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gaming Worst game in your favorite gaming series

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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Crash Bandicoot:

Crash Tag Team Racing (Flame Shield on!)


Well, this was mostly due to my long playtime in the CTR that I got bored very quickly with this game. Exploding people easily doesn't seem to give much diversity.


Sonic Series:

Shadow the Hedgehog.


I probably remember some things about this, but I remember playing Shadow and it was glitchy/buggy. Maybe this is just my just my trash disc/PS2, since pirated version is everywhere in my home country.


Sonic 06 is my favorite actually... (Flame Shield Upgraded!)


Megaman Series

I don't know. But personally I remember not really enjoying Megaman Star Force 2, since I don't have a good memory with it. Maybe I'm wrong. The third one doe. Rogue+MadSword (I think) = 300/400/500/550 damage on one cast.




Due to little post game story. I mean, after League, you got Beldum and able to catch Rayquaza but that's it.


Ace Attorny Series

Justice for All.


Boredom takes most part. Even the final case wasn't that satisfying since the 'snap' of the killer wasn't too good.


Need For Speed Series

Shift Series


God damn it EA, there's already Gran Turismo for this shit. Why you no make more street racing game that is actually good like Underground 2/Old Most Wanted?!

Edited by FabulousNightmare



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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Pokemon - Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.


I thought I was alone in not liking these! It's not that they're bad in any sense, I just don't find them as good as I find the other games in the series.

Smile, smile, smile!

YouTube: Magenta Rush

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I thought I was alone in not liking these! It's not that they're bad in any sense, I just don't find them as good as I find the other games in the series.



You're not alone! Many Pokemon fans from my era (ones who started with Generation I) found R/S/E to be very disappointing. It's just that eventually the era of Pokemon fans that started with R/S/E grew up and eventually became the most vocal... Probably because a lot of Pokemon fans my age dropped out of the series... Potentially even with R/S/E.


My opinion remains unchanged. Even with all of the improvements made in OR/AS, I still don't find them quite as enjoyable as the rest of the series. They have many strong points, though.

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Metal Gear Acid... I hated the fact that you only had cards that counts the amount of steps you can take, how many times you can use a weapon before you have to discard it, etc... x.x

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Metal Gear Acid... I hated the fact that you only had cards that counts the amount of steps you can take, how many times you can use a weapon before you have to discard it, etc... x.x

Same here, except my reason is because it sort of falls out of the canon storyline, more like a spinoff (MGR kind of is too, but at least it could be squeezed into 2018). Since Solid Snake had to constantly rely on those syringes to claw his way through his 2014 mission on top of accelerated aging slowing him down, I think it doesn't make too much sense that he could still go on another of those missions in 2016, even for a super soldier like Snake.

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t's just that eventually the era of Pokemon fans that started with R/S/E grew up and eventually became the most vocal...


Tell me about it, my favourite Pokemon games are the ones I started with, which are D/P/Pt, but most fans of Gen 3 seem to really dislike these, so I can't really go anywhere on the internet without being constantly reminded how 'terrible' these games are, and while everyone was celebrating the Gen 3 remakes, I was just quietly hoping that they'll do the same for Gen 4...




Even with all of the improvements made in OR/AS, I still don't find them quite as enjoyable as the rest of the series


Same, I got halfway to Fortree City, stopped playing for a while and never picked it back up.

Smile, smile, smile!

YouTube: Magenta Rush

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Tell me about it, my favourite Pokemon games are the ones I started with, which are D/P/Pt, but most fans of Gen 3 seem to really dislike these, so I can't really go anywhere on the internet without being constantly reminded how 'terrible' these games are, and while everyone was celebrating the Gen 3 remakes, I was just quietly hoping that they'll do the same for Gen 4...





Same, I got halfway to Fortree City, stopped playing for a while and never picked it back up.



I actually really liked D/P/Pt (well, Diamond is the only one I played.)! I've never understood the hate, either.


Although the idea of remaking them seems kind of odd to me.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I already threw out Wild Arms but let's go into other series' I love.


Castlevania: Worst game is probably Adventure Rebirth by process of elimination. I've played nearly every game in the series and this one is mostly riding on the coattails of oldschool Castlevania. Nothing spectacular but nothing wrong with it either.


Shin Megami Tensei: Probably the Persona games. I know they're the most popular but they feel sloppy compared to the rest of the series to me. They've certainly got their own flavor and it's good when I'm in the mood for it but I generally prefer every other game in the series. Specifically, I don't much care for earlier Persona games. I couldn't bring myself to finish Persona 2: Eternal Punishment and I'm wary about going back further knowing they are just as bad or worse. I liked EP well enough but it doesn't feel worth finishing either.


Kingdom Hearts: Once again, by process of elimination, probably Kingdom Hearts 1. It's the clunkiest of the series and the least interesting as far as story goes. I prefer literally every other game in the series to it, including Chain of Memories GBA.

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Let's start off with an obscure one probably not mentioned in this thread - the Xenosaga series. It's so awesome, and it is my absolute favorite of all time. You see, Xenosaga comes in a trilogy. There's three of them (and some side Japan-only stuff that I won't count) and I'd have to say that what I consider to be the worse is Xenosaga Episode II. Most people appear to agree with me as well. The graphics have worsened to this more realistic art style with less appeal and colors, the game is shorter, it focuses on a character I find less interesting than the main protagonist, some voice actors were shuffled around (most of the original ones thankfully returned for the final installment). and the gameplay. Oh my God, it is some of the worst most convoluted and complex mess I have ever attempted. I could not even really play it. My fiance and I play most of our games in turns and I mostly just handed it off to him. It's a disaster.


Now, in the Xeno series as a whole? (Xenogears, Xenosaga, and Xenoblade) My least favorite has to be Xenoblade, the most popular one nowadays and the only one anyone even seems to know about. It's not because it's popular though. This game just feels less like a traditional (and by that, I mean PS1/PS2 era. I'm not fond of super old school) JRPG than the others and I prefer slower, more turn-based styles because I am able to keep up with that. Also, I really really hate the aesthetic. The visual style is just this cluster of browns and so many overly complex designs compared to the more streamlined colored aesthetic of the previous two series. And even though they were able to complete the story in a more sensical and less rushed fashion than the other two, I find the characters to be more lackluster and less stand-out. Also, more personal preference here: I find the British voice actors harder to take seriously. Shulk was all right, but Reyn was an absolute joke, and Sharla was just grating and annoying.


Lastly, Xenoblade's just more boring. Even if there's less to do in the previous series due to their increased focus on story, the gameplay that Xenoblade offers is extremely repetitive. You go through these sprawling huge areas with no mode of transportation other than teleporting, first of all. Secondly, there's not much to do in these areas other than just complete random fetch and battle quests for the NPCs. It suffers from the Modern JRPG Syndrome, as I call it. Just a whole lot of nothing over and over again, except for battles. This would be more acceptable if it were like the previous games and had a much more convoluted and intriguing story/characters, but it really isn't. Its story is more or less on-par with a PS1 or PS2 Final Fantasy, except with none of the fun variety in gameplay styles like a world map, mini-games, etc.  I realize a lot of people love this game, and it's fine if you do. But I'm just more into a different sort of JRPG and have a harder time getting through repetitive elements without more story involved.


By the way, this is unrelated to nostalgia. I played all of these games fairly recently and only just got into the Xeno series. In case you may want to place it on that. It is simply that Xenoblade does not cater to my tastes like the previous two do.


Now to some more common fare.


Kingdom Hearts - Least favorite is Chain of Memories. It doesn't transition well into 2D and I find it really difficult to control. Also, I really hate the more complex card system because it involves math, and I am bad at that. Lastly, the story is repetitive and is just basically a retread of the first Kingdom Hearts except with inferior gameplay for the most part, interspersed slightly with new content. The Riku side of the story is much better, but because it's CoM, I still don't like it very much.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Although the idea of remaking them seems kind of odd to me.


I guess when you think about it, it is, but I'd probably die of happiness if I could replay my first ever adventure with the amazing new graphics of the 3DS, though I'd probably spend more time crying with nostalgia and joy over seeing Sinnoh looking all fancy and new than actually playing...

Smile, smile, smile!

YouTube: Magenta Rush

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Man, I can't even tell what my favourite series are, and no series have I actually played all the games for. That said...


Pokemon Platinum/diamond/pearl : This game was sooooooo...... slow........ The only game in the main series I haven't beaten and the only one where I've had to turn off the battle animations just to save my own time. I'm sure there are great aspects to it but I never got to them.


Super Mario 3d Land : Super underwhelmed with this one. Alot of sections felt like they could've just been 2d sections but with another dimension tacked on. Also because the 3ds circle pad doesn't have any divets or dents like, say, the Gamecube controller it was surprisingly difficult to run in a straight line. Very hard to be pricise and that's not a good thing for a platforming game.


Soulcalibur 5 : This one caught me super off guard. I booted it up just to find that half the character roster had been booted off and replaced with a group of whiney annoying brats. Also, the single player modes were very weak. There was barely any kind of 'arcade mode' and the story mode just plain sucked. However, whenever I'd go on line I'd just immediately get my posterior kicked by everyone. Not much play value at all for me.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm not a medical expert, psychologist, psychiatrist, teacher or love doctor. Take my words with a pinch of salt, yeah?


I am an experienced cook, musician and care worker though, so that's something.

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You guys Remember the lovable Jack and Daxter? Started it off with Jack and Daxter: Precursor Legacy and eventually made it's way to Jack 3. They even made a couple spin offs; Jack X, and Dexter. Then came the day when Jack and Daxter: The Lost Frontier came along. *Shivers* damn did that game mess up. Jack doesn't seem like his the original Jack. feels like a completely different guy. You've still got Dexters same ol characteristics being that little quirky bastard ahah. IDK what happened to Keira. Completely changed in her looks and character. There were a ton of features removed and added. The game itself isn't a bad one. Just that the game as a series is completely foreign form the rest. RIP 

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@@Arylett Charnoa,


I've always heard how Xenosaga 2 was the worst of the bunch. I never beat the first one so I still haven't gotten around to it. Did it at least refine some of the gameplay from the first game? I thought the battles in the first were way too slow-going later in the game. It got rather tedious always trying to land on the bonus points reel. :(


Felt like lots of good ideas that were squandered by tedium.


As for Chain of Memories...I always liked it far more than the original myself. It was the first game in the series I had played and I loved using the cards. The PS2 remake of that game sucked balls compared to the GBA version but apparently I'm in the minority on that.

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@@Arylett Charnoa,


I've always heard how Xenosaga 2 was the worst of the bunch. I never beat the first one so I still haven't gotten around to it. Did it at least refine some of the gameplay from the first game? I thought the battles in the first were way too slow-going later in the game. It got rather tedious always trying to land on the bonus points reel. :(

It did not. Xenosaga II is just a completely different beast for the most part. If you thought the end of the first game was tedious and slow-going, oh, you ain't seen nothing yet. The only thing I can remember improving was the boost system, which allows each individual to have up to three boosts. The reels stay the same, except they add some more into the mix. Otherwise, it's just the slowest game I've attempted to play, bar none. Each enemy has to be broken in order to do any significant amount of damage to them, and this involves convoluted combos and planning way in advance to keep a chain going that will keep them broken. Normal enemies take as long to defeat as boss battles sometimes in this system, even when you're supposedly several levels higher. Unless you're battling things inside of your E.S., or your mecha, in which case, it is much simpler and more enjoyable. (Break system isn't really used in the E.S.) Luckily, it's much shorter than the first game. 

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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The Serious Sam series is one of my favorite serieses. 


Serious Sam 2 was a TERRIBLE game. It's basically too "childish" (battling in way too much colorful themes) and completely different from the other games.


Serious Sam 3: BFE wasn't a TERRIBLE game, but it's my least favorite after SS2. It's too realistic: you need to reload your guns when the previous games didn't need you to, it's too dark for a Serious Sam game (imo), basically the opposite of Serious Sam 2.


Just my opinions.

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Favorite series: Metroid.

Least favorite game: Other M.

Pretty sure I don't need to explain. :mellow:

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Rollercoaster Tycoon 4 Mobile, white not the true sequel to RCT3, is an absolute disgrace to the RCT series. It is just a mobile theme park building game, which we have seen about 5 million times before and this one is the absolute run of the mill game in this genre and it is terrible.


And Final Fantasy 13. Almost everything about that game was purely irritating to me, except for the graphics. Those were fantastic. So the game is great to look at I guess.



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NOTE: I'm only counting games I've played.


Half Life - I'd have to say Half Life Blue Shift. Less weapons and variety than Half Life and Opposing Force. I'd say Half Life 2 is the best of the series.


Roller Coaster Tycoon - I'd have to say RCT3. It just wasn't the same as 1 and 2. I prefer 1 over 2 but I'm not sure why.


Fallout - Fallout: New Vegas. I just felt that it was too empty. It got boring really fast too. Fallout 3 is one of the best games I've ever played.



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Well the Halo series is a tricky one for me, you see, if you asked me a year ago, I would have said Halo 4 easily  :P but now I love Halo 4  ^_^


Uhmm, I'd say (out of the ones I've played) Halo Reach had the worst campaign and Halo 2 had the worst multiplayer. All Halo games really have a redeeming factor to them so I cant pick out one WORST game  :lol: But Halo Reach's campaign was pretty forgettable half of the time and completely broke the already established lore of the Haloverse  :wacko: As for Halo 2, there were only like 2 or 3 good maps and there was a lot of issues with balancing, glitches and hit detection so, especially playing it today, it really isnt that great



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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