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Twilight Dirac

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Everything posted by Twilight Dirac

  1. I always enjoyed the music to Deus Ex: Human Revolution, it fits the game perfectly. Also, the original Deus Ex has perhaps the best title screen theme ever. Beyond Earth which just came out also has a stellar sound track.
  2. Whenever I log onto Steam, I find a store filled with more games than I could ever have a chance to play. If anything, the market almost feels over saturated now. Here are some recent released that were downright awesome: Bioshock Infinite - 2013 Borderlands 2 - 2012 Divinity Original Sin - 2014 Planetside 2 - 2012 Guild Wars 2 - 2012 Civilization Brave New World - 2013 Civilization Beyond Earth - 2014 StarDrive - 2013 X-Com Enemy Unknown - 2012 Diablo 3 - 2012 FTL - 2012 Lord knows what else you can find in the Steam store. I keep on meaning to check out Starport Gemini myself.
  3. I have a lot of them: These are just related to automobiles Poorly timed traffic signals: There is nothing I hate more than waiting for a red light only to have the light at the very next intersection turn red as I approach. Synchronize your lights people. Slow Drivers in the Left Lane Slow Drivers who won't let me pass them Drivers who won't yield to pedestrians Drivers who aren't paying attention to the road Gated Communities (I live in Florida, everything here is a gated community)
  4. It is more about making the game nonlinear than making it a clone of Link to the Past. Game diversity is good and Nintendo definitely needs game diversity, but it is not something you achieve by crippling the game. This is why a hate Spirit Tracks. Using the touchpad to control link may make the game different, but it doesn't change the fact that the controls are complete shit. Same with Skyward Sword, where you were using more restrictive gameplay to justify it being different. You know what would be interesting, making Link a wizard or ranged character rather than a swordsman, or controlling somebody other than Link, or not making the game revolve around dungeons, perhaps something more focused on the overworld. Not crippled controls and restrictive gameplay. True, but both are more than a decade old, back when the Zelda series and Nintendo's games were actually interesting. It is the new stuff I have lost complete interest in. If Nintendo could pull of more stuff along these lines I wouldn't criticize them so harshly.
  5. Yahtzee did a Zero Punctuation on Hyrule Warriors, and from his review a got the impression that it is just a re-skinned version of Dynasty Warriors. So technically it is not like every other Zelda game, but rather like every other Dynasty Warriors game. I guess that is good if you happen to like Dynasty Warriors, although I really never cared for that series. Also, making Zelda more linear is not helping. What ever happened to making Zelda more like Link to the Past, where once you got to the Dark World you could freely go about your business however you pleased. If your going to rip your own IP off, at least rip off your good IP. Every Zelda also has a series of dungeons with puzzles based around the one secondary item you find in the big key chest including the boomerang, hookshot, bow, etc. and the puzzles invariable have the block pushing puzzle, the target shooting puzzle, the pressure plate puzzle, the hookshot puzzle, etc. and culminate in a boss battle where you exploit their weakness using the item you found in that dungeon. You'll have to fight Gannon at the end, save Zelda, go through the mandatory stealth section, buy bigger wallets, bomb bags and quivers. Upgrade your sword and shield. There was a time when this stuff was actually new but now you are just going through the motions. Also, how am I wrong about there games? Did they stop recycling their IP endlessly when I wasn't looking?
  6. Master of Magic, the ultimate high fantasy grand strategy game. People constantly try a produce games that are supposed to be the next Master of Magic, but the never succeed.
  7. This is like being asked to pick my favorite child, if I actually had children. Just so many good choices: Best FPS: The original Deus Ex Best Strategy: Civilization V if "in Space": Master of Orion 2 if High Fantasy: Master of Magic if Tactics: X-Com Enemy Unknown also honorable mention to Advanced Wars Days of Ruin Best RPGs: Ultima 5, Ultima 7, Baldur's Gate 2 and Final Fantasy 6
  8. Brawl - I liked the original the best, I have never been impressed with the sequels. Super Mario Galaxy - I got bored with the N64 one before I even finished that. Zelda - They are all the same, if you played one you played them all. About the only ones that even attempt to tread new ground are Majora's Mask and Windwaker. Everything Coming - Just more Zelda's, Mario's and what have you.
  9. Overhated: X-Com Enemy Unknown - This game gets a lot of crap for not being identical and as detailed as the original, but the changes really help streamline the game, cut out the tedious aspects and get the player right into the action. Was it really necessary to spend 2 rounds getting all your soldiers out of the plane in the original? Was it really necessary to keep track of every last grenade and ammo clip across all your bases? I suppose if you miss these aspects you can still play the original, it is not like this new version removed it from Steam and GoG. League of Legends - A MOBA without peer. Good UI, good presentation, clear indication of what everything does, pleasant colorful graphics and interesting heroes. Overrated: God of War - Like another poster mentioned this is a fairly generic beat-em-up with a really annoying button smashing gimmick thrown in. Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks - Crippled controls and lack of an overworld make this an awful Zelda sequel. Elder Scrolls Series - I am in complete agreement with Charcoal about Skyrim. These are nice sandbox RPGs but they are just too unfocused, I never liked the organic skill leveling system and combat tends to be rather dull. Fallout and Fallout NV definitely do a better job at this. Battlefield Series - You need to dedicate your life to this series to excel, and you can forget about every flying planes or helicopters. Starcraft 2 - Still an excellent game in many respects, but far, far too micromanagement heavy. Far more than any RTS needs to be. Final Fantasy 9 - A major step back from previous entries that largely gutted character creation and eliminated a lot of the free overworld roaming found at the end of previous games. Ugly character art, a terrible villian and a weak story didn't help either.
  10. I honestly don't know why Nintendo even makes consoles anymore? The handhelds I can understand but with terrible third party support all Nintendo's other systems do is run Nintendo's software. Now personally I don't think Nintendo has made anything worthwhile in a decade, but a lot of people swear by their games. Those same people will admit, however, that Nintendo's hardware is underpowered and I don't see anybody swearing by the massive array of hardware gimmicks Nintendo keeps on coming out with. It seems to me that they should just drop non-handheld consoles all together and just produce their games for the X-box, Playstation and PC. The market would be much bigger and console users would need to own one fewer console to run their games.
  11. I absolutely enjoy the Nostalgia critic along with a lot of his affiliates, Spoony (who is an ex-affiliate of sorts) and sfdebris.
  12. Everybody Loves Raymond - I actually watched this show for a while but came to absolutely loathe both it and everything else Raymond is in. The Simpsons - Well obviously. South Park - I still really enjoy the earlier seasons, but the current stuff is just awful. House - Was fun for a while. Then House' love interested secretly brought a secret fiancee to a technical conference and reveal said fiancee just as House was about to express his feeling. This sort of soap opera crap immediately turned me off to the whole series. NCIS - I enjoyed this for a while but it just got tiring. Also Gibbs missed his calling of working as a secret police for a tyrannical government. R. A. Salvatore's Books - Enjoyed a lot of his work for a while, but just got plain tired of his newer material. Anything Adam Sandler touches - I actually enjoyed Happy Gilmore when I first say it, but I now despise everything this man has a hand in creating. Final Fantasy Series - FF6 is one of my favorite RPGs of all time but FF9 just killed the series for me.
  13. The problem is all that stuff is old and none of the newer systems are backwards compatible, which means if I wanted to run this stuff I would either still need one of the old systems in my possession, or I need to run an emulator on my PC. Which makes my PC more backward compatible with the consoles I actually liked then the last two generations of consoles.
  14. Well vassal is probably the cheapest way to get into it as you don't need to purchase models, only books. Although Apocalypse is probably not how you want to be introduced to the game. You want to start at around 500 points. Apocalypse is basically a 50,000 point team game. It is awesome but you really need to know the ropes first. If you are interested I suggest you purchase and/or pirate the main rulebook first.
  15. 1. But your missing out on turn based tactical combat, which makes warfare far more interesting. Also, the two expansions add a lot of flavor. 2. Don't you want to play the sequel though? I mean a good sequel. Human revolution is worthy of bearing the title Deus Ex, unlike Invisible War. 3. Mouse controls are a godsend for games like this. 6. This is another worthy successor. It cut out a lot of needless micromanagement, and you no longer have to spend 2-3 turns just getting everybody off the stupid plane. 7. It works great on PCs though.
  16. Aren't most of those SNES era? Chrono trigger was good as was Secret of Mana (not certain if that is the same as Legend of Mana) but I got bored of them two decades ago. Wind Waker is probably one of the better 3D Zeldas but I still prefer go old fashion Link to the Past. Chrono Cross never impressed me and I have never heard of Wild Arms.
  17. Join the club. I largely abandoned consoles a decade ago. I own a PS2 and a Nintendo DS, both of which I rarely use and probably haven't touched in a year. My PC is able to meet all my gaming needs and there aren't really any console exclusives I have any real interest in. Most of my favorite consoles exclusives were produced in the SNES era or the N64 era at the latest and I haven't had any real interest in any of them since then.
  18. How about a large game of Warhammer 40k Apocalypse on vassal? I don't suppose there are enough people on these forums familiar with Warhammer 40k to participate in such a game?
  19. A lot of good PC games have come out since the release of Steam. Just to name a few Civilization V - The best civilization yet Deus Ex Human Revolution - This is a worthy successor to the original Bioshock Infinite Magicka Dawn of War II X-Com Enemy Unknown Dishonored StarDrive All really excellent games that are worth your time. The PC game library is almost incomprehensibly vast at this point, with a virtually endless range of titles. The only really trick is finding the ones you personally like.
  20. I dropped in around 10:30 pm this Friday evening but you were already gone. I am taking part in a RC airplane design competition and we meet on Fridays so I probably won't be able to make it before 9:00 on Fridays if at all.
  21. Yea but the original show at least looked good. The the in show characters were interesting a the plots compelling. When I first saw ads for TT Go, I originally though they were taking just showing the exaggerated cartoon scenes the original would occasional use to express shock or extreme emotions. I then realized the whole show was going to look that way and immediately lost interest.
  22. I completely forgot that one. I never liked the gimmicky button mashing to simulate feats of strength idea in any game including this one, it is more of an irritating nuisance than an enjoyable game mechanic and liable to break your game controller. You kind of got screwed by dumb luck on this one. This is perhaps the worst Zelda game out their (with the possible exception of Phantom Hourglass, but I never played that one so I cannot say for sure), and worse than the rest by a mile at that. Play Link to the Past if you want to know how people got to enjoy this series.
  23. There are a whole host of games that do absolutely nothing for me: Sports Games - No explanation needed. Elder Scrolls Series - I am generally a fan of open ended CRPGs, but Elder Scrolls suffers from a rather grind heavy leveling mechanic, a mediocre combat system, and generally bland quest and story lines. Oddly enough, I really enjoyed the rather similar Fallout 3, because it corrects precisely these problems. Final Fantasy 9 - I absolutely hate this game, it largely killed my love of the Final Fantasy series. After playing FF 6 and 7, this was a huge step back, with a lot of the character customization and gameplay elements found in the previous series gutted. Not liking the story, characters, character art or villian didn't help much either. Pokemon Series - I tried playing one of the Pokemon games and it got boring fast. It basically uses the Final Fantasy menu driven combat system, but while final fantasy does group on group combat, this is one on one, further simplifying an already simplistic combat system. It was just boring an not even owning my own pet dragon could salvage this game. Nintendo Series - Nintendo has made some of the best video games out there, but that was a while ago. Games like Mario 3, Super Mario World, Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, Mario Kart 64 and Super Smash Brothers are all classics. But as Nintendo released endless sequels to all these series they seemed to get progressively worse and I have long since lost interest in them. Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks - I have already touched on Nintendo's decay but Spirit Tracks is its own special category of awful. I purchased this game hoping a return to a two-dimensional Zelda might provide me with gameplay reminiscent of Link to the Past, but it has a down right awful and crippled touchpad control scheme that makes otherwise simply actions feel like pulling teeth, a hideous art style and the classic Zelda overworld with a emphasis on free exploration was replaced by a hideous model train minigame. I have heard Phantom Hourglass is even worse, but I am not touching any more DS Zelda games to find out. The Sims - I find the premise behind the Sims so uninteresting I haven't even bothered to play it. Battlefield Series - These games sound like a lot of fun on paper. In practice, your little more than a Pinata for people who are impossibly good at this game, and the aviation aspect of these games are practically inaccessible to anyone who doesn't play this thing 24/7, so don't expect to spend any significant amount of time flying helos in this game. In fact, your likely to get killed by your own teammates for even trying. I vastly prefer Planetside 2 over this series. DOTA 2 - This is like playing League of Legends in a drug induced haze. A terrible UI, gimmicky item system, and excessive limits on the use of special abilities really sucks the joy out of this game.
  24. It has never been clear to me what precisely is the difference between having poor interpersonal skills and suffering from mild autism. As someone with some pretty awful interpersonal skills who tends to be a downright eccentric nerd, it has been suggested more than once that I might suffer from the condition, but with such a vague description and no apparent course of action for correcting it beyond what I would do to improve my impersonal skills the whole concept has struck me as largely irrelevant. One of the posters suggested suffering from sensory overload, that actually sounds like a specific problem, but most of the details that are relayed to me about autism are far vaguer than that.
  25. See I actually loathe FF9 and I actually lost interest in the series as a whole because of it. The story starts strong but takes a nosedive once you leave the Mist Continent, the main villain is terribly written, the character art is hideous, the character customization found in 6 and 7 was gutted (I never played 8) and the battles while strikingly similar to most in the series simply weren't as enjoyable as I found in the previous installations. It was a huge step down in the quality I was used to and I haven't played any FF games since 9. I agree with many of the posters here that FF6 was the absolute pinnacle of the series, and is easily once of the best RPGs ever made. I put it on the same level as the Baldur's Gate series and the Ultima series. It is certainly the best JRPG and the best console RPG I have ever played. What it did with the limitations it was given was downright amazing. I sunk many, many hours into this game. FF7 would be the second best FF game I ever played. Not as good as 6 but downright solid, with a good story, an interesting settings, a lot of good character customization options and enjoyable combat. Not the best, but absolutely nothing wrong with it and definitely and enjoyable experience.
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