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I love Jelly Otter

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Everything posted by I love Jelly Otter

  1. Too bad those pink pants are worn by a wrong gender...
  2. Why one would be happy/glad that they became a brony? I think it's like being a solid fan of anything else that you only keep it to yourself... Or?
  3. Me adding a meaningless post in this meaningless thread.
  4. Chat, watch WWE shows, troll bronies & stupid furries on inkbunny.
  5. One pony doesn't have to be fully coloured to look decent.
  6. Never liked Rainbow Dash & her stupid/bland/annoying bg music.
  7. Welcome home where you belong! So join the herd & sing our song!
  8. Welcome home where you belong! So join the herd & sing our song!
  9. Welcome home where you belong! So join the herd & sing our song!
  10. I enjoy doing everything that's unproductive just cause it's... fun/interesting.
  11. Not single as me & Jelly are together for 12 years now.
  12. 1) Whine for spin-offs. 2) Keep drawing MLP fanart/porn. 3) Keep spreading the word about how awesome MLP was. 4) Keep rewatching all episodes to keep themselves in a brony-shape through time. 5) Still trashing Inkbunny, Deviantart, Rule 34 with MLP fanart/porn, as well as trashing with MLP stuff forums that have absolutely no relation to the show (like asking if there are any MLP fans on a some heavy equipment or war game forums). 6) Try to bronyfy their future children.
  13. 1) I'm not a brony/clopper. 2) I saw only a couple of episodes to realize this isn't my cup of milk at all! 3) I don't like the show, if honest. 4) I find mentioning MLP or seeing it's fanart more & more annoying. 5) I think the forum layout is yucky/harsh on the eyes. 6) Most of posts/threads here are boring / not interesting for me unless they have nothing to do with the show. 7) I'm not a troll, even though it might sometimes appears as such. 8) I'm straight. Why do I use MLP forums anyway is beyond my understanding.
  14. Pinkie Pie is banned in Russia. Her smiling towards anyone might be an insult...
  15. Should have been the only main character in the show, others are just for creating a background.
  16. Funny how you all name one & the same modern shows 95% of which I didn't see a single episode of, but lol... guess you know better. Though few of the worst (or not very good) shows from some ago would be: The Fruitties - originally a Spanish cartoon from the 80s, saw it a lot on Cartoon Network in the 90s, watched recently & it was awful. Plots are Ok, whole idea & characters as fruits is pretty interesting, voices (English) are great, intro song is cheesy & catchy, background music is nice, but the cheap animation just makes you forget all that. Watching it it feels like as if it was made by those who make anime but only much much cheaper - whole show is like composed out of still images (where only mouth is what moves all the time) & loops with frequent coloring errors. Also bad timing for many actions, like you can see a loop of character blandly & unrealistically walking for like 5-10 seconds, like if it's extended to be a filler. Top Cat - same cheap animation like in all HB's 60s classic. It gets annoying to see characters in still poses nodding their heads all the time during talking. Wacky Racers - same pattern plot for every episode & same unfunny gags over & over. That Coyotee & RoadRunner shorts - awful unfunny cartoon of one character failing to catch the other one all the fawking time no matter what he does. Rugrats / Hey Arnold / Angry Beavers / CatDog / etc - feels like they all were purposefully made ugly (and sometimes gross) to fit in to Nickelodeon standards... No wonder, I hated that channel for not having anything I would like. PB&J Otter - self explanatory. As for a modern shows, then, well, MLP:FIM is one of the worst around thanks to bronies/cloppers that overrate it, annoy with pony porn & give a bad name to already annoying (especially acrid) show. Oh & did anyone hear/watch Peppa Pig? If you didn't then imagine I never mentioned it in the first place!
  17. Fishy wishy night night!

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