least some of the ponies) sexually attractive. And who can blame them, I mean have you seen Rarity? She's gorgeous ;p

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