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Tropical Melody

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Everything posted by Tropical Melody

  1. I Have noticed a trend in fan pix making AJ like a body builder type, seems quite popular. Reason for edit: typos
  2. Same day as the Canterlot Garden Party! In December?
  3. I recognized it! Line of unrelated context demarcation. "Sitting in the attic with a piano up his nose" - and other suchlike misheard lyrics.
  4. I interpreted it as meaning deceased. But am willing to be proved wrong, but that's how it sounded to me. When people say "if so-and-so were here" they usually mean have passed over. EDIT: Phoenix posted while I was writng that so there you go. .
  5. Surprisingly groovy! Well I thought it should be OK but am pleasantly surprised.
  6. Something has just occurred to me - a bit is also of course part of a horse bridle. Coincidence?
  7. Most likely easier in the long run to just give her the smile. And anyway smiling is supposed to make you feel better?
  8. I may be being too simplistic but I merely accept that Celestia and Luna are like gods (I mean, they move the sun and moon around, who else does that?) and so, same as in other mythologies, there's quite a family of other related immortals, we just haven't seen them all yet.
  9. Aww!! Who's a ickle wickle cutie-wutie den? Yes you are! Reason for edit: typo
  10. Excellent I'm pleased for you. I moved end of March, actually doing it was quite stressful but glad I did, haven't looked back. I'm not doing it again tho!
  11. It wouldn't stretch the imagination too much that the Ponyville animals may be more trusting, being out in the country, while the city animals are conversely more suspicious of the dominant species (ponies) and so more liable to flee if approached. I think that was my interpretation anyway. Also, they don't know Fluttershy!
  12. Just to confuse the issue further, a same tribe couple can also give rise to a unicorn, or whatever, so that is possible too, and there is an example, the Cakes. The unicorn offspring is Pumpkin, while both parents are earth ponies. Mr. Carrot Cake, I think it was, did say that this is because there is a unicorn somewhere in his ancestry. In biological terms this is called an atavism or "evolutionary throwback".
  13. Bit strange, like almost if not quite dizzy. Think 'cause I'm not getting enough sleep, ever since the clocks went back I've been staying up very late and getting up late
  14. Discworld volume #1 (The Color Of Magic) Before that I finished a 2nd hand paperback entitled "Waiting For Wiliam". Actually the front cover reads: "William is dead. Four People Are... Waiting For William". Concurrently with that I was reading a sci-fi paperback where everyone dies at the end. Which was quite depressing
  15. A bubble-and-squeak frittata, new potatoes and baked beans. This evening, fried egg and bacon rolls with ketchup and black pepper. Ambrosia of the gods.....
  16. Too much information! Oh dear! Ten minutes ago (-ish) I was taking delivery of a new Karcher pressure washer - the moss on the driveway's days are numbered *evil cackle*
  17. Have just seen this properly all thru for the first time this last week. Then watched it again. Am stoically trying to ignore previous critiques - - cos I reallly like this one. OK there are logical problems with the plot and such, but then we wouldn't have a story would we? Love the song. Really felt sorry for poor Rarity, having been in a similar kind of position - a few years ago I had an idea to produce tube amplifier kits - the design and planning was the most interesting part, but then actually producing the kits was just drudgery. Also in hindsight I was selling them too cheap, so it was like, I'm not getting much out of this. I'd seen Rarity Investigates some months ago before this, and so wondered where the hell the new pony has suddenly appeared from, (Sassy) didn't even know what her name was! Not mentioned in that story. Oh and, Moonlight Raven! The Goth pony. Really kinda cute. (When I was first thinking about my Prairie Princess OC I was toying with the idea that she might be Goth, but in case that idea wasn't original I googled for MLP goth pony and sure enough Moonlight Raven came up.) Oh and, Pinkie Pie's experimental cupcakes - 'cause I think that's all they are - she knows they're horrible but still wants a second opinion anyway, just to be sure. And a third, and a fourth ... I don't have a problem with this scene and am amused by it. Usual disclaimer, own opinions only.
  18. Got to stop reading 'candies' as 'candles'. That's too weird ..
  19. ^ Wooo! Have to say, I was thinking this morning, now that I'm about 2 thirds thru season 5 I'm really warming to Rarity, as there's been at least a couple of stonking good stories with her as main character (or one of). 'Cause my 'afterglow' impression of her from the early seasons is that of her being just a wee bit too prissy and hyper-critical for my liking, and so she kinda got on my nerves a bit sometimes. (Of course all the characters are fallible somehow, and so are more endearing [and so they should be. Flawed I mean.]) HOWEVER, she would of course always redeem herself before the end of the story because she is of course the element of generosity. But the character seems to me to have become more fleshed out and 'real' in season 5, and hence more likeable. If she isn't very careful she could become my fave pony!
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tropical Melody

      Tropical Melody

      The sun is shining and I'm no the MLP forum :D

    3. Ethan Tran

      Ethan Tran

      i wish i was.. good to know, that someone is having fun outside their house.

    4. Tropical Melody

      Tropical Melody

      Well I'm not actually outside, too cold out there.

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