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What Has Been The Most Painful Experience Of Your Life?


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Physically, stomach flu.  You never have a more horrible pain than going through the stomach flu.  I'll spare the "details," but I'll just say it felt like a hot poker was jabbed into my untimely visit to the toilet.


Mentally, it's up in the air.  I have several mental scars.  They never heal, and I learned to come to terms with them.  Still, that doesn't make it any easier. 

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Most painful experience I had? Hm. I'm trying to think on some really painful ones.


Breaking my collarbone years ago was defintely up there. I was playing tag, and was tagged a bit too hard. It took most of the summer to recover, but damn. I definitely don't want to go through that again. :(


Your collar bone? How does something like that heal?

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The incident happened years ago, and from what I remember, I felt like the collar bone wasn't there at all. :X The pain of not having a broken collarbone for that short amount of time was overwhelming for me. I had to wear a cast for a few weeks until it healed completely.

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Burping through your nose. MY GOD, THAT SUCKS.


I think it would be called Fizzing out the Nose, if you were mentioning soda.




The worst pain I've ever felt were those damn leg cramps that you get when you don't drink enough water. One small twitch and it feels like your entire leg muscle just curled up into a ball. The pain is so excruciating, and the fact that it lasts for 5 minutes doesn't help. Even worse, it cripples me to have to experience pain whenever I walk afterwards.


Next worst thing would be playing with my Katana. Accidentally dropped it on my toe. It didn't really hurt that much, but it made me go to the Emergency room to get 3 stitches.

  • Brohoof 1

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  • 4 months later...

Well, I have two I can think of.


The first time was when I was dealing with some heavy duty fireworks with a cousin. We were moving them to the site, when one of the fireworks shot up to my face and exploded, randomly. Not sure what really caused it, but I remember going colorblind and and being unable to hear for the rest of the day.


The other time I was experiencing ETD and it got so bad that my eardrum ripped in half, and literally bursted ear fluid. The impact was extremely painful, but the aftermath wasn't that bad.


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Most physically painful experiences of my life:

  • Car crash
  • Tonsillitis
  • Crashed on my bike
  • Someone tried to drown me
  • Random charlie horses in my leg (rare, thankfully) 




Most emotionally painful experiences of my life (include, but are not limited to):

  • My grandma died
  • Several people I knew, loved, and respected died
  • A few people I know, love and respect, including a family member, have cancer
  • My dad had to get surgery
  • I got in trouble with the police once
  • Someone I used to like, trust and respect completely betrayed me and fucked me over
  • Been bullied and harassed many times
  • Had to deal with homicide threats, suicide threats, child predators, and other disturbing behavior when I was staff here
  • Most of my life on a daily basis, because I have social phobia and depression that makes life a living hell for me
  • Dealing with evil in the world including tragedies, some local and some not
  • A breakup I dealt with when I was young, stupid, and overly sensitive



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  • One day my dad and me were throwing an American Football balloon back and forth at eachother, then one throw of my dad landed right on my fingers and it broked my ligament. I had to cope from this bad boy of an injury for a few days and it was not a great experience.
  • One day, back in High School year 1, I was riding my bike in my driveway then I suddenly fell on the ground, the result: an open wound on my leg, took me a few days to cope from it, still havin a scar on my leg at the time.
  • Another injury that was very painful for me was caused by unexpected accident: I hit my foot on a border near my kitchen staircases and the pain was so harsh! And the pain did not wanted to go away and I had to put a bandage on it even! Then after days and days of walking like a wierdo I eventually cope from it then I was able to walk again, still this was one of the worst painful experience and never ever I want to deal with it again!

But, I really feel lucky that I did not get caught myself with an unfortunate event that would have hurt me like crazy. But, I must keep an eye on these things that can hurt me so I don't end up in an hospital.


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Stepping on Legos.


Or, more seriously, falling off my bike and crashing face-first into a spiny palm tree. I have a permanent scar underneath my eye from where that happened.


Emotionally, there's this recurring theme I had in my life where my friends treated me as an outcast and would tell me right to my face that I just wasn't important to them. That was quite painful to deal with.




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Physically, it was when I got third-degree burns down my arm. Didn't really feel it at first because the nerves got killed. Once they healed... well, let's just say I don't let women bitch at me about the pain of childbirth. Emotionally... well, it was when I was sexually assaulted by a police officer.

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Most painful?

Doing the Corpse Party Anime Death Challenge. Or CPADC for short.

It's a challenge/dare where you have to watch all of the deaths in the Corpse Party anime, all at once with no breaks to vomit or catch your breath. I vomited at least twice. Most painful to watch, and the vomit didn't come out so well.


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1) My little sister jumped off my TV-Cabinet and knocked all of the air out of my lungs from jumping right on my stomach. (It hurt so bad that I couldn't even cry for 10 minutes. I could only gasp for air.)


2)I closed my bedroom door on my middle finger (left hand) with extreme force because I was rushing downstairs since it was dinner time.


3) I tore a half-centimeter chunk of skin off the tip of my ring finger (left hand) in seventh-grade by accidentally slamming my gym locker on it.


I'm sure that I've had worse experiences but those are the three I remember off the top of my head.


Edit: Oh yeah. When I was 7 I was showing off on my bike by riding it up and down the street peddling as fast as I could, but then I lost control since I was going too fast, and I crashed face-first into my neighbors' bricked mailbox. My entire face was bleeding all over. I don't remember much after that besides myself crying in the back of my Mom's SUV. Good times...

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  • Brohoof 1

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Only two come to mind:


  • Ran smack into a fire hydran when i was 7, and had to get my eyebrow stitched up.
  • Had to have ingrown toenail removed, but the person doing it forgot to bucking numb it before he did it. Had to change locations after the doc cursed at me.  


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I get these wicked bad stomach aches sometimes. 


So bad that I can't function in whatever I'm doing. 


I'd say any given one of those is the most pain I've ever felt. 

I stopped watching the show a while ago...


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(Not in order)

  • Hysterical uncontrollable meltdowns
  • Broken elbow
  • Hole in eardrum before and after surgery
  • . cramps
  • I broke my arm but the pain wasn't that bad
  • I got taken off of birth control pills recently and the painful cramps came in and heavy period started. The worst was the emotional PMS. I had two of those hysterical freak outs from the beginning of the list and I was crying in between them over little or no reasons. I was BEGGING to get those pills back. I was supposed to be off the pill for a month but I couldn't even last a week!
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I usually have mentally painful experiences but I guess for physical:



I used to cut with a standard kitchen knife so you really have to hack at it, it hurts like a bitch.


I also got my nose pierced, which wasn't too bad but I ended up blacking out as soon as I got home.


I also fell off of a swingset in 2nd grade, it didn't really hurt but I busted my knee cap open to the point where I was soaked in blood. (the other kids told on me for bleeding :c)


I starve(d) myself to lose weight and it worsened my anemia to the point where getting up hurt, and I could barely walk without getting dizzy and I'd usually fall asleep early because no energy. It really hurt my stomach and made living pretty painful honestly. And according to my doctor, my red blood cell count was getting dangerously low [anemia], and he told me to eat 3,000 calories a day, so I started force throwing up which hurt worse. I was eatting less than 200-300 calories a day but now I'm eating a normal amount even though I don't want to, which hurts as well. Food really isn't my strong suit lol.



Like I said, I'm usually more mentally damaged than physically. 


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