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Why do fans need the main six to be in their 20s?


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This is not a canon issue because the writers will never most likely not define their age. It's a fanon issue, and like all fanon issues there isn't a right or wrong answer.

Edited by Nature's Spell
  • Brohoof 1

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I have no clue how old the main cast is, but they showed the maturity of at least 16 year olds in Season 1, and despite only one canon year passing I'd say they are at the maturity level of 19-21 year olds now. As for their actual ages, I don't know. We have no indications as to how ponies really age yet, so I don't feel comfortable guessing.

Edited by DryColt84

"Oh look, there's our friend Rarity GOING DOWN IN FLAMES!!! ISN"T FRIENDSHIP MAGIC!!!?" -Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity


"No matter how many times others tell you you're great, all the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside.......Sometimes to feel good about yourself, you gotta let go of the past. That way, when the time comes to let your greatness fly, you'll be able to light up the whole sky." -Cathy Weseluck as Spike 

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Also I'd like to mention that there physical age may be whatever it is, as Granny Smith has been shown to be "Hundreds of years old" so we don't know how their biology works.
There is no where in the show that states that Granny Smith is Hundreds of years old. Yeah we see that part where granny smith meets Princess Celestia for the first time and it looks like a combination of western and medieval but if you take a look back at how much changed during the american industrialization you get a better picture. There was a man who as an infant was in the same theater as Abraham Lincoln when he was shot, that lived long enough to explain this on television. that's a pretty long time but no where close to hundreds of years.


Now when we think about this, we can also find an explanation about there being no high schools. during the early 1900's and late 1800's people often got an elementary education, then went off to work, often helping ma and pa at home with the harvest or whatever. education wasn't extremely important when all you needed to know was how to do a simple task. But for the jobs and lifestyles that the main six have it's obvious that they aren't just a group of teens trying to make their way in the world.

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I dunno, I just like the thought of the Mane Six being young women focusing on their ambitions or lack thereof instead of the high school girls EQG insists they are.


I actually had Dash and Twilight as 18 and 19, respectively. I can't help it if the unstoppable march of time has aged them three years.


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Horse biology/maturity/customs is different from humans, obviously. So literal age really doesn't matter.

One thing we do know for sure is that the mane cast all seem to be on their own, with jobs/responsibilities and such. This doesn't actually prove anything though, it could be that ponies become independent at an earlier age than a human would.

It also seems that there's this lack of teenage ponies in the show. We've seen 4 age stages... baby, child, adult, and senior. As far as i'm aware, we've yet to see a pony thats clearly between child and adult. The general population of ponyville seems to all share the same adult build, and it could be assumed that the mane six are also adults given they resemble everypony else.


...Why are we arguing about the precise age of magical miniature equines?

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There is no where in the show that states that Granny Smith is Hundreds of years old. Yeah we see that part where granny smith meets Princess Celestia for the first time and it looks like a combination of western and medieval but if you take a look back at how much changed during the american industrialization you get a better picture. There was a man who as an infant was in the same theater as Abraham Lincoln when he was shot, that lived long enough to explain this on television. that's a pretty long time but no where close to hundreds of years.

In "Winter Wrap Up", Twilight says that Ponyville was founded hundreds of years ago. So if Granny Smith was there at the founding she must also be hundreds of years old.


Or the writers had a total brain fart and weren't keeping up the show's lore. Could go either way.

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In "Winter Wrap Up", Twilight says that Ponyville was founded hundreds of years ago. So if Granny Smith was there at the founding she must also be hundreds of years old.


Or the writers had a total brain fart and weren't keeping up the show's lore. Could go either way.

I say that's a brain fart since that would mean that the main six are in fact older than they truly appear both physically and socially. which would mean everything would seem normal, but that it just takes longer to come along/mature

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Well in one of the episodes of season 4, Rainbow's cake had 21 candles on it, which is likely to mean she's that old.  Plus, they have jobs and Rarity owns her own shop, that's usually not something a teenager does...


That cake had 21 VISIBLE candles, but there were almost certainly more around the back side that we couldn't see, so that's not reliable evidence.

  • Brohoof 1

"Oh look, there's our friend Rarity GOING DOWN IN FLAMES!!! ISN"T FRIENDSHIP MAGIC!!!?" -Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity


"No matter how many times others tell you you're great, all the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside.......Sometimes to feel good about yourself, you gotta let go of the past. That way, when the time comes to let your greatness fly, you'll be able to light up the whole sky." -Cathy Weseluck as Spike 

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Because then they'd be legal. ;)


On a more serious note, it's as others have said. Assuming ponies age at a similar rate to humans, then it's logical to believe that the Mane 6, all of whom live independently, are adults. AJ and Rarity run businesses. Moreover, each of the Mane 6 are the same size as a typical adult female in Equestria (it's fairly obvious that ponies like Mayor Mare, Mrs. Cake, Twilight Velvet, Daring Do, Spitfire, and Cheerilee are fully grown). The evidence points to them being at least 18. It's unlikely that they're over 30, either, as they're still clearly immature and naive. The twenties, then, are an appropriate range for the ages of the Mane 6. 

  • Brohoof 4
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I wouldn't say Equestria Girls proves the Pony Mane Six are school-going age. It's perfectly possible that Twilight could pass for high school age even if her age as a pony (and human) was a bit more than that. Many actors in their twenties play the role of high school teens convincingly enough.

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I wouldn't say Equestria Girls proves the Pony Mane Six are school-going age. It's perfectly possible that Twilight could pass for high school age even if her age as a pony (and human) was a bit more than that. Many actors in their twenties play the role of high school teens convincingly enough.


Yea, Andrew Garfield played a 17 year old Peter Parker convincingly in the "The Amazing Spider-Man", he's 28.

  • Brohoof 1

"Oh look, there's our friend Rarity GOING DOWN IN FLAMES!!! ISN"T FRIENDSHIP MAGIC!!!?" -Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity


"No matter how many times others tell you you're great, all the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside.......Sometimes to feel good about yourself, you gotta let go of the past. That way, when the time comes to let your greatness fly, you'll be able to light up the whole sky." -Cathy Weseluck as Spike 

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I wouldn't say Equestria Girls proves the Pony Mane Six are school-going age. It's perfectly possible that Twilight could pass for high school age even if her age as a pony (and human) was a bit more than that. Many actors in their twenties play the role of high school teens convincingly enough.


There's magic in their universe, there's a very good chance that the transition changed her age to match the setting. Or it could just be, "BECAUSE!"...magic doesn't have to make sense :P

  • Brohoof 1

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1. They act like adults in most ways (except pinkie) 

2. They don't seem to go to any school

3. Rarity owns a shop 

4. Twilight would be a bit young to be a princess if she was in school or 16

5. They have their own house

6. I think about 18-22 would be about right 

7. EqG doesn't prove much, they had all ages in there 

8. They are the same size and maturity of background ponies that have children


Go away Pikachu, you aren't an Eevee evolution  :okiedokielokie: 

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1. They act like adults in most ways (except pinkie) 

2. They don't seem to go to any school

3. Rarity owns a shop 

4. Twilight would be a bit young to be a princess if she was in school or 16

5. They have their own house

6. I think about 18-22 would be about right 

7. EqG doesn't prove much, they had all ages in there 

8. They are the same size and maturity of background ponies that have children


I keep answering the school question but one more time cause people seem to go selectively blind.


Equistrian school only seems to be elementary.

are there any ponies in high school in the pony world?

Their not you say?


As for "lauren says."

lauren's word is head canon


just how lauren intended Trixie to go to the same school as Twilight.


Seeing as how lauren isn't on the show, that's not true.



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Also, equestria girls is not a good example to gauge their ages. Celestia is a school principle in EG, so if we use your argument that the Mane 6 are that old because of EG, then she's been a school principle for over a thousand years. I think their ages change when they go through the portal, so EG is stupid to use for argument sake.

  • Brohoof 2


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Because they are just WAY too mature and collected to be 16 year-olds.

Oh, I'm sure their are teens out there that can be they way, but they are exceptional people.


Rarity and Applejack run and own businesses, and Rarity especially runs in some very professional circles.

I could see Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie as OLDER teens, like 18-19. Rainbow has her own job and house and Pinkie is an apprentice baker. And Fluttershy said she was a year older than Pinkie.

Twilight consistently acts like a graduate student. I've met plenty of those.


And as for pony highschool, I consider the comics canon, and we DO see a highschool in those.

The one that Cadence and Shining went to.



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There is no where in the show that states that Granny Smith is Hundreds of years old. Yeah we see that part where granny smith meets Princess Celestia for the first time and it looks like a combination of western and medieval but if you take a look back at how much changed during the american industrialization you get a better picture. There was a man who as an infant was in the same theater as Abraham Lincoln when he was shot, that lived long enough to explain this on television. that's a pretty long time but no where close to hundreds of years.


Now when we think about this, we can also find an explanation about there being no high schools. during the early 1900's and late 1800's people often got an elementary education, then went off to work, often helping ma and pa at home with the harvest or whatever. education wasn't extremely important when all you needed to know was how to do a simple task. But for the jobs and lifestyles that the main six have it's obvious that they aren't just a group of teens trying to make their way in the world.


Granny Smith was there when Ponyville was founded. In Winter Wrap up, is states that Earth Ponies have been wraping up winter without magic in Ponyville for hundreds of years.

  • Brohoof 1

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Your name may be on posters that they hang out for some nights

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Granny Smith was there when Ponyville was founded. In Winter Wrap up, is states that Earth Ponies have been wraping up winter without magic in Ponyville for hundreds of years.

If you look at a previous discussion I had with someone, you'll see that there was an idea referred to as, a brain fart, on the writers behalf

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If you look at a previous discussion I had with someone, you'll see that there was an idea referred to as, a brain fart, on the writers behalf

The thing about writer brain farts: If they're made aware of it, they're likely to stick with Granny Smith being hundreds of years old. I don't think they'd want to knowingly contradict themselves and create more continuity errors.


There basically is no reason Granny Smith can't be that old, since pony ages and life spans have otherwise not been discussed on the show.

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The thing about writer brain farts: If they're made aware of it, they're likely to stick with Granny Smith being hundreds of years old. I don't think they'd want to knowingly contradict themselves and create more continuity errors.


There basically is no reason Granny Smith can't be that old, since pony ages and life spans have otherwise not been discussed on the show.

Or they'll contradict themselves so as to fix the error. It would be simpler to say that a town is much younger rather than make an old character suddenly ancient. Why would they purposefully it at that that on a kids show that's pretty safe to say, is based off of the real world as far as the basics go, including age

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Or they'll contradict themselves so as to fix the error. It would be simpler to say that a town is much younger rather than make an old character suddenly ancient. Why would they purposefully it at that that on a kids show that's pretty safe to say, is based off of the real world as far as the basics go, including age

Rain is caused by pegasi jumping up and down on clouds, and wild animals are too stupid to feed themselves. The real world has never been a big concern on this show.


But I guess it's not like there is a precedent for parts of the show being the result of a mistake or anything...


  • Brohoof 1

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Rain is caused by pegasi jumping up and down on clouds, and wild animals are too stupid to feed themselves.
It's a controlled world which is why the pegasi make it rain and why wild animals can't feed themselves entirely on their own, because they don't live in a natural wild environment where they can forage enough to feed to feed themselves. the only place in equestria that is a true wilderness is the everfree forest which contains to many predators for the animals to live there in safety.


but yes. the show has much derp

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