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What's your one guilty pleasure?

Rarity Paige Belle

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I think watching MLP sort of qualifies as a guilty pleasure for me. 


Besides that, I play this visual novel sometimes called Katawa Shoujo. It was a dating game about crippled girls. When I heard about it, I thought it was going to be about taking advantage of crippled girls, but it wasn't like that at all. I even teared up a bit at the end my first time around.

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I've only read one Yuri manga so far (planned on acquiring more), and I went into it kind of like those cliched male characters in anime that get called "hentai" all the time lol.  BUT, after seeing what said manga was really about, I felt a bit guilty and became sympathetic towards the characters.  There were some "OOOoooOoo" moments, sure xD, but the characters endured the prejudices of others (oftentimes keeping silent about how they truly felt), found themselves experiencing unrequited affection / love, and even had to face the anxiety of potentially being separated from their one-and-only.  So I found it rather touching, and I scolded myself a bit for mostly pursuing blush-accompanied girl kisses and what not. :P

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Should mention that the military uniforms I would like to try is a ww2 german uniform (no im not a nazi) because the uniform still looks pretty cool. BUT above and beyond I want to own a Carolean uniform.

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Pawn Stars


I absolutely loathe reality shows, yet I can't help but love this show. A lot of the stuff people usually bring is actually pretty cool, I actually like the cast, and I love some of the memes it spawned

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Going to the nearby knife/"military surplus" store to browse knives, talk steel and shoot the breeze with the employees, even when I don't plan on actually buying a knife. They're a great bunch to hang around, even if it's technically wasting time (though I only do it when it's slow).

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Video Games

Watching Sports (although this last fall/winter I didn't watch anywhere near as much nor care much, so perhaps I'm going back to not enjoying it so much again lol)

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1. I think watching My Little Pony is considered a "guilty pleasure". Sorta.


2. Watching spoilers for shows I like.


I can't think of anything else right now, but I'll edit this post if I think of any!

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Grimdark fanfiction for MLP, and I don't know, but something about good mlp grimdark just clicks with my insane mind. Muffins, Rainbow Factory, My Little Scootaloo, and A Fun Day are my favorite...O.o I'm weird..

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But seriously, George Formby is a guilty pleasure of mine. Screw the high-octane Michael Bay Explosions: The Movie or the latest garbage sci-fi crapfest to be tossed out of Hollywood: Give me George, his banjolele (or ukelele, depending on how he feels at the time) and some shenanigans any day of the week.


Sad thing, his movies are better than the bile that has been churned out by Hollywood the past few years.

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I'm surprised no one has mentioned pleasuring themselves yet. :comeatus:


Anyways... Mine would have to be liking a show about cute and adorable friendships and about how ponies are magic.


Oh, and cracking my fingers/every bone in my body. It feels good.

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