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Everything posted by Cagey

  1. Either a grammatical symbol, or I’d be a blank flank.
  2. Lil’ Relative is back from the beach. We drew together and now we’re watching a murder mystery. I’m running out of ways to entertain her. :LunaMCM:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rainy Daze

      Rainy Daze

      This is a really good drawing! The expression is so subtle but it says a lot and the drawing itself just feels so moody, especially the mane.

    3. Tacodidra


      Excellent drawing, my friend! :pinkie: I hope you've had a good time! :twi:

    4. TotallyNotNyx


      9 brohoofs and one yay :BrightMacContent:

      great drawing btw :ButtercupLaugh:

  3. Definitely lower. I have three. I own five baseball caps.
  4. I don’t have a waifu, and if I did, I would still allow the pony to be shipped with someone else. I react to canon ships according to whether or not I think they make sense.
  5. I think I remember that book. I wouldn’t want to replace any character, especially main characters. If I were a background pony, I would also have more freedom.
  6. Not yet, but I want one. Do you own any pony posters/prints?
  7. This has been a crazy busy week. A couple bad things, so many good things, and all I want to do is sleep, but there’s still plenty of stuff left that I have to do. Anyway, I hope you all are doing well. :Thorax:



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      I hope you're alright too. :kindness: Did you paint that? :pinkie:

    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      I see pinkie i hugs

    4. TotallyNotNyx


      OOOOOOOOO pinkieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  8. Happy birthday! :o5a77df1c4d4b3bfb59d95250d9564b9f.gif

  9. Zero; no account. But maybe someday, if I want to vaguely keep in touch with a lot of people.
  10. Okay… Crystal pony named Horse Words, pink and purple coat, silver mane and tail, is kinda related to a zebra and won’t stop telling ponies about it, is deeply infatuated with cottage cheese and lemonade… grew up in Canterlot but always wanted to be a cowpony… oh, and special talent is marketing.
  11. Cagey

    mega thread Answer the question above you.

    Yes. What is the most recent piece of media you’ve consumed?
  12. Cagey

    mega thread Answer the question above you.

    Summer. Do you peter spring or autumn?
  13. I used to own Bakugan toys. I also have Pokémon figures and other small, collectible toys. Do you own a camera?
  14. I only knew a little about bronies from what a friend told me in 2015. I thought they were weird, and I had no knowledge of G4 so I didn’t understand the appeal, but overall I did not give the fandom much thought.
  15. “Do you ever see a Mickey Mouse actor at McDonald’s—I mean Disneyland—”
  16. You mean the series? I read the first ten books.
  17. I’ve been to Disney World several times, but I’ve always wanted to go to Disneyland in California to compare.
  18. Could be been someone else’s birthday. Or more than one person’s birthday.
  19. Cagey

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    This kid is so strange.
  20. Books I read as a kid influenced my writing style, and some of my favorite fandom artists influenced my art, or at least that was my goal.
  21. Cagey

    mega thread Answer the question above you.

    Doesn’t sound appealing, but I’ve never had it. Are you hungry?
  22. Out of those options, I’ll pick Discord, but if there were more villains listed, I might have a different answer.
  23. Took part in a post-1AM multi-person phone call where my friend read The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy aloud for over an hour. Life sure is strange. :LunaMCM:

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