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Sugoi Kurloz

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Everything posted by Sugoi Kurloz

  1. Sugoi Kurloz

    movies/tv VHS movies

    Alright so for those who don't know what that is I suggest watching it. Vhs 1 and 2 Are any of you fans of it? I found it quite enjoyable really.. Best parts? Favorite I guess POV parts? It almost reminds me of subconcious cruelty.. Never watched? I suggest you do
  2. Could possibly happen Celestia had implied she was twilight predecessors
  3. I think this is because we change in comfort and other situations. Around friends and family its relaxed, outside not so much. But yeah I have this problem
  4. The Living Tombstone - Five Nights at Fridays Her Dark Embrace - December Rocket to the Moon - Ever Enough Alesana - Best Ex-Friend
  5. Mayo Chiki Maria Holic Alive Nyan Koi! K-On! Shingeki No Kyoji I finished Loveless recently
  6. Pop nuff' said Certain rap I dislike drake but I like Tupac. Country is an eh
  7. I LOVE dressing like a boy but I need a chest wrap <3
  8. I come across unfriendly even though I'm not I am afraid to make friends I'm a bit wayward emotionally My anger usually is my protection I always argue with my boyfriend about stupid things and apologise afterwards but I feel like we are strained
  9. Its just something thats been on my mind a while.. Any theorys?
  10. I was learning French but my teacher walked out so I gave up. This school year I'm learning Japanese I can understand Dutch from my upbringing
  11. Some people just take things a different way. Acts of kindness can make them feel weak or small than they actual are. They feel inferior and he demands to respect. It's a bit harsh but that's people's nature it varies. The best you can do is figure out why without causing more damage
  12. It's hard not to when you have mandatory obligations or plans to keep
  13. I cried at the end of the first season and i cried at the end of the second season The best ending out of them all was being with Kenny..
  14. I know a few people who dropped out and finished college already so I'm thinking about a few options i have
  15. I can't relate to any one on a deep level or really any level maybe one or two bands but never a full on debate about it no connection I have a special some pony but never really connect on some things Games Consoles Music
  16. I think I got lucky with the few teachers who would enforce that and make it fun to have a normal debate about anything But lately it's like dropping and I'm in high school I hoped I would meet more people worth the time
  17. I know that much but it's completely useless on other aspects of life when you can literally pick up a book to learn now a days
  18. Well to start is I have no need for school. I can drop out legally by my boyfriend and his family are what's keeping me in. I'm not stupid I have no failing classes and I understand what's given to me. I'm not slow and Im sure as hell not in any extra help situations. For one I got to a school here called High Tech and it's suppose to be for "above average" people. But they all are the same. Stupid superficial school system. Self inflated egos and bland people all around. (I may come across like that at times but it's in my nature to challenge.) I can't help but say again Schools a waste of time. It doesn't teach understanding of other people and just fill your head with opinionated nonsense in certain classes, I respect all math. I get shunned for my opinions my honest and blunt writing. They tell me it's amazing But inappropriate for school. I'm just being honest. They stifle this voice I built on writing and I don't get why. I don't write about murdering people I talk about superficial beliefs and how people are ready to believe what they hear. And I find it a travesty that teachers will act a certain way to become cool with more popular students that I just give up on them and think what a shame. It's just not right. And having to go back to that place doesn't either. I mean it's fun but I it's suppose to replicate society then I don't want to be apart of it.
  19. Loved that show growing up it was so fun
  20. Out of all of the things you listed Cats and Warrior Cats Warrior cats is a decent story not like twilight franchise where it's all about choosing a puppy or disco ball. While its not up there with Harry Potter on this scale it's got a decent story line and charterers you can love And cats are just animals I love like dogs IM AN ANIMAL PERSON. Not all teenage girls like these things just the majority of the populace that feed stereotypical girls those stuff in shovels
  21. Fan of LPS? Today me and my boyfriend got attacked by a huge and I mean huge wasp It had a large visible white thing I think it's thorax or abdomen and a black bottom Just looked it up its a spider hunting wasp
  22. Watch reruns of ATBG Hey Arnold read Fanfics about MLP and other shows Read HPL EAP Write story
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