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Everything posted by Hatguy

  1. Fluttershy is the best troll only because of the dragon in episode 7
  2. We could really use a good definition for headcannon though I suppose it seems a bit obvious Edit: Just realized I spelled it "headcanNon" oh well, I always wanted a headcannon...maybe a head-partycannon
  3. Nopony has left a message yet! Why not be the first?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dar tunsh

      dar tunsh

      I'm second, now give me your hat! :U

    3. Hatguy


      +1 hat for A TF2 Brony

    4. dar tunsh

      dar tunsh

      Yes! I will poot it on Scout...

  4. I can only separate canon from fanon through conscious effort and weather or not I do depends on weather or not the fanon fits with the vague blurry thing I call headcanon, that is to say if I read a fanfic and it feels like it fits with my headcanon or feels like a better explanation than my headcanon it just sharpens and details the vague ideas I already had and makes my view of equestria richer while on the other hand if I feel like it contradicts my headcanon I remind myself that it is purely non-canon (sometimes audibly by shouting the phrase "I declare this non-canon, and thus I refute thee!" which is really fun). A short rant about turning actual canon into non-canon I also use my non-canon shout on endings of series that I found particularly disappointing (I read 4 multi-hundred page books to get here the least the author can do is write an ending I approve of) and thereby declare the canon non-canon and replace the events with my headcanon, of course this only works with endings and there is nothing I can do about what the writers create leading up to the end.
  5. I always assumed brony was someone outside the target audience who enjoyed My Little Pony Freindship Is Magic but the bro part does seem a little odd for female fans of the show so I guess on the one hand bro could mean friend but on the other hand it could mean brother which would be like friend but male, I guess what I'm saying is
  6. I converted my younger (12y.o.) brother yesterday here's the story if you are interested: Last night he seemed like he didn't like the show that much said it was "a 4.5 maybe 5 out of 10" and that he probably wouldn't watch it again, then tonight he tells me his friend is interested in checking it out and asks if I could hook my laptop up to the tv so we could all watch it, I asked his friend about it and found out that his friend is flat out refusing to watch it and my brother basically begged him to give it a chance at this point my brother finally admits he thinks MLP is awesome so I brohoof him and tell him welcome to the herd.
  7. I accidentally stumbled upon the bronies at my school and they wasted no time in converting me...now we watch MLP together during lunch and laugh about the people who give us confused looks when someone yells a something pony related ("X is best pony" can get pretty heated) loud enough for everyone in the caf to here.
  8. People fear what they don't understand and these people don't understand why bronies like MLP we're the Zecora to their "Zecora is making Apple Bloom soup!" forgive them for not understanding and if you are particularly kind you could even try to show them that there is nothing to be afraid of if they are willing to listen. They are just scared people fighting back the only way they know how, through harsh words, they are afraid of having something new in the (usually online) places they go and they can't do anything about it, but they don't realize what you all said, bronies don't change the internet they add to it. And if all that doesn't work we could always give them The Stare. iv;dp version They are scared and can't do anything but kick and scream, be nice to them they will come around or fade away eventually.
  9. My favorite pony (Fluttershy) never changes but my second (Pinkie or Twi) and third (the other three) change all the time
  10. Well, Pinkie Pie could have had pink pie... In fact this picture seems very Pinkie Pie to me though maybe not a cutie mark.
  11. Fluttershy showed Angel who's boss in the end...and you can tell that Angel learned a lesson about how to treat others in episode 22.
  12. So I guess this means Fluttertree is now canon...I'm surprised I didn't notice this the first time I watched se2ep22
  13. Clearly the writers are fans of Derpy and the dialogue was a nod to the people who took time to name a random background pony, due to the choice of eyes the animators are pro-derpy the actions show that the writers are pro-derpy and the voice shows that casting is pro-derpy the only people anti-derpy here are Hasbros PR team, I don't know about you but if I was working on a show and was told that my artistic choices didn't fit in with the message of the show that I create I would try to make as few changes as possible to the final artistic product while still keeping my bosses at Hasbro happy and that seems to be what they are doing with derpy.
  14. I think a lot of what gets written comes from the fact that it's a lot easier to write shocking material than good material but if you write something shocking enough it makes people feel like they should inflict it on other people a la "look at how gross/disturbing/fucked up this is" there is lots of great fanfiction out there though even some well written grim fanfics like Fallout:Equestria
  15. Oh yeah...what ever happened to that turtle...tortoise
  16. In school at lunch...I sit with bronies and every day we get the strangest looks from people around us.
  17. To the OP...I doubt the existence of a minotaur denotes the existence of humans, the existence of humans doesn't mean we have minotaurs does it? As far as humans ruining the series I would have to agree it would just be too weird to see humans in Equestria.
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