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Everything posted by EverEverOn

  1. I've come across many genderbent ponies in the past, but I just scrolled past them. I don't care for them one bit, but if others enjoy swapping genders like that, I can't stop them.
  2. I one time dreamed I went to Build-a-Bear and by some miracle, they had Derpy and I bought her. The dream was oddly vivid and I nearly believed it happened when I woke up. Disappointment followed.
  3. As long as MLP isn't affected, I really don't care about this possible merger. I never cared for anything Mattel has, and Pony is the only part of Hasbro I enjoy. This merger won't really affect me of Pony isn't ruined by it. I collect anything Pony related, anyway, so the quality doesn't matter to me most of the time. If a pony themed Barbie comes out, I'd buy it anyway.
  4. In the newer seasons, the show does seem to have become a bit more mature than it started out as. For example, in the season 5 finale, we pretty much saw a war going on. That definitely pushed the TV-Y rating quite a bit. So the rating definitely gets pushed a bit, but it manages to stay appropriate for children.
  5. How I sleep solely depends on where I'm sleeping and what's around me. I only sleep comfortably in my own bed, all by myself. At sleepovers, I toss and turn all night, and the sound of people breathing is not helpful, either. As for my sleeping position, it changes a lot. Sometimes I can sleep on my back, but lately the curve in my spine has been bugging me, so sleeping on my side has been more comfortable. I tend to prop up my pillows and make an indentation for my head.
  6. Well, my mom didn't let me where a pony shirt today if that counts... But mostly no. I guess being a female brony makes it a bit easier. Of course, some people will give me strange looks when they see my Princess a big Mac dog tag necklace, but that's the extent of it. I haven't been bullied or anything.
  7. I'm fifteen, turning 16 later this year in June. I love reading, writing, drawing, and of course, watching MLP. I was first introduced to it when I got a Rainbow Dash from Build-a-Bear for my 14th birthday, and a couple months later, I finally got Netflix and the first thing was watched was MLP. I continue watching it the week I had my knee surgery, and I've been hooked since. I also ride horses and sit around miserably all day if that counts too.
  8. Considering how much I can't stand toddlers, I doubt I'll ever want children. I don't like babysitting my one year old niece, as horrible as that sounds. I just can't stand children. I love my niece so much, but taking care of her is bit ky thing. Taking care of any child is not my thing. Heck, I was even annoyed by a six year old at a pool party. So yeah. I don't want to deal with kids. Maybe I'll change mind, but for now, I see myself living alone.
  9. I'm pretty much the opposite. When I'm anxious, stressed, or depressed, I feel too sick to eat. I've gone days without eating in the past because of this.
  10. To add onto this, I've noticed some bronies say that because someone is autistic, they're not a true brony. Any form of disability or illness does not make you any less of a fan. I personally do not care if a brony is autistic or not. I've never noticed anyone in this fandom act differently for any reason. We're all the same, and we're all supportive of each other. I might possibly have scoliosis. Does that make me any different? No. My sister has selective mutism. Is she not a real brony? Of course not. We all have different struggles, so saying someone who has autism isn't a true fan is wrong.
  11. Aaand I'm being yelled at and cussed at by my dad... I should probably die now.

    1. PiratePony


      You most certainly should not.

    2. PiratePony


      It'll get better. Maybe not today, but it will.

    3. Emerald Shine

      Emerald Shine

      You know what? I feel you! Really I do! But don't let that get you down! You are awesome and epic! And the whole world must know it! You don't deserve that! You are part of us! And always stay positive! Don't think about the negative! It can be frustrating but ...Idk! Write your future self an awesome positive letter! A letter that will help you!

      Hugs and best wishes!

      Emerald <3

  12. I always believed that the Generation 3 ponies had personality. I just don't like it because of how girly it is. Tea parties and all that doesn't work for me. I like G4 because it contains no romance, no girly fru-fru stuff, nothing like that. G4 is more substantial, and that's why I like it. I have absolutely nothing against G3 ponies. Minty is actually really sweet.
  13. I'm a female, unlike most bronies. I also see a lot of people who assume bronies are overweight and don't exercise, which is the opposite of me. I'm barely 100 pounds and I exercise frequently. I'm in my mid-teens, which is younger than a lot of people I see around here. I also rarely talk about the show until I trust someone. And when I do feel comfortable about it, I don't bombard them with ponies. I actually fall under some stereotypes. I have ponies almost everywhere in my room, mainly because they cheer me up after having a bad day, which is an awful lot. I also watch the show an awful lot and most of the music I listen to is pony related.
  14. I put up all of my posters, too. My favorite would have to be the Madame Pinkie Pie, although I absolutely love all of them.
  15. What I've done in the past is shampoo and condition each one thoroughly, brushing the mane frequently during the wash. I've seen other people dampen the hair and pulling it through an iron, although I haven't tried this for myself. It appears to work, though. Just remember to dampen the hair, not soak it, first.
  16. Less violence and more content suitable for the show. This is a kids' show after all. We shouldn't be sexualizing cartoon horses meant for younger eyes. Or at least it should be done in private.
  17. I honestly don't care what other people in the fandom think. If someone likes wet maned ponies, they're free to enjoy it. I don't like it very much, but I'm not stopping them.
  18. I guess the only real way to find out if he really is a Brony is to ask him yourself. But judging by the fact that he even owns a poster, and has quite a goos understanding of who is who, I'd say there's a good chance he is. But I could be wrong.
  19. Well, I am very open about being a brony. Unlike most bronies, I'm female. (I dislike the term pegasister, though) I enjoy writing (bad) fanfics, which I rarely share. I typically draw traditional fanart, although I'm getting used to digital. I try to live by the show's lessons and viewpoints and help anyone in need. I'm also younger than a lot of fans, being only fifteen, and very into photography. (My pony tumblr blog shows this.)
  20. https://web.archive.org/web/20160125212939/http://www.fontbros.com/families/generation-b/styles/regular The Wayback Machine shows that just recently before they used Hasbro, this was up on the page for the Generation B font...
  21. Here in Texas, it feels like spring, and it's been like this since December.
  22. A graphic T-shirt, black jeans, sneakers, and a hoodie. More often than not, I'm wearing all black.
  23. I actually got in the mood to write. This is amazing :)

  24. I like it because it shows that people (and ponies) do change. We don't stay the same throughout our lives, and those of us who become angry at the world can eventually learn how good the world can be and that being angry isn't the way to go. Sure, not every villain should be saved in MLP, but it is a good way of showing little kids that not every villain should be hated and that they just need some help seeing the good in others and themselves.
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