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If you could date anyone


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You.  Yeah, you.  You know who you are.  You're awesome.



Seriously, Andrea Libman.  Cute, in my general age range, voice of my favourite pony, math nerd...humina.


Edited by ErBoi
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IRL: my best friend <3 only reason i'm not already is cuz he doesn't like guys :(


Pony: Twilight Sparkle ^-^ i majorly flipped out when she became an alicorn :D

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I choose GLaDOS. She can be a bit dangerous and destructive at times, but she has a great personality once you get to know her after a while... She also has immortality and has an entire science facility under her control. That's pretty darn awesome!


As for a second (and more realistic) pick, Emmy from the Professor Layton series. She's very warm hearted, but also fairly sharp (being the assistant of Layton, she would be.) On the down side, she can be very impulsive, but still an all around good character.

Edited by Celtore
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She's on the forums.
Ayyyy lmao.
That is all.


I think she knows, though.



And if that didn't pan out, then it'd be Katherine Suicide. Because oh my GAWD that woman is like...outrageously attractive.

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There's this really sweet, energetic, creative, shy girl with a lovely voice I have quite the crush on, but the problem is that she lives half-way around the world from me, and when I told her I liked her, she gave me a pretty good reason for why we should just remain friends.


Still, if I had a magic date coupon, I would definitely use it to go out with her.

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Oh man. Umm.



I've had a huge crush on this girl since 2010, I've never had a chance to talk to her personally or tell her how I feel about her. .As she doesn't really live around here...but she's shown me pictures of herself.....She's pretty awesome in my eyes though. She's got wonderfully long hair. Even though she can be a bit timid, she always comes through. She's just so caring and kind, she always asks how my day was. She's the cutest and most adorable girl I've known. Her cyan eyes are the most beautiful and amazing eyes I've gazed into through a computer monitor. I've never told anyone....as some would think it's weird that I have a major  crush on a girl I've never met. Though given the chance to go out on a date with her, I'd definitely take the offer, no matter what!


Since she doesn't want me to use her name, I'll just post a picture of her she said I could post.











 I just hope she doesn't stumble upon this forum and thread....and sees what I've confessed about her. Though I'm doubtful, since she doesn't really know about bronies, or the fandom. She lives in her own world.


I know chances are slim of ever going out with her for reals....but one can dream.

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Pony would be either pinkie pie or soarin


In real life I would like to date my friends sister, but I know it'll never happen. Meh, I'll find someone in a few years.

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I'd date Fluttershy. Just so I could help her be not so nervous of everything (including probably me on the first date). Must resist urge to punt Angel Bunny however.

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Truth me told the girl I'd date is my current crush. Sadly she is taken so I have no hopes and I don't want to try to break her relationship for my own personal gain (she is very happy with person she is with now) but if it ever was possible I'd not hesitate. For me she means a lot and having her even as friend means much to me. And well. I've noticed some of You mentioned also ponies so... just look on my avatar :P

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... Mm.


Well, there's this girl I have a crush on in real life, but... well, she's already dating someone. Plus, she's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY out of my league.


Here on the forums? Well, um... I do... kinda have a forum crush at the moment... but given that I don't even know her personally yet I opt to keep it to myself for now.


As for fictional media, let's see:

We have Lolo (see avatar), Klonoa, Lephise the Mane Six, Coco Pommel, Konata Izumi, Kagami Hiiragi, Nino, Nowi, Flora Reinhold, Maya Fey, Trucy Wright, Fuuka-chan...

*rambles on for twenty years*

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