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Everything posted by Lexamena

  1. Not possible to tell if someone is a virgin by looking at them but it is possible to tell if someone is a sexual harasser by listening to them talk.
  2. I'd say anything up to 1950 is getting to be antique, then 1950 up to 1970 is vintage. Anything from 1970 to 1995ish would be retro for me, but the older the more retro it is. Anything after 2000 is modern, in my opinion. I think it requires that a culture change took place in order to make the previous culture retro.
  3. So demure. So feminine. So gorgeous. So sweethearted. So perfect.
  4. Very cute. I like how pinkie is on there too. I wish I had skill like that.
  5. I think I do, a little bit. I like getting absorbed into something entertaining and ponies are cheerful, colorful, cute, and that helps keep me in a good mood. Somewhere I read a meme one time about how the best lessons I've learned came from people who don't even exist and on it like was Link from zelda, I dobt know, Yoda maybe, but when I think about that now, I know ponies could definitely be on there.
  6. Brad sounds like a creepy pervert. This was at work? The next time he opens his mouth about anything of that nature, I would let him know up front that I was reporting his behavior to his supervisor and to human resources.
  7. Buffy the Vampire Slayer with Gilda's statement "Bored now." Tim Burton style conveyer belt scene with Danny Elfman style music in one of Twilight's alternative realities.
  8. I would venture to say it was intended to leave questions, that's how Star Wars rolls. Imagine the questions immediately after Ep4. And then it took two more films to wrap up, still leaving all the questions about how these villians came to be in the first place. This movie only addresses one third of the story and then is going to commercials for a year.
  9. I'm binging as well. My husband has only watched them each one time, so it's mainly to get him up to speed. I agree. Definitely better than the prequels. However, I will say, maybe I'm the only one in the world, but i liked the prequels with the exception of Jar jar. In fact, ROTS ranks solidly as my top prequel favorite under the originals. I personally liked Hayden Christensen and I was enthralled by his fall to the dark side in Ep3. But all in all I am happy TFA was more in line visually with the originals.
  10. I just watched The Ridiculous Six and it was terrible. There's been plenty of terrible movies I've seen over the years but Little Nicky and Little Monsters comes to mind.
  11. I knew right away she was a mare. After watching her a ton, I feel like she could be a boy NOW more than I felt in the beginning. I dunno, RD in the previous version had Rarity's accent and demeanor so I've always felt that RD was altered to be more appealing to the LGBT audience, what with the rainbow mane and tail and all. But I have no idea what motivated the writers or artists so that's pure speculation on my part. Either way I like her much better as a Pegasus with her current personality, and Rarity with her current personality.
  12. I think because they appear at first to be relatively easy to draw, resulting in fan art. Their characters have simple life histories meaning viewers easily feel like they know them very well, enough to predict or guide their actions in original story writing. Which I might add, that because of their simple personalities, it seems there is a need (and much potential) for expanding their experiences beyond the boundaries of the cartoon which can be done without stretching their character too far from original personalities. Their color combinations are simple yet endless, and coupled with idea of the cutie mark being whatever makes them special appeals to the viewer and provides an outlet for individualism and expression. I just think theyre awesome, and that naturally draws flattery in the form of imitation.
  13. I'm just getting over a cold too! I'm probably 75% today, yesterday I was like 50%. Figure tomorrow I'll be 85-95%.
  14. Pissed. EBay snipers=the gd scum of the earth. Went against my better judgement to take a risk on an auction. BIN is the only way for me from here on out no matter what. Fuck your sellers who don't use BIN and fuck you snipers everybody hates you, and for good reason. You got a turd of an item anyway hahaha, I'll pay more for a better quality piece later.
  15. I'm pretty blah on their cutie marks. I think it was a lazy choice in terms of story writing and likely will be confusing for younger veiwers. For me, I'm finding that all previous CMC episodes are worthless now for entertainment.
  16. Very ordinary childhood. Played outside everyday until dark, ran around the neighborhood. Made stuff up, played with toys, rode bikes, watched cartoons, did homework, recorded movies, had parties, fought with siblings, didn't eat vegetables, had and went to sleepovers, did chores, went on vacations, played sports, played board games, swam, read books, climbed trees, chased cats, got into mischief, got hurt, got stitches. When Nintendo came out I played video games. Then somehow I grew up and everything went to total shit.
  17. Feeling overwhelmed with fear and anxiety about the future. I've been trying to adjust to a life change from about 2 yrs ago that shifted my focus from living to achieve my own goals to now worrying about the challenges of midlife and how my life will be from here on out. Most days I just ignore it and live in the now, while trying to figure out how to relieve general anxiety without meds. But sometimes it all gets the best of me. The holidays always do a number on me. Tonight I can't sleep while I try to push it all back down and away so I'm no longer choked by it, to remember i'll just have to cross those bridges when I come to it. Just typing this is therapeutic in its own way.
  18. Well I, for one, am not going to tear this episode apart to fact check, compare storyline, or use it for future prediction. I am going to take it at its face value, a good episode that thankfully used two parts to tell the whole story. I enjoyed the episode, the buildup was great, but I agree with others that this recurring theme is soooooo stale. We get it, friendship is THE great redeemer. How bout instead of taking the easy way out at the end, the writers actually come up with original content that has substance. Also, I felt the animation for the time travel parts resembled Zelda Twilight Princess' graphics some. OK that's all I have to rant about. Other than the rushed tired ending, I enjoyed all the little quirks, visual tricks, and overall story. Tho I couldn't help roll my eyes at how they took the time to actually explain out the butterfly effect. Duh it's common sense but I guess I have to remember the target audience is children. I felt the whole thing was a huge BTTF reference, and expected them to see their past selves, tho that didn't happen, thank Celestia. Oh and seems no pony has mentioned the Danny Elfman-esque music during the Tim Burton-esque apple canning conveyer scene.
  19. Eh I have no idea. Which is why I can't stand the invention of the cutie map. It introduces too much margin of error in storytelling and lends to plotholes. Absolutely unnecessary device for a kids show. If the cutie map calls them when needed, then AJ should have kept her mouth shut in this case, RaRa was just fine on her own.
  20. Funny, if AJ's wisdom was so necessary for this epic friendship problem, why didn't the cutie map summon her to wherever RaRa lives? Woulda coulda shoulda.
  21. I love that song. Call me lame but I've always liked it.
  22. Don't know if it's been pointed out but it's also interesting that if RaRa is a correlation to GaGa, so is Countess Coloratura to her character Countess this season on American Horror Story. Reminds me of an old joke about gaga liking her meat raw raw raw raw raw (or ra ra ra ra ra?) .
  23. Ehh it was OK for me. Nothing endearing about it and it's was way rushed at the end. I guess I'm not crazy about the eps where somepony makes a complete personality overhaul after a lifetime of being stuck in their ways just because of a single interaction with one of the mane 6. Just me.
  24. I have always known even from childhood I would take my husbands name even though it took forever to finally meet him . I will admit, I had some guilt over "abandoning," as it felt, my maiden name because I was going to shuck off the surname my parents gave me and knew me by. It was a very unexpected feeling to have, considering I'd always known I would do it. Of course I love having a new name, I'm still not used to it and it's been two years. It's kind of thrilling to hear someone call me Mrs._____. I don't get addressed by my new name all that much anymore though since I'm out of high school and done with 7 years of college. I only really see it on the mail which is not as exciting as it used to be since it's all bills now haha. I still feel like I'll always be a _____, no matter what, now I just have two legitimate names .
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