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Everything posted by Cagey

  1. Cagey

    request shop Drawing your OCs and Stuff (Closed)

    Thanks! I hope you like it!
  2. I swear I’m usually an early bird. Just ignore the fact that it’s 2:15 in the morning and I still haven’t gone to sleep.
  3. Well, it’s 2 AM and I keep flashing a light at my wall to look for centipedes, so you tell me if I have an irrational fear.
  4. I create because I have ideas rocketing around in my brain, and I need to make them happen. It’s also cool when I can use my creations to make people feel how I want them to feel. And double-also, making things helps confront negative experiences.
  5. Sitting down and doing nothing but thinking.
  6. I’m unoriginal, so my answer’s either dragon or Pokémon.
  7. Cake all the way. I like vanilla cake and chocolate cake, but for some reason I don’t like chocolate icing. As for pies, the only ones I remember liking of those listed are blueberry and (I think) banana cream.
  8. Thank you for all the hugs today!

    *super-mega-ultra-powered hugs*




  9. Cagey

    request shop Drawing your OCs and Stuff (Closed)

    And done! I hope you like it.
  10. Cagey

    request shop Drawing your OCs and Stuff (Closed)

    Quick question, can you clarify their eye color? Thanks!
  11. My cat is a jerk, but a lovable jerk.
  12. I’d like more than two pairs of shorts, so no.
  13. Chocolate, although if I have the time and ingredients, then cake or other baked goods.
  14. Tacos. But before that, it was blueberry pie.
  15. An old friend (of sorts) contacted me out of the blue today. He’s being enthusiastic (unlike normal), not swearing (unlike normal), and wants to talk about books (also unlike normal). :huh:

    In other news, I’m still procrastinating some emails. What am I doing instead? Painting. And eating blueberries. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EpicEnergy


      Sounds like you are having fun procrastinating! :P

    3. Tacodidra


      That's good to hear! :rarity: Sounds like a relaxing day! :kindness:

    4. Splashee


      As long as you are okay @Cagey, everything will be okay. :coco:

  16. Riiiight. Abe Lincoln. Although: one of my friends can do a pretty entertaining Teddy Roosevelt impression.
  17. It’s America day, yet I can’t find the match to complete my pair of America socks. On another note, fake mustaches are stickier than I remembered. 


    1. Pandora


      xD poor dashie

    2. EpicEnergy


      What did you do to Rainbow Dash! :o

    3. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Ooh! You got the 4DE plushies that I have! :wub:

  18. Cagey

    request shop Drawing your OCs and Stuff (Closed)

    Boop! I hope you like it.
  19. Depends on a whole host of things, but I likely would have more friends and family back in the fantasy world, so I wouldn’t want to leave them.
  20. Cagey

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Family is difficult to deal with.
  21. I’d give you some if I could, but it might be all gone by now.
  22. I write fanfiction once in a blue moon, but I’m not great at a few things that I want to improve before the next time I post something.
  23. So yeah: drawing Princess of Grapes’s request of him smacking Lucky Bolt was fun and challenging, and I’m relieved that she liked the picture over on Discord and didn’t want to kill us both. :sealed: I hope she returns someday.

    In other news, I have to get a family member a birthday card, and I painted the Friendship is Witchcraft logo today. 

    1. TotallyNotNyx


      Oh she's deffo out for revenge :ButtercupLaugh:

      I'm just waiting to see what it is

    2. Pandora


      :yay: being evil I see lol

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