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Everything posted by Adamgreen

  1. Never would I imagined Garble became a hero of the dragons by saving the unborn hatchlings by the power of poetry. I have been thinking about it when I finished the episode, but I’ve come to a conclusion that it’s actually pretty good despite its flaws. The positive would be Fluttershy for me. This episode really made me open up my eyes on her more and how she has grown from her shyness to be more assertive. Heck, there’s barely any shy moments from her this episode and seeing her getting pissed at Garble for picking on Spike is the best moment of the episode and maybe the entire series for me. And it’s somewhat of a good payback for his abusive attitude towards spike. Spike is still his loveable self, of course. Although I don’t really considered this to be his episode but more of Fluttershy’s. Her contribution to telling Garble to go out of his shell and express his passion is nice and fit with her kindness. Plus, lots of quotable lines on her end. And it’s why most of my major gripes in this episode is the return of the Spike-abuse. There’re not as many, but it leaves me with disgust at Garble’s actions and makes it really hard to open up to him even if he is Smoulder’s brother. The redemption for Garble is something that I can’t really say is shocking. I’m glad he’s opened up to himself more and pretty much saved an entire new generation of Dragons, but I can’t really forgive him for his bullying. I get he doesn’t want to feel alone and left out of his dragon group, but personally, I don’t forgive those kinds of people that easily. Not to mention, he hasn’t made a proper apology to Spike at all in this episode (No, saying his nickname doesn’t count). Overall, pretty good episode. I could see a lot of debates on whether or not Garble’s redemption was worth it or not.
  2. That's basically how I feel about that episode perfectly lol I just love their bonding moments, even though they are villains, you can feel some genuine emotions behind their wickedness ^^
  3. Hope you're having a good day! :D

    1. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      I am, hope the same for you! :3

  4. Hope you're having a good day! :D 

    1. MangoFoalix


      Hi and thank you! :o


  5. Great episode. Enough said lol (I would talk alot about this episode, but I'll save it for later lol)
  6. Decent episode. It's pretty much what I thought it would be tbh. We have a nice song tho
  7. Definitely my most favorite moment of season 9 so far XD
  8. Dang man... What a good and sweet episode! ;-; I gotta admit, it was nice to see more depth and background for Quibble Pants and how he has some trouble to have some bonding time with Windspring. He can be a goof and a nerd at times, but I like seeing this side of him. The side that really wants the best for his girlfriend and her daughter’s happiness. It’s nice that he cares about both of them and he’s willing to go out of his comfort zone just to give Windspring have some good moments with him. Windspring’s behavior made sense in the grand scheme of things. While I don’t know what happened to her real dad (probably pass away), having her being bitter to Quibble is understandable since he’s clearly not her true dad and hasn’t really accepted him as a part of a family yet. Also it shows that she had a strong connection to her former dad with her passion with Sports. Pretty sad tale. Poor kid. Good episode. They really nailed it with this one XD
  9. A decent episode. Not much to say besides my favorite duo being awesome as always :P I think it's pretty much the perfect down-to-earth episode that didn't add a whole lot to the show, but it's a nice relaxing one to watch all the way through.
  10. Now THIS! This is the one I was not expected to get things that I wanted, and things I never knew I wanted but glad to have it! XD Seeing the callbacks and references to previous episodes is pretty neat here and it fits in with the plot so nicely done. The mane 6 and Spike all get their limelights and the jokes they put in all landed home swiftly. My favorite one was definitely the Luna petting the goose one. The expression and a sudden twist in turns of it makes it all the more hilarious and quite fitting with how Luna used to love setting traps in the two sisters’ castle back then. The highlight of the episode for me is Spike and the lesson of family bonding. It’s true that Shining and Twi are BBBFFs. There will always be rivalries between the siblings, of course. But we finally see a really important moment for Spike and have him prove to himself that he wanted to be a part of their rivalry because seeing them competing each other makes him want to be a part of their fun even more. Seeing the two acknowledged Spike for who he was, a part of their family, is really sweet and it’s somewhat connected their bonds even more in my point of view.
  11. 8/10 Grave of the fireflies
  12. While I do hope Meghan to make a return for the final season, I kinda doubt it since I felt like she may haven’t gotten enough time to write an episode or two after finishing production with the movie. Whatever the case, I do hope I’m wrong about it, but I wouldn’t mind if Josh did the finale. I think he’s pretty capable as a writer. But for me, I’d choose the duo writers that made the S9 premiere (I think they did The perfect pear and A royal problem too if I remember it correctly).
  13. 200th episode hype! XD

    I’m so ready for this!

  14. I couldn't have agreed more I like Spike. Even when he had his own bad apples from time to time, his character progression has come a long way and I'm glad he improved over the years ^^
  15. I kinda understand what you mean. Having to see your favorite show come to an end will always be heartbreaking, especially when it has make an impact on your life and all. For me, MLP has always been the show that always brighten up my day even when I was at my lowest in life. It has always made me smile whenever there's a new episode coming. Sure, the quality of an episode may vary from person to person, but for a show to air 9 seasons long is definitely an accomplishment in my point of view. Sure, I may have joined the pony train somewhat late when it's at its popularity, but I can't deny how much the show has done for me with it's unexpectedness and it's characters. I respect your decision. You do what you think it's best for you
  16. Hope you're having a good day! :D

  17. Well, lookie here. I'm back from the dead again lol

    I think it's best for me to be active again since one, I finally have a stable life now and two, season 9 is going to be the final season of MLP.

    It's crazy how far the show has come. I'll miss it of course but I'll enjoy it while it's still airing it's episodes.

  18. Well that was a pretty solid premiere, I gotta say. It's mostly what i expected from a 'league of villains' introduction episodes but with some really nice moments here and there. The best thing about this premiere is definitely Discord. His acting skill is subpar personally, but I love that he's a motivator and not being a prick about it. Having him to fake his own injury just to get them to actually not depend on him to save the day is nice and of course, shows that he cares (in his own way that is). Besides Sombra unexpected voice, I feel like he was just too typical of a villain and it's pretty much a test subject for Grogar to gave Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy a warning to never defy his demands to work together. I get the point, but it's pretty disappointing. Who knows? Maybe he'll bring him back from the dead again since he has done that before. Nice character interactions, cool effects on the beam fights here and there and I do like the struggling moments where the mane 6 were despairing over their love ones being controlled by Sombra. It's nothing much, but I like that it's there.
  19. Just got back to the forums and I gotta say, I've never feel this much joy after watching a holiday special for a while now! ^^

    Man, how I loved it! :-D

    1. Snowy Blossom

      Snowy Blossom

      Hello my friend and long time no see

    2. Deae Rising Shine~
    3. Vocal Analyst

      Vocal Analyst

      Welcome back to these here forums!

      I still need to watch it, have heard a LOT of good things about it.

  20. I'm not gonna lie, that episode gave me lots of chuckle. Especially that callback to Twilight's eye patch lol, and that Rarity disguise is pretty cool. Even though it's obvious that Flim and Flam will never be redeemed (unless they will in the distant future), I'm pretty impressed on how much they somewhat improved in their lies. And I love how they handle Starswirl and not making him the airhead of the episode. He is relatively new in the whole lesson of friendship and still searching for more new things in friendship, so it made sense why he trusted Flim and Flam in their friendship school. Overall, a B+ for me :P
  21. Happy belated birthday! :D

    1. Randimaxis


      Many belated thanks!  *chuckle*

  22. I'd just drink some hot tea daily and sleep in the afternoon. But that's what I do mostly anyway
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