Well...kind of. I keep old emails from important people, with whom I've fallen out of contact. Stuff that's small or, better yet, intangible, (like an email) is okay since it doesn't cause a lot of clutter.
Hi Gary! Welcome to the forums!
Don't worry, this cite is full of responsible and mature ponies who accept each other. Ridicule and insults are very out-of-place here.
Take care!
Well, there's two:
Mark 11:22-24 and Matthew 18:18-20.
So long as the truth of the Bible holds up, travel to Equestria is entirely possible. I don't want to get too far into this in a public post though. If you'd like more info I'll pm you.
Every day. I actually believe its possible to go to Equestria, for real, thanks to specific passages in the Bible. When I go, though, I want to be a filly.
I was wondering this too.
The explanations I've most frequently seen are 1) Pony Sunset did something to her, 2) The original human Sunset is deceased, or 3) The original human Sunset lives elsewhere. We won't really know until the writers bring it up.
From Amelia Allonsy, at http://www.ehow.com/how_10028249_mold-out-stuffed-animals.html
1. Put Pinkie in the washer and wash her with hot water
2. Add 1/2 cup of white vinegar to the wash cycle to kill the mold
3. After the wash, wring her out and try to get the moisture out
4. Finally, put her out in direct sunlight.
Hope this helps
Well, it has a robust story world that's constantly expanding. The storytelling is fantastic, and its unique. Oh, and the fandom surrounding it is awesome and constantly coming up with creative contributions to the series.
That's all I've got.
Inside Out.
I felt it was a great thought-provoker, and made me realize the importance of each emotion (Joy, Anger, Fear, Disgust, Sadness.) It was funny watching the emotions deal with one another, too.
The Crusaders shared a cute-ceañera when they got their marks. Its possible that its more commonly celebrated than the show alludes to, yet we're not shown very many of them.
The idea sounds pretty cool. There could be a lot of different activities like hiking, sharing stories, roasting marshmallows by a campire, and drawing. I like the idea you had about the roleplaying and getting cutie marks ^.^
Dunno. Maybe it does take away from time that could be spent doing things like homework, but I never regret posting on this forum tbh. It feels like its healthy to talk to others who enjoy MLP, and this cite has been a pleasant distraction from other stuff.
At first I was a fan of Applejack, then it became Twilight for a while. After taking a break from the series, I came back and quickly fell in love with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. Every pony is great in their own right though.
This was a great episode, imo. It does a nice job of focusing on the coming of age; the CMC are getting into their "teenage phase" when friends don't always stick to you like glue, but still remain friends with you. This is something I think the Mane 6 can testify to; they don't spend every waking second with one another, yet, they're still inseparable where it counts.
Also...I see Button Mash in the audience. Hasbro don't tease me. I'm still waiting for his moment with Sweetie Belle