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The Anti-Brony Anthem: No Girls Allowed?


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I thought I'd share a little musing on anti-bronies that occurred to me. I think most of us are familiar with what they say about us; they insult us for being disgusting, stupid, bigoted men, and claim that we alienate and exclude female fans. But, how can this be? If I am a brony, and I am a woman, am I excluding myself? Am I bigoted against myself? Am I a masculinity-obsessed dudebro who is also a very feminine lady?


No, the answer, it would appear, is that I don't exist. I cannot be a brony because I am female, and myself and other women and nonbinary individuals are being erased from the fandom en masse by the very people who are "fighting for women's rights". They claim that bronies alienate female fans, but by doing so they themselves are erasing our existence as lady-bronies. Hypocrisy in action, if you ask me.


What are your thoughts on this? Is it something you've noticed? Something you've called people out on? Or is it perhaps not as hypocritical as I see it to be? 

  • Brohoof 10

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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From the various information I have gathered on my long and treacherous journey through the Vast and Infinite Internet, There seems to be quite a large number of females who identify themselves as Bronies. I think one of the mane controversies is the use of "bro" in the title. I know that some women consider themselves "Pegasisters," but I don't think you should HAVE to call yourself something just because of your gender. I believe that anyone should be able to identify themselves as a brony regardless of gender.

  • Brohoof 5

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Alienate us? B*tch, please! We girls loved MLP before it became cool. 8)

Yet another so untrue assumption made by the narrow minded anti-bronies, well done! Apparently, I find it funny how they would talk about equality among our fans when they can't even begin to have the knowledge of equality just because a man watches a show about colorful ponies. Says the people who call us autistic, Fedora wearing pedophiles. Says the ones who takes the bad part of the fandom and assumes the entire fandom is like that.

They want to talk about gender equality amongst this fandom? Than stick a good one way up their arse. :)


Edited by Princess PeachBlink
  • Brohoof 3

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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I thought I'd share a little musing on anti-bronies that occurred to me. I think most of us are familiar with what they say about us; they insult us for being disgusting, stupid, bigoted men, and claim that we alienate and exclude female fans. But, how can this be? If I am a brony, and I am a woman, am I excluding myself? Am I bigoted against myself? Am I a masculinity-obsessed dudebro who is also a very feminine lady?


Anti-Bronies will go completely out of their way to find something that gets under your nerves, even if their insult doesn't make sense.


Just don't pay attention to them, they desire to see you break and give in. They're silly people.


Remember the Brony motto? Love and Tolerate! ^^ <3

  • Brohoof 4


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Alienate us? B*tch, please! We girls loved MLP before it became cool. 8)


Yet another so untrue assumption made by the narrow minded anti-bronies, well done! Apparently, I find it funny how they would talk about equality among our fans when they can't even begin to have the knowledge of equality just because a man watches a show about colorful ponies. Says the people who call us autistic, Fedora wearing pedophiles. Says the ones who takes the bad part of the fandom and assumes the entire fandom is like that.


They want to talk about gender equality amongst this fandom? Than stick a good one way up their arse. :)


You're like the hippies of mlp XD 

  • Brohoof 2


-Mushroom Mutate /)

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The anti brony anthem seems to be more like "only little girls allowed" because supposedly anyone who dosen't fit this description is either a basement dwelling manchild, gay, a pedophile or all of the above. It is just a bunch of morons who are insecure about their masculinity and sexuality and are taking it out on bronies or just people that like to troll and see bronies as an easy target.

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From the various information I have gathered on my long and treacherous journey through the Vast and Infinite Internet, There seems to be quite a large number of females who identify themselves as Bronies. I think one of the mane controversies is the use of "bro" in the title. I know that some women consider themselves "Pegasisters," but I don't think you should HAVE to call yourself something just because of your gender. I believe that anyone should be able to identify themselves as a brony regardless of gender.

YESS thank you for this. A lot of times when I refer to myself as a Brony, the person I'm talking to says something like "don't you mean Pegasister?". No.... I mean Brony. Pegasister is lame.

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What I see on Tumblr every day:

"All Bronies are fat fedora wearing neckbeards who are obsessed with being manly." 



Literally everything about that is the exact opposite of who I am.

Wait until these Tumblerets get a load of me, I will blow their MINDS.

Edited by Hansel
  • Brohoof 1

Pancakes taste like well seasoned DVD cases.

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I consider myself lucky when it comes to this. I haven't actually had to interact with many anti-bronies. My college friends and family all seem to go about it in a friendly way. I don't exactly parade it around though.


I would agree with this though.



The anti brony anthem seems to be more like "only little girls allowed"


I am pretty sure most people i know think of it like this.

  • Brohoof 1
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Soooo a fandom for a show targeted at girls means girls / women are alienated? Makes sense xD  I think there are alot more male fans though :P 

 - Signature from Kyoshi's page -



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I can't say anything one way or another since I am male, number 1, and, number 2, I don't go to social gatherings of bronies to confirm these things.  My stance on things is like what you like.  Don't let anyone tell you anything differently.  With that said, don't go on a crusade to expouse your ideas, beliefs, and opinions, so basically just be reasonable about it.


In regards to the whole Pegasister/Brony thing, it doesn't irritate me.  I find myself curious more so than perterbed by it.  My usual phrase is "sup guys" when I enter into a chat room.  I try to use the term as inclusively as possible, but it's evolved to say "sup all."  


Whatever the case may be, we like a show about candy colored equines.  Despite our differences that draw us to it, character preferences, or what we call ourselves, I just remember that we share a devotion to something.   

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Speaking of hypocrisy among groups, I know a certain LGBT group that cries and cries about being discriminated against and what is one of their rules in the group? if your straight your not allowed, please include me in everything while I exclude certain individuals. 

Seems to me these things are never about equality but more about self interest or they are just bored and have nothing better to do with their time then annoy people.

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I'm living proof that these statements are wrong. Plenty of bronies welcomed me here with open arms, and never once have I felt alienated from the rest of the fandom (except the cloppers as I don't partake, but live and let live right?)


In other words, you can call the antis whatever you want. But the one thing I can call them without a doubt is WRONG. I'm about as girly as they come, and I have never felt like I wasn't a part of the fandom just because of the parts I have. We're all pony lovers on the inside and that's all that matters

  • Brohoof 1

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I like where this went while I was gone. Always good to know I'm not crazy when everyone and there mother seems to be spouting something and I find it grossly illogical :P


As for this - 


Speaking of hypocrisy among groups, I know a certain LGBT group that cries and cries about being discriminated against and what is one of their rules in the group? if your straight your not allowed, please include me in everything while I exclude certain individuals. 

Seems to me these things are never about equality but more about self interest or they are just bored and have nothing better to do with their time then annoy people.


Yet another sentiment that is seen quite a bit on tumblr (a place which has sadly become a major antibrony hive). It is fair to want to have conversations and meetings among strictly LGBT+ individuals, but speaking as someone who is in this group, I am most perturbed when I see people demeaning or insulting others for being straight. It makes me wonder what those people would be like had they been born straight...

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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Alienate us? B*tch, please! We girls loved MLP before it became cool. 8)


Yet another so untrue assumption made by the narrow minded anti-bronies, well done! Apparently, I find it funny how they would talk about equality among our fans when they can't even begin to have the knowledge of equality just because a man watches a show about colorful ponies. Says the people who call us autistic, Fedora wearing pedophiles. Says the ones who takes the bad part of the fandom and assumes the entire fandom is like that.


They want to talk about gender equality amongst this fandom? Than stick a good one way up their arse. :)


As she so clearly stated, I've been a fan way before MLP became cool, I was raised in Generation 1, so to think we lady bronies are being excluded? Ha please...And there will never be equal rights for any of us until the hate is smutted out on why genders can't like certain things just because they see in pink and blue. (Which also Pink used to be a male color back in the early 1900s believe it or not you haters!).


Oh btw, if its ok for us girls to like guy stuff, like war movies, action/adventure, robots scifi etc etc... why can't guys like ponies? Why is it ok us girls can like guy stuff but guys can't like girl stuff? You haters need to get your heads OUT of your booties and start looking at the big picture.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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I was actually trolling the brony Facebook page a week a go but now I'm actually becoming a brony but yeah I have something I wanted to let out on the bronies from last week and that's...(Rhythm of Kirby Right back at ya theme song) Bronies Bronies  Bronies that's a group who's lame bronies bronies bronies stupid losers who's pony insane. They watch Mlp and also troll Hub's posts bronies bronies bronies are the ones, I want to have a social media fight, I'm not gonna fight ya, C'mon I want a social media fight I'm not gonna fight ya all the time that they've got spending on pony stuff it's all their favorite show ohhhhhh. "Why do you want to fight us Louis Konakci" "You're just losers c'mon  just have an argument bronies. "It's not how to be like the elements of harmony" "Luna's dumb can't ya see!" Bronies bronies bronies I like Silver Belle ok, bronies bronies bronies if only they'd go away, teleport burning in the stars this is getting rated-R bronies bronies bronies bronies are the ones duh duh duh duh they're really lame oh yeah YEAH!

Edited by PokeBolter

img-3243014-1-W0qjY9J.pngAwesome signature made by Pink Mist 

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My Little Pony was the bomb-dot-com when I was little, putting them on epic adventures of trust, loyalty, and exploring the caste system and classism in general! I don't feel excluded as a female in a fandom for a thing intended for females. What I think a lot of people mean by bronies "excluding women" is the minority of fans who take things too far and act disrespectfully to female fans. There are several stories about hecklers at cons, rude behavior, etc. A serious issue, but not one that isby any means exclusive to the MLP fandom. I have met no such brony in my time in the fandom, and I find it quite hypocritical when many other fanbases suffer from various forms of bigotry and general bullying as well; and they're never the majority.

  • Brohoof 1


no rest for the wizardly.

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Oh btw, if its ok for us girls to like guy stuff, like war movies, action/adventure, robots scifi etc etc... why can't guys like ponies? Why is it ok us girls can like guy stuff but guys can't like girl stuff? You haters need to get your heads OUT of your booties and start looking at the big picture.


I actually heard an explanation for this once that stuck with me forever.


It is not shameful for women to wear men's clothes and pursue men's interests because it is not shameful to be a man


But it is shameful for men to wear women's clothes and pursue women's interests because it is shameful to be a woman

  • Brohoof 1

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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They talk about equality, yet the fandom bitches about 'forced diversity' whenever one person has a poc headcanon. They need to stop jumping to conclusions.



aromatisse is the sass master

i <3 rwby, game grumps and homestuck. uwu

obey submit consume

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