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Everything posted by ExplosionMare

  1. Hungry. I’m about to go eat with a friend, though
  2. Mine is 38WPM. I’m faster if there’s autocorrect
  3. My biggest flaw is letting my emotions get to be too much to handle
  4. Nope, I think I’m just getting some nose acne
  5. Studying complex mental illnesses either for my own interest/curiosity or to use in writing later.
  6. Saw those on deviantart! Starlight and Trixie look so adorable!
  7. I have a round scar from tripping on the road as I was running to my bus stop. Probably could’ve prevented the scar if I had cleaned it out I also have one on my wrist from somebody sliding the door across it at work (I was standing on a ladder near the door). There’s also plenty of mental scars, too
  8. As far as my hobbies go, I usually don’t mind if some of them are only for me. Things like drawing and writing can be fun with others, but they’re mainly personal things. As for hobbies like gaming or watching certain shows, those are pretty common for anyone so there’s people I can share that with.
  9. It would be a lot harder to cultures to integrate with one another. Think of how many famous songs and tracks come from one country but are popular in another.
  10. I have to set an alarm each morning to take mine Not very exciting but at least the medicine itself isn’t annoying or difficult to take
  11. Yes, and currently my glasses are bothering my nose
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