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Book Horse

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Everything posted by Book Horse

  1. Thanks, I'll search him. I have actually never seen this idea done before, however. It's just an idea I've had in my head for a while. And yes, I agree. I will try and make it not so generic, and more of a big adventure. Thanks for the advice!
  2. When I was younger I used to have a dream of becoming a writer. Specifically fiction and fantasy. I have some experience, however what bothers me is that I have never actually finished a story. Once I got a good 100 pages, but lost interest in it since I had been writing it for about 3 or more months. But thanks! I will try and get to writing this story and maybe post it on the forums. If it gets good reviews maybe I can continue writing fan-fic!
  3. Just ranked up to Cupcake! :D

  4. After watching the mini-movie 'My Little Dashie' and reading someone's fan fiction and seeing so many other pony fan stuff, I've decided to attempt my own fan-fic. I have a basic idea of what I want to write about, but I would like your opinion for a few things. I'm totally open to criticism, so tell me what you think about my idea, and/or what you would like to see in it. The biggest brony or pegasister or just fan in general gets picked to go to Equestria by the Mane Six themselves. So he/she goes. After arriving, he has his own little adventure. He only has a week to do everything he wants. But then (I don't know what yet,) something bad happens and it's up to him and the Mane Six to try and stop it! Please tell me what you think! All opinions are wanted. If you have any ideas to go along with this, or a few minor tweaks I'm open for criticism! -Edit- Also, if no one likes my idea at all, please don't hate. Just tell me what you would like to see or read! And I won't be beginning this until maybe next week. I'm going to give people a good chance of replying to any ideas I can incorporate. Also how long should normal fan fiction be? I usually make, or attempt to make, long stories. And I don't know if there is a limit of how long fan fiction should be. -Edit again- I'm going to start the story in the first chapter maybe, and then post it in a new thread. I'll put a link to it on this post. I don't know how long it will take, but I will probably start sometime tonight. I don't know if I'll start the actual story, I might just look up certain things, like deeper info on the characters and advice on fan-fic. -So many edits!- So after looking through advice to mlp fan-fic, my idea has been done before. So I'm going to need to come up with a different one. I already knew it had been done before, but they said to try and stay away from 'brony in Equestria stories', as they have been done to death. If anyone has ideas I could use, and form together with other ideas that would be great! I'm still going to start writing very soon.
  5. First of all, only if I was a pony. And it would probably be one of the mane six, since they're the ponies I know best. I've been thinking of this post for a while now, and I've narrowed it down to two ponies. Twilight Sparkle. She loves reading, and so do I! While I'm not as excited about learning as she is, I still kinda know a lot. Fluttershy. She's shy just like me, she loves animals as do I, she's kind and nice and seems like a really good pony! I think if I lived in Equestria she would be the right pony for me.
  6. Being a brony has changed my life. I don't know if for the better or worse. It's made me much more secretive around my friends and family, but it's also made me happier as every time I see a mlp:fim show or come on to any mlp fan sites, like these forums or fan-fic or fan movies, it makes me so happy and joyful inside! I feel I'm meant to be a brony!
  7. That map is aka the map from the latest episode (forget what it's called) about Pinkie Pie and the traveler party pony.
  8. My parents don't know I'm a brony, and being to young to have a bank account or live on my own, I can't offer any money. But he's in my prayers and I hope other people send money to him!
  9. Well, in Minecraft someone was talking about the show and someone was hatin' on him. I didn't chat anything, but I was thinking (because I have a tendency to go along with other people) wow, why would he watch a little girls show? Haha, gay... But he inspired me to watch the show, and the first episode I saw was actually the Pilot episode! This was only 3 months ago. I forget the guys name, but if I found him I would thank him for introducing me to one of the biggest (I think) fandoms ever (again, I think). I'm happy to be a brony now, though I tell no one, if anyone were to bring up bronies he would be added to my circle of friends!
  10. Noooo, Monday!!!! WHY!?!?

  11. Oook, well I came on with 27 notifications...wow

  12. Yeah, I agree about Applejack, but I personally just see her more of a bluegrass listener. Don't get me wrong, I still think she would like metal and modern country, but I think more of bluegrass.
  13. Can't wait to watch the new mlp:fim episode tonight! I have it recorded to watch tonight. Also saw King Kong for the first time! Loved it!

  14. Twilight: Classical music. Rainbowdash: Hard rock. PinkiePie: Soft rock, or hip-hop. Rarity: Whatever that music is that they run at fashion shows... Fluttershy: The only music she'd be listening to is the sound of her animals chirping and squeaking. Applejack: Bluegrass. Country today has turned into a sort of rock, and I don't really think of Applejack as a rocker. Bluegrass is the original country music. This is just my opinion, btw. You know, you're right. I can even picture a music video with Luna in this!
  15. Wow! Awesome job! I really like it. It's really exciting. I've never really been into fan fiction before, but I think I'm going to give it a shot! I like how Fluttershy said 'rubbish shot' instead of 's*** shot' like Rainbowdash said. Just like Fluttershy! Anyway, the first chapter is really awesome, hope you can finish it and maybe post it on the forums!
  16. I just watch the Hub when they're new episodes, I don't really go on any streams for new episodes. Speaking of which, can't wait for Saturdays (tomorrows) new episode!
  17. AWWW YEA It's super bowl weekend! And you know what that means...awesome food...

  18. I kinda do the same thing in a way. I'm an only child, but I can record mlp:fim and when it's recorded I can just change the name to one of the other shows I watch, so they won't suspect a thing. I haven't told anyone that I'm a brony either, except a few friends from an MMO game.
  19. Just saw 'My Little Dashie: The Mini Movie'. My heart melted!!! :')

  20. Well, thanks Tara for changing my thoughts of you. This kinda changes the way I see her. I'll never be able to watch mlp again without imagining that voice...
  21. Yes, I'm home alone and that means a full day of mlp without my parents seeing!

    1. Best Username Ever

      Best Username Ever

      Sounds nice my brother just decided to start staying downstairs and i have a make shift lock on my door now so i too can watch mlp without a care in the world

  22. Only two people know, and I have never seen them face to face! At least three other people know, but I'm really not sure. All of these people are from an MMO game I do.
  23. Nice! I really like the way she looks. Did you design her as fan art?
  24. I'm not sure. But that would be a great way for Spike to 'make a move' on Rarity. Yeah, I guess that would be a fun episode.
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