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What stereotype bugs you?

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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That all PC gamers are pirating, elitist assholes.


Well fuck you, I paid good money for my 127 games and haven't pirated a single game, not to mention that piracy is not only existent but also worse on consoles (according to Intel), and simply preferring PC gaming over consoles doesn't automatically make you an "elitist." Need I remind you that console elitism is a very real thing too? I see more console gamers trash talking other console gamers for getting the "wrong" console than I do PC gamers trash talking other PC gamers for getting the "wrong" processor or GPU. Yeah, there are PC gamers that are definitely elitist dicks, calling console gamers "peasants" and not explaining why PC gaming is better, instead resorting to petty insults, but those guys are typically rejected by other PC gamers. Strangely, insulting other console gamers because they got the console you don't like seems fairly commonplace among them, though.


Oh, and you want to know the most pirated game of 2013? Grand Theft Auto V. Which is, right now, a console exclusive.

i've never heard that one before. And most PC gamers do pirate dude even more now that you can pirate onto steam.  :o


And probably the bony stereotype that we are all fat neck beard, fedora wearing, milady saying group of social outcasts ect.

Edited by Revertz
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i've never heard that one before. And most PC gamers do pirate dude even more now that you can pirate onto steam. 
 I am not denying that there are pirates on the PC as well. I'm just saying that it's worse on consoles.
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I HATE HATE HATE the dumb blonde stereotype! I really hate when people are like "Oh, hey, (insert my name), this is a dumb blonde joke but don't worry, it's not directed at you." That is soooo irritating and the "no offense" is no help at all. To make things worse, my friends always says "I don't know why you get so mad about these things. They're not about you." Its the thought that counts as they say and the thought of these jokes really bothers me to no end.

- "Um... I was just wondering if it's okay if I hold you down against your will for a little bit?"


:fluttershy:Fluttershy is Best Pony! :kindness: 



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''Hi, i'm an Australian! All i do every day is eat vegemite and shear sheep! Oh, i think i hear my kangaroo coming to take me to school! Bye!


Oh and the all anime fans = weaboo one. I don't want to go to glorious nippon anytime soon.

And the fact that mcdonalds categorise their happy meal toys. If i want yugioh toy i will get a fucking yugioh toy

Edited by Nymphia



aromatisse is the sass master

i <3 rwby, game grumps and homestuck. uwu

obey submit consume

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All stereotypes bother me, specifically:

-All americans are lazy, fat, and eat cheeseburgers all day

-All british people drink tea

-and last but not least, the racist "All blacks love watermelon and fried chicken" stereotype. I mean, who DOESN'T like tea, Cheeseburgers, and watermelon and chicken?! Stereotypes involving food make me angry.


And a personal one that people think of me: "You wear dark clothing so you must be an emo that cuts themself."


I have never once in my life cut myself. I just like dark clothing.

Edited by Judgement
  • Brohoof 1

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You read the title.


Is there ANY stereotype that bugs you so much? I hate the stereotype that all Irish are drunks. I am part Irish to be honest. I dunno, I just don't like it. I mean, sure they have some strong alcohols, but have you seen America?


Just think about it..


As Taviscratch said, we're not drunkards, but yes, we drink almost every weekend, and we drink a LOT when we do drink. But it's not as bad as it's made out to be as the sterotype - we don't fall around drunk at 2pm every day :P


However, I DESPISE the stereotypical Irish accent. It doesn't exist - it's made up, and extremely annoying. :D

  • Brohoof 1



I hope some people get the joke ^^

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Gender stereotyping,where "you can't do this, because it is too feminine", or the whole girls and video games thing. I especially dislike the whole "masculine" stereotype. What if I dont want to fit into "being a man", can't I just do what I like to do without all the hate??? And about the whole "men have to keep their emotions inside", I'm pretty sure thats not healthy. Why can't people just be what they want to be instead of having to fit into today's society norms.

Although, I do quite enjoy the british stereotype (british myself), because tea is nice :3


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This bothers me so much. The myth that bronies are either:

  • Fat, unattractive, smelly, acre-ridden, fedora wearing dudes with neckbeards that burn eyes. Kinda like the Powerpuff Girls nerd with an obsession with the PPG.tumblr_mlmt28HDUr1r85ay0o2_1280.pngOh my god Lauren Faust predicted bronies *cough*
  • The second stereotype of bronies is that they are homosexuals, or "gay" as mainstream middle-class American male call us.

Man, these stereotypes aren't really representative, the fact that creepy neckbeard dudes existed in the time of PPG and gays have long existed (See Alexander the Great, Tchaikovsky, for further details), and it's just more convenient to have someone new for haters to hate on. Take it with a grain of salt and move on if anyone makes such a big deal about that.


If I have to go with an IRL that I put up with, it's the Kazakh stereotype. With the rarest ethnic origin in the US (there's only 3000 Kazakhs out of 300000000 Americans), we usually get the drunk Russian-esque Borat stereotype (which I find hilarious). But very few people actually get my ethnicity right so I end up being mixed with Chinese/East Asian stereotypes which I find sometimes funny as well (Get good grades, can do math) and offensive (Engrish, eye jokes).

Edited by Carbon Maestro
  • Brohoof 1

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I hate it more then anything when people say I'm too old for things I like and this is what I hate the most When guys think all girls are weak and slow. I want to rip their heads off for thinking that and grin when I lapt them all around the track and wip a dodge ball at their faces when they tell me to move so they don't hit me and humiliate them by deacking not letting them get the soccerball from me

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"You're white so you've had an easy life"

"You're white so you can't listen to rap or play basketball"

and my favorite

"You're white so if you say anything about anyone else it is racist"


What did white people do? Besides slavery because it doesn't count

"The Earth speaks to all of us, and if we listen, we can understand." -Uncle Pom

"Sometimes she wonders if she can do it like nuns do it but she never heard of Catholic religion or sinner's redemption" -K Dot

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The stereotype that pisses me off the most is this one....


Teenage boys are immature, unintelligent, have bad attitudes and swear every other word.


.......Where do I begin? First, this stereotype bugs me the most because I'm 14, and I'm NOT what the stereotype suggests. I do see why this stereotype exists though, because most of the guys in my school fit the stereotype. I on the other hand, DO NOT fit the stereotype! I'm top of the class in History, Maths and Science, I hardly ever swear IRL and I have a pretty good attitude. And to make matters worse, there are actually users HERE that judge my maturity/intelligence/attitude by my young age. PLEASE don't be one of those people! :(


Then, there's THESE stereotypes


Gamers are obese losers who have no life and live in their mom's basement.

Bronies are obese perverts who have no life and live in their mom's basement


My reaction to these accusations


  • Brohoof 1
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  • People who have Consoles rather than a Gaming PC are completely moronic Peasants. 

Anybody who looks Hispanic is an Illegal Mexican who more than likely can't speak Spanish.

Only white people can be racist. (A teacher in my co-op apparently said this once. Idiot!)

All Homestucks are annoying, and loud. 

All Christians are hateful, ignorant, and anti-gay rights.

  • Brohoof 3


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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That quiet people are secretly murderers or are not to be trusted.

  • Brohoof 2


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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All stereotypes bother me, even though I tend to make fun of my self being asian but it's only with my few asian friends I joke with about it, because we can understand and relate to each other. 99 percent of everything we say is meant in a harmless way. 


But one of those I hate is because if someone is kind/sweet/shy, it's okay to stamp on their feet and walk over them, expecting them to be doormats. Or just because they're kind or sweet that everything they do is correct or they have never done anything bad in their life, or because they look intimidating they're 'purely' mean. I also despise the fact that some judges out from how you look and it's sometimes the sweet or beautiful looking people who get the better share and they're not judged on their action.

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  • 1 year later...

1) Every single Brony stereotype in existence.

2) Girls who have blonde hair are dumb. -_-

3) Girls should only work in the kitchen while men does all the work.

4) Christians are hypocritical bigots.

5) All teenagers are immature.

6) Only white people are racist.


All of these bug me to the core.

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You read the title.


Is there ANY stereotype that bugs you so much? I hate the stereotype that all Irish are drunks. I am part Irish to be honest. I dunno, I just don't like it. I mean, sure they have some strong alcohols, but have you seen America?


Just think about it..

Funnily enough a certain other Irish said that Irish people can't really get offended.

Post reminded me of the first 25 seconds of the video so I thought I'd mention it.


Anyway, generally stereotypes are amusing to me unless I meet someone who legitimately believes in one that is more false in which there are problems.

6) Only white people are racist.

It irritates me very much to those who legitimately believes only Caucasians have capacity to be racist whereas, somehow, other peoples cannot. In a way how amusing it is that only Caucasians being able to be racist has itself become racial stereotype.

Edited by Tsaritsa Luna

Pony Art Thread

Brony since ~25 July of 2011.

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That quiet people are secretly murderers or are not to be trusted.


  • Gamers are losers
  • Bronies are atheists,have autism and have neckbeards
  • All Teenagers are Rebels
  • Almost everybody in the world dosen't like fruit and vegetables (Kinda not a stereotype)
  • Asians are good at math
  • Anyone who is black in the USA is a gangster

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown” 

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Stereotypes don't honestly bug me cuz I know they're over exaggerated and not in the least bit true. I'd only be offended if someone tried to actually discriminate against me using a stereotype. Other than that, I don't think about them too much :/

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The two main gay stereo types.
Gay men are flamboyant and extremely camp with that weird breathy lisp for a voice.
Gay women being butch aggressive bulldog like people.

And then there are those who go by those stereotypes intentionally.. it's not a positive stereotypy. :S


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