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Golden Star

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Everything posted by Golden Star

  1. The MLP Facebook page has just shared this new promo video for Season 6. While it's mostly old footage pieced together, there are a few new clips, some featuring Starlight and Sunburst. And if it reaches 6,000 shares, then an exclusive two-minute clip from the premiere will be released. https://www.facebook.com/mylittlepony/videos/1292001794150588/
  2. I would also have to say Sweetie Belle, but Pip is a close second. I may be a little biased because I'm British, but his voice and accent are adorable.
  3. His music is not really my genre so I can't say I'm a huge fan. I do love his song "Magic" with Lauren G and his Discord remix though.
  4. I'm a YouTuber, I have two channels. One is for MLP vids like PMVs and episode reviews (there's also a few older, non-Pony vids on there), and the other is a more recent one which I use for a film review series called "The Critique". Here are the links: MrDilke626 (for film reviews) https://www.youtube....wt_JqiKk_Z3InKw Golden Star (for Pony videos) https://www.youtube....3MvjaBG-VlJM0ng My film review channel only has 8 subs. So I understand that getting off to a slow start can be a little frustrating. YouTube is such a massive site and it can be extremely difficult to get your work noticed, but perseverance is definitely key. You just gotta keep doing what you love to do and give it time.
  5. I wasn't sure where to post this as it's half-related to MLP and half-isn't. But it's still something I wanted to share here. After writing reviews and posting them solely on sites like DeviantArt for so long, I recently decided to make the transition to producing them as videos and uploading them to YouTube. I just started a film review series called The Critique, which will feature me sharing my thoughts on some of the latest movie releases. The first Critique episode I did was for the film "Deadpool", though I have also talked about "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" and "The Hateful Eight" in earlier videos. In addition to films, I have also been reviewing MLP episodes for its last couple of seasons, and using a new ponysona named Golden Star, I plan to venture back to the beginning and review every episode of the entire series. And yes, I know he is a product of the Pony Creator game, which I know many people dislike and frown upon the use of, but with the workload I have ahead of me, it’s just easier and quicker for me than making lots of drawings. Hopefully you don’t mind too much. It may be an ambitious and time-consuming task that will end up overlapping with the release of Season 6, but I'm up for the task. Anyway, I wanted to share the links to each of my YouTube channels where these two projects will feature. "The Critique" will feature on my new channel MrDilke626, while Pony reviews will go up on my older channel "Golden Star", where you see all my current and future pony related work, including PMVs and more. And if anyone here uses social media, I will also post Facebook and Twitter pages for each of the channels. Please feel free to subscribe, like or follow either or both of these, and also feel free to share with anyone you think might be interested. I would definitely be greatly appreciative and thankful of the support. MrDilke626 YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYNfFU1Lwt_JqiKk_Z3InKw Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MrDilke626/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/MrDilke626 Golden Star YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRQz0d093MvjaBG-VlJM0ng Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Golden-Star-468706296670465/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/goldenstarpony(Btw, in case anyone is wondering why this page dates back to 2009, it was my own personal one, but I never used it so I decided to turn it into the Golden Star page). EDIT: Please bear with me for a moment, some of the links aren't working for some reason; trying to fix now UPDATE: All fixed now. For some reason, the Facebook and Twitter links for MrDilke626 wasn't working, and the YouTube link for Golden Star was telling me the channel didn't exist. If anyone has problems with any of the links, please just let me know.
  6. I really like it. Compared to its predecessor, the animation, music and villains were all big improvements, and I loved the new characterization of Sunset Shimmer as well. It has some typical high school movie cliches, and at times it's a bit too mean-spirited for its own good, but I still like it a lot.
  7. Now there really is a starman waiting in the sky. R.I.P. David Bowie :(

  8. Well, the movie is being distributed worldwide by Lionsgate, and they usually release their films in North America and the UK concurrently, so I don't think we'll have to wait long. In fact, I actually wouldn't be surprised if we ended up getting it before the US, like maybe the last week of October when schools usually have a half-term break.
  9. Trix of the Trade: Broke and homeless, Trixie returns to Ponyville seeking Twilight's help in bettering herself and getting back on her feet. Twilight suggests Discord help; he accepts and he and Trixie immediately connect. However, they end up bonding more through sharing tricks and pranks rather than making progress.
  10. Just realised I haven't shared these on here yet. Anyway, these are all my PMVs (or PaperSnowAGhost's PMVs - lifelong "Friends" fan here ) . Only three to date but am definitely looking to make more in the future. The first one I've chosen to share is my newest, which I uploaded on Monday and made for MLP's fifth anniversary last weekend to celebrate the show and some of its most memorable moments and beloved characters. I imagine most people here have now seen Crusaders of the Lost Mark, but in case you still haven't, then fair warning, this PMV does contain spoilers. This one is the first PMV I ever made: And here's one for any and all Sunset Shimmer fans (for some reason this video is not showing up embedded here):
  11. She already did once... kinda. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MKmKM7tSy0
  12. A very quick summary from me since it's now 2:45am in my country, but... wow! Rainbow Rocks set the bar unexpectedly high so I was left wondering how/if they could top it, but I honestly think this one is the best of the three. Upon hearing that it will be shown in cinemas here in the UK next month, I'm definitely planning to catch it when it's on, some of those musical numbers, Round 2 of the games, and the finale, should look and sound amazing on a cinema screen. The Equestria Girls series is just getting better with age and I cannot wait to see where it goes next. An awesome film and a solid 9/10 from me.
  13. Look who I got this week for my birthday, just in time for Friendship Games!
  14. Major childhood flashback with that song, great PMV as well. And while we're on that theme... love this one as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6cZdou6tUw&
  15. This is one of my absolute favourite PMVs. It may be devoid of any fancy special effects, but it is still a stellar piece of clever editing and perfect timing, proving that sometimes that's all you need. Oh, and the song kicks ass too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9XAwBjkRy4
  16. Thundercats 2011 series - Among the countless cartoon movie or TV reboots, this was a really impressive one IMO, and yet it could never find an audience. Today's generation of kids didn't seem to care much, nostalgia for fans of the original couldn't save it, and since its premature cancellation, nobody seems to talk about it. TaleSpin and Gummi Bears - I put both of these together for the same reason. Both are among the great first five Disney Afternoon series, and while everyone obviously remembers DuckTales and Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers and I think most people remember Darkwing Duck, very few seem to remember these two. A bit of a shame as I think both are just as great (even if Gummi Bears does bear a lot of similiarities to The Smurfs) and still hold up well today.
  17. For this year, I'm looking forward to Spectre, Star Wars Episode VII, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2, and of course, The Friendship Games. Thinking ahead to 2016-17, I'm also eager to see Kung Fu Panda 3, Deadpool, X-Men: Apocalypse, pretty much every Marvel Studios film, Finding Dory, Bad Boys 3, Get Smurfy, War of the Planet of the Apes, and of course, the Pony movie.
  18. That Derpy is so adorable! I really can't wait until she comes out, whenever that will be. That image actually leaked online back in June and since then BaB has provided nothing in terms of release date, accessories or companion for her. And on the subject of the other unannounced pony, I've heard rumours that it will be Vinyl Scratch. I'm not sure whether to believe that to be likely or not myself. Personally I think Sunset Shimmer might be a more likely choice as she's a more central character in the franchise, a fan favourite, and of course, depending on release date, it would be good timing with the Friendship Games coming up.
  19. I have Asperger's as well. I think I was diagnosed with it when I was about 4, as I remember my mother saying that she had trouble getting me into school because at the time, most schools in our area weren't willing to accept me because of my condition. I think I was 13 when I was eventually told I had it.
  20. I personally think it's a good thing, and the way they seem to be handling the characters has, so far, been really smart. I really like that the show deviated heavily from the crusading theme in Season 4, as I think it prevented the writers from being complacent and the CMC from being too one-note. I like how it took the time to show that they could do more with them, allow them to have some character development, and perhaps more importantly, individual development, since they all had an episode where one of them took the main focus ahead of the other two. In my opinion, it was a smart move, but with their main story arc still unfinished, and with this season's cutie mark based theme, I think it is time to go back there.
  21. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle How did you find MLP Forums?: A good friend of mine from DeviantArt is a member here, so I decided to join as well. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I decided to watch the show one night out of curiosity. I was about 12 episodes into Season 1 when I realised that I had become a brony. Hello everypony! My name is Chris, and I am a Devon brony! I also go by the pseudonym Bret McCritic, which is also the name of my ponysona. I am also a keen film buff, which includes frequent cinema visits, an extensive Blu-ray/DVD library, and several reviews. After a few years of sticking exclusively to written reviews on DeviantArt, I will soon be venturing into video reviews, starting with MLP Season 5. It is the Bret McCritic name that I shall be using for these reviews, which will be posted on my new YouTube channel below. There's nothing yet, but that will change once Season 5 starts. The link to my channel, which you can subscribe to to get video reviews as soon as the episodes come along, is below. I've also added the link to my DA page, where you can find all my written reviews, including ones for every episode of Season 4 and both Equestria Girls movies, as well as a bunch of photos and a few drawings. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYNfFU1Lwt_JqiKk_Z3InKw http://chris-dilke.deviantart.com/ And that's pretty much all I have to say for now.
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