Well to start is I have no need for school. I can drop out legally by my boyfriend and his family are what's keeping me in. I'm not stupid I have no failing classes and I understand what's given to me. I'm not slow and Im sure as hell not in any extra help situations. For one I got to a school here called High Tech and it's suppose to be for "above average" people. But they all are the same. Stupid superficial school system. Self inflated egos and bland people all around. (I may come across like that at times but it's in my nature to challenge.) I can't help but say again
Schools a waste of time. It doesn't teach understanding of other people and just fill your head with opinionated nonsense in certain classes, I respect all math. I get shunned for my opinions my honest and blunt writing. They tell me it's amazing
But inappropriate for school. I'm just being honest. They stifle this voice I built on writing and I don't get why. I don't write about murdering people I talk about superficial beliefs and how people are ready to believe what they hear. And I find it a travesty that teachers will act a certain way to become cool with more popular students that I just give up on them and think what a shame.
It's just not right. And having to go back to that place doesn't either. I mean it's fun but I it's suppose to replicate society then I don't want to be apart of it.