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Winter Storm

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Everything posted by Winter Storm

  1. Not really, I have very few good pictures of myself and I'm not even sure how to take a good picture of myself.
  2. I've never been particularly good with hugs or physical contact. Probably just not much exposure to it.
  3. It's fine, I don't think it would make any difference in my life even if was comfortable enough to wear such shirts and be honest about it to everyone. I'd just really love to meet other individuals who cared about pony in my area.
  4. Yeah I know what you mean and it's worse for guys because there is a lot more judgement about it.
  5. My parents were hardly that strict so I don't know why I am so concerned about it. I know some guys who will go around wearing MLP shirts or merch but I just can't bring myself to do that despite how important it is to me. I also can't help but feel I look ugly to others. All plays a huge part in how hopeless things seem to me.
  6. I feel the exact same way and really wish I didn't. I'm always worried I'm appearing as strange or weird to people.
  7. Making friends on a friends list seems pretty easy but making I guess a more "real" friendship seems a lot harder. I'm so bad at talking to others.
  8. I wish there was, I've never even gone on a date before, it feels pretty hopeless for me at this point since I can never meet women who share my interests or any who I'd think might even consider me as an option. At a convention I was fumbling trying to talk to a girl but I can't lead a conversation anywhere. What am I even supposed to say?
  9. Apparently I share a name with an infamous member of the IRA.
  10. My beat up car is silver, I kinda wish I had gotten a different color because everyone with my model of car seems to get it in silver too.
  11. I really feel like there is nothing I can do to meet any women who'd be interested in dating me, let alone any who share some of my interests.
  12. Feeling down again, feels like there is nothing I can do that would help. I constantly feel like such a failure.
  13. I feel like there must be something fundamentally wrong with me at this point.
  14. Nope, never really formed that sort of relationship in high school, or anytime after that.
  15. Trying to lose weight, other than that not to bad. Losing weight is damn hard for me though, I guess I'm not exercising enough but I'm still tiring myself out.
  16. I didn't get a cell phone till freshman year in high school, it was a flip phone as they all were back then. So primitive in comparison to current smart phones. I'm amazed students these days learn anything when they can just use their phones.
  17. Same goal I've had for quite some time now and one I can't figure out how to achieve.
  18. I have a genuine phobia of wasps, hornets, and their relatives. What evil alien-like creatures. Ticks and mosquitos. are also something created by the devil if he exists too. And roaches. Now that I think about it there are a whole lot of awful bugs out there.
  19. Damn, I'd love to see it that popular.
  20. Relatable, though I didn't have much patience to start with I have even less now.
  21. That's quite the horn on Twilight's head in your profile pic.
  22. Hello and welcome. It's almost surprising for me to see people who were members of the shows target audience back then find there way here.
  23. I find it very hard to see any sort of reason myself. I've set up a few goals for myself and little else seems to matter outside of those but I don't think I can reach them since I'm such a flawed person and time isn't on my side.
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