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Everything posted by EverEverOn

  1. I personally don't care for Equestria Girls, despite it being the first thing I watched from MLP. I'm surprised it didn't turn me off being full of numerous flaws, ridiculously small plots that get fixed within five minutes, and cringe-worthy moments. But if someone told me they absolutely love the Equestria Girls movies and dolls, I wouldn't care one bit. I mean, watching MLP in general is already considered abnormal for someone my age and even older. To each their own. In entertainment, nothing is good or bad. Everyone has a different opinion on movies and TV shows.
  2. I just recently finished my latest custom pony! This is the second Derpy I have created, although the first one turned out pretty bad, being my second custom. I strongly believe I've gotten better at customizing ponies after a lot of practice and experimenting. I might post some other customs later on, including Luna and a Chat Noir themed pony.
  3. I style nearly all my ponies the same. They just have simple curls. Basically all I do is shampoo and condition the hair, leave it soaking wet, and wrap the main and tail around the legs of the pony. Then I leave it to air dry. This works pretty well for me, but you could also try boil perming the hair into curls.
  4. If Hasbro did work with bronies, we'd have the most amazing merchandise. But considering Hasbro's views on bronies and rarely ever even mentioning them, I doubt anything like this would be possible.
  5. I can't say this for all bronies out there, but here's my side of all this: I love the show no less than I used to, but I'm not visiting Equestria Daily or even these forums on a regular basis like I used to. This doesn't mean I've left the fandom, I'm just participating in it a little less. I'm sure this is the case for others as well.
  6. I wouldn't say FiM is becoming pop culture, but rather the entire franchise. I still see shirts with generation 1 ponies. It's really just MLP in general.
  7. In general, I've learned how to be a better person and how to manage friendships. Such as admitting when I need help with something, or accepting I have to do certain things alone.
  8. This is a franchise targeted to little girls, so naturally, all of the main characters are girls. It isn't hurting a single person by doing this.
  9. I have probably $200 worth of Build-a-Bear ponies alone. The rest of my collection is probably another $100.
  10. I honestly don't care for the posable ponies. I think they look awkward, especially with their hind legs. I prefer the standard ponies much more. But that won't stop me from playing with my sister's posable Fluttershy from time to time.
  11. I hardly even get the opportunity to simply look in the toy isles at local stores. Very rarely will I just buy one on impulse. When I go on toy hunts I'll buy them, but only then.
  12. Actually, I mostly go in there to look, because everything in there is too expensive for me. I've only purchased one pony plushie from them.
  13. Well,the flea market I've been going to since I was little is fairly small and doesn't have a lot of people there trying to sell things for their norm prices. My sister even bought a Breyer horse for $15, while on EBay it's going for nearly $100. This flea market normally attracts sellers who want to clear up space, and the majority of the booths are small to begin with.
  14. I prefer having both ketchup and mustard, but having only ketchup is not for me.
  15. My local hot topic still has a bunch of pony stuff, including shirts, keychains, and even some plushies. I guess this particular location is still selling lots of ponies?
  16. I prefer no ice but I'd have to pick cubed.
  17. I rarely shop at Goodwill. Toy hunting there is a pain. I prefer flea markets.
  18. I hope so. I liked having break during season 5 because the season lasted longer. Plus, kids would rather be outside swimming and all that, summer premieres might not be good in the long run.
  19. I love cartoons, coloring books, animated movies, and stuffed animals, preferably Webkinz.
  20. Haha... yes. Torn ACL from jumping on a trampoline and moving my leg in a wrong way Splinter deep enough that my dad, who is a nurse, had to help me get it out with a pin. One inch cut on my knee from when I tried to jump off a swing when I was eight, and that left a scar. Cutting my foot on a fallen bookshelf. There's many more but that's all I can remember at the moment.
  21. Telling others I'm a brony isn't such a big deal for me since I'm a female anyway, although I still get some weird looks as I'm in my teens. But most people who know me know about my love for Pony and are completely fine with it. My biology teacher once even told me she had a boy in her class last year who was a huge brony, so she's not surprised to see another one.
  22. I get letters from my aunts, uncles, and both my grandmas on my birthday and on Christmas, but not much other than that.
  23. Depends on how hungry I am in the morning. If I'm pretty hungry and willing to eat a lot, I'll usually have a bowl of cereal or two. If I'm not hungry at all and don't feel like eating a whole lot, I just go for buttered toast.
  24. Some of my shirts are made to fit men more, but I've never truly experimented. Now, some of my pants are considered to be "gender neutral" (one pair actually has a label on is stating that) but that's a whole different story.
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