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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by FlootahBabby

  1. Call Fluttershy and tell her that even though we've never met before, she's meant a lot to me.
  2. I'm sorry that I sound so... Bad but, I don't want the show to ever end. I love everyone. Seeing them go is like saying goodbye to a friend that you've been together with since kindergarten. These characters have done so much for me, helped my life get better, helped me calm down fights, kept my chin up on the world. Always wishing for the world to be a kinder place. And they did it all for the sake of me. Helped my life turn around somewhat when I was the most pessimistic during my childhood. When I watch a new episode, I sometimes feel like I'm there with them. Times when I just want to say "Hi rainbow dash! Hi pinkie pie! Hi rarity!" The show is therapy for me. And especially since I'm now in high school and I started watching the show when I was 11, I can definitely say that I "grew up" watching this show. Thinking about all of that being gone, and finally saying goodbye to everyone is just unimaginable. I might even get on the verge of tears if I contemplate it all going away. I just, love this show so much....
  3. Well technically it's Celestia because she controls the hottest thing in the MLP universe.
  4. That's the timeline where Derpy didn't get his special muffin.
  5. I can't forget seasons 1 & 2. I love the new episodes and all, but it's nice to remember when times were a lot simpler.
  6. Twilight: You know, I actually kind of miss being a unicorn Marble Pie: Hi
  7. All she did was murder Ace Swift.
  8. My first and only clop-fic. I was 12 and the description said "clop warning" and I never knew what it meant. The fanfic is called My Little Slave and just reading everything that's going on, it's super screwed up in my opinion. I think it's worse than Cupcakes even though there is no death in it. Just a lot of perverted torture that I wasn't prepared for. EVERY single chapter I was disgusted and just doing things you would normally do when you freak out calmly (wiping your lips and moving backwards from wherever you're reading it). Now if someone dared me to read a clop fic, that would be the only one I will read because I know what to expect. I stopped reading it once when I heard about that case where 3 girls were trapped in this guy's basement for 10 years, but when I looked back at it, the guy was still writing chapters even AFTER that case. So yeah, I don't exactly read clop fics. I think back in 5th grade I was ABOUT to read a clop fic. Good thing lunch time came around.
  9. I always like to pretend Story of the Blanks is canon. And Applebloom has been trying to drive her mind off that incedint ever since she left the forest.
  10. Wherever she celebrated her 8th birthday....? (5 seconds of research later) Wow! I never knew that she didn't live with Rarity. And I've been watching the show for 3 in a half years....
  11. Marble might be shy enough to not actually be considered shy... I'm talking like, anti-social.
  12. Thoughts? Do you think it was a good idea to have an even shyer character than the character that has shy in her own name? What are the similarities and differences of the 2? Do you hate Marble? Do you like Marble? Do you ship them? What do you think about her?
  13. Like I said before on the mane 5... But it's mostly the little things that disturb me. Not the major stuff. Like how people can say "Twilight and her friends" I stead of "Elements of Harmony" The one little thing that disturbed me the most this season was the beds in Do Princesses dream of Magic Sheep? How Twilight has a king sized bed while the rest get twin sized beds.
  14. I just don't like how in premiers and finales they shove the rest of the mane 6 to the side as if they mean very little to nothing in the plots (other than helping Twilight).
  15. We've been together for 5 years now. This fandom has had a MUSEUM of fan animations. Made with Flash, SFM, etc. So throughout all this journey, what are your top 10 favorite pony videos of all time? Rules: An entire series of animations can only be considered 1 spot (Turnabout Storm, My Little Portal, Pony.mov) The status of the animator doesn't matter. Whether he/she hates the fandom, left it, or passed away. The person who made the video doesn't have to be a brony. Animatics, WIPs, and cancelled animations are allowed (Antrhopology, Heaven's Light, Journey of the Spark). PMVs are also allowed. So, what is your list?
  16. It's only Tuesday.................

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Tis a boring Tuesday as well. I just woke up but already I feel sorta meh about today.

  17. Did anyone catch that animation error in today's episode? https://gyazo.com/604d74eedee9654318e76672479a6e1a What shall we do with this???? Should this be another joke!? TinyBelle?
  18. I only keep that stuff to myself usually. Everything is on my phone and I don't want to get in other people's ways so I don't let them see it. But, I'm not going to risk it. Getting a friend at my high school is like completely changing your personality. There was this one guy who has this huge white SUV and he parks at this one area at the PERFECT timing of when I'm walking home. No matter how early or late I leave the school. And he's kind of bad at it too since he leaves his tire on the curb. Which can give theories that he may not seem to care about a lot of things but I shouldn't be assuming things. He was yelling at someone down the hill about lamborghinis or something then I walked by the corner of the school, which has a crosswalk to the neighborhood. Of course he was right there, waiting for me to cross. I would expect him to have the patience to just not do anything extreme. But then all the sudden I just heard a loud obnoxious VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM out of nowhere and he just drove way over the speed limit down a narrow driveway and there was another car somewhere honking. Everyone saw the car drift down the side of the school. I wonder if it was just simply me walking that aggravated him. Now I imagine myself wearing a shirt that said "BRONY" with rainbow dash or something on it. I would feel that would definitely aggravate someone like him, how he doesn't prefer to be wasting his time over a person who doesn't deserve that dedication of focus or contemplation because that person is wearing a my little pony shirt.
  19. Well it annoys me because it's just short for "Baby" as if baby is the hardest word on earth. That's like saying water without the T. "Waer"
  20. So you might've heard of the YouTuber "I Hate Everything" right? Well, he's kind of stuck in a huge problem here and is gaining lots of support from people (including me) over a movie. He has a spin off series titled "The Search for the worst" where he reviews IMDB's top 50 worst movies and ranks them. Highest rated ones are ones that are so bad they're good (The Room, Birdemic) and the bottom ones are the ones that just suck. A week ago he did a review on "Cool Cat Saves the kids" by Derek Savage and he rated it kind of high on the list (Here's a reupload, in a crystal clear 144p) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8mdPUz8Gog&ab_channel=xxblue_xxTips,hacks Now here is the backlash IHE received. So, guys, what are your opinions on this? You don't have to like I Hate Everything but, he's received DEATH THREATS from this guy. And if this keeps up he might go to court or something. But this Derek Savage guy creeps me out. I wouldn't be surprised if he made an account on an MLP forums website replying to this thread straight forward to be honest.
  21. Because the show doesn't brainwash people into buying their toys (unlike other cartoons) The characters interact in a way that either humans do, or how we want to treat each other. This is really something I can't explain...
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