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What is the highest form of education you completed or plan to complete?


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Everyone has a plan, some change their minds in the middle of their life. Some follow their plans all the way through.  So as far as education goes, what is the highest level of education, that you plan to finish or have already finished?  Or perhaps What KIND of education do you plan on doing or have completed already. 



Did you plan to go to college for an Associates, Bachelors, Masters degree or a Doctors/PHD?  Perhaps Certifications are your style? Did you graduate high school or go for that GED exam? 



BONUS: Also did you win any awards during your time in school? I am talking about awards that came from high school, college, trade school and so on, so let's hear about it.



I will start this thread with myself...



2005 = Graduated high school



2005 - 2009 = Graduated with my Bachelors Degree  (Bachelors of Science)



2010 = Trade school (Became COMPTIA A plus, Network plus, and Security plus certified)



2011 - 2013 = Graduated with my Masters degree (MBA)  (Masters in Business Administration with the concentration of Information Systems Management.)






Toastmasters Club – Competent Communicator Award  (I Joined a public speaking club and became the first student on my campus to complete 10 speeches before graduation, which earned me this reward.)



S.T.A.R (Students Taking Active Responsibilities) – Platinum Level Accomplishment (Helped out with volunteer work on the schools campus.)



Future Business Leaders of America – Certificate of Appreciation  (College Business club, won this award by helping out people who were struggling with on campus issues.)



The Future...



I plan to go ahead and try to get the following....



CCNA Cert.  (Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing  and Switching certification)



ACMT Cert. (Apple Certified Macintosh Technician certification) (Working on this NOW)



?MCSA Cert (Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate) 




That's it for me, what about the rest of you bronies and pegasisters?



Edited by Rye_B_P
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 I currently have a GED. My parents want me to go to college, but the though of being in any environment that even vaguely resembles the school system makes me want to run for the hills. Plus, I have no idea what I want to do with my life. and I have no desire to spend tons of money on classes I might not even like or find useful.

  • Brohoof 4

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2012 Graduated High school.


Currently a second semester Sophomore in college, plan on graduating in the spring of 2016.


Plans, graduate school, get my doctorate in Psychology


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2013 Graduated high school (honours all the way through despite never trying or giving a shit, plus some stupid attendance thing because I had nothing better to do than go to class). I just started working towards a BCom degree, though I want to go into welding or environmental sciences or something else (I'm way to stupid for veterinary school) . The joys of being pressured into university...

Keep flyin'


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2013 Graduated high school (honours all the way through despite never trying or giving a shit, plus some stupid attendance thing because I had nothing better to do than go to class). I just started working towards a BCom degree, though I want to go into welding or environmental sciences or something else (I'm way to stupid for veterinary school) . The joys of being pressured into university...



Don't underestimate the award of perfect attendance.  When you apply for your first job, put that on your resume. Employers LOVE this and would see that as evidence of you showing up to work or school on time every day.

Edited by Rye_B_P
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I graduated high school in 2004 and attended some classes at my local community college, burnout reared its ugly head along with other pressures in life and work and I was out for 3 years. I went back last fall but had to take another break because of burnout AGAIN and severe/crippling depression and pressures at work destroying me which forced me to have to step back, reevaluate my life and work on a few things to help me get my sanity back and re piece my trainwreck of a life back together again.I have no idea when I am going to finish college and am a bit lost right now but I will figure everything out.

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Left school with no qualifications whatsoever.


Have a City & Guilds in general Agriculture,


Have a credit level B-Tech National diploma in Agriculture with a Craftsman's certificate in livestock husbandry.


I was headed for veterinary college, but got drawn aside with the promise of making a lot of money bricklaying. I did that instead of going to college-and it remains the only real regret of my life so far.

  • Brohoof 3


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I have graduated high school and am currently attending college for an associates as an electronics tech. I do want to be an electrical engineer but I want more financial independence before doing so.



Good luck on your CCNA. I don't have mine but from what I remember from CISCO 1 is lots of Packet Tracer, Wireshark and the old adage of All People Seem To Need Data Processing for the OSI model.

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I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got an associates in electronics engineering and took a few classes beyond that. Not terribly interested in going back to school any time soon, if ever. I already managed to eliminate one crippling student loan. Don't need another.


I also worked for the university from which I graduated for a while as a systems administrator. Honestly, there's nothing that they can teach you that you can't learn on your own, and for far less. If I decide to pick up some more skills in this discipline, it'll be through my own efforts alone.

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Graduated High School.


Got a Bachelors Degree in Network Security.


Funny part is, that just like @@Rye_B_P, I am CompTIA A+, Net+, and Security+ certified. Then again, I suppose they're fairly standard certs for the field we're both in, but just thought it was humorous that the opening poster had them as well.


As for any plans I have, I want to get my Masters soon, but I'm taking a break as I've been in school most of my life and don't want to continue the tradition so soon.


I didn't do very good in high school, but I had perfect attendance and a 3.98 GPA in college, so there's that. I only got a B in one class and that ruined my entire GPA from being a perfect 4.00. Thanks, Physics.

  • Brohoof 1



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Got my associates in fine arts a couple years back from a Community College.

Hopefully, I can get my Bachelors in Biblical Studies in 2 years.

Will likely take 6 months to 1 year doing ministerial type work overseas.

Then return to get a Masters of Divinity.

After that.... I am considering, after several years in the vocational ministry, maybe working on a Ph.D.

Also thinking about trying to get my Ph.D from a University in Europe perhaps, any suggestions on that would be most appreciated. I know that it's rather a long long way down the line, but it can't hurt to start to plan towards such things.

Edited by Virgil_Harris
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I know there's a place you walked
Where love falls from the trees
My heart is like a broken cup
I only feel right on my knees.
I spit out like a sewer hole
Yet still receive your kiss
How can I measure up to anyone now
After such a love as this?

       The Who

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I graduated from High School in 2013, I had a college picked and visited it last summer but decided against it due to the cost, distance and my father needing my help on the farm.


People probably won't count this towards an actual "education", but I've been vigorously teaching myself everything animation for the last nine months.


I don't remember awards very well in school, but I was the lead graphics designer for our yearbook my senior year and I made the intro for the TV morning news thing that our school shot and broadcasted in the town on a special school channel.


I also got college credits for getting an A+ in Advanced Welding.


My plans are to find a good college online.

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Sounds like somebody just wants to brag about their accomplishments ;).


I'm currently a college student, done with high school. I intended on changing majors this semester, but decided to stick with my current career path, so I will be graduating a semester later. No worries, I'll still be class of 2016 and I get an extra summer to improve my resume/build job experience.


Aannnd I'll be humble and keep awards/recognitions hidden from public ;).

Edited by Super80 Wolf
  • Brohoof 1


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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I'm going to be in high school this coming June. If you're asking why am I going to have school in summer, it's because here in my country, school starts in June and ends in March.


My parents insist I should take up communication arts when I get to college, but I haven't really made up my mind yet. I'm sure my father's going to force me into that stuff, anyway, because of a few achievements I had a few years back. I'm not going to list them down, unless anyone asks.


War. War never changes.

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I have graduated high school and am currently attending college for an associates as an electronics tech. I do want to be an electrical engineer but I want more financial independence before doing so.



Good luck on your CCNA. I don't have mine but from what I remember from CISCO 1 is lots of Packet Tracer, Wireshark and the old adage of All People Seem To Need Data Processing for the OSI model.


Wow really?  I minored in electrical engineering, when I was doing my Bachelors.  There is a LOT of Math involved.  I would suggest taking the MATH classes FIRST before getting into the hands on stuff on creating schematics and proto type circuit boards.  Knowing the math first will really help you out in the end.


Got an associates in electronics engineering and took a few classes beyond that. Not terribly interested in going back to school any time soon, if ever. I already managed to eliminate one crippling student loan. Don't need another.


I also worked for the university from which I graduated for a while as a systems administrator. Honestly, there's nothing that they can teach you that you can't learn on your own, and for far less. If I decide to pick up some more skills in this discipline, it'll be through my own efforts alone.



 Tell me about it!  I paid most of my loans while attending school for my undergads and my masters.  I have much LESS debt then my other college friends who have double or more debt then me.  Cause every time I got a tax return credit, I threw it at the LOAN.  When I had an extra 400 dollars laying around, I spent IT on  the LOAN! So this really helped keep my loan debt in a manageable amount instead of it entering 6 figures like some of my college friends did.  (Who can survive on a entry level job's income, with a 6 figure loan?)


Graduated High School.


Got a Bachelors Degree in Network Security.


Funny part is, that just like @@Rye_B_P, I am CompTIA A+, Net+, and Security+ certified. Then again, I suppose they're fairly standard certs for the field we're both in, but just thought it was humorous that the opening poster had them as well.


As for any plans I have, I want to get my Masters soon, but I'm taking a break as I've been in school most of my life and don't want to continue the tradition so soon.


I didn't do very good in high school, but I had perfect attendance and a 3.98 GPA in college, so there's that. I only got a B in one class and that ruined my entire GPA from being a perfect 4.00. Thanks, Physics.


I feel ya @ !


My GPA was 3.41 when I was doing my masters.  It was not the greatest, but I was working between full time college and 3 to 2 jobs, in order to pay for college and get around.  I know the feeling of how it took away from my social life.  But the fact that I am the first person in my family to have a masters degree and I beat one of my sisters to it by a few months, made me feel very good. :)


One of my  sisters (I have 3) would brag about, how  she was about to be the first person in our family line, to have a masters degree and we all got so sick of how she bragged about it ALL THE TIME.  Then I beat her to it by a month, officially.  (I graduated  in April and she graduated in May)  Then she went silent, other family memebers, even whispered to me "Thank you, now she can SHUT THE HELL UP, about it, now that you are the first one to get it!"


Got my associates in fine arts a couple years back from a Community College.

Hopefully, I can get my Bachelors in Biblical Studies in 2 years.

Will likely take 6 months to 1 year doing ministerial type work overseas.

Then return to get a Masters of Divinity.

After that.... I am considering, after several years in the vocational ministry, maybe working on a Ph.D.

Also thinking about trying to get my Ph.D from a University in Europe perhaps, any suggestions on that would be most appreciated. I know that it's rather a long long way down the line, but it can't help to start to plan towards such things.


I would suggest, if you are going to get your Ph.D I would save a bit of money first, so your student loans do not build up past an unpayable amount.  The rule of thumb  here is either do it part time and pay at least half of it off as you study or rely on grants/scholarships.  Don't let your debt get so big, that you can't afford the monthly payments, when it is in 6 figures, keep it at 5 figures or below. :)




I graduated from High School in 2013, I had a college picked and visited it last summer but decided against it due to the cost, distance and my father needing my help on the farm.


People probably won't count this towards an actual "education", but I've been vigorously teaching myself everything animation for the last nine months.


I don't remember awards very well in school, but I was the lead graphics designer for our yearbook my senior year and I made the intro for the TV morning news thing that our school shot and broadcasted in the town on a special school channel.



@  Dont' forget to put that on your resume for when you apply for jobs!  Having you in a leadership position, is looked on highly by employers, so even though it was for school. The first job you apply for look for things like this, when they consider canidates, who have little or no experience in the field, working for another company.



Sounds like somebody just wants to brag about their accomplishments ;).


I'm currently a college student, done with high school. I intended on changing majors this semester, but decided to stick with my current career path, so I will be graduating a semester later. No worries, I'll still be class of 2016 and I get an extra summer to improve my resume/build job experience.


Aannnd I'll be humble and keep awards/recognitions hidden from public ;).


Ohhhh, What do I say here......  Well you are half right there, but who does not want to brag about something good they did.  Plus, I wanted to put up an oringal topic, that was not discussed on these fourms yet. ;)

Edited by Rye_B_P
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I would suggest, if you are going to get your Ph.D I would save a bit of money first, so your student loans do not build up past an unpayable amount. The rule of thumb here is either do it part time and pay at least half of it off as you study or rely on grants/scholarships. Don't let your debt get so big, that you can't afford the monthly payments, when it is in 6 figures, keep it at 5 figures or below. :)
Thank you very much :) , luckily for my undergrad degree I've been able to qualify for things like the Pell Grant and so forth; also the college I attend is incredibly inexpensive ( although it is as good as most other colleges ). And I can get my M. Div. there, so while I'll have to start paying much more ( or get into a good deal of debt ); hopefully I'll be able to find a better way to pay for school by then. As opposed to a part time job as an usher. :lol:

I know there's a place you walked
Where love falls from the trees
My heart is like a broken cup
I only feel right on my knees.
I spit out like a sewer hole
Yet still receive your kiss
How can I measure up to anyone now
After such a love as this?

       The Who

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Went from being a "brilliant student" in elementary school to being a high school drop out. I failed 9th grade twice then dropped out due to truency and generally not giving a fuck. There are a million other reasons but it would take me forever to put it all into words. I'll probably be taking the GED test soon. Although I feel this is a complete waste of time, my mother really wants me to take it so I've been trying to study for it. 


College is just a pipe dream. There is no way in hell I would be able to afford it, and I also have no clue what I would want to study, so that would be even more of a waste of time. So my future isn't exactly on the bright side, but in the conditions in which I've been living in, I can't say anyone else could have realistically done much better.

Edited by Rivendare
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I have an Undergraduate degree in Music Studies (Jazz Performance) and I'm currently studying a Graduate Diploma in Education. I may go for a Masters eventually, but only if/when it becomes necessary for the advancement of my career. (At which time I'll study it part time and off-campus while continuing work as a teacher.)


At the moment, I'm completely focused on becoming the absolute best music teacher I can be. Music can be taught really well, but it's easy to teach it really badly as well. I want to be one of the good ones.

  • Brohoof 3


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Degrees/Diploma - High School Diploma in 2010, Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice in 2010, Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice in 2011, Juris Doctorate (Law School) in 2013


Awards - Lots of stuff in high school... I got the Statewide Charter School Student of the Year award in 2010, Congressional Recognition for some volunteer work I was doing back in 2007ish, a bunch of other awards for that same volunteer work, debate awards, a couple of school-wide awards... things of that nature.  Haven't really gotten anything in college though.  I graduated with honors for my A.A. and had a couple Dean's list type awards in undergrad and law school for my grade point average in certain semesters, but nothing major.


And for the irony of the situation I worked my ass off to go to law school, winded up being the youngest graduate in my class by a couple years, took, out a ton of student loans, got three degrees on the way, and now I've pretty much decided not to become a criminal lawyer after all so yay me :P Now I'm looking at working for a corporation (preferably a tech company) doing either compliance work or trust and safety management.  So yep, we'll see what happens... hopefully I get a decent job to pay off the small fortune I took out in loans to get where I am.

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