Never would I imagined Garble became a hero of the dragons by saving the unborn hatchlings by the power of poetry.
I have been thinking about it when I finished the episode, but I’ve come to a conclusion that it’s actually pretty good despite its flaws. The positive would be Fluttershy for me. This episode really made me open up my eyes on her more and how she has grown from her shyness to be more assertive. Heck, there’s barely any shy moments from her this episode and seeing her getting pissed at Garble for picking on Spike is the best moment of the episode and maybe the entire series for me. And it’s somewhat of a good payback for his abusive attitude towards spike.
Spike is still his loveable self, of course. Although I don’t really considered this to be his episode but more of Fluttershy’s. Her contribution to telling Garble to go out of his shell and express his passion is nice and fit with her kindness. Plus, lots of quotable lines on her end. And it’s why most of my major gripes in this episode is the return of the Spike-abuse. There’re not as many, but it leaves me with disgust at Garble’s actions and makes it really hard to open up to him even if he is Smoulder’s brother.
The redemption for Garble is something that I can’t really say is shocking. I’m glad he’s opened up to himself more and pretty much saved an entire new generation of Dragons, but I can’t really forgive him for his bullying. I get he doesn’t want to feel alone and left out of his dragon group, but personally, I don’t forgive those kinds of people that easily. Not to mention, he hasn’t made a proper apology to Spike at all in this episode (No, saying his nickname doesn’t count).
Overall, pretty good episode. I could see a lot of debates on whether or not Garble’s redemption was worth it or not.