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Everything posted by Rockymoo

  1. Redesigns were the nail in the show's coffin as far as I'm concerned. And ditching perfectly good characters(or butching their personalities *cough*Brock*cough*)
  2. I'm so confused. Part of me wants to love and tolerate, and part of me wants to bang my head against a wall while smoking five cigarettes at once. I thought these people only existed on 4chan up until now.
  3. I should've elaborated on that a little further. I'm not saying FiM will sell out and become garbage. Or at least I pray to Celestia that it won't.
  4. You're Italian? That avatar sure is fitting. Just yankin' your chain; about 90% of my heritage is Italian. Anyway, welcome! Local Trixie fanboy at your service. Don't worry, we won't bite. Unless it's biting into a cupcake.
  5. So, how do you guys like me so far? From my experience, I'm really diggin' the community. Nice folks overall.

  6. Actually, I change my mind. I'd rather have this man narrate mine: (ps it's a joke video) (pps he actually doesn't like gaming creepypasta; he's doing it ironically) (ppps I effin' love slowbeef)
  7. It also isn't a town at all in the series, at least to my knowledge. I could be wrong, but at the same time it's waaaaaaay to expansive to be a 3rd-gen town.
  8. Dude. I'm 20, and I still go trick-or-treating. Granted it'll get a little weird once I hit the age of roughly 25, but I'm enjoying it while I can. The only thing off about doing it my age is going by yourself. It's... eh... yeah. I don't plan on doing that. Still though, if I have an awesome costume, you can bet your sweet flank I'll be showing it off.
  9. Today I shall give my honest theory on how the fanbase will hold up by comparing it to another. Pokémon. You heard me right. Pocket Monsters. If you've spent any considerable time on the interwebz, you've probably noticed how many memes, fan works, and praise in general have popped up featuring the late 90s/early 2000s Pokémon craze. No, not the series as it is now, but how it was during the Indigo League, Orange Islands, and for many but not all, Johto Journeys. The character design/art style was clever as well as the writing, and it was just honest to goodness quality stuff, and that's just the show. There are countless everyday references to Blue, Red, and Yellow versions, most notably in the form of creepypasta. Now, if you've noticed, that period of the franchise is a little past a decade over with, going on 15 years. But not in the hearts of the fans. Does any of this sound familiar? In my opinion, MLP:FiM is vastly similar to that fanbase. The classic days of Pokémon are held in high regard not just from nostalgia, but because they were legitimately great. Which MLP happens to be just as fantastic, if not moreso. Both of these series taught us important lessons, and in the case of bronyism, changed our life and how we treat others for the better. Something that deep isn't going to just evaporate even if the show comes to its end. This fanbase is special, and I'm sure a lot of you agree. I've noticed a lot of bronies are unsure of the fandom's future, but if you ask me, it's here to stay. And that makes me more than happy. So there you have it. Feel free to post your thoughts. *hops off soapbox*
  10. You're forgetting "That's what she said", my friend. Anyway, a picture is worth a thousand words. This image requires no captions or prior explanation. It simply speaks for itself. Without further ado, this:
  11. Not anytime soon. I took a biology class at a Tech College a year or so ago, but I realized I probably won't use that skill in a future long-term career. Right now I'm just saving money so I can afford another class (programming) without it sapping my entire savings account and screwing me over to the point where I can't pay for necessities.

    1. Princess Periwinkle

      Princess Periwinkle

      You thought you got another comment on your new status update, but no it's just me trolling you.

    2. Rockymoo


      ...Well played.

  13. If anything, I'd have to say Sean Connery in his younger days. It'd make my life sound way classier and ritzy than it actually is. Just imagine: "Dimitri is 7 years old now. He's grown a preference for how he likes his chocolate milk. Hershey's chocolate syrup. Shaken, not stirred. And preferably accompanied by a Wildberry Pop-Tart."
  14. Oh. My. Goodness. Dat music. Funny you should mention, I actually downloaded a remix of that town's music and have been listening to it quite a bit lately. It has that tone where it's peaceful and mellow, but gives a feeling that it holds a legend and that your adventure is about to hit its climax. Yeah, music is one of my favorite aspects of games as you can tell. Anyhoo, my favorite location of Pokeymanz is the entire Johto region. You still get that feeling of adventure, but it also has that relaxed flair to it. The trainers have lower-leveled Pokemon, but I actually consider that a good thing since it gives you the opportunity to beef up any new friend you decide to add to your team. What's more, they kept it fresh with the new Pokemon, but included all of the classice 151 we grew to know and love. Game Freak just doesn't impliment that in games anymore. And that trainer battle music. Oh my. So much win.
  15. I completely agree with you there. I know saying this makes me a minority, but I loved the little shoutouts they made here and there. My favorite example of that was scoping out all the ponies from the show in the hallway scene. It was like Where's Waldo, except with ponies.
  16. I'd be a little concerned since at that point my bed would probably be on the ceiling or something equally zany.
  17. This guy right here: I never leave Pallet Town without him. Exeggutor always seems to get all the slack for whatever reason. Not sure why, I've always been a fan of it. ALL of gen1's psychic-types were great.
  18. "Dusk Belle"? Well, that's... Okay, it could be a lot worse, I CAN say that much. Not sure if this was brought up earlier in the thread, but did anypony notice the absence of Vs on the chart? I'm lucky it was the last letter of my last name and not the first.
  19. Trust me, I know how widespread the Cyrillic alphabet is. I did a report on Eastern Europe (Yes, I know you live in the Balkans) my senior year in high school. Besides, I recognized the Serbian flag in your avatar. A lot of other Americans can't tell the difference between any country in Europe East of Poland, which is depressing to say the least. They're also the same people that think Yugoslavia still exists and that Russia is still communist. Sorry about the brief tangent, guys.
  20. Mine spiked towards rarity and I had quite a bit of pinkie pie in there too.
  21. Are you saying there's such a thing as peanut butter milk? That's a little unusual. I'll probably still end up trying it though anyway since I'm a loser like that. Sidenote: Your username's pronounced Chyetnik, right? My Cyrillic's a little rusty.
  22. Uhm... Uh... I have to choose BETWEEN chocolate and strawberry milk? But... They're both so delicious... This is the toughest choice of my life. ...Strawberry, I guess.
  23. If I could brohoof this times a million I definitely would. Anyway, I like all of the Mane 6. They're all well-thought out and lovable characters. Tough choice, but I had to go with Rarity. No real reason, she's just my favorite out of the six. Trixie is still best pony though
  24. Damn it feels good to be a brony.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Rockymoo


      I've never liked Hip Hop or Rap.

      Office Space is my reasoning.


    3. Soundgarden


      Office Space is the best thing ever

    4. Rockymoo
  25. I like the way you think. Then again, I wouldn't have the heart to since they're ponies and unbelievably adorable. I'm too much of a bleeding heart for my own good sometimes.
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